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Intimacy (Rose Series Book 3)

Page 23

by Eden Fortae

  Anyone walking by could have heard them and probably did. Neither cared as they came, dressed, and walked out the building holding hands. The intimacy of it didn't bother Eden anymore. In most ways, Donny chose to display affection, Eden learned to reciprocate. His reaction to her progress felt better than any orgasm.

  Once they arrived at Donny's apartment, they had just enough time for a quick shower and to start dinner before Donny's parents arrived. Hae joined Eden in the kitchen, but Donny and Fredo booted both in favor of serving them. Since Hae was on medication for lupus, Eden made it a point to have her favorite herbal tea on hand. Of course, it was Donny's father who'd picked up on the detail that Eden brought the tea during her grocery run and began asking questions about marriage and grandchildren. Every time the topic arose, she watched Donny's reaction. He wanted kids. She knew it. Saw it in the way he handled Anthony, Cj, and Amara but did all she could to avoid the subject. Her happiness depended on it.

  "I'm just saying," his father threw his hands up, "it makes no sense why my little brother has three, and I don't even have one, yet."

  "To be fair, honey, Javier and Elia have three children. He was always more likely to have grandchildren before you."

  Fredo looked directly at Donny, "Son, don't let your mother make that excuse for you. I need at least two."

  "Don't pressure him, Fredo."

  "I'm not! I'm just saying two is a good number. Seven is even better. Two isn't asking for too much, right?" He looked at Eden. She raised her glass of wine, hiding behind the sweet red liquid. Fredo then turned to Hae. Seeing her smirk, he stifled his laughter and returned his gaze to Donny.

  "Son, tell me the truth. Am I unreasonable?"

  On cue, Donny's phone buzzed against the coffee table. He smiled from ear to ear, pushing away from the dining table. "Sorry, Pop. It could be about work. Go ahead and talk without me."

  "Look what you did," Fredo turned to his wife with a frown, although the humor was evident. "You turned my boy against me."

  "Me?! All I said was not to pressure him."

  "The minister asked you will you love honor and back up my bullshit. You agreed."

  "That's not what our vows were."

  "See, there you go again, not backing me up."

  So engrossed in their banter, Eden sat silently. She never got tired of watching them or how they embarrassed Donny from time to time. They were still going at it when he returned, his phone in hand, and his smile gone. Silence fell over them as he stood behind his seat and looked at Eden.

  "Baby, I'm sorry I have to tell you this. The news is reporting that your dad passed away this evening."

  Fredo and Hae immediately turned to her with condolences, rubbing her arm and holding her hand. Eden blinked several times, rising from the table. She looked at each of them, settling on Donny.

  "How about dessert?" Without waiting for a response, she made her way to the kitchen. When she came back, it was with a strawberry shortcake and a smile they didn't share.


  "How is she?" Kya asked the moment the door opened, worry written within her features. Behind her, Antonio was a stoic as ever but stared, waiting for his response, too.

  "She's...fine," Donny replied, closing the door behind them. Everyone called to find out where Eden was then rushed to be by her side. His parents refused to leave her. Chris, Rina, Chace, Jermaine, and Julie followed shortly after.


  "You'll see," he motioned toward the living room, reaching for Amara, cracking a small smile as she beamed after he placed a kiss on her cheek.

  Kya hurried down the hall to the living room, holding her arms out for Eden. They embraced, with Kya holding tight and Eden smiling softly.

  "Oh, Edy, I'm so sorry! Are you ok? Have you at least spoken to Eve?"

  "I'm good. No, I haven't tried." She let go of Kya first, only to have Antonio hold out one arm to her. Wordlessly, Eden walked over to him and embraced him with the same loose expression. "You guys want something to drink? Wine, tea, water? We have cake."

  Kya and Antonio looked at Donny, their frowns now mimicking that of everyone else. He knew what they were thinking and what they were feeling. The news either hadn't hit her, or she was putting on a brave face. Either way, it was bothersome. The room was packed with people who loved her and who'd come to comfort her. While the others accepted the front Eden was putting on, Kya couldn't.

  "No, but thank you, Edy," Kya answered slowly, studying her friend's face. "Do you want me to call Eve for you? '

  "No need. I have a missed call from Joe. I'll call him back in a little while." Donny added.

  "For what?" Eden shrugged, reclaiming her seat between his father and Karrina. "By morning, the media will say what happened, and then it'll be all about someone's poor wig choice at the VMAs."

  "Edy, your dad was everyone's favorite TV Pastor and life coach since before we were singing into lotion bottles. It's on every news and ethnic channel cable TV offers, not to mention news outlets. Everyone's going to be talking about this for a while."

  Eden shook her head, "I guess now would be a good time to find a few good books to read then, huh?" The huff of laughter that followed had Kya looking up at Donny again. Her eyes were lined with unshed tears.

  "Eden, can we talk in private for a second?"

  "Kya, I'm fine."

  "Edy, please just come talk to me."

  "For what?" Eden's voice rose. The hostility shook the room. "I appreciate the fact that all of you came to my rescue. I'm ok, though." She jumped up, standing in the middle of the room to see them all as she spoke. "That man was my father on paper only. He watched me be assaulted verbally by his wife and oldest daughter, and he never stepped in. He never corrected them. He turned a blind eye to the bruises left on me, and when I reacted, it became my fault. He pushed me off on someone who—"

  She stopped abruptly, shoving her hand so far into her hair she pushed all of her curls back. She was looking everywhere but at the people staring up at her, deeply concerned. Unlike Kya, she wasn't on the verge of crying. Meanwhile, Donny stood back, watching her like a hawk, prepared for whatever he had to do.

  "I didn't have a family before all of you. I am not hurt. Honestly, I feel nothing but anger. Treating me like I just lost a major part of my world is pissing me off because there was never a moment that I was ever a major part of his world. If I were the one dead tonight, he wouldn't be upset over me! He never listened to me, and now you aren't. I'm fine!" With that, she walked off, retreating to the bedroom, slamming the door behind her.

  Kya was still standing there, holding back tears. Karrina stood to embrace her, pulling her to the terrace for air and a talk. Antonio broke the ice first, his voice was just as cold.

  "Assaulted verbally and bruises?"

  "Drop it, Tonito."

  "I will after you explain what the fuck that's about."

  He wasn't doing that. It wasn't his place to tell Eden's story, although the role of her protector. "When she's feeling up to it, you can ask her."

  "I'm asking you, cousin. When she said that, you, Kya, and Rina are the only ones who didn't flinch. This isn't news to you."

  The transfer of animosity warmed. Seeing Eden upset was already under his skin. He'd welcome a fight if his cousin wanted to go there.

  "She's my woman. Of course, it isn't."

  "She's also still fucked up about it, so why haven't you dealt with it?"

  "You mean, why haven't I started a war with her father as you did? Because my concern has and always will be, healing her first and foremost. I wanted Eden to be happy more than I wanted his head on a pike."

  Antonio chuckled and nodded, "She looks happy right now."

  "Stop fucking around and say what's really on your mind, Tonito."

  "You know what's on my fucking mind. Someone hurt her, and we haven't hurt them, why?"

  "What part of I cared about her happiness first, don't you get?" He put Amara down next to Cj and
pushed off the wall, taking a threatening step that Antonio matched.

  Chris and Jermaine stood between them. It changed nothing.

  "If you weren't up to clearing the monsters from her closet, you knew we'd be brave enough."

  "Brave?" He bared his teeth, pushing closer. Now his father was on his feet with both hands on his shoulders. "I guess that's what you call fucking up to the point of being arrested for murder while your woman was out here trying to recover from giving birth. That made you feel like a man, did it? Being caged while she woke up to a crying baby and uncertainty?"

  "Alright! You motherfuckers need to calm the fuck down." Chris rarely lost it. When he did, he had the power to silence the room. "This isn't about either one of you. This is about Eden." He turned to face Antonio, "I'm not happy about what we heard either, but at the same time, we can't be mad at him for not telling us. I keep Rina's secrets, and I know you keep Kya's. He's not obligated to tell us shit no matter how fucked up it is."

  Jermaine chimed in facing Donny, "It's fucked up to throw that shit in his face knowing he was framed. This isn't helping anyone right now. If you got some shit you need to work out, do it some other time. Right now, you have to look after Eden. And you," he pointed to Antonio, "should be out there making sure Kya is ok. We're too close for this bullshit."

  Donny and Antonio glanced at each other. Wordlessly, Donny held out his hand. Antonio accepted it without hesitation, and they hugged it out. The moment they stepped back, Donny went to his room to check on Eden. Before he could touch the door, she was coming out. Without looking at him, Eden brushed by. In the living room, she wrapped her arms around Kya and apologized. Pulling away from their embrace, she tucked her hair behind her ear.

  "I'm sorry, everyone. I know you're worried about me. I thank you for that, but you don't have to be. I promise you."

  "Ok, sweetie." Hae stood, cupping her cheeks after a quick hug. "Fredo and I are going to head home. Make sure you call us if you need anything or want to talk."

  "I will," she hugged Donny's father then everyone else as they chose that moment to go. Eden smiled at Cj and Amara but when they were gone, so was the smile. Her hands touched everything. The tables, chairs, the door to the terrace. As she tried to put the food away, Donny took it out of her hands, forcing her to sit. Immediately Eden sighed, resting her head in her hand.

  "I'm fine, Donovan."


  "Really?" She chuckled, drumming her fingers against the table. All he did was glance at her over his shoulder. That seemed to set her off. "Why in the hell is everyone on my back? Because it's normal to be upset and cry, and I'm not interested in doing either?"

  "If you're fine, then why are you yelling?"

  "Because I'm frustrated and tired of everything being on me. It was up to me to mend the relationship with my parents. It was up to me to keep the peace with Egypt. Why should I fall apart over this?"

  "Baby," he knelt in front of her. Taking one of her hands into his kissing the back, "I don't think you see this clearly. The only dad you've ever known passed away. The people who love you are worried because we love you. You're blowing up at us for caring. If you were as ok as you're saying, you'd realize that we're not trying to put anything on your shoulders."

  Eden dropped his hand, rolling her head back to look up at the ceiling. "I'm not as ok as I say I am, Donovan. I am ok." Pushing off of the chair, she stormed to the side table to grab her purse and retrieved her keys.

  "Where are you going?"


  "This is your home."

  "Having a toothbrush, clothes, and tampons here doesn't make it my home." As she went to open the door, Donny pressed his hand to it effortlessly to close it.

  "Are you really going to do this to us right now?"

  "If you let me go, no."

  He covered her back with his chest, twisted the locks in place. His arm wrapped around her ribs before picking her up and setting her down away from the door.

  "I guess we're doing this, then, because I'm not letting you leave." He folded his arms across his chest, looking every bit of the intimidating giant. Although hardened, his eyes weren't lacking concern. Eden wasn't deterred, nor was she backing down.

  Mimicking his stance, she shifted all her weight to one side. "Your biggest mistake was teaching me self-defense. Move, or I'll show you."

  "You can try, baby, but please understand that I will disable you then take you to bed."

  "Get out of my way, Donovan."

  He didn't speak and didn't move. Dropping her purse, Eden kicked it toward the door then tried to side-step him. When he followed, she threw her elbow as he taught her, twisted, and tried to kick her foot back to take out his knee. Donny caught each move, surprising her with something new that ended with him holding both her arms over her head with one of his legs thrust between hers. Pinned against the door, Eden struggled, growling through clenched teeth.

  "Get the fuck off of me!"

  "I don't think that's what you want." He lowered his eyes to her chest. Her breasts had spilled out over the top of her bra during the scuffle. Hard nipples peeked from her tank top.

  "Fuck me, then. But I'm done talking about this and done being treated like my world should be in shambles." She tried to pull away from the door only to find that Donny's grip was too firm. All she could do was move her head, and when she realized it, she leaned forward and nipped his lips. She did it again and again, causing the blood in his veins to rush south. He was still pissed about the rift with Antonio. Her insolence only made it worse. He wanted to rip her clothes off and fuck her hard against that door. However, he saw right through her. Sex was Eden's go-to. It used to be. She was trying to fight him in hopes of finding relief through her favorite vice.

  The discovery that she could also move her hips had Eden grinding against his thigh. Staring into his eyes, she tried to entice him. For the most part, it worked. As her breathing picked up, his eyes dropped to her chest, settling on the left breast. As if he could see her heart, he imagined all the holes they patched and imagined the wounds reopening with the news of her father's death and memories they hadn't discussed in nearly a year.

  "You know what I like? Your seriousness. You're alpha as fuck and never afraid to put me in my place. It turns me on." She kept grinding against him, nipping at his lips.

  "Is that right?" He leaned into her, stealing her breath. She was expecting him to kiss her. Instead, he dropped his head into the crook of her neck. The kiss there had Eden sighing and rubbing against him. He moved to her chest, and just when she thought he'd kiss her there, Donny let her go, snatched her purse from the floor, and backed away.

  "I'll hang on to your keys, phone, and ID for the night."


  "I'll start the shower for you." He walked off with her cursing him out and paid it no mind. Five minutes after he cut the water on, Eden still hadn't come into the room. After he shut it off, he sat up, listening for the door just in case she planned to make a run for it. Around midnight, he went to check on her and found her sleeping on the sofa. The pillow beneath her cheek was tear-soaked. It hurt him to think that she was internalizing her pain again and knowing she cried herself to sleep. Carefully, he scooped Eden up and carried her to his bed. The entire way, he kissed her forehead, hoping this was a temporary setback while preparing to be by her side as long as needed.


  Her head throbbed. Her eyes were like sandpaper, puffy, and red. Eden let the steam take care of her swollen lids in the shower while the water washed away her thoughts. To say she felt bad about her behavior was an understatement. Disappointment and anger worked best. Every time she thought of how upset Kya looked, she kicked herself. Remembering the look on their faces as she lost her cool, she became embarrassed. The emotions were raw, though. Honest reactions couldn’t remain hidden.

  The scent of food hit her the moment she opened the bathroom door. Throwing on a t-shirt and pair of leggings ju
st in case they had company, Eden followed the smell. Donny had his back to her, cooking what smelled like french toast. There was a bowl of strawberry and banana slices on the counter beside the stove. Being her favorite combination, Donny wanted to make her smile.

  She approached him silently, wrapping her arms around him, pressing her cheek against his bare back. The warmth of his skin put her at ease, filling her heart with that overwhelming feeling. With his free hand, he caressed her hands and pried one away to kiss it.

  “Morning, dragon bae.”

  He laughed lightly, kissing her hand again. “Good morning. How are you feeling?”

  “Shitty. I hurt my best friend’s feelings last night and made a fool of myself. How are you feeling?”

  “Honestly? Worried. I watched you sleep for a while last night, and this morning just in case you awakened and needed me. Then I started thinking about what you said, and I’m not sure if I should back off or push you to get closure.”

  She sighed, spreading her fingers as she rubbed his chest and stomach. “Donovan, I’m ok. Better than I’ve been in a long time. I worked hard to get here. You worked hard to help me get here. All that family has ever done is cause me stress and anguish. I don’t want to feel that again. I want this to go away so we can go back to enjoying our friends and flirting like teenagers. I don’t need closure for that. I just need you to believe me.”

  This time, he sighed, “Hear me out,” he turned off the stove, tossing the last of the french toast onto a plate. He then turned, opening his arms for Eden to lay her head on his chest. “You’re right. You worked your ass off to get to this point, and I’m proud of you for it. All I want is for you to be sure that the door is closed. You cut them off, but you’re still angry about how they treated you and how he stood idle. I think you should go to the funeral. Let the residual pain go to the grave with him. I’ll be with you, holding your hand through it all.”


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