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Ever After: Lost Boys of Neverly Prep: Academy Romance

Page 5

by L. E. Bross

  “Is that...a guitar? X plays the guitar?”

  Luc barks out a laugh. “Fuck no, he’s awful. He’d brought that thing to torture the hell out of us all night. He can’t sing either, so if he ever offers to serenade you, run for the ear plugs.”

  I giggle. I can so see X belting out a song, completely off-key while strumming randomly. When I look at Luc, he’s staring at the picture. Pain fills his face.

  “Swear to god my dad wasn’t sleeping with Wendi. They were good friends and I know he leaned on her a lot when mom died, but I never saw them do anything like that.”

  “Ry said he saw them kissing the night she disappeared,” I say softly. “Maybe there was something going on you didn’t know about? She did give him the watch to keep safe. We never really know what secrets the people around us are keeping.”

  “No shit,” he mumbles. “Still can’t wrap my head around the fact that Peter is Trey’s father. And that he knew about it. He’s the kind of guy that would brag it up to anyone who’d listen. I wonder if Mer knew.”

  That stops me. Did she know about it? She defended Trey at every turn. Insisted he was just misunderstood. What if our friendship was all based on a lie? What if she knew all along?

  It hurts to think about, so I focus on the fact that she warned us Friday night, even if it was too late. She hasn’t reached out since, but then again, I don’t have my phone anymore.

  As if on cue, his phone chimes.

  After a quick look, he shakes his head then taps out a reply.

  “Guess I should show you what I was talking about before your boy leads the cavalry to my front door.”

  “Which one?”

  His phone chimes twice more and he rolls his eyes.

  “Apparently all three. Come on.”

  Luc leads me through the kitchen then out onto a flagstone patio. A pool glimmers in the sunlight, not as huge as the one the guys have, but just as pretty with a waterfall and hot tub.

  “There.” He points across to a small building tucked into the corner of the fenced yard. Large windows fill the front facing the pool, though there are curtains covering them so I can’t see inside. “The solution to your problem.”

  “What exactly am I looking at?”

  He grins and takes my hand, pulling me across the space. The door isn’t locked and when he pushes it open, I see a large sunlit space that I immediately fall in love with. White shiplap walls and a bright blue couch catch my eye first. Then the ceiling, which is open all the way up, making the small space feel bigger.

  The color scheme throughout is white, but the pops of bright color make the space cheerful. Even the dishes in the open cupboards are vibrant blues and reds and yellows.

  “There’s a bedroom back there and a kitchenette there. Mom wanted a guest cottage for visitors, but it was really for her. She loved it out here.”

  I can see why. It’s homey and brimming with light.

  “You can move in here.”

  I freeze.

  “You and your sister I mean. For as long as you want. It’s a win-win, right?”

  The earnest look in his eyes makes my chest constrict. “I can't move in with you.”

  “You’re not. You’ll be living in the guest house. Your own space. Peter said you had to be out of the house, so this is how you do it and still be close. You can even finish school…”

  My tongue feels thick inside my mouth. This was his mom’s space and he wants me to use it?

  “Why would you do this?”

  “Because I like you. Because you’re important to them and family is family, no matter what.”

  I turn and throw my arms around him.

  “You’re the nicest guy I’ve ever met,” I say into his shoulder. His unhurt one.

  He huffs out a laugh. “Yeah, and we all know where nice guys finish.”

  I’m not sure he meant to say that out loud. I pull back and look up into his eyes. He’s still hurt. I wish I felt differently, I really do.


  “I know.” He smiles down at me but it doesn't quite meet his eyes. “So? Will this work?”

  “You aren’t even going to ask your father first? Some strange chick moving in might warrant a conversation at least.”

  “Nah, he trusts me.”

  I look at the small cottage. It’s a hell of a lot bigger and nicer than any place I’ve stayed. Hope flickers in my gut. Maybe…it could work. I can see Belle and I here, at least until I get the check cashed and find us a place of our own.

  It is a solution, Luc’s right about that.

  I spin in a slow circle taking everything in. I can sleep on the couch and Belle can have the bedroom. Our own place. Something foreign swells in my chest. For the first time in forever, it feels like things might be falling into place.

  “The guys are gonna freak,” I say under my breath.

  “They’d freak even more if you disappeared, Ever.”

  Luc’s right behind me now, I can feel the heat from his body against my back.

  “None of us want you to run away. Stay. Finish school, hell, there’s only a few weeks left anyway. Go to prom, graduate, do all the shit a senior should do. You’ve got the chance, take it. Be normal for just a little while. Don’t you want to feel like a normal teenager for once?”

  I mull over his words.

  I’ve never been a typical teen. Too much responsibility made me grow up way too fast. I’ve found a place for myself here, even if it’s temporary. Even if the future is unclear.

  “Be here when their mom comes home,” he says, way too close now. “It’s okay to lean on the people around you.”

  I can feel his front brush against my back and his breath just above my ear. His hands settle lightly on my hips and a rush of warmth sweeps through me. For one second, I lean back just like he said. He’s solid and safe and loyal.

  His fingers dig in tighter and a low rumble comes from his chest.

  I take a quick step away, heart pounding in my ears. My head drops forward and I can feel tears stinging my eyes.

  “Fuck. Ever, I’m sorry. I just…” I hear the chair creak as he sits heavily and I slowly turn around. Luc’s got his elbows on his knees, face in his hands. When he looks up his eyes are filled with so much hurt that my throat goes tight. “I like you. You’re courageous and strong and beautiful and loyal.” He huffs out a choked laugh and shakes his head. “I just wish you’d give me a chance, too.”

  My knees shake and I have to sit down across from him.

  “I like you, too, Luc,” I say softly. “Before I came here, I didn’t think I’d ever care about people the way I do Belle, never dared to hope that I’d find something real with anyone. Growing up being told you’re worthless does something to your soul. The guys…” I suck in a breath because I don’t fully get it myself, so it’s very hard to explain. “The guys and I fit together in a way that you can’t understand.”

  His eyebrows dip down.

  “You grew up in a home where you were safe and fed and with parents that love you.” When he starts to say something, I cut him off. “That’s something kids like us yearn for and I am so, so happy that you have that, I really am.”

  He jumps up and starts to pace, massaging just under the wound. Every time I look at the bandage a sick feeling creeps up my throat. He’s a vivid reminder of what happens when I lose sight of where I belong.

  “You’re not giving me a chance because I had loving parents?” he grinds out, clearly frustrated now. “Seriously?”

  “It’s not about giving you a chance, Luc. It’s about a connection. A deep connection between damaged souls. I can't explain it because I never knew it existed until I met the guys. We just...clicked together. They’re my air, that’s the best way I can describe it. Without them I’d have trouble breathing.”

  I drop my shoulders. I wish I could explain it in a way that made sense, but I don’t understand it myself. I’m not sure that what I have with the guys won’t burn so bright
that we all end up getting burned, but I do know that I’m willing to risk it.

  He keeps pacing, not looking at me.

  “Maybe this isn’t such a good idea.” I look around the pool house. I can’t be here if it’s going to hurt Luc. As generous as his offer is, I can figure something else out.

  Luc freezes. “There aren’t conditions on you staying here, Ever. Fuck, I should have kept my mouth shut. I’m tired and probably should take a pain killer. Not thinking straight.” The half-truths dance in his eyes. “Stay. I won’t say another word about us. We can be friends. I can do that.”

  The last is said more to himself and it tightens the vise around my heart. I don’t want to hurt him. I push to my feet and his gaze tracks my movement as I walk to the door.

  “I should get back now.”

  His shoulders sink and he won’t meet my eyes.

  “Do me a favor?” I say with my hand on the door handle.

  His head snaps up. “Anything.”

  “Make sure your dad is okay with me staying here.”

  Chapter Three

  When I get back, X and Baz are in the pool.

  “Ry went to the track to get the bikes. He needed to get out of the house and blow off some steam.”

  When I lift an eyebrow, X throws up his hands.

  “We asked. He wanted to go by himself.”

  “Will he be okay?” The last time he needed to blow off steam, I thought he was going to kill himself. Worry seeps into my bones.

  X’s gaze softens. “He’s good, sweetheart, promise. If I thought this was a self-destruct trip, I would've gone with him.”

  I believe him. X loves Ry and would never let anything happen to him. I slip my sneakers off and sit down at the edge of the pool, sinking my feet into the cool water.

  “Luc doing okay?”

  “Yeah. He’s good.” I’m not going to tell the guys that I’m moving into the pool house, not yet anyway.

  They aren't going to be happy about it, but it does solve the problem of me having to leave. I hadn’t given much thought to what would come after when I agreed to help Peter. All I was focused on was getting Belle back.

  Now she’s within grasp.

  But so are my boys.

  Baz swims up and puts his wet hands on my knees.

  “This looks familiar.” His wicked grin makes my pulse jump but not as much as when he starts to slide his hands higher, his thumbs running up along the insides of my thighs.

  My breath hitches when he stops just shy of the juncture, then hisses out when he runs his thumb up the seam of my shorts.

  “You took Luc home without panties on?”

  I open and close my mouth but nothing comes out. His thumb strokes up and down whispery light, so I can just barely feel it. I want to arch into his hand and beg him not to stop.

  “It wasn’t like that,” I get out breathlessly. After he and Ry started to argue, I just grabbed my keys. I wasn’t thinking about what I had on. Or didn’t.

  X swims up and stands next to Baz. His gaze drops to where Baz is touching me and I watch his lips part. He runs his tongue over the bottom lip and when his gaze lifts to mine, I can see the golden flecks sparkling in the sunlight.

  “Hook wants you.”

  “I know.” When X lifts his eyebrow, I shake my head. “I told him it wasn’t going to happen. You all are enough to keep me busy.”

  His lips curl up into a sinful grin. “Fuck yeah we are, sweetheart.”

  Baz stops touching me and pushes away from the side of the pool, dunking under then coming up to stand. Water sluices off him like some kind of sea god, running over the dips and curves of his tanned chest. I follow one brazen water drop as it rolls down past his abdomen, heading for where his wet shorts hang low on his hips.

  I want to be that water drop so bad I can taste it.

  “Ready?” X whispers in my ear.

  Goosebumps pop up on my overheated skin and I nod before I know what I’m agreeing to. Though honestly, anything involving them would be just fine. X nibbles down my neck and I groan. Yep, I am more than ready.

  “Go get dressed and meet us in the game room,” he says against my shoulder. “Ry’ll be home soon.”

  Images of what happened the last time we were down there fill my head and now I am definitely ready for anything. I pull my feet from the water and stand. X watches with hooded eyes. God, these boys slay me.

  “I’m going to shower real quick. Don’t start without me.” I give him a wink then hurry inside. I’m up the stairs and ripping off my clothes as I dart into the bathroom.

  I rinse off, slather lotion all over and pull on shorts and a tank top. I don’t bother with makeup when it’s just me and the guys, so after I run my fingers through my hair, I’m done.

  I pull the bathroom door open and come up short when I see X sitting on my bed.

  “Couldn’t wait?” I tease, but when he doesn’t smile back, my feet falter.

  He looks way too serious. God, did something happen to Ry?


  My heart pounds in my ears and his gaze drops to his lap. The manila folder that Peter gave me is there.

  “Were you going to tell us?”

  I exhale in relief, knowing that Riot is okay but my steps are uneven as I make my way to him. Dread has my stomach twisting into knots because I wasn’t going to say anything if I didn't have to.

  “Before you even ask, I wasn’t snooping, I came in to leave something on your pillow.” He gestures at the king-sized Almond Joy sitting next to him, my favorite.

  He has on a pair of cargo shorts and a tight black t-shirt. Must have left the pool right after I did. X has the papers in a white-knuckled grip.

  “So this is what it was all about? You steal the watch and Peter gives you half a million dollars and your sister and then you what, leave without so much as a fucking goodbye?”

  I hate the deadness in his voice.

  “Is that what you planned on doing? Without telling us?”

  “I’m not sure. If we…”

  X jumps to his feet and starts to walk toward the door.

  “Where are you going?” I run behind him and grab his arm. “X?”

  “To fucking tell them,” he grits out, shoving the papers in my face. “They have a right to know that you are just going to up and leave.”

  He moves toward the door then spins around, leaning down until we are nose to nose.

  “Last night with Ry? It’s going to fucking destroy him if you walk away. Why the fuck did you have to go and sleep with him if you planned on leaving all along?”

  He gets to be mad, I understand that, but he has no right to judge anything I do. I press my hands against his chest and shove him away. Rage simmers under the surface of my skin.

  “Fuck you. This is my life and you three don’t get to dictate how I live it or the choices I make. I came here so that I’d find out where my little sister was. Belle is who brought us together and you of all people should understand how important family is. I don’t know what I’m going to do because Peter sprang this on me days ago. Things have been kind of fucked up since then.”

  With every word I shove him back another step until his back is against the wall.

  “Peter isn’t giving me a choice. If I don’t go, he takes everything away. I don’t care about the money, but he made it so that I can have custody of my sister. I can’t jeopardize that, not when I’m so close. It’s the reason behind everything I’ve done.”

  “Leaving isn’t the answer,” he argues. “We can figure it out. Let us help you.”

  “If I don’t go and Peter kicks me out, I won’t have my sister. He’ll make it so that I never see here again. I can't take that chance, X. You can’t ask me to. You’d do whatever you had to to keep Ry and Baz safe, I know you would. This isn’t any different.”

  He starts to argue but I push my finger on his lips.

  “You have to find Wendi. You can’t do that unless you’re here. Baz has
to have access to the stuff you might need. I’m not jeopardizing your future out of selfishness.”

  A dark look crosses his face. “None of that matters. We’d go with you in a heartbeat. Nothing else matters as much.”

  “It should. X, you need to find Wendi. You have to save her from Peter. She doesn’t have anyone else. I can take care of myself, but she can’t. She needs you guys.”

  “And we need you. Go get Belle, right now, today, and bring her here. You have the papers, they can’t stop you. We’ll blackmail Peter tomorrow, force his hand and get Wendi back. You can’t leave because it’s about to be over and you need to be here to be a part of it. It’s because of you that we even have this chance.”

  He sounds so confident that it ignites a glimmer of hope inside my chest.

  Is it really that simple?

  “I’m not sure I can just show up and take her with me. I need to see her. Talk to her. I have to know that she wants to come home with me.”

  It’s been months since I’ve seen her to talk to.

  What if she hates me for abandoning her? What if she won’t see me? What if she begs me to take her with me? My heart is racing so fast that I get lightheaded.

  I have no idea how this is going to play out.

  “Will you come with me?” I ask X.

  His gaze is sure and steady.

  “Anywhere you need me to go, I’m with you. Always.”

  I suck in a harsh breath and let it out. This is it. I’m walking toward my future on shaky legs, but I’ve got a titan next to me. I pull from his strength.

  “Promise me one thing, when we get back, you tell Baz and X about all this. I can’t keep this a secret and you shouldn’t either. Trust is a huge issue with Ry. Even if Belle is with us, you still need to tell them, okay?”

  I nod solemnly. I don’t want anything hidden between us anymore.


  “Okay then, let’s go see your sister.”


  Once again I find myself sitting just down the street from where my sister is.

  This time, though, I have the means to bring her home with me, if she wants it.


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