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Better than the Book: A Romantic Comedy (Charitable Endeavors Book 4)

Page 18

by M. E. Carter

  When she yawns and climbs into bed, cuddling into my side like she does every night, I scoot down, resting my head on the pillow. We lie like this for a few minutes, neither of us speaking, just in the moment.

  “It’s hard to believe we moved in together a year ago.”

  I smile and drop a kiss to her head.

  “Thank you, Hunter.”

  “For what, babe?”

  “For believing in me. In us.”

  Slipping out from our position, I face her, pushing a stray curl from her face. “I should be thanking you. Not only for this life but for including me in your professional one. I’m sure there’s a romance author out there, just waiting to write our story. It would be a best seller.”

  Leaning forward, she places her lips to mine. “It’ll never happen.”


  “Because, our real life love story is better than the book.”

  Then she kisses me again, proving she’s right.

  Chapter Twenty-Six


  These dogs are going to be the death of me. Literally. If I don’t trip over their damn leashes and land in the street, run over by a cab, I’ll die of boredom. I tried putting in my ear buds and listening to music early on in this gig but then I couldn’t hear the assholes growling at passersby or each other. I swear, they say these little dachshunds are supposed to be sweet and cuddly. They, whoever “they” are, well, they’re liars.

  It’s fine. This job is only temporary. And necessary if I want to make rent on time. Which I do. Especially since I’ve once again lost a roommate.

  Since Celeste moved out, I’ve had three people come and go. I understand having a nook in the corner as a bedroom isn’t ideal, but you would think starving artists would be happy to only have one roommate instead of twelve. Somehow I keep finding the people who underestimate how expensive city living can be and once again I’m back to covering rent on my own. I miss Celeste.

  I truly am happy for her and Hunter. They’re perfect for one another and I love seeing my friend happy. But her happiness means I am here, walking the streets of the Upper West Side with three little assholes named Alvin, Simon, and Theodore. Sadly, they are not sweet little chipmunks and none of them sing. I asked. I thought it was a funny joke. Their fur mommy wasn’t amused.

  Think positive, Anna. Focus on the things you can control. These little shits are not anything you can control. Your music. The site and your contribution. All things in your control.

  Repeating my mantra, I feel my anxiety and stress lessen as I turn the corner and cross the street. Ever since I began writing for the Literary Arts website Celeste and her friend Carrie own, my own music has been getting more interest. The downloads of my original songs

  have increased exponentially. Oddly enough, the interest started with the exclusive announcement Carrie had of some romance author and her narrator (and millionaire) fiancé’s baby. She’s a cute baby but I don’t understand why people care so much. Not like they actually know these people.

  Still, that increase also means as long as I keep up with my end of the bargain, they pay me enough to pay my electric bill every month. Beats the hell out of picking up another non-singing dog to walk.

  Once the high maintenance trio are returned to their home and I’ve taken the train back to my tiny apartment, I bypass the living room and head straight for my room. Flopping down on my bed, I try to relax. A nap would be a good idea since I have a gig tonight. It’s not the highest paying job, but it’s playing my music before an audience and there’s always a possibility that an audience member will be someone in the industry.

  My feet hurt and I wish I had the extra money for a pedicure. These are luxuries I can’t indulge in. Fingers crossed I can find a new roommate soon and get back to my old life of the occasional pedicure and actual Twinkies instead of the imitation brand. Damn. I wonder if I can guilt Hunter into buying me a box. Is my birthday coming up soon?

  As I contemplate whether I need to add “No eating my Twinkies” clause to my roommate agreement, my phone vibrates in my pocket. Tugging it out, I open the notification.

  Unknown: I really like your music and would like to discuss using one of your songs in a movie.

  I roll my eyes. Like I believe this is an actual person. is this the new telemarketer game? I’m not a sucker.

  “Joke’s on you buddy,” I grumble as I toss the device onto my bed next to me. It immediately vibrates again.

  Unknown: I’m not a creep or fake. Really. My name is Jonah Eriksen and I’m a director. Hunter gave me a link to your stuff. It’s really good and I’d like to discuss a collaboration.

  Okay, now he, or she, no need to be sexist, has my attention.

  Me: How do I know you’re legit?

  The three dots bounce only seconds before the response comes through.

  Unknown: You don’t but I am. Hunter will vouch for me.

  Uh huh. And I’m the Queen of England. Actually, maybe Princess Margaret from The Crown is more accurate. I’ve never really followed the rules.

  Still, I have Hunter’s number. It would be stupid of me not to at least ask him.

  Me: Some guy claiming to be a director texted me. Says you gave him a link to my music. Am I being punk’d?

  It only takes him a second to respond.

  Hunter: Yeah Jonah said you were giving him shit. He’s legit. We’ve worked on movies before and he’s trying to find a new artist so he can feature their music in his upcoming film.

  I sit straight up in bed, jaw wide open in shock.

  Me: Holy shit are you serious?

  Me: Also you owe me a box of Twinkies for making me think I had a crazy stalker coming after me.

  I shrug at myself. Unlikely he’ll fall for the guilt trip, but it’s worth a try. His response is quick.

  Hunter: LOL. You spelled “thank you” wrong.

  Hunter: Also, you’re welcome.

  Yes, yes I am welcome.

  Holy shit. I might break into the music industry after all.

  • • •

  We hope you loved Better than the Book, next up is Beyond the Lyrics.

  Get your copy now.


  With every book we write, we try very hard to make it as accurate as possible. There’s always license for some creativity, but that doesn’t mean we don’t want it to be true. We never could have given Celeste a theater job without help the ever fabulous Maegan Abel. Thank you for letting us pick your brain and for guiding us with terminology on those fine details only a true industry professional would know. Celeste is better for it!

  Megan Addison there are no take backs. You’re stuck with both of us. Sure we forget what day of the week it is and you have to tell us how to find something at least seven times a week but WE LOVE YOU! Thank you for keeping us in line and tolerating us.

  Allyson Murphy Don’t think you can ignore our messages to read for us. We will find you! That was far less creepy in our heads. Moving along … Thank you for taking the time to help us perfect Hunter and Celeste.

  Mandee Migliorelli jumped in at the 11th hour and made sure all our NYC transportation details were correct. Newflash: They weren’t. Don’t believe everything you read on the internet kids, especially when it comes to using the subway from Brooklyn. Imagine if we took our own directions. We’d be in the Hudson!

  Karen Lawson is one of the only people who can handle us. We’re a bit much on our own (we know it even if we pretend we don’t) but together … whew! Your tolerance of the inconsistent ellipsis and commas is to be rewarded. Maybe with a glass (or three) of wine.

  Mary Jo Lagoski is a fantastic set of last eyes. Somehow she always learns something knew when she reads our books. Like how a poké roll isn’t a sex position, no matter how romantic you make it. But then again, to each her own.

  We know you’re wildly impressed with our organization this time, Alyssa Garcia. You’re welcome for not making you drink. Much. Now about that next book

  Sassy Romantics, Carter’s Cheerleaders and Nerdy Little Book Herd y’all rock the socks off us both. Not that we wear socks. I mean menopause is a thing and all that. We love you and think you are all the coolest book nerds around!

  Lastly, Deva Marie and Danny Montooth have been the most fabulous narrating team to work with. Not only are they as invested in our books as we are, they desire to put out the best product as possible right along with us. Never could we have imagined we’d work with the absolute best of the best. Big things are coming for you both, if we have anything to say about it! Thank you for making this a collaborative project for all of us!

  About the Authors

  M.E. Carter and Andrea Johnston are romance writers who share a love of the written word. Combining their sense of humor, beliefs in love, and sarcasm, this writing duo has joined forces to create the Charitable Endeavors series. With the sole purpose of bringing laughter and love to their readers while tapping into their charitable hearts, a portion of the release proceeds will be donated to charity.

  Other books by M.E. Carter

  Hart Series

  Change of Heart

  Hart to Heart

  Matters of the Hart

  Matters to You

  Texas Mutiny Series






  #MyNewLife Series

  Getting a Grip

  Balance Check

  Pride & Joie

  Amazing Grayson

  Charitable Endeavors

  (Collaborations with Andrea Johnston)

  Switch Stance

  Ear Candy

  Model Behavior

  Better than the Book

  Smartypants Romance

  Weight Expectations

  Cutie and the Beast

  Other books by Andrea Johnston

  Country Road Series

  Whiskey & Honey

  Tequila & Tailgates

  Martinis & Moonlight

  Champagne & Forever

  Bourbon & Bonfires

  Military Men of Lexington

  Promise Her

  Cherish Her

  Love Her


  Life Rewritten

  The Break Series

  I Don’t: A Romantic Comedy

  Small-Town Heart

  It Was Always You

  Charitable Endeavors

  (Collaborations with M.E. Carter)

  Switch Stance

  Ear Candy

  Model Behavior

  Better than the Book




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