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Rise of the Arcanist Series: Books 1 - 6

Page 20

by Elizabeth Kirke

  I swallowed back tears and hugged him harder, before releasing him with a nod of thanks. All I knew was that Thomas and Dani had gone to the park to investigate yet another disappearance.

  But Dani was the only one coming back.

  “It’s going to be okay,” Ember said, hugging me too. “We’re going to find him! It’s Thomas. You know Jon won’t let anything happen to him.”

  I nodded to her too, but I couldn’t shake the fear that I would never see Thomas again. Fletcher was dead and the cavern was collapsed, so how could people still be vanishing? Rak brushed against my leg, radiating a mix of worry and sympathy.

  “Where is Jon?” I asked.

  “He’s in a meeting,” came Mariana’s tearful voice from behind me.

  “Must be an important meeting,” Ember huffed.

  I turned to Mariana and was caught in another hug. “We’ll find him,” she said firmly.

  “Yeah,” I said, forcing what I hoped was a brave smile.

  I was aware of eyes on us as we stood there. Everybody knew we were close to Thomas. A few people flashed me a sympathetic smile, but it seemed like everyone was freaked out that an agent was the latest victim.

  I heard a quiet, “Oh.” from Mariana; she was taller than the rest of us and had a better view of the room.

  Before I could ask her what was wrong, the crowd seemed to part, giving TS plenty of space. A few people stopped him briefly to offer encouragement or sympathy and rub him on the shoulder, but most let him through. He looked awful; I thought he had looked sick and exhausted ever since the car accident, but now he looked downright deathly ill. He stopped near us and looked like he wanted to say something, then he grabbed Shannon in a bone-crushing hug.

  “Are you okay?” he demanded, releasing her. “You’re okay, right?”

  His only soul-packmate who wasn’t missing or dying nodded. “I’m fine. Really,” Shannon said firmly.

  “What are you even doing here?” TS asked. His sunken eyes widened in horror. “Bloody hell, what if they realize you’re Jen’s cousin!” he hissed.

  “By marriage,” she reminded him.

  “What if they start asking—”

  “Nobody is going to, unless you keep talking,” Shannon said quickly.

  “But… but…” TS said, clearly ready to panic at the idea of people connecting Shannon being turned into a dhampir to Thomas.

  “TS.” Shannon laced her fingers in mine and held up our hands, displaying the dramatic contrast in skin color. “I promise, nobody ever assumes we’re cousins.”

  “Right…” said TS slowly. “Right…”

  “It’s going to be okay,” Shannon said. I knew her well enough to know she was putting on a brave face for him. I just hoped she was practiced enough at hiding her emotions too. Learning how to change and block my emotions with Rak had been hard, but being able to sense him through the bond made it a lot easier. With a one-way soul-pack bond, Shannon didn’t have that luxury.

  TS heaved a sigh and leaned against Shannon. Under any other circumstance it would have been funny to see, considering he was built like a football player and looked twice Shannon’s size. She adjusted how she was standing and I suspected she was relying on some dhampir strength to support him.

  Charlie reached up to scratch TS on the shoulder. They shared a grim half-smile. “We’re going to find him,” Charlie said, eyes flaring.

  TS nodded half-heartedly.

  “You can’t sense him at all?” Ember blurted. She immediately clapped a hand over her mouth. Charlie hissed something in Sadehic, but it was too late.

  TS bowed his head. “I can sense that he’s there. Out there somewhere. But I can’t tell where. I can’t sense any emotions at all. I can’t tell if he’s in any pain… I’d think he’s unconscious, except it feels just… emptier than that. Gone is the best way I can describe it.” He heaved a ragged sigh that sounded more like a suppressed sob.

  “Dani!” Mariana cried suddenly.

  We all spun in the direction she was looking. I swear, he looked as bad as TS. I hadn’t ever seen his eyes so gray and motionless. They roved silently over all of us, then he came forward and threw his arms around TS.

  This time, TS did sob, as he hugged Dani back.

  Somehow, I hadn’t actually cried since finding out Thomas was missing, but a tear escaped Dani’s eye just before it shut and suddenly tears were rolling down my cheeks. I felt Shannon hug me from the side, but couldn’t look away.

  “I’m sorry,” Dani gasped into TS’ shoulder. “God, Tethys, I’m so sorry. It’s all my fault.”

  TS hugged him back harder. “No, it’s not, mate,” he choked. “I know it’s not.”

  Dani stepped back, slowly releasing TS. “I’m going to find him, I swear, I’m going to find him.” He started to turn, then his head snapped around and I took a step back in alarm as his eyes began to churn and blacken. I looked behind me and only saw two other agents, standing somewhat awkwardly nearby. “You already dragged me out of the park,” Dani snarled at them. “Unless you’re supposed to make sure I don’t go back, get the fuck out of here.”

  Clearly, neither one wanted to deal with a typhooning water elemental, they both quickly excused themselves.

  “Dan,” Charlie said softly, reaching out a hand. He put it carefully on Dani’s shoulder for a moment, then Dani spun and pulled him into a tight embrace. They were still until Dani’s shoulders started heaving as he buried his face against Charlie’s neck; Ember quickly threw her arms around both of them.

  For a long time, we all just stood there silently. Slowly, reluctantly, Dani straightened and stepped back. His gray eyes fell on me. “Jen…” His face twisted with guilt.

  “It wasn’t your fault.” Like TS, I knew it wasn’t. Dani would never have let anything happen to any of us, not without doing everything he could.

  He put a hand on my shoulder, still hot from a prolonged hug with fire elementals. “I’m going to get him back,” he said. “I promise.”

  “We are,” I said.

  “What…” TS began. He swallowed hard. “What happened?”

  Dani looked at him for a second, looking like he was about to cry, then, he squared his shoulders and ran a hand through his hair. He took several deep breaths and his eyes began swirling with darker grays. “We were checking out the latest disappearance,” Dani said, obviously forcing his voice to stay even. “Tom said the scent was the strongest yet, but it was raining.”

  “It’s been a rainy spring,” Mariana said softly.

  Dani nodded grimly. “Tom… he went to check it out while I took statements.” He paused and gritted his teeth, a wave of pale gray rolled across his eyes. “I never should have let him go alone. It was just for five fucking minutes.” His composure broke for a second and he raked both hands through his hair and blew out a shaky breath. “I called him when time was up. I was talking to him. He said the scent was fresh and he saw… something. He said there was another one.”

  “Another what?” asked TS.

  “I don’t know. He said he was going to check it out and that… that was the last thing he said. The phone cut out, then you called.” Dani’s eyes darkened again and he cast a glance around the room. “I was still on the phone with you when backup – and I use that term loosely – showed up and insisted I come back to regroup.”

  I couldn’t believe it happened so fast. No wonder none of the investigations had turned up any sign of a struggle.

  Charlie silently slipped an arm around Dani’s waist, plainly saying he was glad Dani hadn’t gone missing too. So was I. I couldn’t imagine losing my boyfriend and one of my best friends, who I thought of as an older brother, at the same time. Plus, if anyone could help Thomas, I knew it was Dani.

  TS looked around the room too, then glared. “What is everyone just doing milling about? We should be out looking for Thomas! Where is Jon?”

  “He’s in an important meeting,” Ember sneered.

  Dani groaned. �
�Yeah, he is.” If he noticed Ember didn’t seem to think it was that important, he ignored it. “Jon’s with a couple of members of the board, the heads of MES Midwest and Mid-Atlantic, and a bunch of agents.”

  I wasn’t the only one who gasped, “What?”

  “That’s why Tom and I went to Reave’s farm,” said Dani.

  “You went where?!” Ember shrieked.

  Dani continued, “Seems Jon is stuck in the middle of a debate about whether or not to actually launch the large-scale investigation of the park that he wants.”

  “Then what are we standing around here for?” TS demanded, starting for the elevator.

  “I wasn’t finished,” Dani said, hurrying after him.

  We all exchanged a look and followed them; the crowded elevator seemed somehow empty without Thomas. The heat from two upset fire elementals made it feel like a sauna.

  Dani finished explaining the frustrating politics behind Jon’s meeting and, to everyone’s alarm, revealed he and Thomas were supposed to have paid a visit to Greyson Turner as well. At first I was relieved that had been cancelled, but then found myself wondering if Thomas would still be here if they had gone. Surely he and Dani would have had a better chance surprising a possible blood wizard than he had against whatever had taken him in the forest.

  Dani abruptly hit one of the buttons and the elevator stopped. “Ember,” he said, as we all looked at him curiously. “The farm was a dead end, but we discovered that Reave hasn’t been there in six years.”

  Ember’s eyes narrowed. “His feeding activity only goes back five…”

  “Exactly.” Dani shrugged helplessly. “I don’t know if that’s just coincidence or if we’re on to something, but I need you to get into his file and find everything you possibly can. We need to know how he fits into all this, if he does at all. We also know of two…” He cleared his throat. “Three people who have gone missing in the last few days. I want you to run your reports again and see if anything else has turned up. We need to find something or…” He trailed off, then hit the start button, followed by the floor for IT.

  “I can do that.” Ember pushed through us to his side to hug him as the elevator started up. The doors opened a floor later and she waved, then sprinted out.

  Nobody spoke as the doors closed and we rose up to Jon’s private floor. We spilled out into the waiting room. TS didn’t waste any time and stalked toward the closed doors of the meeting room.

  “Shouldn’t we—”

  TS slammed the doors open.

  “—knock…” Charlie muttered.

  “Wait out here,” I hissed to Shannon. It was one thing for her to wander around MES while everyone was distracted, it was another to bring attention to herself by helping interrupt a meeting with some of the top members of MES. To my relief, she nodded somberly and slowed her pace.

  “Jon, what are we waiting for?!” TS demanded. “Tom is out there somewhere and we’re all standing around here doing nothing!”

  We followed him into the room. Sure enough, Jon was sitting at his large meeting table, with a dozen other people. Several more were filling spare chairs along the walls. All eyes turned to us as we entered. Jon looked pained for a moment, then quickly composed himself as he rose to his feet.

  “I assure you, Tethys, we’re doing everything we can,” Jon said.

  “Except actually looking for him!” TS roared. “His scent is going to be gone if we stay here any longer! Danio was there! Back-up arrived minutes after Thomas vanished and you had three bloody agents on the scene and you ordered them back here instead!”

  Jon took a deep breath. “I understand you’re upset.”

  TS took several threatening steps across the room, seeming even larger and more intimidating than usual. “Upset?! He’s my best friend! He’s my fecking soul-pack mate! I’m not upset, I’m furious! You’re wasting time!”

  Several of the people at the table looked alarmed, a couple of them gasped.

  “Agent Conall,” Jon said through clenched teeth. “Control yourself.” He took a deep breath. “I want to find him too. You know that. But I cannot allow my personal feelings for one missing agent to endanger any others. I have a duty to protect all of my employe—”

  “Fuck that,” Dani cut in. “You don’t have to protect me. I’m going back. I never should have let those assholes make me leave in the first place.” He spun and started back toward the door.

  With a snarl and a glare at Jon, TS turned and followed.

  “Danio, you can’t go back,” said Jon firmly.

  “Watch me!” Dani snapped.

  “That’s an order, Agent Pelagos,” Jon said, voice cracking with emotion.

  Dani whirled to face him, eyes darkening and churning wildly.

  “What?!” TS demanded.

  Jon bent down and spread his hands helplessly on the table, bowing his head to compose himself. Somewhere out of sight, Fend cawed angrily.

  A man at the other end of the table stood slowly. “In light of the situation, for the safety of every one of our people at MES, we have decided that until we know exactly what we are facing, Allegany State Park is off-limits to all MES personnel.”

  “Are you fucking kidding me?!” cried Dani.

  “Jon!” TS yelled. “You can’t allow that!”

  Next to me, Charlie sucked in a sharp breath and I suddenly felt like someone had opened a hot oven near me. Rak brushed against my leg and hissed softly.

  “This decision comes from above,” Jon said softly. He looked toward the man, who nodded once. “I cannot challenge a declaration from the board of directors. They’ve agreed that a large-scale investigation is necessary. Before your interruption, we were in the beginning stages of contacting the managers of every relevant MES branch to get a count of how many agents we can expect. Then, we can form a more concrete plan and—”

  “Thomas will be dead before then!” Dani said. He winced as TS whined, then stormed across the room.

  “Danio,” Charlie called. I knew he was trying to stop Dani before he typhooned, but judging from his voice, he wasn’t far from erupting either. I knew Charlie was struggling just to keep himself under control; he was in no position to calm Dani.

  Jon pushed off from the table and met Dani partway around. “Control yourself, Agent Pelagos,” he said firmly. If he was at all concerned about putting himself face-to-face with a pissed off elemental, it didn’t show.

  “Jon,” Dani started, voice shaking. “You can’t—”

  “That’s enough. Listen to me,” said Jon. Dani started to argue. “I thought you knew how to follow orders, Agent Pelagos,” Jon said, raising his voice.

  Dani stiffened and sucked in a deep breath. “That’s never been one of my strong points, Mr. Kiyosugi, sir,” he spat. “Especially when those orders are bullshit.”

  “Give me your badge,” Jon said.

  “Jon!” Charlie cried.

  “Are you out of your bloody mind?!” TS demanded.

  Mariana grabbed Charlie and pulled him back. I knew she couldn’t possibly hold him, especially if he got any hotter, but I hoped it would help Charlie keep himself under control enough to stay put.

  “What?” said Dani.

  “Give me your badge, Pelagos,” Jon repeated. “You’re too close to this. I’m relieving you of duty.” Dani gaped at him. “Temporarily,” he clarified. “When we solidify our plan, I will consider assigning you to the investigation. I’m sorry.” Jon held out a hand.

  Dani did pull out his badge, but instead of handing it to Jon he flung it across the room. The only sound was the soft thud as it landed somewhere.

  Jon nodded sadly, then looked at the rest of us. “That goes for all of you.”

  “Wha—us?!” TS cried. “You can’t be serious!”

  “I’m sorry,” Jon said again. “You’re all relieved of duty for now. This is too personal for all of you.”

  “Fuck you,” Dani spat. He started to turn away, but Jon grabbed his arm. There were
several gasps from around the table as one of Dani’s fists came up. I was stunned that Dani stopped himself. In all honesty, I wanted to hit Jon myself. Dani lowered his arm, although his fist was still clenched.

  Jon straightened his shoulders and, despite being quite a bit shorter than Dani, somehow managed to get right in his face. “I want you to listen to me now, Danio. Very. Carefully. Are we clear?”

  Dani took a long, shuddering breath, but nodded.

  Jon leaned even closer; he had to be raised up on his toes. “You are relieved of duty. I don’t care where you go or what you do. But MES is not where you need to be right now. Do you understand me?”

  “Yes… sir,” Dani said slowly. He sounded oddly calm. “I do.”

  Jon inclined his head slightly to us. “Take care of them. Please check in with me soon.”

  “I will.”

  To my surprise, Dani bowed slightly. Jon returned it, then watched solemnly as Dani crossed the room back to us. Dani’s expression was blank, but his eyes were churning wildly.

  “Danio, you can’t just—” TS began.

  Dani took his arm and pulled him. “Let’s go before they have us dragged out for trespassing.”

  “Danio!” TS cried. He wrenched his arm away, then stared, looking shocked, as Dani kept walking.

  “Dan?” Charlie said, reaching out as Dani passed.

  “I said let’s go,” Dani said. “We’re obviously not wanted here.”

  We followed him back to the elevator in stunned silence. I kept expecting him to turn back around or typhoon or something. Instead, he maintained a maddeningly neutral expression and calmly waited for everyone to join him on the elevator. Even TS seemed too shocked to say anything. Shannon rejoined us, asking me a thousand questions with her eyes; her keen dhampir ears had heard everything of course, but I shook my head and shrugged one shoulder.

  It wasn’t until the elevator doors opened into the parking garage and Dani started off that TS exploded.

  “Danio, have you lost your fecking mind?!” he yelled. “You’re just going to walk away?! You’re giving up?!”

  “I’m not giving up,” Dani said, without slowing. “Who’s driving?”


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