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Rocket to Trinculo (Mastery of the Stars Book 3)

Page 9

by M J Dees

  Slar tried to communicate with the creatures that she would like them to take Tori to the foot of the cliff and then bring whatever supplies they could manage from Trinculo, even Ozli if they could find a way.

  Glad to have more work, the creatures hurried off to fulfil their tasks and Slar, Ay-ttho and Sevan followed the makeshift stretcher bearers to the foot of the cliff and waited.

  As they waited, the globe began to rise above the horizon. In the mountain's shadow it was getting dark and Sevan was feeling the evening's chill. The mountain's shadow grew longer, and the sky dimmed, as the globe glowed in reflected light.

  Then Sevan noticed that there was a tiny shadow on the globe but the tiny shadow was growing.

  "Look at that," he said to Slar. "What is it?"

  "Whatever it is, it's growing," said Ay-ttho.

  "Or getting closer," said Slar.

  Sure enough, as Sevan watched the speck growing larger he realised it was an object travelling towards them.

  "It's coming from the twin planets," said Slar.

  "Is it the Republic?" Sevan asked.

  "If it is, then we are in big trouble."

  "I left my weapon up at Trinculo," said Ay-ttho, trying to gesture to the few remaining creatures to get it for her.

  "I wouldn't bother," said Slar, calling the creatures back. "Whatever it is, it'll be here before they get back. We are safer in numbers, better keep them here."

  "It looks like a freighter," said Ay-ttho. "It is a freighter. It couldn't be, could it?"

  The craft was still too far away for Sevan to make out any of its defining features. He wondered how Ay-ttho could be sure it was a freighter.

  "It is," said Ay-ttho, getting to her feet.

  "Is what?" Sevan asked.

  "The Mastery of the Stars. Ron has come to get us."

  Slar got to her feet.

  "Lopez," she whispered.

  As the craft drew closer, Sevan realised they were right, it was the Mastery of the Stars. He also got to his feet.

  The Mastery of the Stars landed not far away, and the doors opened. Ay-ttho ran towards the freighter but, as she got close, she halted when the figure of Lopez appeared in the doorway.

  "So, you've come back to get us have you?" Ay-ttho scoffed.

  "I haven't come for you," said Lopez. "I've come for Slar. We detected an energy surge and hoped it might have been survivors."

  "Take them, too," said Slar who had just arrived behind Ay-ttho. "We have a casualty who needs urgent medical attention."

  "Oh, okay then. If we must," Lopez complained.

  "Also, the President's nephew is at Trinculo, we should take him."

  "Do we have to?" asked Ay-ttho.

  "It's everyone or no-one."

  "Wait a minute, this is my ship."

  "What about the creatures?" asked Sevan who had just arrived.

  "I can ask them," said Slar. "But I doubt that they'll want to leave Nereid."

  Slar was right. The creatures did not want to board the freighter, although Ay-ttho had to work hard to stop them from removing pieces from the outside as souvenirs.

  When they had lifted Tori into the medical bay and transferred him to a diagnostic unit, Ay-ttho turned her attention to the navigation computer.

  "Ron? What in the name of the Giant Cup has been going on?"

  "Oh, I deactivated him," said Lopez, as he entered the bridge. "He was getting a bit annoying."

  "What? Turn him back on right now."

  "Okay, anything for a quiet life."

  Lopez fiddled with a control panel which lit up in an instant.


  "Did I miss anything?" Ron asked.

  "Thank fushy for that," said Ay-ttho. "Now let's get the president's nephew and get out of here."

  When they picked up a very confused Ozli, Slar and Sevan said goodbye to the creatures who appeared to get emotional at the prospect of their departure.

  Ay-ttho refused to leave the bridge saying that she wanted to monitor Lopez.

  "Where are we going?" she asked as the Mastery of the Stars took off again.

  "To Daphnis," said Lopez. "Barnes has formed another alliance and he is coordinating the next attack on the Republic from there."

  "They destroyed Waterfall," said Slar.

  "We know. Barnes hadn't expected them to attack so soon after his personal audience with the President but the audience had just lulled Barnes into a false sense of security."

  "Did the Republic not attack Daphnis?" asked Slar.

  "They tried, but the security sphere wiped out their fleet."

  "Told you it wasn't an energy generator," Slar said to Ozli.

  "It collects energy," said Lopez.

  "See," said Ozli.

  "What’s the plan?" Slar asked Lopez.

  "President Man has amassed his allies on Atlas. We are gathering our forces for an attack. This is the one. This time we will get him."

  Lopez looked at Ay-ttho.

  "Do you still want to kill Barnes?"

  Ay-ttho was silent, though from her expression it was evident she still harboured feelings of resentment towards Barnes, even if her desire for his death was less furious than it had been.

  "Can I ask you to please desist from trying to kill him until we have dealt with the President at the very least? Then you can take out your feelings on each other in any way you want. Just let him focus on getting this job done first please."

  Ay-ttho did not reply but Sevan knew that her silence meant acceptance of the bargain, for the moment at least.

  As they approached the globe, Sevan could see that it was a complex network of satellites, forming a sphere around the two planets. As they passed through the sphere, Sevan saw the floating wrecks of some Republic fighters.

  "Isn't there a gravitational imbalance between the two planets at this proximity?" Ozli asked.

  "Yes," said Lopez. "But it is regulated by the sphere which manipulates gravity using similar methods to the way Mastery of the Stars does only more sophisticated."


  "Well someone who has discovered how to create portals wherever they want designed it. Ozli, how do you feel about the fact we are planning to kill your uncle?"

  "To be honest, I am not very close to him but I ask you to consider sending me as an ambassador to negotiate a settlement and avoid what could be a multitude of unnecessary deaths."

  "The time for negotiation has passed, Ozli. But mention it to Barnes if it means that much to you."

  "Thank you, I will."

  The bridge fell silent as they approached Daphnis and Ay-ytho and Sevan remembered the circumstances of their last visit. Soon the Mastery of the Stars would land and they would meet Barnes again.


  Sevan watched Ay-ttho, as Lopez led the group through the corridors of what, to Sevan, looked like a palace.

  He led them into a large room dominated in the centre by a large table covered with food. Sevan rushed straight for a decanter which he hoped contained what he thought. He poured a glass and was delighted to taste his favourite pish.

  "In these room," said Lopez, indicating a series of doors. "You should find everything you need to make yourself comfortable and rest a little."

  "What about Tori?" asked Ay-ttho.

  "We have taken him to the infirmary. I'll get someone to take you there."

  "Yes... please," said Ay-ttho.

  "Fine, I'll leave you now. Make yourselves comfortable."

  Lopez turned to leave.

  "What about Barnes?" Ay-ttho blurted out.

  Lopez stopped and turned.

  "I'll ask him if he'll see you," he said and then turned and left.

  Only Ay-ttho remained dissatisfied. Sevan poured himself a second glass of pish and Slar began to eat. Ozli was staring out of a window which opened out over the desert of Daphnis as much as a ball of gas can stare. Sevan imagined he must have been sensing rather than staring.

/>   Sevan had time to drink another two glasses of pish and wash himself before the ‘someone’ that Lopez had promised arrived to take Ay-ttho to the infirmary. Already feeling a little bit tipsy, Sevan thought a change of air might do him good and asked Ay-ttho whether she wouldn't mind if he joined her.

  "Do what you want," she said, and he followed her out of the room.

  The infirmary was unlike any medical unit Sevan had seen in his, albeit limited, experience. All the equipment looked very new and sophisticated and they found Tori in some kind of pod near the corner of the room. Ay-ttho was delighted to find him already awake.

  "I told you, you shouldn't try to pilot that thing," she said.

  "When have I ever listened to you?" he replied.

  "What did the doctor say?" Sevan asked.

  "Hi Sevan," said Tori, seeing him for the first time. "She says I'm pretty broken but nothing that won't fix."

  "She?" asked Ay-ttho.

  "You jealous?" laughed Tori, who stopped laughing as soon as he had begun because it hurt.

  Ay-ttho smiled. Sevan couldn't remember the last time he had seen Ay-ttho smile, but her smile fell away as a small robed figure entered the infirmary.

  "Barnes," she said.

  "Lopez said you wanted to see me," said Barnes. "You must be quick because I have a lot to do."

  "I came here to kill you," said Ay-ttho, looking around the room for something she could use as a weapon.

  "Why?" Barnes appeared amused.

  "You have treated my people like slaves."

  "I created your people."

  "That doesn't give you the right to do what you want with them."

  "Doesn't it? It is I who should have you killed. Disabling the weapons systems just as I was about to rid the region of the president."

  "But you would have liquidised the concession."

  "Who told you that? President Man?"

  "What about decent homes, transport, food?" Sevan blurted out unable to contain himself any longer and somehow bolstered by Ay-ttho's confrontation with Barnes. He had surprised himself.

  Ay-ttho looked at Sevan as if he had surprised her, too.

  "President Man wanted to reform the Doomed Planet and empower the workers to improve their condition," Sevan continued.

  Barnes laughed.

  "What about the terrorists attacks?" Sevan asked, angered by Barnes' laughter. "The workers wanted you gone."

  "Oh?" Barnes laughed once more. "And would you say that was your experience when you tried to turn the population of the concession against me?"

  Sevan was silent. He was aware of how his attempts to educate the population about Barnes had fallen on empty marbles.

  "I thought so. And who do you think funded the terrorists?"

  Sevan remained silent.

  "What about the consignment of weapons to Daphnis?" Ay-ttho asked.

  "What about it?"

  "You told me you would destroy your creation, especially Sevan."

  "Did I? Are you sure about that?"

  "And what about San? He claimed to be my brother."

  "He was in a way. Just as Sevan is your brother, in a way."

  "And the looters?"

  "Out there," said Barnes pointing out the window.

  "Are you the one they call the walking phantom?"

  "Who told you that?"

  Ay-ttho thought for a moment. Sevan realised he had just assumed Barnes was the phantom the looters had spoken of.

  "Well, what about all this talk about making us suffer before you kill us?"

  "Yes, I get carried away sometimes. I just wanted you to suffer a bit for getting in the way on Tomorrow."

  "You sent us to the prison planet of Aitne!" Sevan complained.

  "That's right. You suffered a bit, but I released you.

  "Only after we stole your ship. And you told me you and President Man wanted the same thing."

  "That's right."

  "What about Pelou and Daxu?"

  "They are here," again Barnes pointed out of the window indicating Daphnis.

  "So did you tell me the truth about the president wanting to liquidise the planets," asked Sevan.

  "Of course."

  "So why in the name of the Giant Cup did you tell us it was you who liquidised the Doomed Planet and Daphnis?"

  "I couldn't resist," Barnes giggled. "You are so gullible."

  "We've been halfway across the region trying to track you down to kill you," Ay-ttho protested.

  "Sorry about that," Barnes tried to suppress his laughter.

  "I would have done it, too, if that fusher Lopez hadn't stolen our ship."

  "He could not let you kill me now, could he?" Barnes sniggered.

  Sevan didn't care now whether Barnes was on their side. He still wanted to kill him for being so irritating.

  "Look, I apologise for lying to you," said Barnes. "Let us put the past behind us and start again. I came here to invite you to the control centre where you might meet some old friends. There is much to do and I would like to share my plans with you."

  Barnes turned to leave and if Sevan had found a loose object at that moment, he might have cracked Barnes over the back of the head with it.

  Ay-ttho and Sevan apologised to Tori for having to leave before following Barnes out of the infirmary and through the palace to the control centre.

  The first thing that Sevan saw as he entered the control centre were the unmistakable figures of Daxu and Pelou. He rushed over to them to find out how they were.

  "Barnes is treating us very well," said Pelou. "Daxu has been working with him."

  Sevan turned to Daxu.

  "That's right," Daxu confirmed. "It's just like the old days working on projects together.

  The appearance of Ozli, with Slar chasing after him, broke up the reunion.

  "What's he doing here?" asked Lopez whom Sevan hadn't noticed when he entered the control centre.

  "I'm sorry, I couldn't stop him," Slar apologised.

  "I demand to be heard," said Ozli, who was surrounded by several guards, Sevan hadn't noticed either.

  "Let him be heard," said Barnes.

  The guards moved away from Ozli's vehicle.

  "I know you intend to attack my uncle," Ozli began. "Even if you are successful, there will be heavy casualties on both sides. What if we could avoid those casualties? Let me go as an envoy to my uncle and negotiate on your behalf."

  "Ridiculous," Lopez interrupted. "He wants to warn the president of our location and intentions."

  "I doubt our location or intentions are hidden from President Man," said Barnes.

  "But he knows the nature of our defences, he knows the whereabouts of our command centre."

  "And you doubt President Man's ability to place his spies in this very facility? I say we allow him to visit his uncle and negotiate whatever he sees fit. We are under no obligation to be bound by the outcome of his negotiations."

  Barnes looked around the control room. His gaze settled on Sevan.

  "Sevan, you and your friends already have a good relationship with the president. You can take his nephew to Atlas and report back what you find."

  "In the Mastery of the Stars?" asked Ay-ttho.

  "If you wish."

  Lopez looked put out but Ay-ttho had not finished with her questions.

  "What about Tori?"

  "I think he is too ill to travel."

  "We take him with us," she said.

  "As you wish."

  "Anything to get out of here," Ay-ttho confided in Sevan.

  "Well, that's settled then," said Barnes. "Slar? Please take them to their ship."

  Lopez stayed out of the way while Sevan said his goodbyes to Daxu and Pelou. M’Schyu was also there with Gwof in a harness on his back and he said hello and goodbye to Sevan in the same moment.

  Sevan could have sworn on the Giant Cup that he heard Barnes say to Lopez something like: ‘Well, that gets rid of them."

  Ay-ttho went through the p
re-flight preparations with Ron while they waited for Barne’s staff to transfer Tori to the medical bay on the Mastery of the Stars.

  After Sevan had said his goodbyes to Slar he sat near to Ozli.

  "What are you going to tell your uncle?" Sevan asked.

  "I've no idea," said Ozli. "I imagine that something will come to me."

  Tori arrived, and the ship was ready to leave. Sevan waved at Slar through the observation window and wondered whether he would see her again.

  As the ship lifted higher into the Daphnis sky, Sevan looked out on the desert and thought, though he couldn't be sure, that he might have seen the looters in the distance.

  The Mastery of the Stars passed through the protective globe and left Nereid behind. Sevan wasn't sad to see the back of Nereid but he wondered how his aunt was doing back on The Doomed Planet. He reassured himself that they would return soon. Ay-ttho would want to return to The Doomed Planet, he was sure of it.

  By the time Nereid and the giant globe containing Daphnis and The Doomed Planet had become only a speck on the blanket of space, the portal to Atlas was coming into view.

  Sevan began to feel anxious about how the Republic fleet might receive them. Their association with Barnes might not enamour the Republic to them.

  "How well did you say you got on with your uncle?" Sevan asked Ozli.

  "Not very well at all."

  Sevan wished he hadn't asked, but it was too late, the portal was upon them.

  At the other side of the portal an escort of Republic fighters greeted them. Ay-ttho had to permit a fighter to dock and Republic troops to search the Mastery of the Stars before they agreed to escort them to Atlas.

  "How is Barnes planning to attack Atlas," Sevan wondered aloud when the Republic troops had left. “I didn't see much in the way of an armada on Daphnis, did you?"

  "Perhaps it’s hidden, or on the Doomed Planet," said Ay-ttho.

  "He doesn't need an armada," said Ozli. "If he can fold space and create portals at will, then he can take Atlas and put it somewhere in the universe nowhere near a portal and then my uncle and his army will never be seen again."

  "Do you think he will?"

  "He might."

  "What if he does it while we are on Atlas?"

  "Then you will never see this part of the universe again."

  "And we will be well and truly fushed," added Ay-ttho.


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