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The Homesteader: A Novel

Page 28

by Oscar Micheaux



  "Why--why--why, what does this mean!" exclaimed "Little Mother Mary"coming upon them at this minute. Notwithstanding the fact that she wassurprised, it was obviously a glad surprise. She admired Jean Baptiste,and had been much upset over their little controversy. She understoodthe root of the trouble, and knew that it had been on account of whatBaptiste had written and intimated in the letter regarding the Elder.Her husband did not admire real men, although of course, he was notaware of it. In truth, he admired no man, other than himself. And whenothers did not do likewise, he usually found excuses to disagree withthem in some manner.

  Jean Baptiste was not the type of man to make friends with her husband.He was too frank, too forward, too progressive in every way ever tobecome very intimate with N. Justine McCarthy. To begin with, Jean hadnever flattered his vanity as it was not his wont to give undue praise.And as yet he had no reason especially to admire the Reverend. That ithad not been Orlean who had objected to coming West to marry him he wasaware. Nor had it been her mother. It had been N. Justine who had a wayof making his faults and shortcomings appear to be those ofothers--especially within his family, and in this instance his elderdaughter bore the blame.

  "What would you expect us to do, Little Mother," he said, turning abeaming face upon her.

  "But--Orlean, I thought--I thought--"

  "Oh, Mother," cried Jean Baptiste, "don't think. It will hurt you.Besides, it will not be necessary for you to think any more with regardsto us now. We are as we were, and that is all. There is nothing wrongbetween us--never has been, nor between you and I now either, is there?"Whereupon he drew her down and upon the davenport and placed himselfbetween her and her daughter.

  "Now let's reason this thing out together," he began. "There is no needfor quarreling. We'll leave that to idle, disagreeable people. The firstthing in life is to know what you want--and then go get it. That's theway I do. When I proposed to Orlean I did so after due consideration.There has been some little disagreement with regards to my coming to gether, which was due to the fact that I have been so overrun with workuntil I really felt I had not the time to spare. However, here I am andready to marry her. So let's get those who are concerned together andhave it over with. What do you say to it?" he said, looking from one tothe other. In the meantime, Ethel had crept down from upstairs to seewhat was going on, and saw the three on the davenport together, withJean Baptiste in the middle. Whereupon, she turned and hurried backupstairs to where her husband was, with these words: "Glavis, Glav--is,"she cried all out of breath with exasperation. "I just wish you'd look!Just step down there and look!"

  "Why, why--what is the matter, Ethel!" he cried, rising from his chairin some excitement.

  "Why, that Jean Baptiste is sitting down there on the davenport withmama on one side of him and my sister on the other!"

  "Oh, is that all!" he breathed with relief.

  "Is that all!" she echoed in derision, her narrow little face screwedup.


  "Will you 'well' me when that man just comes in here and takes the houseand all that's in it!"

  "Oh, Ethel." he argued. "Will you use some sense!"

  "Will I use some sense! After what Orlean said? You remember well enoughwhat she said, no longer than last night when she received thattelegram. That she was through with that man; that she was not going tomarry him, and had sent his old papers back to him to prove it!"

  "Well, now, get all excited over the most natural thing in the world!Have you never seen a woman who never changed her mind--especially whenthere was a man in the case?"

  "Of course I have," she shouted. "I am one who has never changed theirmind!"

  "I agree, and that is what's the matter with you," so saying, he madehis get-away to avoid what would have followed.

  "Now, you will have to deal with my husband in regard to this matter,Mr. Baptiste," admonished Mother Mary. She had given into him along withOrlean. It was useless to try to pit their weak wits against thecommanding and domineering reason, the quick logic and searchingintuition of Jean Baptiste. So they had quickly resigned to theinevitable, and left him to the rock of unreason, the Reverend N. J.McCarthy.

  "All settled. I'll bounce right out and get him on the wire. Best wordsto send are: 'Please come to Chicago today. Important!' Will that bealright?"

  "Jean Baptiste, you are a wonder!" cried Orlean, and, encircling hisneck with her arms, kissed him impulsively.

  In answer they received by special delivery a letter that night, statingthat his honor, N.J., was on the way, and would arrive the followingmorning. Preparations were entered into at once therefore for a simplewedding, only Ethel holding aloft from the proceedings. It was while atthe supper table that evening that Orlean took upon herself to try toset Baptiste right with what was before him in dealing with regards toher father.

  "Now, my dear," she said lovingly, "if you would get along with papa,then praise him--you understand, flatter him a little. Make him thinkhe's a king."

  "Oh-ho!" he laughed, whereat she was embarrassed. "That's the 'bug,'eh!"

  "Well," she hesitated, awkwardly, "he _is_ rather vain."

  Baptiste was thoughtful. Rev. McCarthy was vain.... He must be praisedif one was to get along with him.... Make him think he was a king. HisMajesty, Newton Justine, sounded very well as a title. All he needednow, then, was a crown. If necessary for peace in the family he wouldpraise him, although it was not to his liking.

  Jean Baptiste had little patience with people who must be praised. Inhis association he had chosen men, men who were too busy to look for orcare for praise. But he failed to reckon then that he was facing anotherkind of person, one whom he was soon to learn.

  His Majesty, Newton Justine, arrived on schedule the next morning, veryserious of expression, and apparently tired into the bargain. Baptisterecalled when he saw him what he had been advised with regards to makinghim think he was a king. "Well," sighed Baptiste, "providing 'HisMajesty' is not a despot, we may be able to get along for a day or two."

  Later, when convenient, Baptiste attempted and was apparentlysuccessful in making the matter so plain that despite his reputeddislike for fair reasoning, the Elder was compelled to call his daughterand say:

  "Now, Orlean, you have heard. Are you in love with this man?" Themelting smile she bestowed him with was quite sufficient, so seeing, hecontinued:

  "And do you wish to become his wife?" She looked down into her lap then,turned her hands in childish fashion, and replied in a very small voice:


  "Then, that settles it," said the Elder, and thereafter made himselfvery amiable. By the morrow arrangements had been completed for a simplelittle home wedding, and at two o'clock, the ceremony was performed.

  And when the bride and groom had been kissed according to custom, astorm without broke of a sudden, and the wind blew and the rain fell intorrents. So terrible became the storm that the piano, which some oneplayed loudly, as if to shut out the roar of the storm outside, couldhardly be heard. And in the meantime, so dark did it become that at twothirty the lights had to be turned on, the people could hardlydistinguish each other in the rooms. Nor did the storm abate as theafternoon wore on, but continued in mad fury far into the night and theguests were compelled to leave in the downpour and wind.

  And there were among those who departed, many who thought and did notspeak. They were, for the most part, the new Negro, hence loathe toadmit of superstitions--besides, they had great respect for the two whowere about to start upon matrimony's uncertain journey. But regardlessof what they might have said openly, it was a long time before theyforgot.


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