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Death Game: Supernatural Battle (Vampire Towers Book 3)

Page 28

by Kelly St Clare

  Except one thing.

  The same thing that had always stood between us.

  Kyros, if you want me after everything that has happened between us, then come to me without games. Ingenium will always be a memory and a lesson to hold close. But only you and I will continue on.

  His green eyes were solemn.

  I lowered my hand, unable to bear another second of being so close to him with the burning under my skin.

  … And with Ingenium still in the way.

  On this issue, I would be unrelenting.

  Taking a breath, I pushed my thoughts toward him again. If you can’t come to me without games, don’t come at all. I won’t have you any other way.

  Breaking away from his gaze, I strode for the exit, my army of vampires falling in behind me with booming steps.


  Four months.

  King Mikael decided to take things to the bitter end—or so I assumed.

  The day after I gatecrashed the end cascade negotiations, I’d received a letter that cordially invited me to remain at the estate for the remainder of my life.

  Signed, King Julius.

  How nice of him.

  “Drink this, babe.” Tommy shoved another monstrosity under my nose. This one was orange.

  I cast her a baleful look. “That crap won’t make me feel better.”

  Only Kyros could do that, but Tommy was determined to keep me chugging along. Each day she forced one of these health juices down my throat before shoving me into the pool to swim laps for an hour.

  Not to mention the meditation and massages.

  If I could be happy through her efforts, I’d be a fucking joy.

  For the last four months, I’d existed as a shadow. The first few days were better—when I kept expecting Kyros to turn up at all hours of the day and night.

  Food tasted like sawdust.

  Laughter was hard to come by.

  Music pissed me off.

  If Tommy, Mrs Gaughton, my oldies, and my Vissimo friends weren’t here, I’d be halfway to death’s door.

  Cruelly. Ironically. Along with my enjoyment in life, the negatives had disappeared too. Every trace of fear and uncertainty and mistrust that ever sat between Kyros and me was eradicated by misery.

  The doubts I’d carried seemed so small now.

  The blood bond was unrelenting with its desperation to force me off the estate and onto his lap. Unfortunately, I had the presence of mind to instruct Laurel and the others not to listen to my orders on the matter four months ago.

  They’d prevented me from leaving the estate twenty-five times.

  Turned out, I’d used all my luck sneaking off the property to save Tommy. They’d confiscated all the frequency generators in the house after I tried using them to get away. With the damage to my ears, I didn’t have much of an advantage. They heard me coming far before I heard them.

  The blood bond was shoving my body to exhaustion, wearing me down physically and mentally so I’d cave and crawl to my mate. It was helped by my very real misery.

  I missed Kyros so damn much.

  Sighing, I sipped the orange slop through my bamboo straw.

  Tastes like horseshit.

  Then why are you drinking it?

  I frowned. Tommy makes me.

  Then I assume it’s for your own good.

  I slowly straightened, my mouth full of the carrot juice. As though she had a radar, Tommy whipped around.

  “What is it?” she demanded. “Don’t spit that out.”


  Yes, my beauty.

  I spat the juice out over the bench, startling everyone in the kitchen. My guards tensed, immediately on high alert.

  Falling off the stool, I barely had the presence of mind to keep my speed regulated for my human staff as I raced toward the thrumming of Kyros.

  He was by the pool.

  It wasn’t the first time he’d come closer. I’d feel him in Orange or Black sometimes—occasionally right on the border of Black and the Estates.

  Never this close.

  Never on my property.

  This had to mean something. I couldn’t bear it if he left again.

  It means something.

  His voice rumbled through me, eliciting a sob. I tore out of the patio and rested my eyes upon him for the first time in four months.

  My feet stilled as I looked upon him. The icy winter wind whipped my hair around my face, and I lifted a hand to push back the obstacle to my vision.

  He was here, but I didn’t know how to go to him.

  It meant too much.

  Like I could shatter into a million pieces by taking a single step closer.

  My eyes drank him in—because if that was all I got of him, I’d take whatever scraps possible.

  He wore a green shirt, sleeves rolled to expose his muscular forearms. He’d partnered it with khakis. If there was one thing I loved more than my vampire in a suit, it was seeing him dress smart casual.

  Because that look belonged to me.

  Come to me, my beauty.

  I startled at sounds behind me.

  Tommy was out of breath, even though she’d been joining me in the pool each morning. My guards hadn’t overtaken me, so I could assume they’d figured out Kyros was here.

  Tommy gave me a not-so-gentle shove. “What the fuck are you waiting for? Go get him, tiger.”

  Kyros strode toward me, done with waiting.

  I ran.

  His growl filled the air as I traversed the last few steps and launched myself against his body, seventh exchange be damned.

  That was the last thing on my mind.

  Crying so hard I felt my ribs may crack, I wrapped my arms around his neck, latching my ankles behind his back. His arms wrapped around me, and Kyros held me close.

  “Shh, Basilia. I’m here now,” he said in a low voice, turning his back to those watching us from the patio.

  My voice couldn’t form words through my tears.

  His thoughts were whipping through mine too fast to comprehend. That’s right. I didn’t need a physical voice.

  What took you so long?

  Kyros inhaled me, squeezing me tighter. Never let her go. Smells right. “You were clear about how you wanted me. You always have been.”

  Four months, I thought brokenly. I thought you weren’t coming.

  He set me on my feet, hands running down my arms. “You’re so fucking beautiful.”

  I can’t breathe around her. Mine.

  Fresh tears spilled over my cheeks at the uncontrolled torrent of his thoughts. I hope he never learned to control them because his mind was the most wondrous thing I’d ever beheld.

  My queen. In a rabbit onesie.

  Peering down, I frowned at the outfit.

  Shit. Where’s the short dress when I need it?

  “You don’t need anything,” he murmured in my ear, sending a violent shiver through me.

  I wrapped my arms around my waist. “I’ve been cold. Tommy dressed me…”

  He reached back and flipped the rabbit ears hood up. “Perfect.”

  If he thought so, I wouldn’t correct him.

  Kyros tilted my chin. “Laurel, Vladymir, stop me if this goes too far.”

  He kissed me then. Tears, wet lashes, red face, and all, he kissed me and the world righted. We sank into each other, and determining where he started and I ended was an impossible task. One shared feeling and one shared thought existed in the warm space we could remain lost in for eternity.

  The sensation transcended the physical.

  I was inside Kyros and he was inside me.

  With the steady pressure he exerted, I knew he’d protect me to his dying breath. Nowhere was safer than in his arms. He pressed his tongue between my lips, and I sighed, opening for him as I reciprocated. Panting, Kyros cut off the kiss, turning his head aside.

  I’d climbed back up his body. In a haze, I threaded my fingers through his toffee strands and used the other to draw his face
back to mine.

  “We don’t turn from each other,” I told him in a dreamy voice.

  This close, I could see the deep bruising circling beneath his eyes. His usual golden hue had waned. He didn’t appear to have lost weight or muscle, but a weight hung around his neck.

  I brushed a thumb over his bottom lip. “You’re tired.”

  “As are you,” he said. “But it will be better now.”

  Is Ingenium over? I asked.

  Kyros’s mouth curved. “My father executed Mikael yesterday morning. The surviving Fyrlia royals formally admitted defeat. As expected, the decision to draw out the game until the bitter end came from Mikael. My father still honoured your terms despite Mikael never apologising to his family as you requested.”

  Saw that coming from a mile away. Actually, I had to step up my hyperboles with my vampire senses. Saw that coming from one hundred miles away.

  Kyros’s mouth bobbed as he listened in on my thoughts. He blinked a few times before continuing. “I spent the day with Trenit and Tynan and executed them late last night once they were broken.”

  Whoa. I knew what my mate was capable of, but his enjoyment of the task demonstrated a bloodthirstiness I’d have to acclimatise to. The two times I’d killed made me feel sick.

  He’d spoken loudly, but I turned to check Tommy had heard.

  Her eyes were shining—whether from our Notebook moment or the news of Kyros’s torture session, I had no idea.

  “Thank you,” she said to Kyros. “I still dislike you, but a little less.”

  I nearly grinned at that. Until I saw Fernando wrap an arm around her waist.

  When the fuck did that happen?

  Marcus approached on the other side, taking her hand, and my jaw dropped open.

  Holy shit. Tommy has a fucking harem!

  Kyros’s shoulders were shaking. “What are you going to do about that?”

  Marcus would be put on best-friend trial to see if he was worthy. Fernando could get the hell off my friend. He wasn’t anywhere good enough—fucking traitor.

  My mate stilled, lifting his head to peruse Fernando. He was the spy?

  Oops. Guess that’s out of the bag. I wondered if you already knew about him, actually.

  Your relationship with the Indebted was growing. I decided to leave the matter to you, he surprised me by responding.

  “Well, don’t beat him up now, please,” I murmured against his mouth.

  A growl rumbled in Kyros’s chest, the snarl about to whip out in challenge.

  Later, mate. Another day. Next week or next year. Once you’ve satisfied me. I nipped at his bottom lip.

  He tore his glare from Fernando. “We don’t have time anyway.”

  I tensed. “What does that mean?”

  “It means that my father and family are expecting us.” He glanced at me uncertainly after.

  The idea wasn’t abhorrent to me. I’d missed all of them too.

  Well, most of them.

  I nuzzled into his chest. “As long as we have contact at all times, I can put up with that.”

  I’ll never let you go, my beauty. Never again.

  My mood lightened when I realised Kyros was driving us to his Lyall Bay property. Pulling into the garage, he proceeded to drag me onto his lap.

  I gasped as fire scorched everywhere he touched. Pain and pleasure.

  “Your rules,” he teased. “You said I had to maintain contact at all times.”

  It was a gasp, not a complaint.

  His lips curved and he kissed my nose.

  Once out of the car, I wriggled until he put me down. I was already in the fucking rabbit onesie. Only using my legs to walk could redeem me.

  Grabbing his hand, I tugged Kyros down the hall, listening to his silent laughter. Why this was funny, I had no idea.

  The voices ahead of us trailed off.

  I drew back, eyeing him.

  Are you laughing because of the rabbit onesie? I asked.

  He grinned. Just feeling grateful that we’re here in this moment, true mate.

  The truth. And a thought I could appreciate the weight of.

  We entered the open-plan living space hand in hand.

  There wasn’t a single second of awkwardness before Gerome swept me into his arms. My hand was torn from Kyros’s as his brother spun me in a blurring circle.

  I was too tired for spinning.

  Tapping his shoulder, I groaned. “Enough.”

  The tall, dark, and handsome vampire set me down immediately.

  Kyros’s growl swelled, telling me he might have caught my mental description of his brother.


  I was passed into the arms of my first crush next.

  Rory beamed down at me for a split second before Kyros ripped me away.

  Crap, those thoughts were going to get me in trouble.

  “Damn right they will,” he said, brows drawing together.

  Kyros clamped me against his body, and I waved lamely at the other siblings. I’d wondered if the betrayal would still be held against me, but I couldn’t see a shred of bitterness or blame on their perfect faces.

  Still, Ingenium ended yesterday. Who knew what feelings could arise in time? I really hoped there were no hard feelings.

  Kyros pressed his forehead to the back of my head. They don’t. They wouldn’t dare after what you did for us.

  I just undid the damage I’d caused.

  You gave up everything you owned in Bluff City to help us, including your family’s home. You entered the lion’s den with no idea whether what you had would be enough. You did it for the love of your grandmother and love of me.

  I’m glad you see it that way.

  We all do, he replied. Including my mother and father.

  The king and queen sat on the window seat, holding hands. It weirded me out when they did normal human stuff. Be a tyrannical ruler or not, but pick a damn side.

  Kyros snorted. Why would he when he knows the uncertainty unsettles you?

  The king pulled that shit on purpose?

  My eyes narrowed. A worthy foe.

  Deep, rumbling laughter burst from Kyros’s lips.

  “Thank fuck you’re back,” Neelan said. “He’s been a pain in the ass. Bitching and moaning and moping.”

  “Glad to be back,” I answered him solemnly. Kyros allowed just enough freedom for me to squeeze his brother’s hand.

  “You look haggard but happy. Once you sleep, you’ll look much better,” Dierdre remarked, devouring a slice of cheese pizza.

  I erupted in mental hoots. God, I’d missed her. “Thanks, Dierdre.”

  Kyros was watching me closely. What? He hadn’t realised I found her hilarious?

  He shook his head, and I grinned.

  That pizza smells so good. I’d had no appetite in months. With a tendency toward the skinny of my optimal weight, I was now a size too small to be healthy. If Tommy hadn’t force-fed me, who knew what state I’d be in.

  I should have worked harder.

  I missed something the king said, glancing up at Kyros, a wrinkle between my brows. He avoided my gaze and Dierdre’s low growl when he stole her pizza box.

  Ugh, nope. I wasn’t coming between a vampire and her food. One, she was female and that was a general no-no. Two, she had fangs.

  “I’ll grab something else soon,” I said.

  King Julius stood in front of me.

  Heart thumping, I stared at the ancient Vissimo.

  “I can’t recall the last time a human ignored me,” he said in bafflement.

  The queen called. “It’s their mind-speak, lover. It distracts my son and my daughter-in-law.”

  Whoa, whoa, whoa.

  The king held out his arm, studying my face closely. Checking how haggy I was?

  “What’s going on?” I took his arm.

  “You would know if you had listened,” he replied.

  I inhaled and my stomach gurgled.

  Exhaling loudly, Kyros’s father s
wiped the pizza box from his son before marching us out the front door.

  “I’m glad to see you, true mate of my eldest son.”

  He wasn’t calling me human, so things could be worse. The king led us to the fire pit where Kyros once tried to set up a romantic date. If he did it again, I’d be all for it.

  A small smile escaped me before I sobered.

  I could only smile right now because things happened to work out. Four months later and I still felt as though everything could disappear.

  The king sat on the swinging chair, gesturing to the quarter of bench space left next to his huge frame. He handed me the pizza box, closing his eyes.

  Well, okay then. I took out a slice and munched on it, nearly pooling into a puddle on the ground at the cheesy goodness.

  Kyros mentally snorted before receding.

  Dierdre wasn’t getting any of this back.

  “The first time we met,” Julius broke the silence, “I asked you why you returned to my son’s tower. You said to win the game.”

  … Yeah.

  “My arrogance allowed you to get so far. That was a good lesson for me.” He regarded me through those predator’s blue eyes, but there was a glimmer I wasn’t used to seeing. “You played your hand well.”

  I wasn’t even sure I liked this guy and the praise still felt good. Guess not growing up with parents would do that to a gal.

  “I have two questions,” he said.

  … Were they rhetorical?

  The king crossed an ankle over his knee, glancing at his pants in annoyance. I’d only seen him wear a sarong in the confines of his own home. Guess he liked the freedom.

  Which was a pretty gross thought, really.

  He watched me closely. “When you gave up my family to Mikael in exchange for your friend’s life, did you intend to give us all your Bluff City assets?”

  Nope. “At that point, I still intended to win the game.”

  The answer drew a smile to his lips out of all things. “What changed your mind?”

  A lot. “I didn’t wish to spend my life that way.” I wanted to spend it with Kyros, pursuing the things I found important before the crazy explosion of my life.

  The king studied my face as I took another mouthful of cheese pizza. Holy shitballs, this was so fucking amazing. Though maybe I shouldn’t eat too much. I’d have to put in some serious training to regain my ability to eat a full pizza.


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