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The Complete Bound And Gay Trilogy

Page 4

by Hank Wilder

  I hear doors crash open and Charles’ heavy footsteps as he approaches my room. From the tone of his voice I can tell that he has triumphed, although I do not recall where the battle was or which poor kingdom he was fighting. These continuous raids blur into one.

  Charles smashes through the door and runs into the room, sweeps me off my feet and gives me a hard kiss. It would all be so romantic if he weren’t such a horrible man. I try not to spit in disgust as he puts me down.

  “How was the battle, my dear?” I ask dryly.

  Charles flings his head back and a stream of laughter rumbles forth from his belly. “Battle? More like a slaughter. They couldn’t withstand my force and we made short work of them. My sword tasted plenty of blood today.”

  “I’m so happy to hear that.” I offer.

  “No-one is going to stand in the way of your king.” Charles booms.

  I sigh. “So what did these people do now?”

  “These people?!” he stares at me with a dumbfounded look, “These weren’t just people. They were treasonous scoundrels, hoarding gold in their vaults. How dare they think they can keep their precious things from me?”

  “Don’t you have enough gold?” I ask.

  “You can never have enough gold. And that’s not the point. It’s about respect.” Charles states coldly. “They should respect their king. How short memories are. In the war I was the one who saved them all but now that they know peace they’re all too quick to forget my efforts. Sometimes it’s hard to be a hero.”

  “I can imagine.” I tell him.

  “I taught them a lesson today though. Oh yes, I sent them scattering, what’s left of them anyway. They won’t be troubling me anymore. I just hate that they forced me to attack them. All I’ve shown them is loyalty and love and they repay me like this? We live in dark times indeed.”

  “Terrible times.” I murmur.

  “You seem disinterested with your king’s deeds of valor.” Charles’ tone turns sharper and I can sense that he’s growing tired of me. It’s a little ritual we have now. I am tired of these games and wish he would just leave.

  “It’s just that you are such a formidable warrior, I know that nobody can defeat you.” I explain. “Besides, I am a fragile boy. All this talk of war and bloody battles is unbecoming and I find it quite disgusting.”

  “Hmph, I’ll never understand your preoccupation with perfumes and clothes. The real beauty of the world is on the battlefield. When you see a man’s life leave his eye and the blood stain the blade of your sword, those are the times when you feel truly alive.” Charles says this with a glint of something sinister in his eye.

  “How am I to know of this when you keep me locked in this tower?”

  For the first time since he entered the room I turn my head to look at him properly and I see his tunic is stained with sweat and blood. His body is stocky and, although it is still muscular, the nights of drinking and feasting have taken their toll. His hair is long and curly and his beard stretches down to touch his chest. I find him utterly repulsive, and when he comes to sit by me I try to inch away.

  “I keep you here for your own protection,” Charles says in a soothing voice. He reaches out his hand to caress my cheek but my face twists in revulsion at his stench. “The world is a dangerous place filled with deception and trickery, especially for a man of your tastes. It is something that my boy should never have to be subject to. Here you can stay pure and safe and I do not have to worry about you.”

  I pity him for he truly believes those words. I cannot imagine how twisted his mind must be to have such a fractured view of the world outside, and of me. He treats me as if I’m a child and cannot take care of myself, yet he forgets where I came from and who I was before he chose me. I’m not sure when exactly I stopped being a man he desired and turned into an object to be treasured, but part of me wishes that he would remember when he wanted me. It has been so long since we made love that my body literally aches, and although I despise him I think I could perhaps put those feelings aside if he showed me a glimpse of the man he used to be, although I suppose that just goes to show how desperate I am.

  “Let me live,” I plead. I didn’t mean for the words to escape my lips but Charles is suddenly taken aback by them.

  “Your place is here, Luke.” He tells me.

  Charles reaches out for me again and this time I do twist away from his reach. I’m afraid that he will force himself upon me but to my surprise he rises and leaves the room. Perhaps my words actually found a chink in his armor, although I’m sure that if he feels any genuine emotion for me it will only be a temporary thing. A night of drinking will likely dull his senses and prevent his memory from remembering this conversation at all. I only wish that I had the same cure for my problems.

  Instead I remain in my seat by the window and gaze out at the world, wondering how much more blood my king will shed before he finally dies. When I was younger I always wanted to loved by a mighty warrior, I suppose I was too young to realize what warriors are like when they’re not fighting.

  The following few days passed like all the others while I sit sadly by the window, but as I sit here wishing my life away I notice some activity down below. All day riders have been going to and from the castle.

  Evidently, something important is happening, so I’ve sent down my handmaiden to try and find out what.

  The door flings open and she comes stumbling in, panic written all over her round face.

  “What is it?” I ask.

  Her chest is heaving and her face is red as she tries to catch her breath. I gesture for the handmaiden to come sit down and she gladly takes the opportunity to rest her feet. After a few tantalizing minutes of summoning her energy, she finally speaks one word. War.

  “War?” I ask.

  “Yes sir, it seems that the people didn’t take too kindly to the king’s latest assault. They believe taxes are too high and they have rallied a number of lords to their cause. A force is building up near the Vale, it looks like there will be a civil war.” Her voice trembles with terror and my heart catches in my throat.

  The thought of civil war is awful and I never would have believed that people would actually turn on their king like this, especially not after the reputation he has as the savior of this land.

  “What is going to happen?” I ask, frightened.

  “I do not know, but the king is in a worrisome state. He’s sending out messengers to his allies.” The handmaiden tells me.

  That explains all the horses riding from the castle. I would not like to be in Charles’ position right now, for he must not know who to trust. I can imagine him hammering his fist against the arm of his throne in frustration.

  A wry smile slowly dances across my lips. The downfall of my king could be at hand and suddenly I couldn’t be happier. Although, knowing him, he will still find a way to quell the rebellion and emerge victorious. I send my handmaiden away again to keep me updated and watch with interest at the goings on below.

  I start to imagine the ways in which my king could meet his demise and eventually my gaze drifts towards the horizon. I have a vision that the hills will be bathed in his blood.

  When I hear Charles’ battle cry and the thunder of hooves I know that things have escalated quickly. He rides with his garrison of knights and his banner ripples through the air. Another day, another battle.

  I sigh and return to my seat wondering if it will ever end. I truly feel that if Charles actually gave me a chance to make decisions as his hand I could have prevented this. I’m sure if they all had the opportunity to sit down and discuss their grievances we could reach a compromise without spilling any blood, but Charles doesn’t see that as a viable option. His default choice when he sees an obstacle is to destroy it rather than find another way. Once again I lament that fact that I am kept in this tower because it’s clearly not just me who is suffering, but the whole kingdom.

  As the day turns into night and the moon takes its place in the sky
I continue to watch the drama unfold outside. Flames flicker within the city walls but in the distance there is only an inky blackness that feels ominous and foreboding. I’m suddenly frightened, realizing that if Charles falls in battle I may be executed as well, for they will not want anything of the old regime left. I am torn, because I want to be free of my king but I do not want to be killed by anyone who thinks that I was backing his twisted plans.

  In the dark of night I hear a rumbling outside and I see a small band of riders approaching. They don’t seem to be flying a banner and none of them is bulky like Charles, but it’s difficult to tell who they are from this distance.

  I hear them hammer on the gates and beg to be let in. Something about their voices seem strange but I’m not quite sure what it is.

  The great gate creaks as it rises. As soon as there is enough room for them to pass beneath it, the riders lift their swords and from the shadows a great number of other knights appear and swarm into the castle.

  The color drains from my face as I realize that my life is in danger. For so long this tower has been my prison but as long as I lock the door it could prove to be my salvation.

  I hear anguished cries of men being slaughtered below. Men who have sworn to defend me and my home. I think about all of the servants as well, being brutally murdered while I remain hidden in this tower. I’ve wanted to live for so long I can’t cower in here now. I’m the King’s Hand and its finally time to act like it.

  I slowly open the door to my room.

  Torches flicker and shadows dance as my heart races full speed. Carefully, I descend the tower to what could be my doom. I hear the song of steel clashing against steel and I smell the blood and torn flesh that is strewn across my home.

  Quietly, I sneak through the main hallway and make my way to the kitchen where I pick up a knife. I’m not sure exactly what my plan is, and I’m far too frightened to be thinking clearly at this point, but I want to be able to defend myself if it comes to that. I hear swearing and cursing and begging and pleading echoing off of the stone walls all around me.

  I make my way through the kitchen and emerge in the dining room. It’s a long chamber with a huge table in the centre and chairs dotted all around. So far this area seems untouched by the fighting and is oddly quiet, an eerie stillness in the air.

  I creep along to the other end of the room when suddenly, to my horror, the doors swing open and four men come barging in. In a panic, I gasp and drop my knife, which clatters on the ground and catches their attention immediately.

  I turn to run but a crossbow bolt flies past my head and embeds itself in the wall, stopping me in my tracks. Unaccustomed to such violent things, the shock of the impact causes me to fall to the floor and then suddenly the men are upon me. Strong arms hoist me up as I struggle to break free, but their grip is too strong.

  “Well what do we have here?” One of the men says.

  I can see their eyes suddenly go wide as they realize I am the King’s Hand, but their demeanor doesn’t change a bit.

  “We can talk about this,” I say defiantly.

  “What is there to talk about? We’re sick of living under an unfair rule and we want what’s rightfully ours.” One of the man yells.

  “I know how you feel.” I stammer, unable to hide my fear. “I’ve been kept prisoner here ever since the day I was selected by the king.”

  I can see that they are skeptical, but I tell them of my plight and my words are convincing. I feel the men’s hands loosening their grip on my arm.

  “Have you word of my king?” I ask.

  “He is winning, which is why we planned this raid on his home.” Says one of the rebels.

  “He will not care, as long as he has his victory.” I warn. “And he will kill you all.”

  “Not if we take something that is precious to him.” The man says.

  Suddenly, a devious thought flickers in my mind. The greatest insult to Charles’ honor would be a betrayal by his hand.

  “Wait!” I cry out before the drag me away, “I don’t know how to defeat the king but I know how to humiliate him. Take me, all of you, take me now.”

  I see disbelief in their eyes but I reassure them that I mean what I say. Their weapons scrape against their thighs as the men circle around me. My heart is thumping in my chest but then I feel one of them slide his hand over my shoulder menacingly. The touch is welcome and warm and I close my eyes, anxious for more.

  But the next touch is not tender as the first, and suddenly I am being slammed onto the table where my wrists and ankles are fastened tightly by thick ropes. I twist my neck and watch them as their faces contort into dark, animalistic lust and they quickly undress, revealing intensely muscular physiques.

  I wish I could run my hands along their toned muscles but instead I lie helpless as they tear off my clothes and expose my flesh to the night air.

  One of the men walks around to the top of the table where my head hangs from the edge, angled back as I look up at him and his massive erect cock.

  “All hail the king’s hand.” He says with a smirk, then shoves his dick between my lips.

  I gag slightly as I take him, unable to pace myself without the use of my hands. His cock is absolutely enormous and it fills my throat entirely, plunging deep until I retch on his length and then rebel is forced to pull back. He removes himself as a gasp and sputter, tears running down the side of my face.

  “Not so mighty now?” Says the man, taking my head in his hands and thrusting into my throat again.

  This time I’m ready for him, relaxing my throat and swallowing gracefully as I take him to the hilt, his balls thumping against my forehead as he plows into my mouth.

  One of the other rebels has climbed onto the table below me and is caressing my toned body, running his hands up and down my skin and then tickling the head of my swollen cock. I can feel him aligning his cock with my tight entrance of my asshole and then moments later the man pushes forward, impaling me on his thick rod. I let out a loud moan, which is stifled by the member that slams my throat.

  “Oh fuck,” I mumble as I’m gagged by cock. “Take me you brutes! Turn your royal into a filthy man slut. Make me your gay whore!”

  A second rebel approaches my face with his throbbing dick, and so I find myself sucking off two of them. I take them in turn with my mouth, swallowing as many inches as I can and teasing them with my tongue.

  The remaining bandit moves up to my hand and positions his cock so that I can stroke him off. There’s so much hardness pumping in me and near me that the pleasure is completely overwhelming. After being locked in the tower for so long I am finally free.

  My skin sizzles and my body bursts with passion as I am surrounded by so much lust and desire. I do not know these men’s names or who they are yet they have invaded my castle and now they are invading my tight gay holes. My body screams as it lurches, writhing and shuddering from all the glorious passion that they are pounding into me.

  They switch places frequently, moving about from ass to mouth, and I’m so delirious that I’m unable to tell them apart. They pound me hard and fast, whipping my thoughts into a depraved whirlpool of lust. For too long I have gone without passion, and this beautiful moment of abandon is making up for all my years of imprisonment.

  With all of this wanton fucking and sucking, I haven’t noticed that one of the men has thrown a rope over the rafters of the dining hall and is quickly fashioning some kind of strange, knotted contraption.

  “It’s ready.” He shouts to the others with a knowing grin, causing them to pull out of me and unbind my hands and ankles.

  “What is this?” I question in a haze, awkward and fucked silly.

  With their help I stumble over the hanging rope and suddenly I’m being tied in, my hands lashed together and then hoisted up about my head. My legs go next and suddenly I find myself suspended naked at waist height, their king’s favorite boytoy spread open and waiting to be violated by his intruders. My legs are back by
my head as I dangle in the air.

  One of the men steps up in front of me and places his cock at the entrance of my tight asshole, then slowly but firmly pushes forward and spreads me open with his enormous girth.

  He begins to pump in and out of me, gaining speed within my body until the man is utterly pummeling my tightness. The sensation is so incredible that I barely notice the man approaching from behind until it’s too late.

  The next thing I know, someone’s hands are on my waist, guiding me down has he’s sliding his thick member into my asshole from behind, as well.

  “Oh my god!” I cry out, their dual cock invasion taking me by surprise.

  The men laugh as they find a rhythm together, double penetrating me as I hang helpless between them. Their cocks move in and out of me like dueling swords, plunging together into their moaning victim.

  The two men fuck me like this for quite a while as the others watch, then eventually the groups trade places within me. I lock eyes with one of the men who is stuck with his dick in his hands, egging him on with a smirk and a wink as he brings himself closer and closer to orgasm.

  I can sense that the men are almost ready to blow, their thrusts steadily gaining speed towards an inevitable orgasmic conclusion. Eventually, they pull out of my asshole and signal for one of the other rebels to lower me down to the floor.

  “I’m going to cover you in my fucking load.” One of them tells me. “And you’re going to fucking love it.”

  As I sink in my rope bindings, the men gather around me, frantically beating their cocks. My ass hits the stone floor and the men are instantly upon me, passing my head around as they fuck my face, my hands still lashed tightly above my head. Their grunting breaths cause a cacophony around my ears as they thrust harder and harder.

  Moment’s later, the first one cums hard across me. It explodes over my face in a wild splatter, some of the drops landing on my rock hard chest. The next on follows close behind. He’s already inside my mouth when he blows and I feel the warm liquid gush forth in between my lips. It trickles down my throat as I hungrily gulp it down and then the man withdraws, but another rebel is immediately ready and quick to take his place. The cum mingles within me and I moan as more erupts inside my throat. I feel like I’m drowning in jizz, couching and gagging on their hot loads.


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