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His Snow Angel

Page 5

by Tory Baker

  “Alright, you go do your thing. This won’t take me long in here, promise.” I’m already picking up throw pillows, placing them on the couch, grabbing the blankets that we used and carrying them into the laundry room. I’ll wash them when I come back home. There’s no reason to start it now and get stuck here even longer to wait till they’re finished washing. After that, I clean up the mess in the kitchen. Since the power’s on, we have running water and lights, so I go through the task of cleaning up the kitchen, loading the dishwasher, and wiping down the counters. The bulk of the mess was in the main living area. Once I’m done, I’m trying to figure out where Tyson is so he doesn’t sneak in when I’m packing and figures out what I bought him for Christmas.

  “Hey, are you good out here? Need help?” I ask, opening the door to the garage. My man is working away, winding up the cord, putting it in its place it should have been the entire time. What can I say? This is not my area of expertise. I don’t even park in the garage, mainly because it’s never clean.

  “Nope, just putting things away in the right place. Remind me after Christmas to haul you up more wood, the stuff I chopped did in a pinch, but it’s still too wet.” Tyson lost his flannel along the way, his cotton shirt showing off the way his forearms flex and pull.

  “I can do that. I only need about ten more minutes until I’m ready. Does that give you enough time?”

  “Oh yeah, I’ll load the food up if you put it out here on the table.” Tyson nods towards a table he must have unearthed when he was working on the generator.

  “Not a problem.” I leave the door open even though it’s letting in the cool and crisp air. It takes me a few trips of setting down the ham, casserole fixings, and desserts.

  “Damn, woman, you’re as bad as I am with that heaping of food,” the man of my hopes and dreams says.

  “Well, good, at least we both know a way to your heart,” I tease.

  “Eve, my sweet, sweet Eve, you’ve had my heart since the day you stepped into town. I was just waiting on you to catch up.”

  “Oh.” I have nothing else to say because he melted my heart with those words.

  “Yeah, hurry, sweetheart, we have a couple of stops to make before we head to the farm, and you want a hot shower and hot food.” He winks.

  “Alright.” He’s leaving me with one-word answers. I head back to my bedroom, grab a bag out of the closet, throw in a few pairs of clothes, undergarments, shoes, and then grab my toiletry bag. I’m really glad I already bought his gift; it wasn’t something I was prepared to give to him this year, but when I went into the neighboring town last month, the moment I saw it, it had Tyson written all over it. It’s already wrapped. I just have to dig under my pile of summer clothes to find it, thankful that I put it out of sight instead of leaving it on the dresser like it was earlier, before Tyson came over a couple of days ago. I place it in my bag and head for the garage.

  “You ready?” He’s standing at the front door. Everything is already taken care of—no lights are on, the fire is out, and he’s ready to roll.

  “Yep, I forgot to mention earlier, but my parents said they’d be over tomorrow evening. Mom was chomping at the bit to see your farm up close and personal. I’m sorry in advance. And Dad, he’ll probably talk your ear off about sports, crops, and who knows what else.” I give him the rundown before he gets the full enchilada with them.

  “I’ve got no problem with that. Maybe our parents can do the talking to one another, and we can sneak away.” Tyson takes my bags out of my hands and wraps his arm around my shoulders as we make our way to his truck. I didn’t even ask if he wanted to take separate vehicles. Even with the plow moving the snow, it’s safe to say my car could still slip and slide in the slush. Plus, this way, I’m on his time when I come back to my place. I’m in no hurry to do that, anyway.



  The couple of days away from the farm didn’t do much in the way of it going to hell in a handbasket; in fact, it ran like a well-oiled machine. Once the storm set in, they shut down and everything was good to go. The only thing I worried about was the horses we keep in the pasture, but I knew my dad would bring them in when I made the phone call.

  Last night when we came in, I showed Eve the place. She practically shoved me out the door and told me to come back in a couple of hours to help her with the tree and decorating. But first, she was cleaning, mumbling something about there being no way she’s letting our parents see the state of the place when we’re hosting dinner. That was alright because this gave me time to head over to the farm, then to the barn to check on the horses, and it gave me an idea. The only problem was, I had to sneak back into the house without my Eve knowing, and that woman has an eye for detail, so I knew she would see me no matter what. I made an excuse of needing a piece of paperwork for the farm, moving in and back out with swiftness. She just shook head and continued on vacuuming like I wasn’t there.

  I woke up before her this morning. It’s Christmas Day, and I can’t help but admire the ring I put on her finger last night. When Eve came out, I was ready and waiting with the horse tacked up. She was apprehensive at first with both of us in one saddle, but I chose this one because it’s a bit oversized and would keep her comfortable. After I placed her on the saddle, I got on behind her. Her ass settled right into my groin. It was going to be a long ride as it was, but I could imagine her turned around, Eve in a skirt, me unbuttoning my pants and filling her with my cock.

  Instead, I bit my tongue and we rode around the farm, her taking in the trees that have snow glistening on their leaves. The area where all the Christmas trees are farmed was on full display, and the joy Eve had in her voice, I knew it was time to make her mine. The hard part was trying to finagle her ring out of my pocket. She almost turned around, but when I spotted a sparrow flying in the distance, I pointed to it, and she got distracted, her hands clapping in glee. It gave me the opportunity I needed. My hand found hers, wrapping around her middle with my other hand, and I slid the ring on her finger.

  “Tyson.” Her voice came out breathlessly. I could hear the emotion, the way it clogged her throat.

  “I’m not asking. I think you know this is a done deal, so I’m telling you I want you by my side, I need you by my side. From now until forever, my Eve. The love of my life, the only person I’ve ever loved and will only love, besides our children.” I whispered the words into her ear before I took her mouth. She was breathless when we pulled away. Not enough not to tell me what she really felt though. “I love you, Tyson, and I can’t wait to be your wife. I promise to love you forever and ever.”

  It wasn’t long after that we were riding home, both desperate for each other. We didn’t even make it into the house—the tack room was as far as we got.

  Our horse was no sooner untacked, brushed, and in its stall for the night when she looked at me, giving me that coy look of hers, grabbing my pinky finger and leading me to where we could be left alone, just in case. We were a tangle of limbs as we shed our clothing, my lips blazing a path over every inch of her skin, sucking on some spots as I marked her in areas only I could see. It had me wanting to spank her just to see her ass shake.

  The way Eve moaned when I threw her leg over my shoulder, got on my knees, and licked her sweet cunt, devouring her whole, had me hard as a rock. One taste wasn’t enough. If this was the last flavor I had on my tongue, I’d be the happiest and luckiest man on this earth. Her hips were gyrating against my face. When I added two fingers, making that motion she loves while sucking on her clit, grazing my teeth over that tight bundle of nerves, it had her screaming my name and pulling at my hair.

  When she finally came down from her orgasm, I hiked her legs over my hips, both of us moving together, my mouth on her lips, Eve not caring one bit that I had just eaten her cunt like it was my last meal. She devoured me just like I devoured her. The way her pussy convulsed against me, taking me with her when she came apart, it was one of those moments that are seared into
your mind. Fuck, there’ve been so many of them in the short few days we’ve been together that I can’t imagine it any other way.

  Now, here we are. She’s back to the spot she loves so much, this time in my bed, our bodies bare beneath the sheets, her head resting on my chest, me slowly gliding my fingers through her hair. That leg of hers hitched over my hip sometime this morning, and if I moved just the right way, I could slide right inside her, but it’s Christmas morning. As much as I’d love to wake her up that way, that will have to wait for another time.

  “My Eve,” I whisper to the top of her head, slowly waking her up. It won’t be long before she’ll want to have breakfast and then start on dinner. Since her parents decided to join along with mine, we decided on an early afternoon dinner instead of later in the evening. That way, everyone can get home in case more snow hits.

  “Good morning, future husband.” Her voice is soft with sleep as she says those two words.

  “Fuck, I love the sound of that. How soon until we can make that happen? I want your name tied to mine, forever.”

  “Considering it’s just us and our parents, all I need is a dress. We could do it on New Year’s Day?” Fuck, my woman couldn’t be more perfect.

  “Love the sound of that. We’ll let the parents know today what’s going on and when. I’m assuming you want to do it at the farm?” I ask Eve. She doesn’t need to know I drove to her parents’ house a few months ago, informing them of my intentions with their daughter and that I’d be asking for her hand in marriage when the time was right. Her mom smiled that same smile that Eve has. Her dad shook my hand, told me if I did his baby girl wrong, he’d shoot me with his .30-.06 rifle in the balls. After that, he shook my hand and her mom hugged me, welcoming me into the fold.

  “You’d assume right. The horse out in the pasture in the background would be pretty too,” she murmurs into my chest.

  “Whatever you want, as long as you and I are there, the rest can fall by the wayside for all I care.” Eve’s head tips up. My lips touch hers, both of us smiling in happiness, and I know Eve is definitely my snow angel from now until forever.



  One Year Later

  I stop in my tracks. There, on the floor, with a play mat, our little girl is doing tummy time. That’s not what gets me though. It’s my husband, who’s also on his stomach, lying on the floor. He’s talking to her, telling her all about the trees we have on the farm and about how if she takes to the horses like her momma does, she’ll have her very own in no time. Tyson isn’t lying; he only owned two horses when we got married, a paint and a quarter horse. Now we have four, and with the number of children we both know we’ll have, it will only be a matter of time until those four are multiplied to eight.

  “Look, there’s your momma, sugar girl.” Tyson picks her up. She grabs at his beard that he recently started growing out. It’s not full yet, but it’s full enough that our girl, Bethany Ann, who is going on three months, coos at him. Yeah, baby girl, I feel that exact same way when Tyson is looking at me like that.

  “Hey, you two, did y’all have a good day?” I only work at the library a few days a week, so on those days, Tyson stays home with our girl and I make sure I pump enough milk to keep them afloat throughout the day.

  “We did, got a lot done in the office too. She helped me go through the books, though, gotta say, that was more of a hassle than it’s worth. I might need to hire that out soon, unless you’re interested in doing it a couple of days a week?” Tyson comes up to me, giving me a soft kiss on my lips before handing off our bundle of joy to me. We’ve been through this rodeo before. He knows as soon as I get home, my breasts are bursting at the seams to nurse Bethany. Even though I pump when I’m on my break, it’s not enough.

  “I think I can handle that. I’m probably going to go down to two days a week here shortly. My breasts can’t handle being away all day from her. Not to mention being away from the farm. It’s hard, Tyson,” I whine.

  “You know I’m behind you on whatever you choose, sweetheart. You’ll have to eventually decide what it is for sure you want to do. Especially if we’re adding three more children to the fold.” That one time we talked about children, when he was apprehensive about the number of children I’d like versus what he’d like, well, guess who’s the one chasing me around trying to already get me pregnant again?

  “You’re not wrong. If I resign from the library, will you still send books there once a month, anonymously?” My sneaky husband. It took me a few months after we were married to finally figure it out, but once I did, I let it go, not saying a word about it until just now.

  “How long have you known about that?”

  “Long enough. I wasn’t going to say anything. But those books help the little ones who come in for reading time, and the older ladies are tearing up the romantic suspense books lately. You sure do know how to pick them,” I joke while walking towards the couch, unfastening my shirt, then my bra. Bethany is already rooting around for her source of food.

  “You can thank Mom for those. She’s been picking out the romance category lately. To answer your question, yes, those will still go to the library. You and I both know you’ll still want to volunteer there when you get a chance. Not going to complain just the same about having you on the farm every day. Neither will our daughter.” Tyson tips my head back, this kiss is deeper, more passionate than the earlier one.

  When we finish our kiss, I tell him, “Good, I’ll start making that transition now. Are you going back to the trees?” I ask him.

  “Nah, I’m done today. You missed your favorite show today though. Mom and Dad came by, hung out with Bethie.” His voice drops low, that huskiness appearing in it. My eyes light up. I already know what he’s talking about.

  “That’s it. I’m resigning. You did that without me around?” Tyson knows there’s nothing more I love than to watch him chop wood, the way his body moves with force, the muscles in his body tightening and pulling. Let’s just say we both reap the benefits when he’s done.

  “Had to, sweetheart. We’re gearing up for another storm this weekend. Just because we installed a home generator this past spring doesn’t mean I’m not keeping us stocked with firewood. My girls love their wood burning fireplace. I intend to keep it that way.” I watch as Tyson takes off his flannel shirt, then his cotton undershirt. His shoes are already off, a rule he mandated the second we started placing Bethany on the floor. Tyson’s alpha really comes out to shine when it comes to not only me, but to Bethany too. I moisten my lips, watching the show he’s giving me.

  Bethany pulls off my breast, ready to burp before switching over to the other side. “I see the way you’re looking at me, sweetheart. It’s the look you gave me the first time I came inside you. Are you ready for another one?”

  “Well, when you’re looking like that, Mr. Black, how can I not? If we are successful, they’ll be less than a year apart. We’ll be really busy, especially during harvest season,” I tell him.

  “We have loads of help, Eve. That won’t be a care in the world. You let me know when you’re ready, and we’ll go from there. I’m going to take a shower. Meet me in there,” he states. I look down at Bethany. She’s pulled off my breast without me knowing, the conversation Tyson and I just had playing on repeat.

  “Oh, baby girl, your daddy is a handful, but I love him more and more each day, just like you.” I fix my shirt, burp our girl, and then she’s dozing off. This is the perfect opportunity to join my man in the shower. Maybe this time, he won’t pull out and come on my body like he’s been doing. There were too many wishy-washy issues with me being on birth control while nursing, so Tyson put his foot down and stated we’d be fine. But the truth of the matter is, I miss him finishing inside of me, and who knows, maybe it’ll take a few tries until we do get pregnant, anyway. With that thought in mind, I head upstairs to where Tyson is, placing Bethany in the bassinet we keep her in at night or for times like this, and I find my

  The sight before me makes me weep. His hand is braced on the shower wall, head down, the water beating down on his body, and he’s fisting his cock. That’s something I can do for him and I want to do for him. I slide out of my clothes and open the door, closing it behind me. My bare body meets his back, my hand replacing his, and I tell him exactly what I’m feeling, “I want to start trying. If it happens right away, it happens. If not, we’ll practice. I love you, Tyson, more than words could ever say.”

  “I love you, Eve. You know damn good and well you’ll be pregnant come next month. Between my sperm and your fertile womb, I have no doubt about it.” And Tyson makes good on his promise, making love to me in the shower, hopefully creating another child while we’re at it.



  Six Years Later

  “Bethany, will you hold Baxter on your hip, and Ellie, squeeze in next to Paisley. I promise this won’t take long, and then you can all run through the trees or head to the pastures.” I’m standing where my Eve can’t see me while she wrangles our four children for a Christmas card. This year, she set up more than the two photo-type booths the customers can use while they pick out their trees. Bethany is our oldest at the age of six, Ellie is five, Paisley is three, and Baxter is our youngest at nine months. After three girls, I told Eve we didn’t need to try for a fourth in order to see if we’d have a boy. She put her foot down though, that woman of mine, and said four was our plan all along, and if we had one or the other, it was fine with her, but she really wanted to try for a boy. Who was I to complain?

  If I were a betting man, I’d say this card is going to come out a mess like it usually does. This is Eve’s tradition; I just somehow managed not to be around for this one.


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