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Rebirth Online

Page 12

by Michael James Ploof

  Trinity started a fire and put the hog meat that we had looted from Mad Morgan and his cronies on the spit, while Ember showed Kit around. The feline druid’s eyes lingered on the three beds against the wall and she batted her eyes at me as she passed. I felt my manhood respond enthusiastically. I adjusted myself beneath my robes and sat at the table by the fire, where Trinity had opened a bottle of elderberry wine.

  Ember and Kit soon joined us at the table, and we all shared the bottle while the food cooked.

  “So, how long you been playing?” I asked Kit.

  “A month,” she said with a cute smile. “I won a contest online to be one of the first players.”

  “Have you ever been in a guild?”

  “Nope. I figured that I would level to at least twenty before I bothered, you know, kind of hone my skills and remain a free agent until the right guild came along.”

  “You’re a level 12,” said Trinity. “So why do you want to join our guild so early?”

  Kit shrugged and licked her top left canine tooth.

  “What do you think?” said Ember. “She just wants to use Sam to level.”

  “That’s not true,” said Kit. “You guys work well together, and I like this whole damsel in distress thing you’ve got going on with Anna.”

  Trinity rolled her eyes and tossed back the rest of her wine, and Ember glanced at me knowingly.

  “Look, ladies,” I said to my two guildmates. “We need help if we’re going to get Anna and my gold back.”

  “Our gold,” said Ember.

  “Right. And Kit here seems like she’ll fit in well.”

  “You thinking with your big avatar brain, or your little avatar brain?” Ember asked.

  “Little?” said Trinity.

  “Well, you know what I mean.” Ember winked.

  “I’m thinking with all my brains,” I said. “I for one vote that she be allowed into the guild.”

  “Fine,” said Ember.

  “I’m cool with that,” said Trinity, and she refilled all our glasses.

  “Thanks everyone!” Kit said joyously as she lifted her glass.

  “Welcome to Heavy Metal Thunder,” I said with a smile.

  She batted her long eyelashes at me and bent to tap glasses with me, giving me a good view of her fuzzy cleavage at the same time.

  “So... when do we start leveling together?” she asked with a wink and eyed the other two women.

  I nearly spit out my drink.

  “Do you mean leveling, or leveling?” Ember asked.

  “Both,” Kit purred.

  “Well, that’s where a problem has arisen,” said Trinity. “If we all take turns leveling with Sam, then he will be like level fifty before we know it, but we’ll all be in the mid-twenties.”

  Kit tapped her chin in thought, then her feline eyes lit up. “Can he level all three of us at once?” she asked the women.

  I was rocked to my core, and I felt the passion stirring in my pants.

  “Are you, uh, suggesting a... foursome?” I asked and then hoped I hadn’t been completely missing the point.

  “Yes, sir, I am,” said Kit.

  Ember and Trinity shared a glance, and I could see the intrigue in their eyes.

  “And I just so happen to have this,” Kit said as she dangled a small glowing blue vile between two extended claws.

  “What’s that?” I said, although I knew damned well what it was.

  “Well…” Kit began coyly. “It’s like a little blue pill. Only way better.”

  Chapter 13

  I emerged from the sleeping quarters four hours later wondering if I should consult my doctor. I had been with each of the girls multiple times, I had stacked them, flipped them, turned them, and left them all panting, but the boner potion had yet to wear off.

  To my delight, however, I was now back to level 12. The cooldown on my special ability was still twelve hours, but that did nothing to help my raging hard on. Kit’s suggestion had worked though—the ladies had all leveled as well.

  Kit emerged from the sleeping area naked and proud. Her tail wagged slowly back and forth as she sauntered over to the table and picked a grape from a bowl, stabbing it with a long, extended feline claw.

  “Still ready for more, I see,” she said, eyeing the bulge beneath my trousers.

  “Heh, yeah, that potion of yours is something else.”

  She offered me a wink and began going through her interface, no doubt checking out her new stats. I did the same and was excited to see the gains that I had made.

  I flexed my bicep as I glanced at my strength, and I thought it looked a little bigger, a little more cut. Of course, my new Mountain Troll robes would increase all my stats, as would my other enchanted clothes and weaponry, but not enough to face Kincaid. I had hoped to use the money from Mad Morgan to perhaps purchase some legendary artifact, like a magical nuke or something that would take them all out at once. Now, however, that was out of the question.

  Kincaid not only had my woman, but my money as well.

  “So what should we do while we wait for your cooldown to expire?” Kit asked.

  “Grind it out in the wild,” said Trinity as she emerged from behind the silk curtain wearing nothing but her sleek metal boots.

  I was temporarily hypnotized by her swaying breasts, and I shook my head to try and clear my mind. But then Ember emerged, and her sultry drow body only made my erection throb more.

  “Uh, how long is this potion going to last?” I asked Kit.

  “Hmmm,” she said as she tapped her chin in thought. “You know, I’m not sure. It’s an experimental potion.”

  “Great,” I said, uncomfortably shifting my erection to the side. “I could crush stone with this friggin thing. It’s going to be kinda hard to focus on questing.”

  “Well, we’ve got to train together to become a stronger group,” said Ember as she began to dress.

  “Agreed,” said Trinity. “Let’s go out and grind until the cooldown wears off, and then we can grind on Sammy some more.”

  The women all shared a musical laugh, and I let out an ironic chuckle.

  There were worse problems that a guy could have.

  Once we had dressed for battle, we headed out into the snowy morning and started the arduous task of grinding out XP on the local wildlife. We all fell into a routine easily, with Kit acting as healer and dropping decent DPS at the same time. She had a very useful spell that brought vines to life right under the enemy’s feet and kept them tied down for five seconds. She could only affect one enemy at a time, but it was enough to turn the tide during a lot of fights.

  Twelve hours later we were all about 30% closer to the next level, and we had all gained about 20 gold for our efforts as well as piles of random loot. We returned to the hideout and sifted through our take, picking the items that were better than what we were already wearing. Trinity, Ember, and I didn’t find anything better than our mountain troll armor, but Kit had been awarded with better druid robes, which were made of vines like her old outfit, but with different colored flowers.

  “Time to level,” said Ember as she teasingly peeled off her black and green robes and disappeared behind the silken curtains.

  “Looks like Sam’s still ready,” Kit noted with a giggle.

  It was true, my boner had remained rock hard the whole time we were questing and was indeed ready. We had pushed all three beds together to make one giant bed, and to my thorough amusement, the girls decided to have a pillow fight. I watched them bounce around naked on the bed before jumping in and taking them all on, which elicited more giggles and playful taunts. They overpowered me and drove me down onto the bed. Trinity and Ember pinned my arms and legs down as Kit licked her way all the way from my toes to my lips, before settling onto my shaft with a purr. She climaxed quickly, and I tossed her to the side playfully and wrestled a giggling Trinity into submission and took her from behind. Ember wiggled beneath Trinity, offering herself to me as well, and I happily complied

  We all fell onto the bed in a sweaty heap an hour later, and I watched happily as my interface notified me that I had reached level 13. The girls and I nodded off in a big cuddle puddle, and I slept more soundly than I ever have in my life.

  I awoke 11 hours later when Trinity decided to take me for a ride again. Ember and Kit woke up due to our moans of pleasure, and they too had their way with me.

  I hit level 14 shortly after and emerged from behind the silk curtain with some seriously sore balls. The potion that Kit gave me had worn off, however, which was a blessing. I hadn’t ever thought that I would get tired of having sex, but I definitely needed a break.

  “You ladies ready to do some more questing?” I asked as I got dressed. “I’d like to take on something big. If we bust our asses, I think we can level today...without sex.”

  “Awe… are we tiring you out?” Ember asked with a sly grin as she emerged from the sleeping area.

  “Assassin please,” I said with an exaggerated wave, which gained me a laugh. “I just want to utilize our time well. If we can hit another level today, then we can gain two more levels by this time tomorrow.”

  “First we should portal back to Aeorock and put our new loot and gold in the bank,” said Trinity.

  We all ate a big breakfast using the food we had looted the day before, and then used our Heartstone of the King artifacts to travel instantly back to Aeorock. There were about a hundred players gathered in and around the large marketplace, and I scanned the crowd warily for Kincaid and his guildies. I didn’t spot them, but that didn’t mean that they weren’t out there in the crowd, watching us.

  “What’s wrong?” Trinity asked, and the other two ladies glanced at me as well.

  “Nothing, just wondering if Kincaid is around,” I told them.

  “Well, this is neutral ground,” said Ember. “They can’t attack us here.”

  “No, they can’t…” I said, and a thought bloomed in my mind. “Maybe we can ask around, see if anyone knows anything about Kincaid and his crew. He might have made some enemies that would be willing to help us take him down.”

  “That’s a good idea,” said Kit. “We can go to The Gilded Chalice. It’s one of the most popular pubs in the city.”

  “What do you two think?” I asked Trinity and Ember.

  “I could use a drink,” said Trinity.

  “It’s a good idea,” said Ember with a nod. “Rub shoulders, get to know other players. Can’t hurt.”

  I saw the sign for The Gilded Chalice about two hundred feet deeper into the chamber, and with a quick glance around, I led the girls through the crowd. Some of the players had their levels and stats visible, and I noticed one guild that was almost to forty. The last I knew, no one had yet made it to fifty, and the word on the street was that it was taking upwards of a week for each level above twenty-five. My guild might not have been shit yet, but if we kept leveling at the pace we had been, we were going to pass the highest players in a matter of a few short weeks.

  Then guys like Kincaid would grovel at my feet. I would become the first king of the realm, and I would finally be able to afford the surgery that I needed to get my real-world body back.

  Once that happened, I didn’t much care how long I reigned, if I could walk again.

  We started to gain some looks as we strode through the city. The girls seemed to like the attention, and Trinity and Ember even hooked their arms around mine to confirm what everyone must have been thinking. Kit jumped on my back as I walked, and the three of us split the crowd as we laughed at their gawking faces.

  To them, my stats read: Samson: Guild Leader of Heavy Metal Thunder.

  Warlocks tipped their wide brimmed hats as I passed. Warriors and assassins alike raised their swords in a show of respect, and I began to suspect that we were already known to some of these people.

  My guildies and I strode into The Gilded Chalice and took a table by the window. The place was huge, with at least one-hundred tables, a thirty-foot bar against the back wall, and a wide fireplace to the far right. On the left side of the room a band made up of real-world players performed an upbeat tune with their guitars, drums, and fiddles, and a small group of players were dancing in front of the stage. There were no NPCs in the pub, which I thought was pretty cool.

  I knew that the game offered more than just questing and adventure, and if a player was so inclined, he or she could simply hold a job in Rebirth Online. There was real world money to be made in game, a lot of it, and players who excelled in one of the many crafts offered by the game could make a good living.

  As I scanned the crowd, I saw a tall, furry fox woman walking toward us, and I got the girls’ attention and nodded toward the foxy lady. Her name hovered above her head, along with some other useful information.

  Cecilia Fox

  Owner of The Gilded Chalice

  Race: Fox Furry

  Class: Shaman

  Level: 12

  She wore a simple outfit consisting of tight brown shorts and a white t-shirt with the words The Gilded Chalice across her pert breasts. The t-shirt was tied in a knot at the bottom, which hiked it up and showed off her washboard abs. Her red fur was thick and luxurious. It covered her entire body except for her chest and stomach, and her wild red mane spilled out over her shoulders in big curls. Her eyes were luminescent brown, and her cute little nose wiggled as she stopped beside our table and gave us a once over.

  “Hello, I don’t believe that we have met,” she said as she extended a hand.

  “Hi, I’m Samson,” I said and shook her hand.

  My ladies introduced themselves and shook her hand as well, then she gave a small curtsy.

  “Cecelia Fox at your service. But everyone calls me Cece,” she said with a wonderful little grin. “Now what can my girls get you, honey?”

  “I’ll take a beer,” I said, reading the house special on the distant wall. “The purrrfect blonde.”

  “Mmmm,” she hummed. “Good choice.”

  “Red wine is fine,” said Trinity.

  “Same,” said Ember.

  “I’ll take a white,” Kit told the owner.

  “Great, it should be here shortly,” she said as she pulled an empty chair over to our table and straddled it. The furry glanced at us all in turn with a knowing grin.

  “What?” I asked.

  “I’ve heard a lot about you and your guild, Samson.”

  “What have you heard?”

  Her eyes moved down my body slowly, then they snapped up from my crotch and locked on my questioning gaze.

  “I’ve heard that you have a very unique special ability,” she said conspiratorially.

  “Who told you that?” I asked.

  “A little bird,” she said coyly.

  “And what is this unique ability that I have?”

  “Oh, come on,” she said with a musical little laugh. “Everyone knows about your little squabble with Kincaid. I own this place honey, I hear a lot.”

  “So they know that he kidnapped our healer too?” I said. “Does anyone but us have a problem with that?”

  “Some people think it’s funny, others could care less. And if they do have a problem with it, they don’t say anything about it. Kincaid is a very powerful mage. Even the players ten levels above him don’t want to mess with him.”

  “Does he have some kind of special ability that people are afraid of?” Trinity asked.

  “Maybe,” said Cecilia. “Maybe not.”

  “You can tell us for a price, is that it?” Ember asked.

  A furry bunny waitress arrived with our drinks, and when I tried to pay, Cecilia waved me off lazily.

  “Those are on the house,” she said.

  “Thanks.” I raised my glass to her and took three big gulps of the blonde ale. “This is delicious.”

  “Secret recipe,” she said with a wink.

  “So what’s your price?” Ember asked.

  “That depends on whether or not Samson here really has
the special ability that I’ve heard he has.”

  I glanced at the women, and the foxy lady laughed.

  “I’ll take that as a yes.” She leaned forward and placed her hand on my wrist, gauging my girls’ reactions. “In that case, I propose a trade. You help me level, and I’ll tell you anything you want to know about Kincaid.”

  “What else?” said Trinity. “Sam here is worth a lot more than a little information.”

  “They think they’re my pimps,” I said with a laugh.

  “What else do you want?” Cecilia asked the women.

  “Hellooo, the guy with the special ability here,” I chided. “I think I’ll handle the bargaining, thank you very much.”

  “Oh, honey, you’ll enjoy yourself, I promise,” said Cecilia.

  “We want you to help us get a hold of a legendary artifact,” said Ember. “It’s an Arcane Nuke, and it—”

  “I know what an arcane nuke is,” said the furry. “But that’s just about the rarest thing that you could ask for. Sorry, not going to happen.”

  “Then help us get ahold of something or someone who will help us take down Kincaid,” I said.

  “Are you more worried about getting your healer back, or your gold?” Cecilia asked, shocking the shit right out of me.

  “How do you know about that?”

  “I know everything that goes on in Rebirth Online,” she said. “Besides, the asshole has been bragging about it all over the realm.”

  “If I help you level, will you help us get back at him?” I asked.

  Cecilia glanced around at the patrons and leaned in closer.

  “On the record, no. The Gilded Chalice is a neutral ground, and so is its owner.”

  “And off the record?” Kit asked.

  “Off the record, well, that’s off the record, and I’m not talking about it here.” Cecilia got up from her chair with practiced grace and took my hand. “Do we have a deal?”

  “Yeah, you’ve got a deal,” I said. “But it's going to have to wait about ten hours.”


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