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VLAD (Noir MC Book 2)

Page 8

by Celia Crown

  Mavis doesn’t know how much time has passed since they began their ridiculous snow adventure around the bar, but she knows Vlad has eyes on her.

  Keeping her safe at a distance, allowing her to feel that she can have fun while having silent protection.

  She feels Vlad’s big hands hauling her out of a pile of snow, her eyes flying up to his in question. Her wet cheeks stick to the leather of his jacket, she notices a difference in the way he holds her.

  Tense and guarding.

  Mavis gazes up at him, ready to ask him what is wrong when the corner of her eyes catches movement. She sees her sister being shielded by Kane’s imposing body, his eyes narrowing over Vlad’s head as he stands tall.

  “Miss Mavis.”

  The voice is familiar, but she can’t put her finger on the face. More importantly, why did it have an underlying tone of affection that has her mind raising so many red flags?

  She turns her head back and comes to see the man whose infatuation with her brought him to Nevada.


  The same Richard that is one of her boss’ investors, the same Richard from the awful fundraiser where she had the unfortunate chance of seeing someone serenading a vase of flowers.

  What does she call him? She doesn’t remember his last name and calling him Richard sounds too familiar when they only briefly met.

  “Hello?” she meekly greets.

  Vlad steps in front of her, his large body setting a firm wall between her and the man walking up to them.

  “May I speak to you?” Richard chooses to ignore Vlad as Mavis peeks from behind his arm.

  He has some cojones for looking past a man as intimidating as Vlad.

  At the moment, he isn’t the sweet and gentle Vlad, he’s the protective and violent Noir president.

  His words are clipped, “Who the hell are you?”

  It strikes fear in her stomach at the frosty cold tone; she doesn’t fear for herself, but for Richard as the man continues to brush Vlad to the side.

  The right decision is to deescalate the tension around them before Vlad breaks Richard’s ribs and give him internal bleeding, which will most likely put him in prison and Laura wouldn’t appreciate defending a client for a case that’s avoidable.

  “Vlad,” she whispers, eyes feasting on his striking profile.

  He’s too handsome, but now’s not the time to admire him.

  “It’s okay, he’s one of my boss’ investors.” Mavis rubs her palm over his rigid back muscles.

  Also, not the time to cop a feel.

  She moves from behind him and gains his attention with his dark eyes softening when he looks at her. A reassuring smile playing on her lips as she takes his warm hand, she leans on her toes as he follows with a tip of his head to meet with a kiss.

  Mavis breaks away first as he chases subtly.

  She gestures Richard for privacy as she thought he wants to discuss some business problem or deals, though her boss is a better choice.

  They stay within full view where Vlad can step in if Richard tries anything, Honey and Kane stay where they are with him still standing defensively in front of her.

  “Is there something wrong?” she asks when they walk far enough so others can’t hear.

  Richard gives her an uneasy feeling as a wrinkle presents itself on his forehead.

  “Who is that man?”

  Mavis takes a small step back, her body drawing up warily.

  “That’s none of your business.”

  He snaps, eyes turning angry and hostile. “You can’t be with him, he’s not good for you.”

  Her tongue sits in her mouth thickly, arms crossing over her chest and lips twisting unpleasantly.

  “This is unprofessional. He is a personal matter, you have nothing to do with Vlad and me.”

  “It does,” he sneers, nostrils flaring. “You will leave him and return to Miami with me.”


  He’s a completely different person; she knows him as the man who likes her from afar, but he’s an infuriated and ludicrous ticking bomb.

  “I know people who can shut down your mother’s bar.”

  A threat that has her heart stopping and mind blanking for a solid minute while his face screws in smug triumph.

  “Leave mom out of this.” boiling hot anger flashes white in her vision, Mavis balls her fists.

  Her nails pierce her palm, the biting pain doesn’t hold a candle to the fury coursing through her blood.

  “I will give you three days to say goodbye to him. Then, you will announce our relationship.”

  Agape, she stares at him in disbelief. “There’s no relationship!”

  “There will be.” Richard simply states as if he’s reciting a grocery list. “You will tell him you love me and that we will be married soon.”

  Mavis can’t think of a way to express her muddled confusion into words that are cohesive to understand because she doesn’t even understand the whole insane situation.

  “What’s wrong with you!” she hisses between her teeth.

  His brown eyes make her skin crawl, “When we return to Miami, you will be moving in with me. To my mansion, of course. You deserve the best, you deserve me.”

  What the hell.

  The level of absurdity is so baffling.

  This is, maybe, the fourth time she talked to him. Most of the business meetings and business deals go through Jennifer and her team of lawyers, she rarely sees the man.

  Where’s this delusion coming from?

  “No.” Mavis snaps, absolutely mortified and enraged. “You need to leave now.”

  Who does this lunatic think he is?

  If he thinks threatening mom’s hard work would persuade her that whatever fantasy coped up in his mind is the right thing, then he is sorely mistaken.

  “Just remember,” he sneers with a laugh of mockery, “Your mother’s bar will be in good hands.”

  Mavis swallows her anger that sizzles down her throat and doesn’t spare him another glance as she fixes her face into a neutral expression.

  She doesn’t want to give him any more ammunition if Vlad was to see her upset and buries Richard under six-foot concrete.

  Her heart constricts in anxiety from their conversation, which wasn’t one because only he’s talking nonsense while she’s perplexed the whole time.

  Richard made her unnecessarily stressed.

  What a dick.

  She turns around and walks away, leaving the man looking victorious over something that hadn’t and will not happen.

  Vlad is already halfway crossing the distance between them, eyebrows pinched together and setting a deadly glare to Richard.

  Honey and Kane stay back with him gathering her sister to his chest as she wants to run to Mavis.

  They know something is wrong through her body language, her reassuring smile doesn’t fool them at all.

  “I will see you soon, Mavis.”

  Richard says her name with so much smugness and tenderness that makes her sick. His hand on her shoulder as a sign of dominance over her leaves her body freezing and anxiety shooting into the sky.

  She’s going to throw up.

  Her face contorts into a mask of restlessness and disgust as her lips crumble into a grimace.

  Throat constricting at the stilled hand, she glances at Vlad for help. The muscles in her shoulders are tense, neck hurting with shaky hands. Blood thumping loudly in her ears as she looks at Vlad’s furious face.

  She doesn’t look back at Richard, she doesn’t make a move to remove his hand, and she doesn’t breathe.

  Mavis doesn’t want him touching her.

  Pins and needles stabbing beneath her skin, phantom stinging littering her whole body.

  Her visions blackening in the corner of her eyes, a wash of ashen paleness taking over the healthiness of her features.

  A familiarly comfortable hand rests on the back of her neck, thumb stroking the patch of tight muscle. Her body falls into Vlad’s
arm as her face buries into his chest, lungs shuddering to compensate for the lack of air.

  Ears buzzing with high-pitched rings that clouds her eyes with tunnel vision, the leather fabric under her hand brings her mind back to several places simultaneously.

  Toes digging into her shoes, heart slamming against her ribcage, and the dark scent that only belongs to Vlad.

  “Vlad.” she shudders, voice quivering with her body.

  His cold voice booms over her head as it not only grounds her but comforts her too.

  “Touch her again and I will fucking kill you.”

  He rubs soothing circles on her back, she swallows with scratchy dryness.

  She can’t see Richard, and she doesn’t want to either as she hears crunching sound behind her to indicate the offending man is taking his leave.

  Honey throws herself at the black-haired woman and wraps her arms around her waist, pushing her body to any part she can touch with Vlad’s arm in the way.

  “Are you okay?” Honey mumbles into her neck, worry lacing thick in her voice. “What did he say?”

  Mavis twists her body, closing her own arms around the girl and snuggle into her embrace.

  “It’s okay. I’m fine.”

  Honey pulls back, sticking her face in front of Mavis and frowns. With her mouth open and a syllable away from one word, Vlad steps in.

  Grasping her shaking shoulders, stabilizing her frenzied thoughts. He provides silent support and solace with a promise that they would talk through a squeeze that’s a fraction tighter.

  “Kane, take her home.”

  “Wait, no!”

  Honey protests to deaf ears as the stoic man subdues the blonde-haired woman’s voice with words that don’t make it to Mavis’ ears.

  Mavis sinks into the warmth of his chest, eyes glazing over at the clumps of snow.

  “Come.” Vlad secures their fingers together, leading the dazed girl to the bar.

  He opens the door without another word, heating her stiff body with the change of temperature.

  The stairs under her feet feel painful as he guides her up to the second floor, wet clothes sticking to her skin and soaked hair lays flat on her skull.

  He steers her to the bathroom, looking back at her with every couple of steps. Vlad shuts the door quietly behind her as she stands motionlessly, her mind drawing a blank that accompanies the slow and limited limb functions.

  “He hurt you,” Vlad hisses, anger exuding through his dark voice.

  Mentally and emotionally, she agrees.

  It’s better not to escalate a hostile and fresh situation.

  “He didn’t hurt me.” Mavis shakes her head, heavy eyelids drooping tiredly.

  “Do not lie to me, little girl.”

  She swallows thickly, eyes casting to the side. “I’m sorry, daddy.”

  “You need to warm up, then we’ll talk.”

  She makes a distressed noise and shakes her head again, “I don’t want to talk about it.”

  Vlad strips the red coat off her shoulders, a wet plop hitting the floor grossly. He places his warm palm on her cold cheek, stroking his thumb under her reddening eyes.

  Mavis begs him, vulnerable eyes and upset tone.


  He doesn’t push her any further.

  Chapter Thirteen


  He honors his promise not to ask her about the Richard incident.

  Mavis told him how she barely knows him and that he makes her uncomfortable. That makes the animal in him dig its nail into his control, clawing its way out to snap that man’s neck as his protective instinct flares.

  He allows her to soak in the hot bath, massaging the tense muscles as his cock lays hard between them.

  It’s nothing she hadn’t seen and felt, but her innocently flushed cheeks makes him glower and devoured her lips in a consuming kiss.

  Her round tits peaks from the soapy water as her ass wiggles for a more comfortable sitting position, teasingly rubbing against his straining cock.

  He’s hot against her skin as she fidgets, bringing a rumble from his chest.

  Mavis wants a distraction when she turns around, facing him with her hands on his thighs. Blue eyes blinking with water droplets falling onto the water, creating tiny ripples. Her nipples begging for attention through perking up at the cold air, she steals a glance down between them and her cheeks colors with shyness.

  “Can I touch, daddy?”

  How can he say no when she asks so prettily; big eyes searching for permission and restless fingers thrumming on his thighs as her tits sway with each squirm.

  “Go ahead.” he nods, leaning back on the tub.

  Soft and inexperienced hand closing around his girth, struggling to wrap her fingers around him but couldn’t. He groans, head tipping back.

  It’s completely different from his own hands, her unskilled touches make it up with profound curiosity that has her taking different twists to make cum dribbling out the head.

  She plays with his shaft, tracing the throbbing vein on the underside of his cock and presses her finger to the slit at the cockhead, his balls draw up tight in preparation to shoot cum on her tits.

  He pictures his cum coating her and marking his obsession on her skin while she gives him a thank you kiss on his cock, he claws at the bathtub rim with splintering willpower.

  He’s too dark for his little girl, but damn does he want to.

  The water rippling around them, the tip of his cock stands tall above the water as her palm uses the moisture to stroke him quicker.

  “Tighter, little girl.” Vlad wraps his hand around hers, showing exactly how he likes it.

  A tad tighter and quicker than her own experimental pace, but she listens intensively and watches just as closely as he instructs her.

  He doesn’t cum this quickly, but Mavis brings out the desperation in him that has him gasping for air as his tauten muscles locking in place.

  “Stop.” he has enough brain power to take her hand off him even he told her to stop, her hand has a different agenda as she didn’t listen to him.

  Insatiable little girl.

  His self-restraint is weak when it comes to her, and he wrecks his brain for anything to will his need to not paint her tits white.

  “Was I bad?”

  Vlad opens his eyes, her black hair framing her delicate face with furrowed brows and worry clouding her eyes.

  “No, you did great.” he leans in for a kiss that she meets halfway.

  “Then why did you stop me.” she huffs, unhappy and naughty fingers wiggling in his grasp.

  He hauls her up by the waist as he rises, standing in the dirty soap water. Thick fingers tapping her engorged clit, slipping further down to her slits to find slick juices coating her.

  Her thighs twitch and her hands gripping his thick forearms.

  “When I come, it will always be in your pussy.” Vlad reminds, pushing a finger in to feel the tight walls constricting around the single digit.

  His little girl needs to be stretched; no matter how many times he has taken her, she’s always virgin tight.

  With a second finger in her, she squirms in his arms and moaning his name with her pretty lips.

  His rough thumb swiveling her small clit in tight circles that makes her hips buck with sticky juices soaking his fingers.

  “Oh, oh!” he curls his fingers, scraping the spot that brings her a new level of pleasure.

  “Daddy.” Mavis whines, lips trembling in need for a kiss.

  A whimpering protest falls to his ears as he takes his soaked fingers out, looping his tongue around it to taste her sweetness. Her blue eyes feasts on his mouth like a thirsty girl she is and kisses him with his hand pulling her wet hair.

  “Turn around, hands on the wall.” he murmurs against her lips, forcing her to taste herself on his tongue.

  She obeys with arms laying on the tile and round ass presenting to him like a gift. He kneads the meaty flesh and spreads the
m to open her pussy for his eyes.

  It’s a wonder how her small sodden cunt can take his thick shaft in and still want more.

  She shyly ducks her face into her arms.

  Ideally, he’d kneel and worship her soaking cunt until she’s sobbing and writhing for his cock to stretch her tightness.

  He can do that at another time, but for now, his little girl needs him to help her forget that fucking bastard.

  He will get to the bottom of it, Mavis is his to protect and he intends to follow through with that.

  Mavis rubs her ass on his throbbing cock with an unstable whine, “Daddy, please. I need you.”

  His hand pushes down his cock as he’s much taller than her and aligning the tip to her puckering hole. He slips a fraction of an inch in and backs out with a trail of dirty sticky juices stretching between them.

  It’s fucking filthy.

  A hand on her hips and the other guiding his cock to her twitching hole, he surges forward. Her voice bouncing off the walls, body shaking in overstimulation as she accommodates his thick girth.

  She would have slipped from her shaky and weak knees if his hands didn’t hold her up, a hiccup tumbles out of her lips as her hot cunt pulse and shaping to his cock.

  She’s so tight, Vlad keeps still with great restraint as her hips push back. His eyes clenching shut at the impossibly tight fit as his greedy little girl sinks down to take him to the root.


  She slurs, burying her face further into her arms. “Yeah, it’s good, daddy.”

  Her blurry eyes blink and meet his dark eyes with a tilt of her head.

  “I can take more,” she said with a lewd twirl of her hips.

  “That’s my girl.” Vlad smirks, drawing back and sinking in.

  He gives her no mercy as he rams into her stretched pussy with quick thrusts that have her voice breaking from pleasure.

  Moans hushed by her arms, shuddering body taking every ridge of his girthy cock with filthy squelches that’s absolutely scandalous.

  He loves it.

  His view of her is beautiful; the sensual curve of her delicate spine and a trail of water leaving her hair to take the path on her back, bouncing ass slapping his pelvis, and the obscene view of her pussy taking his cock.


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