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The Skin Worshipper

Page 41

by RB Schalin

Chapter 40

  "I'll see you later, honey," says Becky ushering Danny out the door.

  Kerry waves at her and continues to read the morning paper. They take turns driving Danny to school and today is Kerry's day off. He is feeling very good, almost cheerful. The killing the previous day and the skinning have made him able to center himself. He knows it will only last a few days or maybe even a week, then the god will call to him asking for more, and he will happily oblige.

  Becky is close to the school when Danny says, "mommy, I dropped my ball."

  "Just wait until I park and I'll get it for you."

  "But I want it now."

  "You have to wait," she says and gets ready to turn left across the oncoming lane. There are no cars around and she slows down.

  "No! I want it now!"

  "Jesus," she says and reaches behind her seat trying to get a grip on the plastic ball. Her fingers find it, but then drops it again. She stops for the left turn and taking her eyes off the road for a second, she tries again to reach it.

  Tom Harding is driving his eighteen wheeler as he always does, according to the speed limit and close to the centerline. He has had a few close calls when he was younger with kids running out or balls coming out of nowhere.

  He looks at the radio and changes the channel, but when he looks up again the car that had previously stopped for a left turn is slowly rolling across his lane. He has no time to stop. He breaks as hard as he can and the wheels screech as they slide across the hot asphalt.

  Becky looks up just in time to the massive front of the truck, but she has no time to scream. She just closes her eyes.

  Hawk is on the phone and Holmes is driving. They are on their way to the police station where they will tell the others about Uncle O'Brian's story.

  "Good morning Doc. Could you come by the station right now?"

  "Yeah, I guess so. What's up?"

  "There is something I want to ask you."

  When he hangs up Holmes asks, "who was that?"

  "Doc Martin, he might be able to give us some insight into Kerry's mental state."

  "Really? Is he a criminal psychologist? And what's up with his name? Is he a skinhead?"

  Hawk laughs and says, "no he isn't on both counts, but he is a very good doctor and I'm sure during his life he has done some psychology."

  "Not to be a bitch or anything, but I'm a criminal psychologist."

  Hawk looks at her and after a while says, " not yet Holmes."

  At the station Fieldman, Collins and Doc Martin are waiting for them. After introductions they settle in Hawk’s office and he tells a short version of what he has heard. When he finishes, they are all quiet.

  Doc clears his throat and asks, "and how can I help?"

  "I thought you might have some psychological training," says Hawk.

  "Nothing formal, just a few courses over the years. Young Holmes here is the one you should be talking to.

  Hawk sees how a smile grows on her lips and he says, "I want both of your opinions. Is it plausible that Kerry came back brainwashed and is now skinning people in our backyard?"

  "If he lived for so long with those Indians and he was witness to the death of his companions, it is possible he had some kind of nervous breakdown, or a psychological trauma, but I'm not sure if that would result in turning him into a serial killer, " says Doc.

  Holmes clears her throat and says, "what about something like the Stockholm Syndrome. Maybe the terror of his situation was so horrible, that the only way he could cope with it was to become one of them, or at least accept their ways."

  Doc nods his head, "it's a possibility."

  "Wasn't that term coined after a bank robbery in Stockholm in the early 70's?" asks Fieldman.

  "Yes, it was. But I'd say what Kerry went through if it is all true is much more terrifying than what happened to those hostages," says Doc.

  "OK, we agree on that he could be what Holmes uncle says, but how do we prove it?" asks Hawk.

  There is a knock on the door and Mrs. Winters come in.

  "Chief, there has been an accident outside the school."


  "Yes, the caller said an eighteen wheeler hit a car that was turning into the school parking lot."

  "Do we know who was in the car?"

  "Yes, it was Mrs. Kerry and her son."

  The room goes quiet, they all look at one another and then Hawk says, "Fieldman, Collins come with me. Get your ambulance Doc, and hurry."

  "What do I do?" asks Holmes.

  Hawk thinks for a second and says, "you are with me."

  With the sirens blaring the three police cars arrive at the scene of the accident. There are several people standing around the car. Its right side is completely smashed in and the driver of the truck is standing next to it looking in.

  "Oh god, they are dead, they are both dead," he mumbles to himself.

  Collins and Friedman push the onlookers back while Hawk goes around the car and looks in through the driver's window.

  Becky Kerry is in the driver’s seat, leaning against the door and there is blood on the left side of her head. The boy is in his seat in the back. Hawk can not see any blood on him, but his head is at an awkward angle.

  At that moment Doc arrives in the ambulance and after getting out runs over to where Hawk is standing. He leans in and checks Mrs. Kerry's pulse and then together with Hawk they manage to open the back seat door. Doc checks the boy and then stands up.

  "They are both dead Hawk, Becky Kerry has a smashed skull, and the boy's neck is broken."

  "OK, use Collins and get the bodies out of here, I will talk to the truck driver."

  Hawk is about to go around the car to where the driver is leaning against his truck, when he sees Holmes standing by the police cruiser. He walks over to her and says, "I want you to think about how this could affect Kerry."

  She nods her head and he walks over to the driver.

  "Could you please tell me what happened."

  He sobs and says, "I saw them, but they were standing still, and I figured they would wait until I past, and then drive into the school. I took my eyes from the road for just a second, and when I looked up the car was already on my side, I had no time to stop."

  Hawk puts his hand on the driver's shoulder and asks, "what is your name?"

  "Tom Harding."

  OK. Tom, when Doc comes back, you should go with him. He will give you something to make you calm down. We will have the truck brought over to the police station, OK?"

  Tom just nods his head. His eyes are vacant and he is shivering. Hawk pats him on the shoulder and then walks back to Holmes.

  "Any thoughts?"

  "Honestly, I don't know. It will come as a shock to him, but I have no way to tell how he will react. I just don't know how his mind works."

  Hawk nods his head, and calls to Collins and Friedman. When they come over he says, "Holmes and I are going over to Kerry's house to break the news to him. This might be an opportunity for us to check out his cabin. The shock of what has happened will probably make him stay at home. If I feel we should go, I will call you so you can keep an eye on him, and let us know if he is leaving the house."

  "OK, Chief," says Collins.

  Kerry is whistling as he gets out of the shower and walks into his and Becky's bedroom. He picks out a pair of jeans and a flannel shirt and lays them on the bed. He will go up to the cabin and take out Katie, Marlon and the others. They have been locked away downstairs long enough. The thought of having them back in their right positions makes him feel good. While buttoning his shirt he hears a car stop outside. He looks out the window and sees Chief Hawk and the young woman walking up to his front door. He stops what he is doing. What they want, he wonders? There is no way they have anything on him. When he hears the knock on the door he walks out and opens it.

  "Good morning Chief, how can I help you?"

  "Good morning Kerry, this is Sandy Holmes, I'm sorry, but could we come in for a whi
le, we have something important to tell you."

  In the car Hawk told Holmes not to speak while he breaks the news to Kerry. Her job is to observe him to see if she can read what he is feeling.

  "Yeah, sure. Come in, would you like some coffee?"

  "No thanks," says Hawk as he follows Kerry into the living room, Holmes right behind him.

  They sit down and Kerry leans forward asking, "what is this about?"

  Hawk clears his throat and says, "I'm sorry to tell you Kerry, but there was an accident."

  Holmes watches Kerry's face, almost without blinking.

  "Yes, so?"

  "Your wife and son are dead. A truck hit the car when Mrs. Kerry turned left into the school grounds."

  Holmes watching his face is not sure what she sees, the emotions pass so quickly, but first he seems on his way to smile, and his eyes almost have a look pleasure in them, like if some burden has been lifted. Then he starts to cry, tears running down his cheeks.

  "Oh my boy, my poor little Danny, " he sobs into his hands.

  Hawk takes a quick look at Holmes, who shrugs her shoulders.

  Kerry is smiling into his hands, he is so relieved. He wants to jump up and scream of happiness. He is free, finally he is free to do what the god wants him to do, no longer is he tied down by societies ropes. He no longer has to pretend to be something he isn't. Kerry the respectable father and husband, the author and the nice guy, can finally disappear forever and be replaced by Kerry the server of the god. He sobs and looks up at Hawk.

  "When can I see them?"

  "Hm, well, I think later this afternoon. Doc has them, but I'll have one of my men stationed outside your house and he will take you over when Doc is ready."


  "Do you have any family, we could call, it would be better if you had someone with you?" asks Hawk.

  "No, there is no one. Well, Becky has an aunt, but she lives in New York."

  Hawk stands up and Holmes follows him as he walks towards the front door. When he is about to open it, he turns around and says, "I'm terribly sorry for your loss, Mr. Kerry."

  John Kerry looks back at him, and after blinking his eyes, he manages to get some tears out and he says, "thank you Chief, I feel so lost. I have no idea what to do now. They were my entire life," he sobs.

  In the car Hawk turns to Holmes, "what do you think?"

  "Scary, very scary. First I thought I saw relief, then he pretended to come apart, and finally just now, he faked those tears."

  "Mm, he might be a serial killer, but he is an awful actor. I'll call Collins to come here to keep and I on him, you and I are going back to the cabin."

  Kerry watches as the police car drives down the street and then makes a U-turn and comes back. When he is sure it's gone, he makes a cup of coffee and while sipping it he lights a cigarette and for the first time in years he smokes in the house. He will wait for the deputy to arrive and then play nice for a few hours. After that he needs to go to the cabin and be with his other family. There he will decide what to do with his new life.



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