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Page 11

by Blair Grey

  Chapter 19


  It took another hour before we finally had Ryder patched up and resting easily on the bed. But, the wound was clean, the bullet was gone, and the stitches were in place. It was the best case scenario, considering we couldn’t take him into the hospital, and Alexis was optimistic he was going to be just fine.

  “You’re going to need to stay on top of cleaning the wound. I’m telling you, the last thing you want to happen is for it to get infected. If it does, you’re going to have to go to the hospital, or he’s could die,” she warned.

  “But if it doesn’t get infected, how’re we looking?” Jett asked.

  “He’ll pull through just fine. He’s not out of the woods yet, so you’re going to have to trust me on this when I say to keep that clean, okay?” she pressed.

  “Clean as a whistle,” he nodded.

  “That’s all I can do for him. I don’t have any more pain medication I can leave, but he should be okay with over the counter options,” she hesitated, and I knew she was thinking of the drugs. “Be very careful with what he’s allowed.”

  “Thanks,” Jett said. “We owe you one.”

  “I think I’m ready to go home,” she told me.

  “I’ll get her out of here,” I said, and Jett nodded. He wasn’t ever thrilled with strangers knowing where our safe houses were located, but this was an emergency, and it did save Ryder’s life.

  Not to mention, this woman wasn’t entirely a stranger. Not to me, anyway. To me, she was the woman I wanted. Of course, I couldn’t make her see things from my point of view, nor could I convince her I was the best option for her. But, I still had feelings.

  And right now, those feelings were pulsing through my veins with a passion. I wanted her. I had to have her. And, I knew once we got back to my place, I would.

  “You can take a shower if you want,” I told her as we walked through the door.

  “No, I’m not going to stay long,” she said. “I’m just going to clean up enough it doesn’t raise too many questions from my brother when I get home.”

  “Okay,” I said. There was silence in the room for a moment, but only a brief moment, before she spoke again.

  “So, you run drugs?” she asked.

  “The truth comes out,” I said.


  “Aren’t you afraid of what that does to people?” she asked.

  “I need to make a living somehow, and part of being in the MC is to not question what choices the MC makes. That’s the way we do things, and that’s just the way it is,” I told her.

  She thought for another moment. Then, to my surprise, she started asking questions about the MC. Sure, there wasn’t a lot I could tell her, but there was enough. I found myself wanting to talk about it with her. For some reason I couldn’t explain, not even to myself, I wanted her to know what I did – I wanted her to approve.

  Sure, I knew she wasn’t going to be happy with it. In fact, I had a feeling she wasn’t going to want anything else to do with me by the time she heard all I had to share, but again, to my surprise, she seemed more worried about me than anything else.

  “You could have been the one who got shot,” she commented, her voice trembling.

  “But it wasn’t me, was it?”

  “Not this time, but what about next time?” she asked.

  “Next time isn’t here yet. Right now, I’m just worrying about right now,” I told her.

  “But that makes me worry.” The emotion was thick in her voice, and she turned away. I got the feeling she was fighting tears, but I wasn’t going to assure her nothing could happen. After all, that wasn’t a promise I could make – not to her, not even to myself.

  The fact of the matter was that something could happen, and I very well could end up shot or arrested at any time. But, I wasn’t going to live my life in fear of that happening. I couldn’t. This was my life, and I would enjoy it, danger and all.

  “I should go,” Alexis said. “Thank you for letting me help.”

  She started to walk away, but I took a couple steps forward, putting my hands on her shoulders and stopping her.

  “Wait,” I said.

  She turned back to me, but instead of saying anything, I leaned forward, kissing her. It was the intense, deep kiss that I gave her once more – the kiss that told her how badly I wanted her. I needed her.

  With all the adrenaline starting to wear off, I needed to put that energy somewhere, and I wanted to put it inside her.

  At first, she started to pull back. There was no doubt in my mind she would start to argue that it didn’t mean anything. But, I wasn’t going to let her even start talking that way. She might be in denial, but this meant something. And right now, it was what we both needed.

  I pulled her t-shirt up and over her head, and she rolled my vest off my shoulders. I pulled my own shirt off, and then wrapped my arms around her, guiding her to jump up and wrap her legs around me.

  I carried her to the bedroom and laid her down on the bed. She smiled up at me as I unzipped her jeans then pulled them off, followed by her panties. Her nipples were already hard and erect, her pussy already wet and waiting for me.

  I kissed her tits, and then I kissed across her belly, down to her pussy. Taking her clit in my lips, I sucked her for a second, flicking my tongue around, starting with her clit then sweeping it between the lips of her pussy.

  She moaned on the bed, closing her eyes and arching her back, making the most of the pleasure of the moment. I continued to please her, teasing her sometimes, satisfying her others. Giving her all she wanted, and giving her what I wanted her to have.

  I was in control, just how I wanted things to be. And for now, she was letting that happen.

  Then, she grabbed my arms and pulled me up toward her, moving her hands to push off my pants before I was over the top of her. Our lips met, and we kissed deeply for a moment, our tongues dancing around each other’s mouths. My cock was hard, but I didn’t want to take her this way.

  No, I wanted to push her around on the bed and take her from behind. I rolled her over, pushing my dick to the back of her pussy, but she turned back.

  “No,” she said. “I want to look into your eyes.”

  I wanted to argue. I hated how she would tell me no. I hated being told what to do. But, there was something about Alexis that refused to be controlled. She didn’t want to be told what to do, either. She wanted us both to give and take.

  And right now, she wanted to take me this way.

  So, I let her.

  I slid inside her, pushing all the way into her tight pussy. She moaned, closing her eyes as I filled her completely, holding my cock inside her for a moment before I started thrusting in and out of her. I pushed all the way in, and then drew myself all the way out.

  I went hard and fast. The energy inside me was building with the need to cum hard. I wanted to give her all that I had in me, and with the way I was taking her now, I knew I would make her cum hard, too.

  Alexis wrapped her arms and legs around me, riding with me on the bed and letting me take her hard and fast. Thrusting into her before drawing myself back again. Over and over, fast and slick with the juices of her arousal. She moaned on the bed under me as our bodies glided beside each other.

  Our breath came in hard, fast gasps, and the tension I had in my body was reaching its limit. I knew Alexis was about to finish. I could tell with the way her body was so tense under mine, her fingers grasping my shoulders as she gasped for breath.

  Her moans filled the air, her pleasured gasps the only break in them. Then, she held herself to me, spreading her legs a little further apart so I could take her that much deeper, giving her all that I had in me. Her pussy squeezed around my dick as she came, and my cock buckled, pulsing into her as I filled her with my load.

  I pushed into her hard, as far as I could as I filled her with everything I had in me.

  We were both sweaty and out of breath, but neither of us spoke. It was
intense, it was passionate, and it was everything we needed. I held my dick inside her for a moment, making it last as long as it could before I started to grow soft.

  Eventually, I pulled out of her, lying on the bed and letting her curl up beside me. It was strange to want to cuddle after fucking her, but there were so many strange things about Alexis, I couldn’t hope to explain any of them.

  Still, neither of us spoke as we lay on the bed alongside each other. There wasn’t anything to say. After the night we’d had, after the fierce love we had just made, there wasn’t any need for words.

  I didn’t have anything I wanted to say to her, and as she closed her eyes and relaxed, I knew she had changed her mind about going back to her place for the night. And, that was fine with me. She could stay here as long as she wanted. Hell, there was a big part of me that wouldn’t even mind the idea of her moving in.

  But, as she drifted off to sleep, I knew I could only stay for a moment longer before I had to get back on the road. I wanted to head back to the safe house to check on how Ryder was doing. I had to see it with my own eyes.

  From what Alexis had said, it was a damn good thing she had been there to get that bullet out of him and clean the wound, and I wanted to make sure he was okay.

  After all, that man was a brother to me. He might not be a blood brother, but he was my brother all the same, and he meant the world to me. I’d come too close to losing him tonight, and I had to make sure he was pulling through okay.

  So, when she finally drifted off to sleep entirely, I rose and slipped out of the room. I was quiet as I dressed myself once more, and I slipped out of the house, pulling the door closed carefully behind me.

  Then I headed for my bike.

  Chapter 20


  I didn’t mean to fall asleep. I thought I’d just close my eyes for a few minutes and relax, then get up and head back over to my mom’s house. But, with the light pouring in through the window, I realized I must have, and now it was morning.

  There would be no slipping back into the house unnoticed now. I wanted to believe I didn’t care, and it still wasn’t any of my brother’s or mom’s business what I was doing with my time, but I was already dreading the fight I would be having when I got back to the right house.

  As I sat up in bed, I realized I wasn’t just alone in the bedroom, but the entire house was silent. Clearly, Blade was gone. I found that strange. He just left me alone in his house. Of course, I wasn’t going to take anything or do anything I shouldn’t, but to think that he would just leave without so much as waking me still seemed odd.

  But in the quiet, I took a minute to lie back in bed and take a few deep breaths. I wanted to process what was going on, but it was hard. It was hard to really think clearly about anything.

  I knew Blade was in an MC. That was obvious from his uniform and the fact he rode his Harley practically everywhere he went. But, to know he was far more entrenched with the lifestyle than I realized only made me wonder how much about him I didn’t really know.

  At the same time, it made me wonder what I truly thought about him.

  I assumed anyone who would be in that lifestyle would have a mess of a life like my mom. But, Blade seemed to really have his shit together. Well, as much as anyone did, anyway.

  And, it didn’t change how I felt about him. I couldn’t support it, but I felt more worried about the fact he would be putting himself in danger over and over than about the fact that he was actually dealing drugs. It made me sick to think he would constantly be in harm’s way, and he didn’t need to be.

  If they would just give that up and start making their money in another way, I never would have to wonder if he was getting shot or beat up anywhere. It would be so much better, I just knew it would be. But, I didn’t know how I could possibly convince him of that fact.

  If this was his life, then there was no way he’d listen to me. He just shrugged it off every time I pointed out how dangerous this life was, and that bothered me. He didn’t seem to care that it could be the death of him. He didn’t seem to care about it, at all.

  I pulled myself out of bed and got dressed. I could already hear how it was going to go over when I got back to the house. Chad was so convinced he knew all there was to know about Blade, and when I showed up back home with the blood on my shirt, I knew he would be dragging me into the theories he had about the guy, too.

  Well, you’re not going to worry about that. You know the truth, and you don’t need Chad to butt in and tell you what the thinks you’re doing, or what you should do for that matter.

  It’s none of his business, so just forget about it. You need to worry about how you’re going to deal with Blade yourself. You know there’s no denying the feelings you have for him, but what’re you going to do about the fact you’re leaving?

  That’s happening, and, well, Blade is not going to change for you. So, you either have to enjoy this while it lasts then let it go when you go, or you’re going to have to face the facts that he’s not going to change, and if you stay, you’re going to be part of this world.

  Part of the very world you want nothing more to do with. Part of the very world you say you hate more than anything. You know the choice is up to you, but what’s the right thing to do here?

  How are you ever supposed to decide?

  I was still grappling with the thoughts as I headed back into the kitchen. I wasn’t sure if I ought to just head back to my place looking as I did or if I should try to clean up a bit first. I still needed to shower, and my hair was a mess. It was clear I had done certain activities the night before, but what was unclear was the blood that was on the front of my shirt and jeans.

  It would certainly be a lot for my brother to rip apart as soon as I walked through the door. That was for sure.

  But, my thoughts were interrupted when the door opened and Blade came walking in.

  “Good morning,” I said as he headed straight for the bedroom.

  “Morning,” he replied.

  “Were you checking on your friend?”

  “He’s going to be fine, thanks to you,” Blade said. “Thanks again for what you did for him.”

  He was rifling through the clothes in the closet, changing from what he had on into something fresh. But, I noticed he pulled out another of the vests with the emblem on it, putting it on and checking in the mirror before grabbing a new pair of jeans.

  “What’re you doing?” I asked.

  “Me and some of the boys who survived the attack have some squaring up to do with the MC that fucked us over,” he said.

  “What do you mean?”

  “I mean we’re going to go teach those bastards a lesson,” he said.

  “What?” I couldn’t believe what I was hearing. Those men nearly killed one of his friends, and now he was getting ready to take off after them.

  “It’s the way this works,” he replied. “You’re not going to understand, and I’m not going to try to convince you, either.”

  “You’re right,” I told him. “I don’t understand, at all. What do you mean you’re going to go after them? I mean, are you going to get into another fight?”

  “Maybe. If anything, we’ll come in hot with the upper hand, teach them what they need to be taught, then get out of there before we have any shots fired in return,” he said.

  I cringed. Hearing that he didn’t want return shots implied he was going to be firing shots first. I really didn’t like the sound of that. This wasn’t murder, but it sure didn’t sound legal, let alone like anything I would want anyone I cared about to have anything to do with.

  But, Blade already had his mind made up. He wasn’t going to back down, and it seemed as though he might be the one who was leading the attack.

  “Isn’t there another way?” I asked. “Can’t Jett or one of the other guys I met last night take care of this?”

  “He’s going to be there, he’s our leader,” Blade said. At least that explained that, but it didn’t make me
feel any better. “And, he needs our support.”

  “I just don’t understand why you have to be the one to go for him,” my voice quivered, and he sighed.

  “Those men stole our drugs, they double-crossed us, and at the end of the day, they nearly got one of our brothers killed. There’s no way in Hell we’re going to stand by and let them get away with any of this. Not only did they cheat us out of a lot of money, but they also happened to cheat us out of more dignity, too, and with the way things have been going with the MCs around us recently, they really leave us no choice but to act,” he said.

  “So you’re going to go in there, shoot them up, and hope that sends the message you want sent out?” I shook my head. This seemed ridiculous, like something out of a movie.

  “Pretty much,” Blade said. “I know you don’t like it, and if I had any say in how last night went, I wouldn’t have to be doing this right now.”

  “But don’t you have a say in how this is taken care of?” I asked.

  “It was put to a vote, and we decided we’re not going to sit back and let any of the other MCs in the area railroad us as though they are the ones calling the shots. No. I’m going to step in and take care of this alongside the rest of my brothers, and that’s the end of that.” He finished putting on his clothes and started back toward the door.

  “I’m scared you’re not going to come back,” I said.

  “Don’t be,” Blade replied shortly. “I’ll most likely come back, but if I don’t, then I went out doing the one thing I swore I’d do with my life: serving this MC. It’s what I swore I would do years ago, and what I’ve been doing whit my life ever since. I can’t back out now. I’m not a coward.”

  “Take care of yourself,” I said as he walked through the door, leaving me to my own thoughts. He didn’t bother to take me in his arms, hug me, or make me promises I knew would be just fake words meant to make me feel better.

  No, he went to do what he felt was right, and I was left behind to deal with it how I thought best. I walked over to the door and waited at the doorway, looking out as he got on the back of his bike and sped off.


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