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Murder in Cuba

Page 6

by Dianne Harman

  “Do you think I should talk to Guido or the one who is guiding Jack?”

  “I don't know,” Kelly answered. “It just seems to me that maybe one of them would be a suspect if his livelihood was threatened. I don't know if they have families to support or for that matter anything at all about them. Maybe we should take a taxi to the marina and kind of sniff around. We could go to the clubhouse, and you could talk to Guido. We could say I was so charmed by the photos in the clubhouse I wanted to show them to you. Then here’s something else that can be done.”

  “What’s that?”

  “There's a computer room next to the front desk in the lobby. I’ll do an Internet search on Stewart and Philip. Mike will probably get in touch with people he knows back in the States and have them do a background check on everyone involved. I have no idea what we're looking for, but at least we have a few places to start.”

  “Kelly, let's not waste time. I'll go to the marina and talk to Guido while you do the Internet search. That way we can get a lot more done. When I come back I'll go to Dudley's wife's room and give her my condolences. Why don't we meet in the lobby at 4:00 and share what, if anything, we've learned?”

  “Sounds good. I need to go to my room and get some money for the Internet. It will probably take me more time to do the searches than I have left on my existing card. See you at 4:00.” Kelly left the table, Cayo at her side. It was obvious Cayo was well-known at the hotel, since no one associated with the resort even bothered to look at him.


  Carola paid the taxi driver after he’d driven her the short distance to the marina. She saw several shops that catered to fisherman, went into one of them, and asked where the Bartolo fishing clubhouse was located. The clerk pointed to a building near the dock. As she walked the short distance to it she admired the well maintained dock and large patio with its teak tables and chairs that overlooked the marina. To the left of the patio was a glass windowed office next to a wooden door with several kinds of fish painted on it along with the words “Grand Slam Club.”

  So that's what Mike was talking about when he mentioned Dudley had caught the tarpon, permit, and bonefish that allowed him to become the first English member of the Grand Slam Club, Carola thought. Wonder if that provided the motive for someone who wanted to kill him.

  She decided to go in and introduce herself to the handsome Italian man sitting at the desk. Although Carola's beauty was not all that important to her, she was well aware of the effect she had on men and decided that if ever there was a time to make use of it, this was the time.

  “Hello. I'm Carola. My husband, Jack, is fishing with one of your guides today. He told me how beautiful the clubhouse and grounds were, and I decided to come and see for myself. I’m also interested in looking at all of the photos on the wall. I hope you don't mind,” she said, smiling and batting her long dark eyelashes at him. The poor man never had a chance. He was practically stuttering as he said, “I am Guido Naraldi. I am in charge of the fishing guides. Please have a seat. May I get you something to drink? I would be happy to show you around if you would like to take a tour.”

  “Thank you, but I just had lunch. I can see that you’re busy, so I won't trouble you for a tour. Actually, I'm writing an article for a magazine. I'm surprising my husband with it, and since he spoke so highly of Bartolo Fishing Adventures last night, I thought it would be a fun thing to include something about Bartolo in the article. If you could spare a few minutes of your time, I'd love to ask you some questions.”

  “For you, I can spare all the time you need. Please, tell me how I can help,” he said leaning against the edge of his desk.

  “Well, for starters, could you tell me about your company, Bartolo Fishing Adventures? How does it work?”

  “Sure, I’d be happy to tell you about the company. Bartolo is an international recreational sport fishing company. We specialize in full service destination sport fishing. By that I mean our customers pay a flat fee for their trip, and that covers everything, including airfare, ground transportation, meals, lodging, and of course fishing equipment and guides. The company is headquartered in Italy and manages different fishing locations throughout the world.

  “Our operation here in Cuba is somewhat unique. A number of years ago the company negotiated an agreement with the Cuban government that grants the company the exclusive right to fish in the marine sanctuary located adjacent to Cayo Largo. Fishermen from all over the world come here for our world class fly fishing to catch bonefish, permit, and tarpon.”

  “I asked my husband if it was crowded out on the water yesterday, and he told me no. With so many people wanting to fish here, how do you do that?”

  “The area where we fish is a protected government marine sanctuary, and the only type of fishing allowed is catch and release. We not only strictly adhere to the catch and release of the fish, but we also limit the number of fishermen in each area. We divide the fishable areas around this part of the island into five zones, and no more than three boats are allowed in each zone on the same day.”

  “Since the embargo is still in effect, American fishermen can’t fly directly to Cuba, but once it’s lifted they will be able to fly to Cuba from the United States. At that time there will be many American fishermen who will want to come here,” Guido said. “When it happens we expect there will be a huge increase in our business. That is why Bartolo wants to have a contract with a fishing guide that will be responsible as their exclusive agent in America to recruit fishermen to come here to Cayo Largo to fish.”

  “Will you still limit the number of boats allowed and adhere to the catch and release tradition?” Carola asked in a sexy voice.

  “Absolutely. Without those two things in place this area would quickly be fished out, and then who would want to come?” Guido shrugged and turned the palms of his hands up.

  “I agree, but if this area is open to fishing guides from various foreign countries, what will happen to the Cuban fishing guides?”

  “Aah, that is something that keeps me awake at night. I have hired the best guides in Cuba for our company. They work for us at a great sacrifice. They are local and know these waters like the backs of their hands. They spend twenty days working for me, and then they get ten days off to be with their families. It is a great sacrifice to them, but the money is good, actually better than they could make anywhere else in Cuba.”

  “You said they go to see their families on the ten days they have off. Does that mean their families are not here on Cayo Largo with them?”

  “Yes, that is correct. It is not an ideal situation, but there are no schools, and there is no housing for families here on the island. There aren’t even any dogs, because there are no permanent residents. The guides live four to a room in housing we provide during the fishing season. Almost all of them have built homes for their families on the Island of the Youth which is about three hours from here by boat.

  “If I may speak frankly, Senora, I would like to see your husband get the contract from Bartolo to become the exclusive representative in the United States to book American fishermen who want to come to Cuba and fish with us. I understand that one of the contenders for that contract, Dudley Samms, died late yesterday. I can't say that I'm sorry. He told me he planned to bring in his own guides when he got the contract, and that he would let my men go.”

  “That must have been very hard for you to accept. It sounds like you really care for your employees.”

  “I do, Senora, they are like sons to me, sons I never had. Maybe the God we believe in helped us by allowing Senor Samms to die. I heard he had a heart attack while he was swimming. I understand the coroner is going to be flown in from the main island to conduct an autopsy. When the constable told me to take my boat out and bring Senor Reynolds back here to the clubhouse, I thought maybe he had learned something. Have you heard anything more about the cause of Senor Samms’ death?”

  “Yes. He was murdered. The legal authorities have begun inves
tigating the murder. I assume you have a good alibi for the time he was murdered. I believe he was murdered after he became qualified to become a member of the Grand Slam Club. It looks like his death was somewhere between 5:30 and 6:30 p.m. last night. I'm sure the authorities will want to know where you were during that time. Do you know if Dudley planned on having you stay on as the chief guide?”

  Guido’s eyes narrowed as he looked at her. There is far more to this woman than a beautiful face and a sexy body. It's almost as if she's grilling me on behalf of the authorities. My instincts tell me I better be very, very careful what I say to her.

  “Senor Samms told me he planned to keep me on, because I knew the business side of guiding. He said he was an expert at fishing and getting people to pay to come on trips with him. He told me if he was the one chosen by the company to receive the contract allowing him to fish the waters of Cayo Largo, I was going to stay in my current position. As far as last night between 5:30 and 6:30, I have to admit I was with a friend of mine, a woman I meet with from time to time, if you know what I mean,” he said grinning. “After all, the fishermen had all returned for the night, and I was officially off work. It's a lady whose company I enjoy, and from what she tells me, she enjoys my company as well,” he said with a proud look on his face.

  “Of course, and I can certainly see why she would enjoy your company,” Carola said, smiling beguilingly up at him. “You've been more than gracious to me. Thank you. From what Jack tells me, you are very good at what you do. I feel like I am so much better informed. Oh, one other thing. I heard that a man named Philip volunteered to act as the guide for the group that Dudley had brought with him.”

  “That's true. He rode in the van with them this morning and told me they had agreed he would act as their fishing guide while they were here now that their guide was deceased. I don't quite understand what that's all about. Philip has fished with one of our guides for only two days and now he feels that he's qualified to be the head guide for those people? I find it very strange. I have heard he also very much wants to get the Bartolo contract to bring people in from the United States, just as your husband wants to do.”

  “Senor, I agree. I met him, and he seemed very strange to me. I must go now, but I thank you again for your time.”

  “It has been my pleasure,” the handsome Italian man said as he leaned forward trying to sneak a peek down the front of Carola’s low-cut blouse. “If I may be of further service, and I mean any kind of service, please feel free to call on me.”

  “I'll remember that. Thank you.”

  He's very handsome, and he's very smooth. I wouldn't be at all surprised if he knows a lot more than what he's telling me. He was passionate about his men and if their jobs are in danger, for some men of principle, that could be reason enough to commit murder. I hate to think it, but it seems he could qualify as a suspect.


  Kelly walked into the small Internet office at the hotel and purchased an Internet access card from the woman behind the desk who was wearing the standard uniform of the hotel, a white blouse and a black skirt. The only difference between the uniform of the male employees and the female employees was that the male employees wore black pants. The one thing Kelly didn’t understand is why the women were required to wear hose when the humidity was so high that as soon as you left an air conditioned room your clothing and your body were instantly wet from perspiration.

  Following the instructions the young woman gave her she accessed the Internet. She decided to start with a Facebook search for Philip Montgomery because Carola clearly didn't like him, and Kelly was only one step behind her. She hoped he’d put his photograph on Facebook, so she could make sure she had the right person before she got very far into her search. She felt it was very strange that he wanted to become a fishing guide, and yet he’d come to Cuba by himself and was fishing alone each day, at least before he took over Dudley's group.

  When she typed in the name Philip Montgomery she discovered she had the right name. The photograph on the Facebook page was clearly the same as the man she’d been with in Havana and who was now here at the resort. She quickly read what he’d written on his timeline, the last entry being the day before she’d met him in Havana. It was about how he was going fishing in Cuba and probably wouldn't be able to post for a couple of weeks. Under relationship status he had written that he was separated from Miriam Montgomery. He said he missed his son, but when he and his wife had come back to the United States from Australia they realized they really had nothing in common, and they mutually agreed to file for divorce.

  Kelly jotted down the name of his wife, intent on finding out what she could about her when she finished researching Philip. She continued to read Philip's page. He’d written that he’d loved to fish all his life, and now that he and his wife were going to get divorced, there was nothing to hold him back from realizing his dream. Cuba seemed like the perfect place for him to make his dream come true, particularly since the embargo on Cuba would probably soon be lifted.

  He’d written that he hoped to become the exclusive representative for fly fishermen from the United States who wanted to fish in Cuba, and that was the purpose of his trip to Cuba. He said he knew there were several other people who also had the same idea, but since he’d always gotten whatever he wanted, he had no doubt he would be successful and obtain the exclusive rights to guide American fly fisherman on the island of Cayo Largo in Cuba. Kelly thought it was rather ominous that he went on to write he planned on doing whatever was necessary to insure he would be the one selected to receive the exclusive contract with Bartolo. There were a number of photographs of him with game fish he had caught from different places all around the world. He listed his present residence as the Florida Keys.

  After Kelly read everything she could find on his Facebook page, she pulled up the twitter name he had on his Facebook timeline. @PhilipDMontgomery had 20,235 friends on twitter. Kelly wondered how many of them were associated with fishing, and if that's where he intended to get some of his future clientele from.

  She returned to Facebook and entered the name of Miriam Montgomery. Nothing came up. Next she put Miriam's name into the google search engine and discovered that Philip’s soon-to-be-ex-wife was from an extremely wealthy family who lived in Connecticut. Evidently she’d married Philip and moved to Australia with him, so Philip could work in the family business owned by his parents, the boutique hotel industry. They had a young son, and she had recently separated from Philip and moved to Connecticut to be with her family.

  Although she had a law degree from Yale, she had never practiced law. Recently she’d told a reporter who had asked her if she intended to work when she was divorced that she’d already been hired by a top law firm in the area. She’d gone on to say when the final arrangements were made she would make a statement to that effect. Kelly thought it was interesting something like that would show up on a google search. It certainly reiterated that the family was not only very wealthy, but also newsworthy. She wondered if it was Miriam's money that allowed Philip to travel throughout the world while seemingly being unemployed.

  He doesn't look like someone who would be into selling drugs, although I've read there are a number of places in the Florida Keys where that type of activity is fairly common. Better check some more on him. She entered his name into the google search engine and discovered that he, too, came from a wealthy family who had lived in Connecticut before they had bought several boutique hotels in Australia. They catered to groups that were interested in fishing in the rivers and the waters surrounding Australia. Philip's Fishing Excursions was listed prominently on all of the family hotel sites. Evidently he had run that part of the business when he was there. There was a note that he had left the family business to open up a fishing guide business in the United States.

  Kelly couldn't put her finger on it, but something bothered her about the whole thing. If a marriage was breaking up, why would someone leave his family and return to
the United States, settle where he probably didn't know anyone, and attempt to start a new business, a business which had some stiff competition from well-known guides in the form of Jack from the United States and Dudley from England.

  She continued to read and after about twenty minutes, found a reference to a twenty-three year old newspaper article. She clicked on the link and read it. She sat back in her chair and tried to take in the enormity of what she’d just read. It was an article with the headline "Wealthy College Student Accused of Murder." The article went on to say Philip Montgomery had been arrested for the murder of Patrick Murphy, a college student from Ireland. The article stated that Patrick had died after an altercation with Philip during a poker game. Several of the college students who had been playing poker had left to go to a nearby bar. From what the article said, one of the students heard Patrick accuse Philip of cheating. He hadn't thought much about it and had joined the others at the bar.

  An hour later Patrick's body was found and based on what the college student told the police, Philip was arrested for murder. His bail was quickly posted by his wealthy parents. That was the end of the newspaper article. Kelly continued searching for more information, fruitlessly. She’d jotted down the name of the newspaper and the date of the article, and entered those in the google search engine. She found a second article about the arrest of Philip Montgomery. The article said the case had been dropped due to lack of evidence. There was simply no firm evidence to link the murder of Patrick Murphy to Philip Montgomery. The article ended with a reference to the fact that Philip Montgomery had been expelled from Dartmouth for cheating. Although nothing overt had been written, Kelly felt that was a snide implication that if someone was expelled from a top university for cheating, they could also be capable of murder.


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