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Purgatory: Heaven Sent Extended Remix: Book Two

Page 5

by Jet Mykles

  She gushed appropriately, leaving his side to at least grip hands with the rockstars. He wondered idly where Darien was, but then Darien could make friends anywhere so he was likely off in the middle of some group somewhere holding court.

  As Piper did her thing, Reese finished the new glass of champagne in two gulps. As he set down the glass, he caught Luc watching him with hooded eyes. One corner of that oh-so-luscious mouth curled.

  Before he could interpret the look, one of the other ushers in the wedding found Reese and tugged on his sleeve. What was it today with people tugging on him? “We gotta go do the dance thing.”

  He grimaced. He was officially good and sick of this wedding crap. “Okay.” He smiled at Luc, Johnnie, and Tyler. “Sorry, guys. Duty calls.”

  He looked at Piper, but she studiously ignored him, having managed to snag another guest to snap a picture of her with Johnnie and Tyler.

  He rolled his eyes and left to find Ava, the bridesmaid who was his opposite in the wedding party.


  Slowly, Luc turned his head to meet Brent’s gaze. From long practice, he read his friend’s expression around the sunglasses, mainly because of the single raised eyebrow.

  Then they matched smiles.

  There was no way Reese was into this woman. Even if today was just a rough day and they weren’t getting along, there was no spark or chemistry between them. As in nothing. It didn’t look like they wanted to touch each other. Reese’s hand at her back had been perfunctory and he’d dropped the connection as quick as he could. He’d been annoyed with her the entire time he’d stood at the table and the only attention she’d paid him was for introductions. If they were in love, there’d be something between them even if they were in a fight.

  He sat back, cradling his wineglass in one hand. Reese was on the dance floor with a brunette. Smiling, clearly joking since she laughed. He was more comfortable with the bridesmaid — a friend of Reegan’s Luc thought he might remember — than he was with the woman he thought he might marry.

  Brent leaned on an elbow closer to him. “So…?”

  “No way.”

  “Right.” Brent sat back.

  Piper was back at his side, blonde and cool and oh-so-wrong for Reese. “Luc. Could I have a picture?” She held up her phone.

  He considered denying her, just to be petty. But why bother? She wasn’t an obstacle to what he wanted. He just had to get Reese to see that.

  Happier now then he’d been since talking to Reese the previous night, he stood, feeling magnanimous. “Of course, darlin’.”


  He was drunk. It was official. Rainbows were smearing together, and the edges of everything had gone soft. The ground had even decided to start rolling, which was why Reese now sat in an uncomfortable iron chair in a quiet corner of the balcony. Night had fallen, and from here he could see the twinkling lights of the city — albeit fuzzy to his current vision. The serene lights didn’t quite go with the pounding dance music that poured out onto the balcony, the reception still in full swing. God, how long had it been since he’d been like this? Years, certainly. Back in the days right after Heaven Sent left for glory and fame, back when he didn’t want to be himself and got lost trying to be someone else.

  His duties as usher were long gone. His tux jacket had been stashed away not long after the wedding cake had been cut and he’d had his brother/sister dance with Reegan. She was happy. That’s what was important. It was Reegan’s day, and she was having a blast. Last he’d seen her, she was being twirled across the dance floor by Johnnie Heaven.

  So what if her brother was having a shitty time? So what if Piper had chosen to rip him a new one and call him a cold bastard? He hadn’t expected her to break up with him at his sister’s wedding, but she’d cited his disinterested attitude toward her as the need for immediate separation. She’d said that he didn’t seem to want her there, and he realized now that he hadn’t refuted her. He’d known he’d catch shit for the way he’d introduced her to the band, but he’d underestimated. Funny thing was, he was kind of relieved. His main concern now was that he’d have to find an alternate way home from the wedding.

  But he couldn’t be bothered at the moment. Right now, he wanted to enjoy the buzz. He watched the silvery crescent moon glide through the spindly clouds overhead, idly trying to decide if the colors were more blue or white.

  Predictably, his thoughts meandered back to Luc, wondering where he was. Since the previous night, if wedding activities hadn’t been keeping him busy the bass player had been constantly on his mind. His reappearance in Reese’s life, if only brief, had turned everything on its side. Although he tried to resist, memories of what he used to want made him face the fact that he wasn’t really happy, that his life wasn’t really what he wanted it to be. He didn’t know anymore what he wanted it to be, but it wasn’t this. It wasn’t Piper, it wasn’t teaching, it wasn’t button-down shirts and pressed slacks. Neither was it the colorful ideals of a naive teenager with an enormous crush on a man who became a rockstar. So what was it? He’d have to figure that out.

  Tomorrow, maybe.

  He hadn’t seen Luc since he’d been pulled away earlier. First the dance, then bouquet and garter, then cake, then Piper had kept him distracted, along with a continuous stream of champagne. He’d scanned the crowd briefly while on his way to get some air, but hadn’t seen the source of his renewed obsession. He suspected wherever Luc was, he was the center of attention. That’s how it always worked. It wasn’t any wonder. Back before Reese had confessed his love, Luc had been the center of Reese’s world, as well. Even if Luc hadn’t known it. And that kiss. Dear God, he’d never stopped dreaming about that kiss and what might have happened if Luc had really kissed him back. He would have so rather lost his virginity to Luc than to the guy he’d fucked a week later. It might not have been magical, but it would have been Luc and that would have made all the difference. A strange ache spread through Reese’s chest. His skin tingled and his cock started to stir. With a small groan, he leaned forward and set his face in his hands, elbows on his knees. Thoughts of Luc hadn’t caused a physical reaction in years. It had to be the relatively close proximity of the man. Or the fact that Luc had actually apologized for the episode that had turned Reese’s entire world on its end. Reese had never held the reaction against Luc, but hearing the apology had reopened old wounds and made them bleed a different shade of red.

  What did the apology mean?

  Nothing, of course. At heart, Luc was a nice guy, had figured out he’d hurt Reese and wanted to make amends. That’s all Reese should get out of this. So why didn’t it feel like closure? Why did it feel like a seam had been torn and his stuffing was oozing out?

  He looked up at a tap on his shoulder. A bottle of water hovered in front of his eyes. Continuing to look up the arm that held it, noting the fine, pettable silk of its shirt, he met Luc’s sable eyes. Oh, man! As if mere thought had conjured him, he was standing there more beautiful than anything. The hair had come down and flowed softly about his shoulders like flowing lava. The jacket was gone and the top few buttons of his shirt were open to reveal a tantalizing triangle of pale chest and a fine gold chain glittering around the base of his long neck.

  Luc smiled. “You looked like you might need this.”

  Reese stared for a moment more, drinking in the sight of the man, then blinked and remembered the water. “Thanks.” He took the bottle and sat back in his chair. Luc had even cracked the cap partway for him. What a guy.

  Luc stepped back to prop his butt on the low, thick stone railing that circled the balcony. With the midnight blue sky and sparkling city behind him, he looked like he should be in one of the many gorgeous photo shoots which had featured him. The ones designed to make him look like a god, a creature you had to want but wouldn’t ever have. The lighting was just right to shadow his face, softening the sharp lines of nose and jaw. Reese’s renewed ache for a sketchpad reared its head.

“Where’s your girlfriend?” Luc asked, hooking his thumbs in the pockets of his trousers. Gold rings shone on the middle finger and pinky of one hand.

  Reese downed half the sixteen-ounce bottle in a few greedy gulps. “She left,” he said after cool bliss slid down his throat.

  “Trouble in paradise?”

  “Paradise?” He puffed out a breath. “Hardly. She dumped me.”


  “Yep.” He wiped his mouth. “Said I was a cold, unfeeling bastard and she couldn’t deal with it anymore.” He cocked a brow and grinned at Luc. “Sound familiar?”

  Luc acknowledged the echo of Reegan’s long ago accusations with a nod and a half grin.

  “Funny,” Reese sighed, sitting back in his seat. “I didn’t think I was that bad.”

  “Sorry, man.”

  “Thanks. But whatever.” He downed the rest of the water, then held the empty up to Luc. “Thanks for this.”

  “Don’t mention it. You okay?”

  “Yeah, sure.” Reese carefully set the bottle on the table beside his phone. “I haven’t been this wasted in years.”

  Luc laughed softly. “I can believe that.”

  “It shows?”


  Reese snorted. “I almost want a cigarette.” He’d quit years ago, but the craving had always been strong when he was drinking.

  “Happy to share.”

  He looked to the hand that patted the box outline in Luc’s shirt pocket. His palm itched to be the hand in that exact spot.

  “Nah. Thanks.”

  Reese stretched his legs before him, staring at the squared toes of his shiny black leather shoes. That perverse need to talk that takes you over when you’re drunk grabbed him by the balls. “After you guys left, things just weren’t the same.”

  Luc said nothing, so Reese continued. “Parties just weren’t all that much fun anymore. At first they were all about what you guys were doing and being happy for you. We had some ragers when your first album came out.” He smiled at the memories, most of which were hazy and melancholy. He’d been joyous for the success of people he knew, but he’d also been sad. “But you weren’t ours anymore, y’know? You belonged to the world.” A glance up showed those dark eyes on him. Gentle, patient, waiting. For what, he didn’t know and currently didn’t have the brain capacity to contemplate. He shrugged. “We all… oh, I don’t know. We all felt part of it somehow, at first, but then —” He shook his head, eyes on the moon. “— then it was just empty. Just didn’t seem a reason to go out anymore. The only thing left was to grow up.”

  “Fuck that.”

  Reese blinked out of his reverie and smiled. “Yeah,” he agreed sadly. “Fuck that.” He scraped a hand over his face and sat up. The world was still spinning, but more slowly than before. “So, did you see Reegan when you were in there?”

  “You mean the girl in the big white dress? Yeah, I think I saw her.”

  “What was she doing?”


  He stared at the arched doorway leading into the main hall but he was at the wrong angle to see into the main room. “I wonder if I can bow out of here.” If no one else was leaving, he could get a Lyft easily enough.

  He turned to reach for his phone, only to find Luc there, picking it up.


  The bass player pocketed his phone. “Come on.” He held out a hand.

  Reese looked up without taking the hand. “What?”

  “You can’t leave yet. You’d break Reegan’s heart, and you’re in no shape to drive.”

  “I can get a Lyft if you give me back my phone.” What an odd thing to do.

  “Take a break instead. Walk with me.”

  Words, tone, intimacy, moonlight. Lucas fucking Sloane and enough alcohol to slow his thoughts. All combined to make a walk suddenly the best idea in this world. Reese took the hand — warm and strong — and allowed Luc to draw him to his feet. Luc’s other hand came up to steady him and he stared at the V of pale peach flesh exposed by Luc’s collar. Luc topped his height by nearly a head, making the crook of his neck at just the right height to nuzzle. Reese had to close his eyes and take a moment to stop himself from doing just that.

  They headed through the narrow opening at the corner of the balcony. It led under a row of fragrant trees. A mossy rock path wound under the balcony of another banquet hall, then trailed out into a garden area. Abundant trees and manicured bushes made for seclusion; their greens muted by soft, hidden lighting. Neither Reese nor Luc spoke, and it was okay. It was comfortable. It was nice.

  They reached an alcove just beside the bank of a koi pond. They stood a moment, looking at the milling orange and white fish exposed by sunken lights.

  “How long were you together?” Luc’s voice was soft, almost blending with the delicate rustling of leaves overhead.

  It took him a second. “Me and Piper?”

  “You got another girlfriend?”

  Dear God! “Nope.” He braced his shoulder against the trunk of the sturdy but slender tree that hovered over the pond. “Just a few months.”

  “She the one you said might become your fiancée?”

  He remembered that? “Yeah.”

  “Well, you’re better off without her.” Luc stood a mere step away, hands in his pockets, staring at the fish. “She isn’t right for you.”

  Reese laughed. “You sound like Reegan.”


  “Reegan doesn’t like Piper. No, scratch that. Reegan likes Piper just fine. She doesn’t like Piper with me.”

  “Your sister’s a smart lady. Always has been.”

  “She dumped your ass, you cold, heartless bastard.” Reese glanced sidelong and caught Luc’s grin.

  Luc held up a finger. “That’s cold unfeeling bastard. Get it right.”

  An ache he hadn’t recognized eased with more laughter. “Of course. I stand corrected.”

  “And, like I said, smart lady. Even back then.”

  Sobering to hear him admit it. “She regretted it, you know.”


  “Dumping you.”

  “Back then, or after I made it?”

  “Well, back then.” He snorted. “And later.”

  Luc chuckled. He turned to face away from the pond. His shoulder brushed Reese’s. “Well, she’s damn beautiful, but she’s not quite my type.”

  “Nah. She’s Dave’s type. They’re happy together.”

  “Are they?”

  “Yeah. He’s a good guy.”

  “Good. She deserves to be happy.”

  Reese nodded. An orange koi popped its big mouth up over the top of the water to gulp down a bug that had landed on the surface.

  “What about you?”

  “What about me?”

  “You happy?”

  No. But he couldn’t admit that, so he shrugged. “I’m okay.”

  Luc turned again. Reese’s heart began to pound when he realized that the rockstar stood right behind him, his hand braced against the tree right behind Reese’s head. He could feel the man’s warmth at his back. He swallowed and kept his gaze on the fish. What was going on here? Curiosity and shock kept him immobile.

  “Are you?” Luc’s low voice was right next to his ear.

  He shuddered, trills racing down his spine. “Yeah.”

  He saw the hand come up. Saw those elegant, long fingers just before they cupped his chin. He felt the slight pressure of calloused fingertips on the side of his jaw, encouraging him to face Luc. Dazed, he twisted his head, obedient to the gentle pressure on his jaw. His eyes immediately sought the hooded sable of Luc’s eyes.

  Eyes looking at his lips. “Are you?” Luc asked again, leaning closer.

  The meeting of lips was a natural thing. So natural, so right, that it didn’t occur to Reese to pull back. His eyes closed. He lifted his chin to allow better access. The tongue that gently prodded his mouth open was wet and delightfully flavorful, smoke and coffee and Luc. He s
ucked it in without thought, sinking against the tree trunk and turning more toward the other man.

  The fingers on his chin fanned out over his cheek, then sank into the curls behind his ear. They took hold of his hair, controlling his head, keeping him still as the lips opened wider and the tongue sank deeper into the recesses of his mouth.

  Reese sighed, his hands coming up to clutch Luc’s shirt at the open collar, pulling him close. Luc. Lucas Sloane. His dream. His…

  Wait. His dream. Oh no!

  His muddled brain figured it out finally. He opened his eyes and pushed.

  Luc held him by the hair, prolonging the kiss until Reese finally wiggled too much. “What?”

  “Let go.”


  “Let go.”


  “I don’t… we shouldn’t…”

  “Oh yes, we should.” Luc leaned back in.

  Reese braced his hands on Luc’s chest, holding him away. “No! Quit it!”

  The scowl on Luc’s face had no business looking so very gorgeous. “Don’t tell me you weren’t enjoying that.”

  “That’s not the point. I… ahhh!” He jumped.

  Luc’s other hand had dropped and firmly cupped the erection that tented Reese’s tux trousers. “That is the point. You enjoyed it.” The hand stroked Reese’s dick through tucked in shirt, pants, and underwear. “Very much.”

  Reese shut his eyes, hands creeping up to Luc’s shoulders. A moan poured from his throat as Luc continued to stroke. Had anything ever felt so good? “S-stop.”

  “No.” Warm, soft lips brushed Reese’s cheekbone. “Not when you make pretty sounds like that.” Kissed the outer corner of his eye.

  “Wh-why are you doing this?” God! Soft lips feathering his face, and a nice firm grip on his dick. Sure, slow strokes.

  “Not obvious? I want to fuck you.”

  Reese heard himself moan and he would have crumpled into a heap if not for the tree at his back and the man in front of him. “B-but you’re not…”


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