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Page 9

by Kay Marie

  My hand starts to ache from clenching my fist so tight. The thought of this fucker laying a hand on Minx pisses me the fuck off. She continues her story.

  “Fast forward to January, I left work to run a quick errand, thinking I’d be quick enough, I’d be okay.”

  I roll my head from side to side, cracking my neck. Tears are forming in her eyes. Nothing could prepare me for what she tells us next.

  “I got to one of our sister stores to pick up a few parts. I got out of my car and four guys I had never seen before grabbed me and dragged me to the nearest alley. They started beating me. Hitting and kicking me as hard as they could. They beat me within inches of my life.”

  Her tears are falling at this point. My blood is boiling and I’m up pacing the room, barely able to contain my anger. I want to find these mother fuckers and make them suffer.

  “The last thing I remember before blacking out is hearing Brody call me a biker whore. When I woke up, I was in the hospital surrounded by Rivet, Buster, and the guys.”

  “I received an anonymous call at the shop telling me where I could find her,” Buster adds, anger lacing his voice. “I called the guys. Told Clutch to go get Rivet, and had Diesel and Shade meet me where I was told I could find Minx. When we got to her, her breathing was so shallow I didn’t think she was breathing. We got her to the hospital and she didn’t wake up for three days. Rivet, Shade, and I never left her side,” Buster tells us.

  “What happened after that? What happened to your ex?” Sketch peppers Minx with questions. I’m too afraid to talk right now. If I try to talk, I know I’ll lose my cool.

  “I stayed in the hospital until March. I have no idea what happened to Brody,” she tells us.

  “I had my guys, Maverick and Drifter, try to track him down. They couldn’t find him. It was as if he just fell off the face of the earth.” Buster clenches and unclenches his fists. “When she was released from the hospital, we took her and Rivet to Drifter’s cousin’s house in Midland. They stayed there until they came back here.”

  I’m not sure how Prez is staying so calm during all this. I’m going to need to hit the gym or something to work off some of this anger. Minx is hiding her face in her hands, still crying. I move over to her and sit on the floor in front of her chair. I pull her into my lap and just hold her.

  “Buster, do you think you could give Brody’s info to Tech so he can work his magic to find this fucker?” Prez asks Buster.

  “Yes, sir,” he responds.

  I start gently rocking Minx from side to side.

  “It’s going to be okay, Kitty. That son of a bitch won’t come near you ever again,” I whisper to her and kiss her forehead.

  Chapter Twenty-Three


  This was the last thing I was expecting when Kicks said Pops wanted to see me. I knew I was going to have to tell him about Brody. I’m not even mad at Buster. He’s worried about me, and him talking to Pops was just the push I needed to get my ass in gear. Raze and Sketch both looked like they were about to murder someone. Raze shocked the hell out of me when he sat on the floor and pulled me into his lap.

  “Sketch and Buster, why don’t y’all go find Tech and update him. Keep it on the low until we have church tomorrow,” Pops tells them. They leave the room, closing the door behind them. Raze is still holding me, and my tears have finally stopped. He tips my chin up so I’m looking in his eyes.

  “How are you doin’, Kitty?” he asks so softly. At the same time, he picks me up and moves us to the couch.

  “I’ll be okay,” I tell him, and I will be. Especially being around my family again. I look to Pops. “I’m sorry I didn’t tell you sooner.”

  “Don’t be sorry, babygirl. You’re home now. You’ve told us what happened. Now we’re going to do whatever we can to keep you safe.” And I believe him. “Why don’t you two get out there and enjoy yourselves?”

  I smirk at him and move to him, giving him a big hug. “I love you, Pops,” I whisper in his ear.

  “I love you too, sweetheart.”

  When I turn around, Raze is already standing, a small smile playing on his lips. I walk over to him and he pulls me into his side.

  “Take care of her,” Pops says to Raze.

  “Yes, sir.” Raze smiles at him. He kisses me on the top of my head. We make our way out back and it looks like everyone is here now.

  “Do you want something to drink?” Raze asks as Rivet walks up to us.

  “Sure. I’ll have a Jack and Coke,” I reply smiling up at him. He nods and heads toward the outside bar.

  “What’s going on with you? Where did you disappear to?” Rivet questions.

  “Pops wanted to talk. Turned into a talk with Sketch, Raze, and Buster,” I tell her. She gives me a worried look. “Everything is fine, Riv. There’s nothing to worry about.”

  “If you say so,” she says, not sounding convinced.

  I watch Raze at the bar. It looks like a prospect is bartending and he’s moving kinda slow. Raze is talking to Saint and a couple of other guys. Even just standing there he looks sexy. He’s got that black hat on backwards. A plain black shirt under his cut, stretches across his broad chest, and the black of his shirt makes the tattoos on his arms stand out. I think of the tattoos I saw on his back during his fight Friday night. I would love to see them up close and personal.

  “You might want to pick your jaw up off the ground. You’re starting to drool a little,” Rivet teases, snapping me out of my thoughts. I’m about to respond to her when Raze and Saint walk up to us. Raze hands me my drink.

  “Thank you,” I say with a sweet smile.

  “No problem.” He winks at me. My cheeks heat up and I look at the ground. I’m not used to someone making me blush over practically nothing. He moves closer to me, letting out a chuckle, he lifts my chin up.

  “Don’t try to hide your beautiful face,” he says to me.

  “You two make me sick with how cute y’all are,” Rivet says to us. Saint laughs.

  “Is that because you’re jealous?” he questions her.

  “Oh, fuck off, Saint. I’m not jealous,” she bites out at him.

  “Whatever you say, doll,” he says to her with a smirk. Rivet scoffs and rolls her eyes before walking away. Saint chuckles and Raze shakes his head.

  “You enjoy pushing her buttons, don’t you?” I ask Saint. He grins in response and I can’t help but laugh. Rivet doesn’t usually get flushed so easily.

  “Minx! Come play bags with us!” Lo shouts.

  “Go ahead. I’ll come find you in a few,” Raze encourages. I lean up and give him a kiss, then head over to the girls.

  After a few rounds of bags, Tink and I sit down to chill out. Raze has been mingling with some of the brothers, giving me some girl time. I’ve missed all of this while I was in Arizona. And seeing how well Buster and the guys are getting along with everyone here makes it even better. I notice Kicks glancing over at us every so often. More so at Tink. When I look at her, she’s looking in his direction. He’s talking with Clutch and Buzz. There are a couple of cut bunnies with them, but the guys aren’t giving them any real attention.

  “Is there something going on between you and Kicks? I ask Tink. She snaps her head to me.

  “No,” she answers a little too quickly. “Why would you think that?”

  “Oh, no reason.” I smile at her. “It would be totally fine if there was though.”

  I see her visibly relax. I shake my head, still smiling. I seek out Raze in the crowd again and see Trix walking toward him. My smile fades instantly.

  “That bitch has been trying to sink her nasty claws in Raze since he was patched in,” Tink tells me. Raze must have seen her coming because he turns his back to her. He’s facing my direction even more now. His eyes lock on mine and light up.

  “Let’s go,” I say to Tink as I stand up and start walking toward Raze. He smiles at me as I get closer.

  “Hey, gorgeous.” He reaches out and pulls me into
his side. I fit so perfect right up against him. “Hey, Tink. Everything goin' okay?”

  “Everything’s just peachy,” Tink responds to Raze. She’s glaring daggers at Trix as she walks by, while I just give her a sweet as pie smile.

  “Is someone getting a little territorial?” Raze whispers in my ear. I can hear a smile in his tone.

  I grin and say, “I have no idea what you’re talking about.”

  He laughs and Hollywood and Saint both give us questioning looks. I look at Tink and see she’s fuming. I look in the direction she’s looking. Trix is all over Kicks, and he seems to be enjoying it. Clutch walks up at that moment, stopping next to Tink.

  He leans into her slightly. “Ignore him. It’s not worth your energy.”

  “Yeah, you’re right.” Her voice isn’t her normal, cheery voice. She’s definitely hurt and this makes me want to give Kicks a piece of my mind.

  “It’s their issue to work out, Kitty. I know you care about them both, but they need to work it out on their own,” Raze says in my ear. It’s like he had been reading my mind and knew exactly what I was about to do.

  “I think I’m going to go hang out inside for a bit,” Tink says sadly.

  “Would you like some company?” Clutch asks her.

  Tink shrugs. “Sure. Why not?”

  They head inside and Saint, Hollywood, Raze, and I all find a place for us to sit. Before I can sit in my own chair, Raze pulls me onto his lap. Saint and Hollywood start talking about next weekend’s potential fights. Raze starts kissing on my neck and I lose all focus. I sigh, and then feel him laugh against my neck.

  “Why don’t y’all go get a room?” Hollywood teases.

  “Fuck off, Hollywood,” Razes shoots out. Hollywood and Saint laugh. I turn sideways in Razes lap so that my back is toward the guys. The ache between my legs growing by the second.

  “Let’s get out of here,” I whisper, wiggling my ass against his lap. “We can go up to the house.”

  He puts a hand on my hip and one on my thigh, stopping my movement. “You sure?”

  I nod at him. He stands up holding me and gently sets me on my feet. He wraps his arm around my shoulders and we start to leave. Saint and Hollywood are making comments, and Raze flips them off as we walk away.

  Chapter Twenty-Four


  As soon as we’re both through the front door, I push Minx so her back is up against the door. I lean down, kissing along her neck. She rolls her head to the side, giving me the perfect access. I bite the spot where her shoulder meets her neck. She moans and it goes straight to my dick. She raises her hips, trying to rub up against me. I move back just enough that she can’t reach. A small whimper falls from her mouth, and I chuckle.

  “Someone a little eager?” I tease her. She bites her lip as heat rises up her cheeks. My dick strains against my zipper. I lace my fingers through her hair and grab a fistful, pulling her head back just a bit, and then crash my lips down on hers. Our tongues dance together in an intense kiss.

  Her hands move down my chest and under my shirt. She drags her nails down my abs causing me to growl out a moan into her mouth. I pull back, both our chests rising and falling in heavy pants. Our eyes lock and she gives me a devilish smirk. I growl and grab her by the back of her thighs, picking her up. She wraps her legs around me and links her hands behind my neck. I walk us up the stairs. As we get to the top, she takes my hat, placing it on her head backwards.

  “Fucking sexy.” I grin at her and she giggles.

  “Raze, what’s your actual name?” she asks as I walk us into her room. I kick the door shut behind me. I pause, looking into her eyes before I answer her.

  “Mason,” I tell her, and place a chaste kiss on her lips. Then I grin. “What’s yours?”

  “Savannah. The girls and my friends in Arizona call me Savi.”

  “That’s cute. It suits you,” I tell her, moving to the edge of the bed. I toss her down and she squeals as she bounces, my hat flying off her head. She’s looking at me with a hunger in her eyes, her bottom lip between her teeth.

  The corner of my mouth tips up in a smile. This woman is fucking gorgeous and mine. All mine. She scoots to the edge of the bed and pulls on the waistband of my jeans, pulling me closer to her. My skin heats up at the contact with her fingers.

  I pull my shirt over the back of my head, tossing it to the floor. Her eyes light up as she takes in my muscled chest, moving down to my abs. Her tongue darts out, wetting her lips. She grabs the bottom of her shirt, pulling it off and throwing it to the floor. Her tits look ready to spill out of her bra. She kicks her shoes off and scoots back to the middle of the bed. I kneel on the bed between her legs. I unbutton her shorts and tug them down her legs, tossing them behind me.

  “Fuck,” I hiss out. A blush creeps up her tits and up her cheeks.

  “Take your bra off.” She listens, without hesitation. I peel off her cheeky panties and admire her naked body.

  “Fucking perfection, Kitty.” I dive down and bite the inside of her thigh. She moans, falling back onto the bed. I pull her legs further apart, kissing up her thigh until I reach her dripping cunt. I suck her clit into my mouth.

  “Oh, God!” Minx moans, arching her back.

  “Not God, just Raze.” I smirk. Her hands find my hair and tug on it with a smile on her face in response. The bite of pain from her pulling my hair drives me forward. I slide two fingers into her pussy and groan. She feels so tight, and I can only imagine how it’ll feel when I slide my cock into her perfect cunt.

  I pull her clit back into my mouth and she starts grinding against my mouth and fingers. Her hands start to tighten in my hair, her walls contracting around my fingers. I know she’s about to come. I nibble on her clit before removing my fingers from her hungry pussy. I want her cuming on my tongue.

  “Oh, fuck . . . Mason . . . I’m gonna . . . ahhhh!” she yells out as she cums hard and fast. I twirl my tongue around her pussy, making sure to get every drop of her release. Her hands fall to her sides as she is still coming down from her orgasm. I lick my lips and look up at her. No one has called me by real name in years. Hearing it fall from her lips, while she cums on my tongue, is the sexiest fucking thing I’ve ever heard.

  “You taste so fucking sweet.” She gives me a lazy smile. I bite her thigh before I move off the bed. I pull my jeans and boxer briefs off simultaneously, stepping out of my shoes as I step out of my clothes. Her eyes go wide when she sees my rock hard cock bob up and down. Eating her tight cunt made me painfully hard. I give her a cocky smirk as I grab my dick, pumping it a couple of times.

  “Like what you see?” I ask, still wearing my cocky smirk. She bites her bottom lip and nods. I chuckle as I grab a condom from my jeans, sliding it on my cock. Minx’s eyes light up as I crawl up the bed to her. I give her a deep kiss, letting her taste herself on my lips and tongue.

  She moans into my mouth, causing my dick to jump. I pull back to look at her face. She smiles, spreading her legs apart, telling me she’s ready. I grab my dick and rub the head against her clit and entrance. She’s dripping wet, ready for me to take her. To claim her. To make her mine. I slowly push into her. Painfully slow. I pause, letting her cunt adjust to my size.

  “Shit, Kitty. You’re so fucking tight,” I groan out. She’s gripping me like a fucking vice. If I’m not careful, I’ll blow my load before we even get started. She lifts her hips, trying to get me to move.

  “Raze, babe. You gotta move before I lose it.”

  I growl, not liking how my road name sounds right now. “Mason.”

  “What?” she looks at me confused.

  “In here, when it’s just you and me, you call me Mason.” She grins at me and nods once. I slowly pull back until just the tip is in, and then push back in just as slow. She makes a sound that is like a mix between a moan and a growl.

  “Mason!” she begs. “I need you to fuck me.”

  That is exactly what I needed to hear. I begin to move, a little harde
r and a little faster with each thrust. Her hands move to the back of my shoulders and she digs her nails into my skin. I let out a moan. She’s meeting me thrust for thrust.

  “You feel so fucking good, Kitty.”

  My balls start to tense up, and I know I’m about to cum. I reach down and rub her clit with my thumb, needing her to get hers first. The walls of her pussy start to contract around my dick and I know she’s almost there.

  “That’s it, baby, cum for me,” I whisper to her. I thrust into her a couple more times.

  “Mason!” she screams out my name as her release covers my cock. I thrust— one, two, three more times and growl out as I cum harder than I ever have before. I drop my forehead to hers.

  “Savannah,” I whisper her name. “What the hell are you doing to me?”

  She gives me an innocent smile, cups my face with both hands, and places a kiss on my lips. “Whatever it is, you’re doing it to me too.”

  I kiss her passionately, then move off of her and head to the bathroom. I dispose of the condom and wet a washcloth to take to Minx. I’ve never cared about cleaning a woman up after sex, but with Minx, I seem to be doing a lot of things I’ve never done before. I come out of the bathroom and put my boxer briefs on. I grab my shirt to give to Minx and move over to her. She has her eyes closed.

  “Did I put you to sleep?” I tease her. A giggle falls from her lips as she opens her eyes.

  “Almost.” She smiles, sitting up and pulls my shirt over her head. I reach down and gently clean up between her legs. I place a kiss on the top of her thigh as I finish.

  “You didn’t have to do that,” she tells me.

  “I wanted to do that.” I kiss her forehead and toss the washcloth into the hamper. I climb into bed next to her, pulling the blanket over us. Then roll onto my side and pull her against me so her back is flush with my front. She lets out a content sign.


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