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The Ruler of Conspiracy

Page 13

by Kugane Maruyama

  A noble, huh…?

  The corners of his mouth wanted to relax into a smile, but Phillip tensed his expression and smoothed the wrinkles out of his clothes. It was his second time participating in a party like this, but as one might expect, given it was being held by the royal family, it was so much more splendid than the other one; the two were incomparable.

  The people participating in this one, too, wore superb, gorgeous clothes. He wondered what a single outfit like that cost.

  Phillip looked down at his own lackluster garments and felt just slightly irritated.

  Yes, the clothes the higher-ranking nobles wore were fabulous.

  A well-dressed noblewoman was smiling at him, but was she merely scoffing at the shabbiness of his attire? He had no reason to think that, but he did anyhow. Looking around, he began to feel like all the people in attendance were laughing at him.

  This is all because I don’t have any money.

  If his lands were more prosperous, he would have been able to dress better. But Phillip’s domain wasn’t very wealthy. The clothes he was wearing were hand-me-downs from his brother that he had a tailor do a rush job on. Hence the slight tightness in the shoulders.

  The reason we don’t have money is because the ones in charge up until now have been incompetent. I’ll make sure to do things right.

  Phillip was the third son of a certain noble.

  This went for peasant families as well, but life as the third son wasn’t a very desirable existence. No matter how affluent a family, if it continued to divide up its resources, it lost power. That was why for peasants and nobles alike, the usual practice was for the first son to inherit everything.

  An affluent noble family might be able to give a third son financial assistance. A noble family with connections might even be able to have him adopted somewhere. But that wasn’t the case with Phillip’s family.

  As the eldest son approached adulthood—that is, by the time his risk of dying of disease had decreased—Phillip was basically useless. He would either be given a little money and driven out of the household or be given a shabby home and forced to work like a tenant farmer. Those should have been the only two options awaiting him in life. But instead he was making his debut in glittering high society.

  That’s why Phillip was lucky.

  His first stroke of luck was probably when brother number two got sick and died.

  Once brother number one made it to adulthood, brother number two wasn’t worth much anyhow, and since the domain didn’t have any money, they didn’t have a way to call on a priest. They had treated him with herbs, but he never recovered.

  That was how Phillip had been promoted to backup. His worth climbed from farmer to about butler level.

  That much luck wasn’t so rare.

  The reason Phillip felt he was one of the luckiest guys in the kingdom was that he got even luckier than that.

  It happened a few years after he reached adulthood. Just as his elder brother was about to inherit the domain from their father, the war with the empire happened. In a normal year, it would have ended in a face-off. In a sense, it was the perfect sort of “safe” war for his brother to earn decorations in, and that’s why he went.

  But he didn’t come back.

  He had gotten caught in the King of Darkness’s spell and died along with twenty farmers he had taken with him as levies.

  Phillip would never forget how thrilled he was to get that report—the joy of learning he was no longer a spare.

  The only somewhat upsetting part was that the body never made it back, so they lost the full plate armor that had been passed down through their family for generations. But when Phillip stepped back to think about it, that wasn’t so important. All he had to do was make an even more splendid suit of armor with money from the domain. The far more major thing was that he was now in position to inherit the household land, which was something he never thought would be possible.

  And the timing was perfect.

  If his brother had died after inheriting, Phillip would be in charge only until his brother’s child came of age. Since he had died without inheriting, Phillip was sure to receive control.

  It was almost as if the King of Darkness had done it for his sake.

  For that reason, although Phillip had never even seen the foreign king, he felt close to him. If possible, he wanted to express his gratitude to the Nation of Darkness representative.


  Right. I have to use this good fortune. I’m lucky. I can’t let this chance go to waste.

  The smoldering flames inside him blazed up.

  Up until now, he had watched the things his father and brother had been doing, thinking how foolish they were. Why don’t you do it more like this? It would be more profitable if you did things this way. But he had never said a word—because he knew that even if he said something, none of the profit would come his way. That went for the credit of turning the domain profitable, too. He had been saving up his ideas for managing the land for a long time.

  I’ll show the neighboring lords that I’m the one fit to rule this domain. I’ll show Father how wrong he was in thinking to have my brother succeed him. I’ll sell fine wheat and vegetables to the merchants—or wait, should I? If I drew attention like that, would someone steal my landmark idea? But if I don’t sell them, I won’t make money. I need a tight-lipped merchant—someone I can trust. Not that guy…

  Recalling the face of the government purveyor, Phillip scowled.

  Even though he was delighted about his new situation, the offense at the memory of that man won out.

  Always looking down on me! For now, I’m putting up with it, but I’m definitely going to find a brilliant merchant in the capital and get rid of him. I’m already making the right connections!

  Phillip praised himself for beginning to network despite having been in the capital only a matter of weeks, which helped dispel his displeasure.

  Yes, I’m great. I’m already building a big pipeline. I’m absolutely going to make the domain rich and make a fortune. All the idiots looking down on me will learn just who they were ridiculing!

  As he was imagining the shining future that would most certainly come, a man’s voice echoed throughout the hall.

  “Ladies and gentlemen, I would like to introduce the head of the delegation from the Nation of Darkness, the honorable Albedo!”

  The orchestra that had been playing quietly paused, and the voices of the people chatting faded.

  There was a ceremonial guard by the door who seemed to have just announced the guest of honor at this royal cocktail party.

  “Albedo is said to be the right hand of the King of Darkness; serves as the captain of the guardians, which is equivalent to prime minister; and is attending alone this evening.”

  Phillip heard a nearby woman murmur, “Oh my, alone?”

  The wealthy-looking noble standing next to the woman reproved her with an “Oh, stop.”

  Phillip’s expression was puzzled. I think it’s fine to come alone. But I’m surprised they sent someone of such high rank to represent them. Is the Nation of Darkness that interested in us here?

  Wondering what sort of man it would be, he turned his attention to the door next to the guard.

  “And now, may I present the leader of the delegation, the honorable Albedo!”

  The door opened and the room fell silent.

  Standing there was a woman who truly appeared to be a goddess. Her regular features were more beautiful than those of any farm girl Phillip had ever seen, any prostitute he had visited since coming to the capital, or anyone else he had ever met for that matter. Certainly, the princess he had seen earlier was beautiful, but his personal tastes put this woman above her.

  Her clothing was also gorgeous: a silver dress, golden hair ornaments, and a shift over the lower half of her dress that seemed like black wings. The way the magic light reflected in the air made it seem like she was glowing.

  Phillip took a sidel
ong glance at the woman who had spoken earlier. She stood there in shock with an oafish look on her face.

  Wow, I guess even the guest of an admirable noble makes faces like that. She looks like any old farm girl.

  Phillip felt triumph welling up in his breast. It was because the representative from the country he felt some sort of affinity with was superior.

  “Welcome, Lady Albedo.” Ramposa III stood and greeted her.

  “Thank you for having me, Your Majesty.”

  Phillip could tell from her profile that she was beaming. There simply aren’t words that do her beauty justice…

  “I’ve gotten old, so my apologies, but I’ll be using a chair. Now then, nobles of the kingdom. The guest of honor has arrived. Enjoy this evening. I hope you will as well, Lady Albedo.”

  “Thank you, Your Majesty.” She wore a broad smile.

  When he glanced around, he noticed that the noblewomen were saying incomprehensible rubbish like, “She’s not even bowing.” He put the nonsense of those vacuous women out of his mind and followed the peerless beauty with his eyes.

  He wanted to burn the sight of her chatting intimately with Princess Renner onto the insides of his eyelids.

  It would be amazing if I could make her mine…

  Of course, he knew that would be difficult. But it didn’t strike him as necessarily unthinkable.

  Once I make my domain rich, I’m sure there will be nobles trying to give me their daughters. And when it grows richer, I’m sure even higher-class women will come for me. It’s not impossible that the princess or even that representative would want me.

  Phillip felt the heat in his loins creeping up.

  The higher-ranking nobles even have mistresses, apparently… Being with two women that beautiful at once would be just amazing.

  Albedo and Renner… He looked back and forth between them.

  His fantasy nearly ran away with itself, and he abruptly went to go get a drink. He couldn’t very well get a bulge in his crotch here. The cold drink sliding down his throat brought him back to his senses.

  I wonder how they made this ice. It must be magic, but…

  About the only people who could use magic in Phillip’s domain were the priests. They could heal illnesses and wounds, but they charged for it. Did it cost a similar amount to get ice made?

  Maybe I should tell them that my illnesses and wounds should be healed for free, since they live in my domain. Isn’t it strange for a resident of a domain to be taking money from their lord?

  Phillip made a mental note that this would be one of his new measures to do with priests.

  Thinking about what he should work on first, he could hardly wait to return to his domain and get started. Each of his brilliant ideas would produce golden gleams.


  When he looked back at Albedo, she was standing alone.

  There were nobles standing near her, but they didn’t seem to know how to break the ice.

  The Nation of Darkness, huh…? What’s going to happen to the Re-Estize Kingdom?

  What did he care what happened to the kingdom? He was concerned about his own domain.

  In that case…

  Phillip’s thought gave him chills.

  Hey, don’t think such dangerous thoughts. But…I guess it wouldn’t be a bad move…? I’m just surprised I even thought of it…

  He could see Albedo’s lonely-looking profile.

  Third is no good. Second is pointless. It won’t mean anything unless I’m the first…

  The representative from the Nation of Darkness looked like she wasn’t quite sure what to do with herself, since no one was going over to talk with her. Phillip had read a book that said women weren’t great at handling that sort of situation.

  I need to get in there. There aren’t any returns if you wager nothing. Forcing a change in the situation is what gives you the chance to rise up the ranks. I’m a lucky man; I need to take advantage of it.

  Phillip’s family had belonged to a certain faction for years and years, but counting up from the bottom of the hierarchy was the fastest way to find their house’s name, and they didn’t really seem to be getting any benefits from being in that faction.

  Phillip remembered something he had been told recently. It was a skinny lady who had said, “Why not just make your own faction?”

  He wasn’t sure what to do with the rest of his drink, but having steeled his resolve, he drained it.

  It was different from the watered-down drinks he had at home and blazed down his throat and into his stomach. As if propelled by the heat in his belly, he stepped forward.

  “Lady Albedo, may I have a moment?”

  When he spoke, she turned to him with a smile.

  His face was flushed but not from the alcohol.

  “Oh, nice to meet you…” She furrowed her brow slightly as if thinking, and Phillip knew immediately what she was waiting for.

  “My name is Phillip.”

  “Huh? Oh, Sir Phillip—I mean, Lord Phillip. It’s an honor to meet you.”

  “The honor is mine, Lady Albedo. I’m delighted to make your acquaintance.”

  Phillip sensed the atmosphere change around them.

  When he glanced around, he noticed even the upper-class nobles were surprised.

  Feeling all eye and ears in this royal cocktail party on him was sheer ecstasy.

  I’m…I’m the center of attention!

  He had been treated so coldly, but now the kingdom nobles, the most important people in the country, were paying attention to him. The thought of it made him unbelievably excited.

  Yeah! I’m Phillip! Just watch! I’ll be the most important man in the kingdom!

  Phillip worked his brain furiously and made the biggest gamble of his life—to ask Albedo to an upcoming ball.

  “You idiot!”

  This rained on Phillip’s parade, but at the same time, it fanned his smoldering embers into a blaze. The fuel he’d been stockpiling all his life burst into flames.

  Phillip cast an insulting look on the conspicuously graying man in front of him.

  “I didn’t send you so you could go pulling something like that! You utter fool!”

  Phillip had told his father what happened at the palace during the party. Now he sighed.

  “There’s no way we would be invited to a royal cocktail party! The reason I worked so hard to arrange an invitation was to create a chance to thank the count—and to introduce you!”

  Nobles from various factions gathered at royal cocktail parties. And in their faction, a change of lord was a low-priority reason to attend. They didn’t press that angle, and Phillip must have been approved on somewhat hazy grounds. And once he was approved, it was difficult for anyone to complain afterward.

  In effect, Phillip’s father didn’t have faith in his abilities. He must have thought if he introduced him to the faction members in the usual way, there would have been some kind of trouble.

  Understanding all that, Phillip desperately suppressed his discontent and put on a fake smile.

  “Now, now, Father, please don’t get so worked up. I’m going to make sure my house—”

  “What do you mean, ‘my house’?! What you’ve done flies in the face of all common sense!”

  Flies in the face of common sense? Phillip snapped internally. I simply made the first move because all the others were spineless cowards!

  Do you intend to forever yield to those fools and chickens and content yourself with this miserable standing?

  “Father! I’d like you to please think for a moment! Our domain may be off the main road, but we’re still between the capital and the Nation of Darkness. It’s not hard to imagine that if the Re-Estize Kingdom and the Nation of Darkness went to war that we would be caught up in the chaos of the battle; therefore, we should make friendly ties with the Nation of Darkness.”

  “Y-you idiot!” his father shouted with a face even redder than before. “Those wretches in the Nation of Darkness are th
e ones who killed your brother! You’re saying you want to join forces with them?! Isn’t that treason?!”

  What about it? thought Phillip.

  As long as the Nation of Darkness was stronger, it wasn’t an issue to betray the kingdom. They could be vassals of the Nation of Darkness. What was wrong with the weaker adhering themselves to the stronger? Who could blame him?

  “What are you thinking?!”

  He was disgusted by his father’s foolishness.

  Saying something this obvious was absurd, but apparently it had to be said. “That’s simple, Father. It’s to protect m—” He had been about to say my. In the near future, it would be his, but it wasn’t completely yet. “Our domain. To protect our vassals. The Nation of Darkness is far stronger than us—stronger than the kingdom. Don’t you think it makes sense that they might attack in the near future? I want to have connections ready for when that time comes.”

  “Ngh! What do you mean, ‘connections’? What will the neighboring lords think if we do that?”

  “In this day and age, no one will blame us.”

  In Phillip’s domain, many had died in that war. The situation must have been the same for the neighboring domains. That meant that no one had spare energy to get annoyed with them.

  “There’s really nothing else on your mind?”

  “Huh?” Phillip asked, unable to determine the motive of his father’s question.

  “You’re thinking too shallowly—convinced you’ve accomplished something by having a daydream. You—”

  “—That’s enough.” The man who had been standing silently behind his father up until then spoke.

  It was the butler who had served his father for many years. He was the stony-faced type, and Phillip hated him. He was one of the people he was going to get rid of once his rule over the domain was secure.

  At the butler’s comment, Phillip’s father worked to steady his breath. The red in his face drained away, and his complexion went back to its usual unhealthy look.

  “I need to ask you…” He panted. “Phillip. Are you sure it won’t antagonize any nearby lords? That would be even worse…”


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