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You Will Obey (Rules of Bennett Book 4)

Page 3

by Ember Michaels

  “Love can come from the most unusual places. She’ll learn to,” I finally said, keeping my face blank of emotions.

  “And what happens if she doesn’t? Then what?” she countered.

  I shrugged out of her grip. “Then I’ll deal with that when the time comes. Now if you’ll excuse me, I have to go find my wife.”

  I left her standing there shaking her head at me. It didn’t matter what she thought; what was done was done now. Aurora was understandably angry now, but it would change over time. I didn’t know what would happen between Aurora and me, but we had all the time in the world to figure all that out.

  By the time I reached my office, she was pacing back and forth in front of the door. She glared at me when I approached but didn’t say anything to me. I unlocked the door and opened it, allowing her to walk in ahead of me. Turning on the light, I moved over to my safe, pulling out the papers she signed earlier in the week and tossed them onto the desk.

  “Take a look,” I said.

  She crossed the room and snatched the packet off the desk, quickly flipping through them. I put my hands in my pockets and waited, watching her as her eyes quickly scanned over each page. A grin pulled at my lips when she stopped flipping, her face growing pale. She looked up at me and back to the document before her.

  “Nyxin is an officiant,” she mumbled, tossing the document on the desk in frustration. “Fucking hell. I didn’t agree to marrying you, Bennett.”

  “Your signature on that marriage license and you taking your ring tonight says that you did,” I reminded her. “I told you to read it and you decided not to. If you want to be upset with anyone, be mad at yourself. I told you not to think with your emotions and look where did those emotions get you? Married.”

  “You’re fucking ridiculous,” she snapped, running her hands through her hair.

  “So, I’m told,” I mused, securing the documents back in the safe.

  She marched over to me, jabbing her pointed finger into my chest. “Let’s get one thing clear. I don’t care if we’re married; I will never love someone like you. Mark my fucking words.”

  “Feel what you’d like, Princess. It doesn’t change your reality,” I said, moving closer to her until we were chest to chest. “Besides, hate makes the sex better.”

  Something dangerous flickered in her gaze as she stared at me. She turned on her heels and stormed out of my office without another word. I let out a deep sighed and followed her back out. Brittany’s words echoed in my mind. Marrying her won’t make her love you.

  If this interaction was any indication of her feelings about me, it told me I had a long road ahead of me if I wanted to convince her to feel otherwise.

  Aurora avoided me for the rest of the night before finally disappearing completely. I pulled out my phone to track her chip, only to see that she was still inside the house. The party slowly tapered off, everyone either drunk or tired. It was a little after one in the morning, and I was beyond ready to turn in for the night. I signaled to Bruce to let him know I was wrapping up and when he nodded, I took the stairs two at a time and headed to my bedroom.

  The shower turned off as soon as I walked in and closed the bedroom door. I shrugged out of my suit jacket and pulled off my shoes, rolling my shoulders at the fight I knew was about to happen as soon as she noticed I was in the bedroom. She walked in the bedroom wrapped in a towel, her expression hardening when her eyes fell on me.

  “Still angry, Mrs. Moreno?” I teased as I loosened my tie.

  “Don’t call me that,” she ground out.

  I raised an eyebrow at her. “Why? That’s your married name, is it not?” I asked.

  “That’s not what we agreed to and you know it,” she said.

  I released a deep sigh and rolled my shoulders again, tossing my tie on the bed. “I feel like we’re going around in circles and this shit is getting boring. I’ve told you three or four times now that you were warned. You should’ve read the paperwork. Had you read it, tonight’s news wouldn’t have been a surprise.”

  “You could’ve verbally said it to me, you asshole,” she snapped. “It really wouldn’t have been that hard to tell me that by signing, I’d be agreeing to marriage.”

  I smiled. “What fun would that be?” I asked.

  “You’re a real piece of work, you know that?”

  “I’ve heard that a time or two,” I said with a nod. Her hand tightened around her towel as she continued glaring at me. “What, you wanna fight me about it?”

  She scoffed. “Don’t be fucking idiotic. The last time I tried to fight you, you nearly killed me,” she spat.

  “Lucky for you, your status of queen changes some things,” I said, weighing my words carefully. While it was true that I couldn’t bring harm to a woman I’d deemed to be queen, telling Aurora that could cause a whole new shitstorm of problems. It took everything in my arsenal to get her to the slightly obedient state that she was currently in; I wasn’t sure how my next words would change her.

  The anger and malice in her expression slowly melted away as her brows scrunched in confusion.

  “Changes things how?” she asked.

  “I can’t bring harm to someone crowned as queen,” I said. “Besides, you’re my wife; that makes you equal to me, not my pet.”

  She frowned and folded her arms across her chest. “I hope you know that doesn’t make this bullshit arrangement any better,” she stated, her tone flat.

  “I know you’re angry. Go ahead and let it out, dark princess,” I said and smiled. “And then when you’re done being angry, I can fuck my wife.”

  “Stop calling me that!” she all but screamed, her earlier anger returning. Her face slowly turned red as her anger built, malice and something dark lingering in her gaze. And holy fuck, it made me hard as hell.

  “What’s wrong?” I taunted, walking toward her. “What are you more upset about? The actual fact that we’re married or the fact that I’m the one that’s your husband and not your weak ex?”

  “Don’t you dare talk about him,” she growled.

  “Or what?” I challenged.

  She closed the distance between us in a flash, slapping me across the face. I caught her wrist just as she was about to strike me again, pinning her arm behind her back. I wrapped my other arm around her pulling her closer to me as she struggled in my grasp.

  “It would be so much easier if you accept that we’re married, but I’m always ready for a challenge if you decide to fight me the whole way,” I murmured in her ear before kissing her cheek. She pushed me away from her.

  “Fuck you,” she stated.

  “Give me what you got then, dark princess,” I said, smiling at her. Aside from being emotional, she was highly predictable. Angry tears rimmed her eyes, giving me a glimpse of her vulnerable self that was still inside of her. Despite her anger, there was a sense of helplessness that she probably couldn’t shake. I’d bet money that the helplessness was what she was more upset about. I blocked her hits and dodged any kick she threw before swiping my leg out and sweeping her feet from under her. The more she missed, the more frustrated she became.

  “I don’t care what any paper says; I’m not your fucking wife,” she panted.

  “My records say you are,” I taunted. She punched me in the stomach before bringing her knee toward my groin. I caught her leg, lifting her and tossing her onto the bed. Her towel loosened, exposing her naked body to me. I couldn’t help but grin. “Look at that, already naked for me.”

  “In your fucking dreams, you psycho,” she hissed, scrambling to get off the bed.

  I stood back, cracking my neck as she fixed her towel and scurried over to the vanity. She grabbed her hairbrush and threw it at me, the solid plastic hitting me in the chest. I was getting bored with this game. My dick practically ached in my slacks and the harder she fought, the more I was turned on. When I continued to walk closer to her, fear slowly replaced her anger. She leaned back against the vanity in an effort to get away from
me, practically sitting on top of it by the time I was in front of her.

  She gasped when I grabbed her by the throat. “Aurora, Aurora, Aurora,” I tsked. Her pulse raced under my touch, her wide eyes trained on me. “When will you learn that you belong to me no matter what?”

  “Let me go,” she wheezed, prying at my fingers around her throat. I wasn’t even squeezing hard, just hard enough to keep her in place.

  I reached between her legs, finding her clit. She whimpered and bit her lip, still trying to take my hand from her throat. “I told you in order to get what you want, you’d have to obey. This is the bed you made; fighting me won’t make a difference.”

  She squirmed in my grip, my breath quickening as my fingers circled faster around her clit. Her fists pummeled my chest, but they were weaker than they’d been earlier. Her pants slowly turned into whimpers and suppressed moans as she still fought against me, determined to not look weak before me.

  It was a battle she was quickly losing.

  The mirror behind her broke when she drove her elbow back, the bedroom door flying open.

  “Ow! Fuck!” she shrieked. I looked over my shoulder to see Bruce in the doorway, gun drawn and eyes wide. I raised an eyebrow and frowned.

  “Can I help you with something?” I asked.

  He assessed the situation, lowering his gun. “I thought something was wrong,” he said breathlessly.

  “Nope. Just engaging in a little violent foreplay before I fuck my wife,” I said, grinning when the mention of “wife” caused Aurora to fight against me again. “That okay with you?”

  “Sorry for the intrusion,” he mumbled and walked back out closing the door.

  Aurora slapped me hard across the face, the shock of it causing me to let her go. Her eyes widened with fear when I froze, staring at her. Her gaze watched my every move, her chest rising and falling quickly. She flinched when I moved closer, gasping when I grabbed her throat.

  “Please,” she whispered, tears rimming her eyes. I frowned. The fear coming off of her was the complete opposite of what she’d been. She thought I was going to hurt her. This woman was the queen of my empire, my wife, and I could only be mad at myself that she’d been conditioned to fear me. I’d made her this way and now I had to figure out how the fuck I would fix this.

  I brought my lips to hers and kissed her, feeling her pulse race faster. Though hesitant at first, she finally kissed me back, the tension in her body slowly ebbing away. She moaned against my lips when I squeezed her throat, my dick practically throbbing.

  “I fucking hate you,” she murmured between kisses.

  I chuckled as I picked her up off the vanity and carried her over to the bed. “I know you do, baby,” I said, dropping her down onto the bed.

  Her towel fell loose again, and I grabbed it before she could grip it, snatching it completely off her body. She glared at me, her earlier anger slowly returning now that she realized I wasn’t a threat to her right now.

  “Still angry?” I teased as I grabbed her ankle.

  “I’ll never not be angry,” she fired back, shrieking in shock when I yanked her to the edge of the bed.

  “Luckily, anger doesn’t bother me,” I murmured as I sank to my knees before her.

  “No,” she stated firmly, trying to close her legs. I only grinned in response, prying her legs open. Her body tensed the moment my tongue touched her. “No…I don’t want…fuck.”

  I ignored her words, squeezing her thighs as I ran my tongue up and down her already wet slit. Though her mouth wanted me to stop, her body urged me to keep going. Her hands gripped my hair, pulling it so hard that I thought she’d rip my hair from my scalp. She rolled her hips against my mouth for more friction, her protests soon melting into moans and purrs. She turned into putty before me, pleasure snaking its way into her body until she finally had no more fight left in her.

  “Fuck, right there,” she moaned, her back bowing. I slipped two fingers inside of her, her walls greedily gripping them. My cock was painfully hard, but I knew I needed to be patient. Starting tonight, I needed to steer Aurora into a new direction. When Aurora got what she wanted and my father was dead, I didn’t know what would happen to us. I wanted her to stay because she wanted to, not because she thought she was forced to. I didn’t want to be in a relationship with someone who was only here because she didn’t have a choice. My mother had done that, only staying with my father because she felt she had no choice. In the end, it cost her own life as well as my baby sister’s. Granted that I wouldn’t kill Aurora for not being in love with me, I definitely didn’t want to hold her hostage. If I were being honest, I wanted her to love me. I wanted to eventually love her. With everything she and I had already gone through, it would be a long, rocky road to any kind of happily ever after for us.

  If there was one to be had after everything I’d done to her.

  Her moans pulled me out of my own thoughts. Just take it a day at a time, I thought to myself and focused on the task at hand. Keeping my tongue and fingers moving, I reached down with my free hand to undo my belt. Her moans turned into pants as her back arched some more, her core tightening around my fingers. I unbuttoned my slacks and maneuvered them down to my knees as best as I could with one hand, doing the same with my boxers.

  “I’m so close, Bennett,” she moaned, her hips moving quicker. Not even ten seconds later, she exploded, her moans filling the room. Her pussy fluttered around my fingers, her juices dripping into my palm. She moaned incoherent words as her body shook. I slowly backed away from her when her hand fell from my hair.

  Rising to my feet, I sucked her essence from my fingers, looking down at her. Her skin was flushed, her eyes closed as she panted. As I looked at her, I made a vow to myself to make this woman mine completely. I didn’t want to just own her mind, body, and soul. The thing I wanted most was her heart, and I wouldn’t stop until I got it.

  She slowly looked up at me and frowned. “Why are you looking at me like that?” she asked.

  I smirked. “Is it illegal to look at you now?” I asked.

  “I guess not,” she mumbled.

  I kicked off my pants and boxers, joining her on the bed. She reached up and undid the buttons of my dress shirt, sliding it off my shoulders as we kissed. She hummed in appreciation as she tasted herself on my lips. I growled when the head of my cock pressed against her wetness. As I looked down at her, Stephanie’s smiling face filled my mind. My chest ached at the fact that she wasn’t here anymore; it didn’t make it any easier to have her sister here now.

  Aurora looked up at me expectantly, grabbing my cock and stroking it in her hands. “Just because we’re doing this, it doesn’t make me hate you less,” she said, her eyes sparkling with lust.

  “When will you learn that I don’t give a fuck?” I asked, kissing her hard. She groaned when I pushed into her, her walls gripping me tight. Her nails scratched at my back as I pumped into her, trying to push out the negative thoughts swirling around in my mind. She’ll never be Stephanie. She’ll never love you. She’ll never fall in love with a monster. She’ll only leave you with a broken heart.

  “Yes….yes,” she moaned, holding me close to her. My strokes were hard and fast, pounding all the negative energy out of my mind and into her.

  “You’re mine,” I growled. “You’re mine to worship, mine to fuck, and mine to own. We clear?”

  “I fucking hate you,” she moaned, pleasure taking over her.

  “That doesn’t change the fact that you’re mine forever, gorgeous,” I reminded her.

  I sat up and put her legs on my shoulders, folding her in half. She screamed in ecstasy as I pumped into her, repeating my name over and over until it her orgasm took over. I growled as her walls squeezed my cock, squeezing her thighs to brace myself. I stilled until her body stopped shaking and blew out a breath.

  I took her hands and put them over her head, holding them in one hand and grabbing her throat with the other. Her core tightened around me when I sque
ezed her throat lightly, a strained moan leaving her lips.

  “That’s it, gorgeous,” I groaned. “Keep squeezing my cock.”

  “Harder,” she moaned. “Fuck me harder.”

  She definitely didn’t have to tell me twice.

  I held her gaze as I fucked her, but the longer I looked at her, the more she started to look like Steph. I ground my teeth, trying hard to concentrate, but the image wouldn’t go away. The only thing that kept me from completely losing my mind was that her voice never sounded like Stephanie’s. Her voice was a guide that kept me grounded to the present when my mind couldn’t distinguish what was real and what was a part of my longing imagination.

  “Oh fuck, I’m going to come again,” she gasped.

  “Not yet,” I panted, stroking her quicker.

  “Oh fuck, oh fuck, oh fuck,” she chanted.

  “Almost,” I groaned.

  “Bennett, please,” she begged, thrusting her hips with mine.

  “Fuck,” I hissed. “Now, Aurora. Come for me.”

  She came apart beneath me, taking me over the edge with her. Her pussy milked my cock and I spilled inside of her, threads of cum painting her fluttering walls.

  I released her hands and throat, hovering over her. She looked at me, multiple emotions flickering through her gaze. I leaned down and kissed her, resting my forehead against hers.

  “I still hate you,” she murmured.

  I smiled. “Good. We’ll just have hate sex until you don't.”

  Her eyes looked sad, and I wanted to take that sadness away more than anything. But I knew it would take time to change things. A marriage wasn't a golden ticket that erased everything I'd done to her. I'd admit I'd done some pretty unforgivable shit; in her eyes, I was the man who destroyed her life. Even beyond killing her parents, her fiancé, and raping her best friend in front of her, I broke her down over and over. My actions and brutality against her probably planted in her mind that I didn't care, and maybe I didn't. At least not then. But I wanted to. I just wasn't sure how to anymore, a part of me still hesitant to get too close in fear that I'd lose her the way I lost Stephanie.


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