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Hollywood Love: Book 11: A sexy celebrity romance (Hollywood Billionaires)

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by Jillian Dodd


  Title Page

  Copyright page

  Saturday, October 18th

  Sunday, October 19th

  Books by Jillian


  Book #11



  Copyright © 2014-2017 by Jillian Dodd

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  Jillian Dodd Inc.

  N. Redington Beach, FL

  Jillian Dodd and The Keatyn Chronicles are registered trademarks of Jillian Dodd, Inc.

  Saturday, October 18th

  Asher Vineyards — Sonoma County


  I wake up curled into Dawson’s arms. I feel a little bad that we didn’t go back out last night and join our friends, but I know they will understand.

  I kiss his neck to wake him up.

  “Morning,” he says, his voice gravelly.

  “Last night was so incredible. I love you.”

  “I love you too. Having you know everything makes me feel like a huge weight has been lifted off my shoulders.”

  “Our past relationships have definitely taken their toll on us. Here’s to new beginnings.” I give him a sweet kiss since we don’t have drinks to toast with. “Are you ready to get up?”

  He pushes against me. “I think I’m already up.”

  I slide my hand down his hard torso and discover that he is correct. “Well, I’m sure my bridesmaid’s duties can wait a little longer.”

  “A lot longer,” he says, rolling on top of me.

  “You take the word cockiness to a whole new level,” I tease.

  “Damn right, I do.”

  Later, we join everyone in the kitchen where a wonderful brunch is laid out. I’m filling up my plate when Keatyn tosses a printout in front of me. “Hopefully we get through this wedding without helicopters flying overhead trying to take photos.”

  “Do you think we should tent everything? Is Ariela prepared for that?”

  “I am,” Ariela says as she walks by and grabs a warm chocolate croissant. “I have them on standby in case it rains. Why, what’s up?”

  I pick up the article and read it aloud.

  “The Life of Keatyn Douglas

  “Well, people. Things continue to get juicier in the Keatyn Douglas—Aiden Arrington—Knox Daniels love triangle.

  A source tells me that designers are rush shipping wedding dresses straight off the runway to Keatyn’s long-time stylist, even though Keatyn’s publicist told reporters the actress was planning a Spring wedding.

  You all know I was the first to call her pregnancy.

  Now, it’s safe to say a wedding is in the works.

  Keatyn is definitely knocked up and planning a quickie wedding before she announces her pregnancy to the public.

  But the question is, who will she walk down the aisle with? Long-time lover, Knox Daniels or her high school sweetheart, Aiden Arrington?

  Since we all want to know the answer to that, just for you, I’ve been scouring interviews and calling in favors.

  “The facts as I know them:

  1. Knox just purchased property in Sonoma County, close to a certain vineyard.

  2. In a recent interview, Keatyn mentioned the Trinity cast has three weeks off before filming in locations around the world.

  3. Keatyn recently purchased a swanky, six-bedroom Chelsea abode in London.

  4. Knox is packing up and shipping his personal belongings to the above Chelsea address.

  The obvious conclusion is that Knox and Keatyn are moving into the London home together to raise their love child.

  But sources close to Keatyn say that her relationship with Aiden is stronger than ever.

  Could it be that Aiden and Keatyn will get married even though Knox is her baby daddy?

  Or is it the other way around?

  Did Knox buy a place close to Keatyn because he and his soon-to-be bride need to be close to Aiden, the real baby’s father. Or does Keatyn even know who the father is?

  Only time will tell, and we won’t have to wait long.

  Expect a press release announcing Keatyn’s elopement and pregnancy in the next two weeks. We’re scouring the world trying to figure out where the wedding of the century will be taking place.

  One thing is for sure.

  She’s going to break someone’s heart.

  And I volunteer as tribute to console whichever man it may be.


  Just as I was about to post this article, I got an interesting text. It seems that Captive Films held a special board meeting yesterday where, in an odd turn of events, Keatyn handed over the reins of the company to CEO Riley Johnson by naming him Chairman of the Board. Riley’s first order of business was to announce the sale of Captive Films to Front Door Films. There were no further details regarding the sale.

  Of course, this wasn’t enough information for me, so I went to a top-secret source for details. Here’s the word inside Captive.

  Employees were shocked to learn about the sale, which was announced Friday after the special session of the board. Apparently the mood was pretty sour until envelopes were handed out to employees, showing the amount of money they would each earn based on their employee stock options, which will soon be fully vested. I’m told cheers of joy erupted, and the offices were then closed for the day to allow for celebration.

  Now, the fact that Keatyn is pregnant and cashing out is not really that big of a surprise. It makes sense that one of the hardest working women in Hollywood would want to slow down.

  But here’s where things get interesting.

  After talking to a source inside Front Door Films, I’ve learned about a few special concessions to the deal. Keatyn, who famously took over the former A Breath Behind You Films from her stalker, the late Vincent Sharpe, took less money in order to hold on to the Captive Films name. The Daddy’s Angel project along with all of Keatyn’s un-optioned scripts were not up for negotiation.

  Then someone mentioned the words Captive North.

  With Knox and Keatyn buying up land in Sonoma County, along with her hint recently about the two of them working on a future project, it sounds like L.A. may soon be losing some of its hottest stars to life in the slow lane.

  So, Keatyn, inquiring minds want to know.

en are you getting married and to whom?

  Call me. Fill me in. Send me an invite!

  “P.S. I’m now totally daydreaming about sitting on a huge front porch with Knox, drinking a crisp Chardonnay and talking about the gorgeous weather.

  P.P.S. Who am I kidding? I’d be sitting on top of him.

  P.P.P.S. It may be time to call my realtor.

  “Well, I guess the good news is they didn’t mention anything about the fundraiser tonight or the fact that the invitations went out so recently. We make it through the next twelve hours, and we’ll be golden.”

  “What do you want to do?” Ariela asks her. “The weather is going to be gorgeous, do you want to put up the tents anyway, just in case?”

  She sighs, the thought of her wedding turning into a circus clearly weighing on her. “You know what? I’m going to talk to Knox and have his assistant respond to this woman.”

  “Don’t worry,” Knox says, grabbing a piece of Marvel’s candied bacon and shoving it in his mouth. “Yum. I can’t get enough of this. Have you tried it? Marvel says it’s a new recipe. He’s wrapping it around chocolate for the cocktail party tonight. Can you even imagine?”

  “Knox, why shouldn’t we worry?” I ask.

  “Oh, yeah. Sorry, got distracted by pork,” he says, dishing up at least six pieces of the bacon onto a plate along with more potatoes. “My assistant called me about the article this morning. I told her to take care of it.”


  “Well, Miss Bossy Pants, she’s going to let it slip to her source that I am moving into the London flat with Keatyn, and that we seem closer than ever. I mean, technically, I am moving in with her. Then there’s the fortunate occurrence that took place at the triplets’ party.”

  “What was that?”

  “Keatyn didn’t wear her engagement ring because it kept snagging her dress. A different reporter noticed it in the photos from when we arrived and called about it. My assistant told the reporter that at this time she was unable to comment on our relationship status. When the reporter pushed for more information, she told him she could answer off the record.”

  “What did she tell him?” I ask.

  “To expect an exciting announcement on Monday.”

  Keatyn breaks out into her trademark grin. “Thank you, Knox.”

  He nudges his shoulder against hers and smiles. “I haven’t bought you a wedding gift yet, sugar. So I figured it’s the least I could do.”

  “So, then, no tent necessary, Ariela.”

  “Awesome, would you like to come see the ceremony site? The altar is up and decorated.”

  “I’d love to,” she says, pulling my hand and dragging me with her. “Vanessa, come with me and see it, then we have to meet Kym and figure out what the heck we are wearing today!”

  Asher Vineyards — Wedding


  I’m dressed, ready, and counting down the minutes until I get to marry Aiden.

  Grandpa comes into my room carrying a large box.

  “Vanessa,” he says, “would you mind if I have a word alone with my granddaughter?”

  “Of course,” Vanessa says. “I’ll wait outside.”

  Grandpa sets the box on my bed and sits down next to me.

  “You are a vision,” he says. “Do you remember when you described your perfect wedding to your grandmother and me a few years ago? And how you imagined wearing a dress with gold embroidery. I see that your dress has just that.” He looks down at the sparkly gold Louboutins dangling out from under my dress. “You gonna be able to dance in those skyscraper heels all night, Hotshot?”

  “I don’t know. They are a little small and already pinching my toes.”

  “I was hoping you’d say that,” he says, patting the box. “This is for you. I had them made right after that conversation and we’ve been holding on to them for this very day.”

  “You bought me a present two years ago?”

  “Well, I’m not getting any younger. I figured if I kicked the bucket before you two decided to make it official, Grandma could give them to you.”

  I open the box. Inside are a pair of beautiful light brown leather boots embroidered with gold thread.

  “Grandpa, they’re beautiful!” I pick one up and examine it closer, noticing that the embroidery isn’t just a random design. Mixed into the swirls are symbols of me and Aiden’s relationship. There’s a four-leaf clover, a Keats quote, a peace sign, an Eiffel tower, our initials, a feather, a moon and stars, and the words bliss, chaos, love, and ifly.

  “Grandpa, these boots are like the story of us!” I say as tears fill my eyes. “They are amazing. I’ll cherish them forever. And I’m definitely wearing them.”

  “There’s something I want you to know, Keatyn,” Grandpa says seriously. “Before he proposed, Aiden asked me for your hand.”

  “He did?”

  “He talked to Tommy as well, but I have to say it choked me up a little—and I don't choke up easily. Grandma says that I’m a ruthless bastard.”

  I open my mouth to disagree, but he holds up his hand.

  “And your grandmother and I made a big decision last night. When we pass, other than a few small bequests and trusts for future generations, you were set to inherit our estate. I don’t want to toot my own horn, but your grandpa is pretty loaded. When I bought my farm, the neighbors used to say I was all hat and no cattle, but I showed them. With the sale of Captive, I reckon you really don’t need my money, so we’ve changed our plans. We’re endowing our money to the Moon Wish Foundation in the hopes that you and Aiden can do more good things with it.”

  “Oh, Grandpa—”

  “I know. I know. But don’t you go getting all teary. You’ll make this old man cry, and I can’t let Ma see that. She’ll think I’ve lost it and send me to a home.”

  “She will not,” Grandma says from behind us. “Sorry to interrupt, but Ariela says the wedding is about to start, and I have something for you too, sweetheart. When me and this old geezer over here were dating, he didn’t have a pot to piss in, but he had big ideas. And although my father told me never to marry a dreamer, I knew your grandfather wasn’t just going to dream, he was going to achieve, and I wanted to help him do so.”

  “Never underestimate the power of a good woman,” Grandpa says, “I’m pretty sure I wouldn’t have amounted to a hill of beans if it weren’t for her. Hell, back then I would’ve promised anything just to get her to kiss me. Once she did, I realized I’d better deliver.”

  Grandma rolls her eyes at Grandpa, but she’s smiling at him.

  “On our first anniversary, we were living in a little shack in Texas near an oil rig, and we didn't have much. To celebrate, he bought a cheap bottle of champagne and this rock, which he told me someday he’d replace with a sapphire. On our ten-year anniversary, he did. I considered giving you that ring to wear today, but decided this old rock has more value, because it represents the promise of love and what you can achieve together.” She hands me a smooth blue rock—the kind you find at a tourist stop in different colors. “You should also know that donating to Moon Wish was my idea.”

  “Thank you, Grandma,” I say, giving her a tight hug. “Where do you think I should put it?’

  Grandpa holds up the boot. “We had a spot made for it.”

  Sewn inside the top of the boot is a small suede pouch. Grandma tucks the stone inside, gives me a kiss and says, “I better get going. Your Grandma Stevens and I will be the first up for the processional.”

  I grab the locket with the photo of my dad and tuck it in with the stone.

  Tommy steps into the room, looking handsome in his tuxedo.

  “Are you ready? Ariela says we have to get going now if we want this wedding to start on time.”

  “Yes, I'm ready,” I say, quickly pulling on the boots.

  Tommy takes my hands and admires my dress. “You look beautiful.”

  “Thanks, Tommy.”

  “I’m honored to be walking down the ai
sle with you.”

  “You’ve treated me like your daughter since you met my mom, I wouldn’t have it any other way.”

  “Then let’s go get you hitched,” Grandpa says, leading us out the door.

  Asher Vineyards — Wedding


  Riley and I take our places at the altar. I’m nervous. Excited. Happy. And I can’t stop smiling.

  I’m standing under an altar decked out in white tulle, softly colored flowers, and a large chandelier—one that Keatyn pulled out of storage, telling Ariela she had purchased it years ago just for this day.

  There are ribbons blowing in the trees around us, each hand calligraphed with gold letters spelling out our words of love.

  Our favorite quotes from music, poems, and books. Mostly, the books that told the story of our courtship. Things like: Top of the Eiffel Tower; A million sunsets; We’re sorta like fate; Always. Only. Ever. For you; A piece of cake peace offering; A push-me-over-the-edge-of-the-love-cliff smile; Your lips are my bliss; Hammering. Nailing. Pounding. Screwing; Points for Dances; Panties. I win; ifly; Shh, baby; and so many others from what she calls the Swoonworthy List. A list of all the things I’ve done—over a thousand of them—that have made her swoon. She says after the wedding is over, she’s given the crew strict instructions to carefully take them down and save them because she wants to use them to decorate the ceiling of the nursery, so our baby will live in a cocoon of love.

  Her ability to see beauty in everyday life is part of what makes her scripts so good. Even though on the surface most seem like fun romantic comedies, there is always a soulful depth to them that make people fall in love with the story. That is also why the Trinity spinoffs with her and Knox have been so wildly successful. Behind all the bombs, danger, and action, she’s woven in a tender love story that resonates with everyone.


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