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Omega Reimagined volume 2

Page 16

by Tanya Chris

  Easy for him to say. He was the one doing the fucking. But I didn’t want to have an existential argument about caste roles right at that moment.

  “Later, then,” he said, as if I’d said that out loud. He thumbed across my lower lip so tenderly it hurt, then wrapped his hand around my windpipe and used it to raise me to my feet. Fuck, that was hot. No human could’ve lifted me like that. He pushed me and I went flying in a splay of limbs to land with a bounce amongst the fragrant bedding.

  This was it, then. Cock, fuck, knot.

  I whipped off my shirt and wriggled out of my jeans, admiring his naked body as he tied his hair up. I loved his hair down but putting it up seemed like a sign that he meant business.

  “On your stomach,” he ordered, making a rotating motion with his index finger.

  I rolled onto my knees, but I kept my chest lifted off the mattress rather than sink into the classic omega presentation pose. I wasn’t an omega. If he made me present like one, I wasn’t sure what would happen—whether the order would spike my arousal higher or skitter it to a stop. He didn’t correct my posture, only slapped my ass. Once in a half-hearted way with something like human strength and then again with all the strength he had access to. I yelped, pleased with the sting, and pushed my ass back to ask for more, but instead of a harsh slap, I got cool fingers. He thrust two of them inside me with exactly the kind of intrusion I liked best: slick but certain.

  He got me thoroughly oiled up without any sense that he was pampering me. Rather the opposite. His fingers worked like scouts forging the way, paying precious little attention to my prostate. He withdrew them with a light scrape of claw, and I shuddered, not sure whether to be sorry or glad that he’d had his claws sheathed until that moment. He could do damage—damage I probably didn’t want—but the threat of it was delicious.

  With his fingers gone, I anticipated his cock. And kept anticipating it. I shook my ass in a clumsy attempt at a come-on, and when that didn’t work, I glanced over my shoulder, checking to make sure he was still there. As if I couldn’t smell him. As if the heat pouring off him wasn’t burning through my nerve endings.

  He was there all right. Stroking himself with a slick hand and contemplating my ass with a half-smile on his face. Why was his cock in his hand when he knew where I wanted it? I gave a discreet cough, which he ignored, then a less discreet once, which earned me a smack. I liked that well enough, but it wasn’t what I was waiting for. After being thrown down, worked open, and fucking promised his cock, why wasn’t I getting it?


  His smile grew, but his hand still moved with maddening slowness over his own flesh.

  “Please, Alpha.”

  “Uh huh.”

  He was going to make me plead—take away every shred of my dignity and my disguise. I was an alpha who wanted a knot. I had no choice but to own it.

  Chapter 6

  “Please,” I whispered, the tears that threatened at my eyes audible in my voice. “I need you, Alpha.” The more I said it, the more it was true. My arms shook as badly as my voice, struggling to keep me up on all fours. I would go to any position for him. If he wanted me to present, I’d present. I lowered myself to my elbows, prepared to go all the way down.

  “Not like that,” he said. “You’re an alpha. Show me you can hold position.”

  I was an alpha. Was that what he wanted me to be? I straightened my arms, finding the strength of determination.

  “Now beg like an alpha.”

  Outrage ripped through me with the fury of a desert sandstorm. How dare he put me on my knees, knowing he was about to fuck me, and then order me—order me—to beg like an alpha? I growled, my roar as fierce as my anger.

  “Fuck me, then, but you’d better fucking hang on.”

  His laughter was pure delight. He leaned over me, draping his upper body over mine so that the head of his cock butted up against my slick hole. “Beg.”

  “Do it.”


  “Fuck me. Fuck me, you fucker. Get your fucking cock in my fucking ass and fuck me if you’re alpha enough to do it.”

  So he did. One stroke, balls deep—a sudden shot of adrenalin that sealed us momentarily into stillness before he took the reins. With his hands on my shoulders, his teeth buried in my neck, he rode me, each thrust perfectly controlled. It was the hardest, deepest, best fuck of my life and I howled my way through it, trying to shake my neck free from his fangs just for the joy of feeling them dig deeper. I could smell the harsh copper tang of my own blood as my claws shredded his sheets.

  Each stroke hit my prostate, ringing it like a bell. “Come on my knot,” he’d told me, and though I’d never come hands free before, the possibility wasn’t out of reach. Already pre-come was flying, my cock bouncing around beneath me, steel-hard, untouched, and desperately ready to pop. A little more, a little harder, a little something.

  A knot. The base of Tarek’s cock had been slightly swollen before we’d even started—not as wide as the head of his cock, but thicker than his shaft. I’d felt the extra width on every stroke, a thrilling stretch that reminded me I was being fucked by an alpha wolf, but now his knot started to expand. Bigger with each stroke, harder to take. My hole stretched and stretched as he plunged into me, popping his knot in, then popping it out again.

  There was no way to adjust to it, not when it kept growing. It must be the size of a spring apple already and only slightly less firm, just flexible enough to allow it to squeeze through my sphincter into my channel where it plugged me like a fist. It was the withdrawal that hurt the most. The transition was more sudden, more forceful, the loss itself painful.

  I was being knotted. For real. The hundreds of horny fantasies that’d plagued me since I hit puberty were nothing compared to the reality of it. I’d imagined the act as more symbolic, more serene. Knots were meant for omegas, after all, and they were fragile creatures. But this was no easy rocking or gentle insertion. This was a battering ram, a fist, a force.

  My legs shook, my arms shook. A keening whine I tried to temper into a growl leaked unendingly from my throat. My prostate screamed with me, overwhelmed by sensation—good, bad. I couldn’t catalogue it. I could only hope to survive it. The claws, the fangs. The alpha pheromones. All good, so good. But this—the knot? Perfection.

  I came. On his knot, as he’d commanded. I couldn’t have avoided it if he’d commanded otherwise. One jet after another squirted from me, blasting over the sheet and up my chest, spraying wildly as my cock swung with the rhythm of his thrusts.

  “Say it,” he insisted as he forced himself inside me one last time. “Say it.”

  “Alpha.” Another spasm hit me, harder than the first, as his knot, fully engorged, came to rest against my prostate and pulsed there. There was no room for it to pulse, no room for the seed he filled me with. I was like a balloon about to pop, but the balloon was filled with helium, so light and airy I’d have drifted away without his cock anchoring me to the ground.

  “Alpha,” I repeated. “Knot.” I didn’t know who I was telling, but he laughed as if he understood and nuzzled at my neck in a gentler way.

  “Knot,” he agreed. “All for you.”

  All for me. It was the last thought I had before I collapsed beneath him into a puddle of blanked-out bliss.

  I was still in Tarek’s bed when I came to—on my back in a tangle of sheets and limbs. My neck ached where he’d torn at it, and my ass felt sore and sticky, but it was nothing a shower and a shift wouldn’t fix. What wouldn’t be as easy to erase was the memory of what I’d let him to do me. Illicit fantasies were one thing, actually being knotted was another. And cuddling was definitely a step too far.

  I tried to surreptitiously ease myself out from under him, but it didn’t work. He was awake in a heartbeat, his arm locking around my waist to pull me back down on the bed.

  “Where are you going?”

  “I have a room in town.”

  “They won’t want you bangi
ng around at this time of night.” He tucked me in tighter against him. I tried, politely, to pry myself free. I wasn’t looking to make a scene. I just wanted to leave.

  “I’ll sleep in the woods then.”

  “Why?” He yawned, his hold on me loosening as he gave himself over to it. “There’s a perfectly good bed right here. Is sleeping with me too threatening to your alphahood?”

  That was close enough to the truth to not be funny. “Look, you had your fun—”

  “I thought you were having fun too.”

  The reminder was galling. We both knew what’d happened—who’d had the advantage and who’d given it up. I wasn’t sticking around to have it rubbed in my face.

  “If you had any decency, you’d leave it alone and let me go.”

  He’d already released me, but those eyes of his—silver-blue like icicles in the moonlight—were like hooks. They’d had me from the start.

  “That’s it?” he asked, sounding like I was the one doling out the pain. “Fuck and run?”

  “What did you think would happen? I’m an alpha, Tarek.” I called him Tarek to gall him, but he didn’t try to correct me. If he had, I might’ve challenged him right then and there.

  “I know you’re an alpha, Donovan. I’ve known it since I met you, and I certainly wasn’t doubting it last night. That was no omega I fucked.”

  “I asked you not to refer to it.” I jumped up from the bed, not sure why I was even still on it. I scanned the dark corners of the room for my jeans and found them in a wadded-up ball. When I went to step into them, a trickle of come ran down my right leg. Tarek’s eyes flashed hot, and something in me sparked in response, but I shook it off.

  Come gushing down your leg. That was what happened when you let an alpha fuck you. Humans often insisted on condoms despite the fact that our species didn’t share any diseases, but even humans who fucked without condoms didn’t have the volume of come a knotting alpha had.

  I’d been ridden hard and put up wet, and a weak part of me wanted to crawl back into bed and let Tarek tend to me. I wondered how long we’d been tied. I wished I hadn’t slept through it since I wouldn’t get the chance again. But no, it was just as well. Why have one more memory to torture myself with? The enforced proximity probably would’ve been awkward anyway. Embarrassing and awful. Painful maybe.

  “So that’s no to a second date, I guess,” Tarek said as I patted my pockets, making sure I had everything I’d come with.

  “It wasn’t a date.”

  “Oh, but it was.” He rolled onto his back and folded his arms behind his head, just to torment me with the long, relaxed line of his body. “I made you say so, remember?”

  “I asked you not to—”

  “Refer to it. Right.” He scowled—more of a pout than a command, but somehow just as attractive. Stretched out like he was, all naked grace, his satisfied cock plump and pretty against one thigh and his abs tucked up under his ribs, he was pure lupine beauty, and that stupid sentimental spot in my chest didn’t like to see him sad.

  “Well, go then.” He waved a hand at me. “I can’t make you stay if you don’t want to.”

  “I thought you were all about making me do things.”

  His expression perked up. “Is that what you want? For me to order you to stay?”

  For a moment, I did. But I didn’t. Couldn’t was maybe the better word.

  “Then I won’t,” he said with resignation, reading the answer on my face. “But you know where to find me.”

  “Donovan,” he called before I could get through the door. “For what it’s worth, thank you. That was a treat. And I would wish you luck, except I disagree with your mission, so I’ll only wish that you think better of it. Of all of it.”

  I wasn’t entirely sure what he meant with those emphasized words, but I understood the invitation in them. He was leaving the door open in case I changed my mind. And that didn’t help at all.

  Chapter 7

  As it happened, I didn’t sleep at either the B&B or out in the woods. I didn’t sleep anywhere. I wandered the town, which was mostly quiet, mostly dark. In the district where Tarek had brought me for dinner, some establishments were still open, but none of them had the aura of an omega bar, not that I wanted such a thing. I was tempted to go in for a drink but knew the relief would be only too temporary.

  I left the bright lights to wander east, avoiding the neighborhood where Tarek lived and ending up in one where the buildings were larger. Apartments of some sort. I could smell the mingled scents of multiple families. Behind the apartments lay the omega hostel, the biggest building in North Leland aside from the palace. Here the scent was pure omega, overwhelmingly sweet and sexual. I marveled at the alphas who managed to live within easy smelling distance of it. They couldn’t all be as immune to omega pheromones as I was.

  I returned to the market square to watch the moon set over the white stone of the palace, then headed for my B&B as the first rays of the sun turned the light rosy. My landlady gave me a suspicious glance as I stumbled, exhausted and destroyed, to my room. I could only imagine what I smelled like. Four hours of fresh air probably wasn’t enough to temper the scent of Tarek’s seed.

  I tumbled into bed without a shower, not wanting to wash it away. I’d lived my fantasy—as crushing as it had been fulfilling—and this was what remained: a scattering of milky white flakes trailing down my right leg and a reminiscent ache. I slept as if the evening hadn’t been a mistake and woke up determined to finish off this job so I could get out of Northern Pack territory.

  My landlady had coffee and eggs waiting for me, friendlier now than she’d been at buttcrack o’clock. She didn’t own anything like a clock, but the height of the sun told me the Immigration Office would be opening soon, so I put on my comfortable jeans and made my over there.

  Carmen was already inside when I got there, looking exactly like her picture with waist length hair in a bright shade of red and a pert nose beneath two delicately arched eyebrows. She was dressed in a concoction of an outfit—part rock star, part housewife, with thigh-high boots, a prim flowered blouse with a lace collar, and nothing else. She leaned against one end of the counter, hanging halfway over it to talk to Macy.

  At the other end of the counter stood another Southern Pack wolf, a male dressed in clothes that would’ve passed in any human city. He shared enough bone structure with Carmen that it was easy to guess this was her brother Gage, though there was something off about his smell. Before I’d so much as said good morning, Ryker charged out of his office, his chest puffed up with aggression.

  “Alpha Ryker.” I greeted him first in the hopes that he’d stand down. “And you must be Carmen’s brother,” I said turning to the man Ryker was trying to shove behind him for some reason. “Your parents will be happy to hear Carmen wasn’t completely unprotected here, though a beta is no substi—”

  Ryker growled, the ferocity of it interrupting my train of thought. Gage must be Ryker’s mate then. Fine. But I hadn’t been threatening him.

  Carmen flipped her hair over her shoulder. “What Ryker is trying to say, except he’s forgotten how words work, is that Gage is an omega. My brother, Omega Gage.”

  Not what I’d have guessed, but… “Okaaay.”

  Ryker growled again. The air in the small room grew heavy because I couldn’t help responding to his aggressive pheromones with a flood of my own. My inner alpha hated backing down, but this wasn’t the battle I’d come here to fight. If Carmen’s father knew he had a second omega child running around Northern Pack territory, he wasn’t concerned about it, maybe because Gage had an alpha. A really, really protective alpha. Whatever Gage was, he wasn’t my problem.

  “I’m just here for Carmen,” I said, holding out my hands in a placating way. “I’m relieved she’s had friends and family here to protect her, but her father would still like her to come home. You said I could talk to her.”

  “You’re talking to her,” Macy said. “She’s standing right the


  “So you can use your alpha influence on her?”

  “I won’t.” I’d told Tarek I wouldn’t, so I wouldn’t. No voice, no pheromones. Just pure logic. She’d be better off under the care and protection of an alpha, which I would make her see with cool, nonsexual reasoning.

  “I’m not afraid to talk to him.” Carmen tossed her head again. A cloud of persimmon came off her, adding a musky tone to the sweet scent of omega. “Come on, we can borrow Ryker’s office.”

  “Carmen,” Macy said, almost growling herself.

  “Don’t get all bothered.” Carmen waved a dismissive hand at Macy and stalked over to Ryker’s office on those ridiculous boots. “Coming?”

  I jumped to follow, amused by the way an omega had just ordered us all around—preempting Ryker’s office, ignoring Macy’s warning. Even telling me what to do, though it was what I wanted to do anyway. Carmen took the seat behind Ryker’s desk, leaving me with the tiny wood chair perched in front of it. I balanced my bulk on it, the hard seat too small and thoroughly uncomfortable. Meanwhile, she twirled around like a ballerina doing a chair dance before propping the stacked heels of her boots up on the desk.

  “Well,” she prompted.

  I shook off the feeling that she’d gained the upper hand. She was a runaway omega. I’d handled dozens of them in the time I’d been working as a bounty hunter.

  “Your father sent me to escort you home.”

  “I escorted myself here just fine. Well, technically I got myself to human territory and Ryker and Gage brought me the rest of the way, but human territory is even wilder than wolf territory, don’t you think? The way some of those men looked at me.”

  “Were you dressed like that?”

  “Should it matter?” She fixed me with an expression she tried to pretend was innocent.

  “Let’s just say it’s a miracle you made it here safely, and as glad as I am that you have certain resources here—”


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