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Silver and Starlight: A High School NA Reverse Harem Dark Fantasy Bully Romance (Cruel Princes of Wyvern All-Boys Academy Book 3)

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by Rachel Angel

  Silver and Starlight

  Cruel Princes of Wyvern All-Boys Academy #3

  Rachel Angel

  Silver and Starlight

  Published by Sparklesoup Inc.

  Copyright © 2019 Rachel Angel

  All Rights Reserved. No part of this book may be reproduced or transmitted in any form or by any means, graphic, electronic, or mechanical, including photocopying, recording, taping or by any information storage or retrieval system, without the permission in writing from the publisher except in case of brief quotations embodied in critical articles and reviews.

  All characters and storyline is an invention from Rachel Angel. Any resemblance to people alive or dead is purely coincidence.

  For information, please contact:

  1st Edition.


  This is dedicated to my daughter who loves dragons and is the cool girl who embodies the future as a female-friendlier world.


  This is for the Amazing Angels in Rachel Angel’s Royal Readers Group who are great with their enthusiasm, passion, and support for me, my books, and projects. Thank You!


  Cruel Princes of Wyvern All-Boys Academy #3 is a Reverse Harem New Adult Bully Romance Academy Series.

  What does it mean to be Reverse Harem? It means there will be three or more love interests for the Female Main Character, she will end up with three or more. Although this takes place at a high school Academy, the characters are 18+ and there are consensual sex, some language, and mature situations.

  We are The Four Princes from The Four Kingdoms of Wyvern.

  Razor is the Red Prince from the Kingdom of RoseCliff.

  Jasper is the Green Prince from the Emerald Realms.

  Tar is the Black Prince from the Dark Forests.

  And Flint is the Silver Prince from the Metal Lands.

  We are princes one day who will rule our kingdoms in Wyvern. Right now, we are the Kings of Wyven School for Boys, a school known for the toughest training of rulers and heads of states to be in order to prepare them for the cruel, cruel world we know of, in the kingdoms of Wyvern.

  On a typical day at Wyvern School for Boys, one student or another gets beaten badly, pranked on so viciously, that they end up seriously injured or close to death. It is the way of Wyvern. It is how kingdoms determine the next heir and successors to thrones.

  It is a vicious game. One of survival. One of rules.

  So when they let in Allotrope Free from some nowhere kingdom, we felt affronted. Assaulted with disrespect.

  First of all, Allotrope is not a boy, but this girl, who is much too pretty and gorgeous to be in a school full of boys.

  Second, she is the last thing anyone would think could be a ruler or head of state. She is an orphan.

  Wyvern School for Boys is letting her in as a statement from one of our mothers, who is the ruling Queen of one of our kingdoms. Girls can grow up to become rulers too.

  Kingdoms are at sake. Real wars are being fought. The last thing we need is a girl like Allotrope to make everything we stand for, a whole big joke.

  So, when it comes time to eliminate a student at Wyvern School for Boys, Allotrope should be the first to go, and we Four Princes, will make sure she goes.


  Call me Allotrope...Ally for short. When I received a royal decree from Queen Jade of the Emerald Realms to attend school at Wyvern School for Boys, I thought it was a prank pulled by my friend William who apprentices with me at the Blacksmith. There was no way I could attend such an elite school just for kings-to-be.

  But it was a Royal Decree, and if I don't obey the Decree, there was a threat of death to me and to all I hold dear, which probably means William and his parents, Bilbo and Kate, the blacksmith and his wife, the alchemist, whom had let me stayed with them since I became an orphan.

  To keep them safe. To keep me from losing my head, I packed up what little belongings I had and enrolled at Wyvern School for Boys.

  Everything at Wyvern School for Boys was meant to intimidate. Being the only girl at a school of incredibly handsome boys, especially the Four Princes, was intimidating.

  Not to mention the cutthroat competition that literally cuts students from the school.

  I'm stuck in a hard place...either get killed by defying the Royal Decree and also get everyone I cared for, killed. Or stick it out at Wyvern School for Boys, despite all the bullying and cutthroat games Wyvern has in store for me.

  Of course, there is no choice...I must survive Wyvern School for Boys, or die trying.

  Did I mention this is a school for Dragons, too? I just have to watch out for the fire.

  ***Roses and Emeralds is book 2 of the Cruel Princes of Wyvern Series for mature teens and up (17+) and is a paranormal dark fantasy bully romance reverse harem that will contain steamy and scorching scenes, dark fantasy elements, and consensual sex. This is a high school NA series.



  Above Ally, the cruel princes fought the monsters that continued to come by the hundreds. She wanted to return to them, to help them, she’d lost so much strength. Though all the princes were infected, they managed to fight hard and for a frustrated moment, Ally wondered why she couldn’t fight at all. Why had she fallen from the sky while they all continued to carry on the fight, seemingly unaffected by their bites?

  She hadn’t been bitten worse than any of them, but as she struggled to get up, she noticed the blackness closing in as her peripheral vision became uncomfortably narrow.

  “I can’t black out,” she muttered as she fought the weight of her new wings and the wave of nausea. “I can’t.”

  Yet, her vision continued to narrow and darken as the earth began to spin, leaving her increasingly queasy. She looked down at the pool of blood around her, then at her arm. The wound was deep and just looking at it made her feel weak.

  The monsters were closing in, but all were reluctant to attack. They looked at her, snarled and inched closer before backing away.

  Everything went black for a second, and she came to with her face in the dirt, once again struggling to get up, but this time a pair of strong arms lifted her.

  Razor? Jasper? Flint? They were all in dragon form, flying high about her. Tar? He’d flown off to the Black Forest.

  Another wave of queasy blackness engulfed her as she looked into the face of her savior; King Drago. She blacked out for another brief moment, coming to in his arms.

  “We need to have you looked at,” he said, his tone authoritative and sure as he cradled her in his arms.

  “The others,” Ally mumbled. “The princes; they’ve all been bitten. They’re all infected. And so are many of the humans, too. We need help. We need a lot of help.”

  He looked at her with pride and arrogance in his eyes, just as she remembered him. But there was something reassuring in that arrogance. He seemed so sure of himself, so in control of the situation. Somehow, she felt that things would be better with his help.

  “I know,” he said. “Tar brought word of the hardships here at The Borders. I never thought it would come to this, that the battle would be so impossible.” He shot a glance over his shoulder. “I have my army here with me. You must know that I’d do anything to help you, to save you.”

  “We can’t keep up,” Ally said looking up at the sky
. “They just keep coming. For every one that we kill, three more, five more, or even ten more come flying in. We have to use another strategy.”

  “General Brock,” King Drago said to a tall fierce looking man in full armor. “Send the archers in. Go on the offensive. Don’t give them a chance to push back. Don’t let them get to the village.”

  The general nodded and turned to his men. “Let’s head in and destroy these buggers.”

  They marched off, shooting down the few monsters that had stuck around and heading further on to fight them and push them back.

  King Drago looked down at Ally. “You need medical care. Which way do we go?”

  Ally pulled the sleeve of her torn shirt down over her wound and gestured to the right. “Into town. Kate will fix me up.”

  He marched on with ease, seemingly unencumbered by her weight. “What new strategy do you have in mind?”

  “I’ve concocted a potion.”

  He looked at her with disbelief but said nothing.

  “I’ve seen it work on humans who’ve been infected by the monsters’ bites. The parasites leave their body almost immediately. It’s just been difficult figuring out the dose. Some humans survive once the parasite leaves their body, but many don’t. I have to see Kate, fix the dosage, but more importantly, we need a whole lot of that potion. Hopefully both problems have been settled. Kate is brilliant. I’m sure she’s figured it out.”

  He smiled at her the way a parent would smile at a child who’d seen a fairy. Ally wanted to argue with him, to convince him that her potion worked, but felt too weak to bother.

  He walked on in silence, carrying her as she regained a certain amount of strength. As they approached the town, Ally saw Bilbo in the distance. Beyond the comings and goings of the townspeople, he stood tall with his sword in his hand. He looked proud as he guarded the door to their home where Kate was surely at work. Ally couldn’t help but be worried about them. With so many humans infected, it would be difficult differentiating the healthy humans from the infected ones.

  Looking at Bilbo as they got closer, she wondered how many potentially infected humans he’d had to fend off to protect himself and Kate. Despite his stoic stance, he looked tired. Dark bags under his eyes were visible, even from across the street, and his lips were dry and pressed tightly. Even when William arrived and smiled at him, Bilbo remained somber.

  “Over there,” she said to Drago, pointing to Bilbo and William. “Just across the street.”

  “Ally!” William said as he saw her, his voice filled with relief. “We’d heard you’d been hurt. Are you okay?” Other than a curious glance at King Drago, he kept his focus on Ally.

  “You can put me down now,” Ally told Drago who, shooting a menacing glare at William, gently set her on her feet. “I’m fine,” Ally said. “King Drago was kind enough to bring me home.”

  “How nice of him,” Bilbo said in all sincerity, nodding his appreciation to King Drago.

  “Yes,” William said with sarcasm. “How nice of him.”

  Drago huff with his usual arrogance.

  Ally ignored their childish rivalry and looked to Bilbo. “Is Kate inside or in the back shed?”

  He nodded. “She’s inside.”

  As Ally walked by him to go inside, she patted him lovingly on the shoulder.

  “Kate?” Ally said as she walked into the darkened home.

  “Ally? Is that you?” Kate said as she popped her head out from the bathroom. “Oh, honey. I’m so happy to see you.”

  “Why are you in here and not out in the shed?”

  “Too many onlookers. People are acting strange and I’ve had a few break-ins. Of course, I want to help everyone, but I need to keep control of this potion and where it goes. Mrs. Gregory came by and tried to snatch a bottle thinking Mr. Gregory was infected even though he hasn’t step outside of their home for ages.”

  “Good, because we’re going to need all the potion you have for the army of monsters that just keep coming. King Drago from the Dark Forests is here with me and he brought his own army of well-trained soldiers. We’ll bring as much of the potion as you have to them.”

  Kate opened the shower curtain. “All these bottles are full and ready,” she said.

  Smiling, Ally looked at the dozens of bottles in the bathtub and hugged Kate. “You’re incredible.”

  “You know how I like to keep busy.”

  “I’ll be right back,” Ally said as she headed outside.

  William and Drago were still eyeing each other with suspicion, and Ally had to laugh.

  “Come on,” she said to Drago. “I have something you can bring back to the battlefield.” She led him to the small bathroom and showed him the tub full of bottles.

  “Is that really what you brought me in here to see? A bath filled with bottles of… of…. Well, of what, exactly?”

  “It’s the potion I told you about.”

  He looked at her with doubt.

  “I know you’re probably used to hand to hand combat and slicing off heads or whatever it is that your army is trained to do, but I assure you it works.”

  “And I want to believe you.”

  “Look, I noticed you had a lot of archers in your army. Give them each a bottle. Tell them to dip the tip of their arrow in the potion before shooting at a monster. It kills them almost instantly, and the best part is they don’t have to go in and behead the beast afterward. We initially thought beheading them was the only way of truly killing them, but we noticed that they died and crumbled to dust just with this potion.”

  Drago stared at the bottles.

  “The potion also expulses the parasite from humans,” she reminded him.

  King Drago looked at her, impressed. “But, wherever did you find this magical potion?”

  “I told you. I came up with the potion myself.” She looked to Kate. “Then I enlisted my mother to make as much as she could.”

  “Here’s a gunny sack,” William said as he poked his head in the doorway of the tiny bathroom. “Fill it up with as many bottles as you can, and I’ll go find another sack. I’m sure there’s one in the shed.”

  Drago took the sack and nodded, and while he eyed William with his usual arrogance, there was a slight show of cooperation, of working for the same goal.

  “I’ll help you fill the sack,” Kate said, sitting on the edge of the tub.

  “Be right back,” William said to Ally who nodded.

  Kate hurried to put as many bottles as she could and Ally was pleased to see the gunny sack held a good portion of the bottles.

  “That ought to do it,” Kate said as she put secured the sack shut.

  With ease, Drago pulled the sack over his shoulder.

  “William will be right behind you with the remainder of the bottles,” Ally told him.

  “I’d rather have you right behind me,” Drago said, causing Kate to raise a concerned brow.

  Ally glared at him. “No time for that. As much potion as we now have, I don’t think it’ll be enough. We have to make more, much more. I’ll stay here and help Kate.”

  “You’re the potion expert,” King Drago said with a flourish. “I’ll be on my way.” He nodded to Kate. “So nice to meet the woman who raised such a fascinating woman.”

  Not long after Drago’s departure, William returned.

  “Here we go,” he said as he sat on the edge of the tub and helped Kate quickly fill his gunny sack.

  “You know where to find them?” Ally said as he tied up the sack and prepared to leave.

  “Just follow the sounds of horror and death,” William said with a dry grin.

  “Be careful.”

  “I will.”

  He gave her a peck on the cheek and left.

  Once they were alone Kate turned to Ally with a concerned look. “So you now have this king interested in you as well.”

  “He’s all talk,” Ally said with a dismissive wave of her hand.

  “I hope so. There’s something about him I
don’t like. That I don’t trust.”

  “He’s Tar’s brother. A pretty tough guy.” Ally shrugged, not knowing what to say more about the arrogant king. She clapped her hands and looked at the ingredients Kate had laid out on the small counter. “Let’s get to work. We’re going to need a lot more of that potion. Who knows how many of those monsters are out there.”

  Ally rolled up her sleeves and Kate gasped.

  “You’ve been bitten,” she said.

  Ally looked down at the caked-on blood just above her elbow, then back up at Kate. She was so wrapped up in the need to make more potion, she’d forgotten all about her wound. The pain had diminished and there seemed to be no point in making a fuss about it now.

  “When did it happen?” Kate said.

  Ally shrugged. “About an hour ago.”

  “And? How are you feeling?”

  “Nothing different, yet.” Ally looked pointedly at her. “Are you going to put me in quarantine?”

  Kate shook her head. “No. Of course not. Don’t be silly.” She hesitated a moment, obviously conflicted by the situation. Part of her responsibility was to ensure no infected humans came in contact with healthy humans. She looked deep into Ally’s eyes. “I think I know you well enough to recognize when you start changing. Then, if we judge it necessary, we’ll confine you.”

  Ally nodded. “Good. And from my end, I’ll try to let you know the minute I feel something going on inside me.”


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