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Chase and Cassidy

Page 2

by D. J. Manly

  * * * *

  Finally, Chase pulled away, crawling backwards on the floor until his back was positioned against one of the walled tiles. He lowered his head on his arms and tried to get his breath. Cassidy was laying flat on the floor now, cheek pressed to the floor. Chase could see his back rising and falling from the exertion.

  Amanda folded her dressing gown together and stepped down off the chair. She smiled at Chase, and nodded. “The answer is yes. I find you very exciting together.”

  Cassidy suddenly sprang off the floor. “Really, when do we move in?”

  “Hold on,” Chase said. He wasn’t sure if he was ready for this. “I haven’t made a decision yet.”

  Cassidy gave him a look of disbelief.

  “I’ll leave you to discuss it,” Amanda said.

  Cassidy went to say something but Chase held up his hand. He waited until he was sure that Amanda was out of earshot, then stood up. As he walked over to pick up his clothes, he said, “It may be cut and dried for you, but it isn’t for me.”

  “Listen, stud,” Cassidy said angrily, “you’re not getting any younger. How much longer do you think you’re going to be able to work at the agency? This could set you up for…”

  “I’ve had other offers,” Chase said stiffly. “As much as it may be unbelievable to you, I’ve had a few regular clients who have offered me…”

  “Yeah, well why haven’t you taken them up on it?” Cassidy challenged him with his eyes.

  Chase swallowed. He was waiting for something else besides security. If only he could have felt something for them. Maybe it was sentimental, but he was looking for love. He wasn’t about to tell Cassidy that. He’d only laugh. “It’s a big decision.”

  “It’s six months. Is it because you can’t stand me?” Cassidy demanded, putting his hands on his hips.

  Chase ran his eyes over his nakedness. “No, you’re alright.” He grinned.

  As if Cassidy suddenly realized he was naked, he reached down and grabbed up his clothes, and held them in front of him. “Then, what? You can either live here six months, or work at the agency. Come on, Chase, don’t blow this for me.”

  “You’re sure this is the answer to everything, aren’t you?” Chase demanded.

  “Well selling my ass at the agency isn’t, that’s for sure.”

  That statement caused him to pause a minute. He’d wanted to get out for a long time, but there was no other job that paid like this one did. It allowed him to take courses at the community college. He knew he couldn’t do this forever.

  “Chase, it’s the opportunity of a lifetime, and when it’s over, you never have to see me again.”

  Chase sighed. “And you promise not to be nasty, to make cracks about my age and…”

  “Well, I’ll try,” Cassidy smirked. “No guarantees.”

  He took a breath. “Six months, then if I decide to go, no begging, no pleading, no hassle.”

  “I promise.”

  Chase took a breath. “Okay, I agree.”

  Cassidy sprang over and hugged him around the neck. “You saved my life,” he said.

  “What do you mean, I saved your life?” Chase asked as Cassidy began to dress.

  “Nothin’. Just a figure of speech. Let’s go and tell Amanda.”

  * * * *

  A few minutes later, they emerged from the room. Amanda had drinks waiting. She handed them each one. They clinked glasses, and took a sip. “So,” she said, watching them, “what’s the decision?”

  “Yes,” Cassidy nodded, looking at Chase. “The answer is yes.”

  Amanda watched them both as they drank their wine. They were both stunningly beautiful but very different. Cassidy was a bit rough around the edges, but he’d outgrow that. He was still young. Chase, well, he was an exceptional beauty, so strong, so male, and with a maturity beyond his years. Of course neither one of them were Scott. Scott had been with her several years before she’d brought Ciel into his life. She’d never expected them to fall in love. Ciel had taken Scott from her.

  Chase was speaking to her now, and she forced herself to pay attention. She smiled, looking forward to the many nights of pleasure he and Cassidy would bring her.

  * * * *

  When Chase brought his suitcase over the next day, Cassidy was already there. Amanda informed him that Cassidy was out by the pool. “I’m busy right now, the maid will show you to your room, and I’ll see you later, sweetie,” she told him, looking up at him from where she sat in the hall talking on the phone.

  Upstairs, the maid offered to unpack his bag. “It’s okay,” he said. “I can do it.”

  “If there is anything you’d like, Mr… ah…?” The maid eyed him curiously.

  “Chase will do,” he said. “I’m fine.”

  “You remind me a little of Ciel,” she said, blushing.

  “Ciel. I thought the guy here before me was called Scott?”

  “One of them was. He was here with Miss Amanda for a few years. The other was Ciel. Amanda brought him over from France.” She raised her eyebrows up and down, then laughed.

  Chase laughed too. “So Scott and Ciel fell in love, did they?”

  She nodded. “They were beautiful together, like you and Mr. Cassidy.”

  His eyes widened a little, then, he shook his head. “It’s not like that.”

  She gave him a little grin, and hurried out.

  Chase found Cassidy down by the pool sipping Pina Colada’s. “I see you’ve settled right in,” Chase said.

  Cassidy glanced up at him from the huge glass in front of him, and lifted out the little paper umbrella. “This is the life, old man.”

  Chase glared at him.

  “Okay, okay, young man,” Cassidy laughed.

  “You’re tanked,” Chase said, deciding to go back inside. He needed to talk to Amanda.

  As it turned out, he couldn’t find her. He didn’t see her again until she knocked on his door around seven o’clock. “Chase,” she said, “what are you doing in here? I thought you’d be outside with Cassidy enjoying the sun.”

  Chase rose from where he was lying on the bed. He smiled. “I’m a bit tired I guess. Sorry. I did want to discuss something with you though.”

  “Sure,” she said with a smile.

  “I’ve been attending community college and I’m wondering if it’s going to be a problem for me to take a few courses. I…”

  “Darling,” she said, coming over to the bed. She took his hand. “You can go fulltime if you want. I’ll pay for everything. What is it you want to be when you grow up?” She grinned at him.

  Chase laughed, “Well, I’ve been taking courses in counseling. I think I’d like to work with runaways, on the street.”

  “Is that what you were?” she asked, meeting Chase’s eyes.

  He nodded. “My mom remarried when I was sixteen. My stepfather liked me better than her.”

  Amanda sighed. “I’m sorry, Chase.”

  “It’s okay,” he shrugged. “He never got what he wanted. I was pretty big at fourteen, and I already knew how to box.” Chase smiled. “I left home after that, lived on the streets. I finally found the Agency, or rather they found me.”

  “Yes, they’re very picky about who works for them. That’s why I’ve always patronized them. The boys … men,” she smiled, looking at Chase, “they hire are always well trained, and gorgeous, and they are picky about drugs and disease.”

  “The Agency saved my life, but honesty Amanda, I’ve been working my way out for a few years now.”

  “How many courses left to go?”

  “Four,” he said. “The agency kept me pretty busy so I could only take one every session.”

  “You take the rest in September,” Amanda said. “Finish the program.”

  Chase smiled. “Thank you, Amanda. I really appreciate it. It would mean four times a week, some of the courses I’m sure are in the evening, and I didn’t think that…”

  “We’ll work around it,” she nodded. “B
esides I think it’s wonderful, Chase.” She reached down and kissed him on the cheek. “I’m so happy you’re here. Now change your clothes and come for dinner. It will be served in my room in a half hour. Do you have some dress clothes?”

  “Nothing fancy with me, just some dress pants and a shirt.”

  “That will do,” she said. “We’ll take you and Cassidy shopping tomorrow, and Cassidy badly needs a haircut. Oh,” she said, pausing at the door, “wear the neck open, and don’t shave. I love that rough shadow you’ve got going. I’m sure Cassidy will love it too.”

  Chase laughed. Sure, he thought, Cassidy would love it. He watched as she closed the door, then, stripped off his clothes and jumped in the shower. He would have to really thank Cassidy for talking him into this. This was turning out to be a great idea. He’d spend six months here, then graduate, and say good-bye to the Agency for good.

  Chapter Two

  Cassidy was feeling no pain. He had drunk more than a few of those Pina Colada’s and his head was swimming. When Chase entered the room dressed in snug black pants and an open neck silver shirt, damn, he looked good enough to eat … probably the booze talking. “What’s that shadow thing you got going on?” he asked.

  Chase smiled at Amanda, then, glanced at him before taking a seat. “What shadow thing?”

  “Told you he’d love it,” Amanda murmured.

  “It’s sexy as hell,” Cassidy cooed. “For an old…”

  “Ah … ah … ah,” Chase said, shaking his head.

  “I know,” Cassidy giggled, “I promised. It does make you look rough and ready, honey.”

  Chase rolled his eyes. “You’re sloshed.”

  Amanda giggled. “I told him to have fun by the pool, and well … he did. We’ll get some food into him, and he’ll be okay.”

  “I get horny when I drink,” Cassidy announced, winking at Amanda.

  Amanda grinned.

  Cassidy began to tuck into his food, some sort of seafood casserole. It was really good. He almost licked the plate. When he saw Chase looking at him, he shrugged. “I’m hungry.”

  “Seems so,” Chase replied, lifting a folk full of food into his mouth.

  Cassidy watched the food disappear, suddenly imagining his cock disappearing into that mouth. “Amanda,” Cassidy said, “would you mind greatly if Chase was to suck my cock later?”

  Chase almost chocked on his food. “Shit, Cassidy,” he growled, “can’t you…?”

  Amanda put up a hand. “Later, Cassidy, I’ll give it my full consideration.”

  Cassidy grinned, then slumped down in his chair and put his foot up between Chase’s legs.

  Chase pulled his chair back and gave Cassidy a warning look.

  “Eat your dinner.”

  “I’d much rather eat you,” he shot back, enjoying Chase’s discomfort. He was such an old man.

  “Can’t you picture it, Amanda, Chase naked, laid out on the table, this wonderful casserole scattered all over his body? Um, my appetite is … very stimulated.”

  Chase was about to say something, when Amanda cocked her head at Cassidy and nodded. “Wonderful idea,” she said.

  Chase’s fork lingered in mid air. “You’re not serious,” he began.

  Amanda stood up, and began to place the dishes on the bed. Chase just stared at her when she took his half eaten food and put that aside too. Lifting the silver serving plate, still half filled with the creamy casserole, she handed it to Cassidy, who stood up and looked at Chase. “Take off your clothes,” he said, “and get up on the table.”

  Chase looked stunned. He glanced over at Amanda who slapped her palms together like a child, and nodded.

  Chase muttered something, stood up and began to undo his shirt. Cassidy stood waiting patiently while Chase stripped off his pants. He put his finger in the food to make sure it wasn’t too hot. It was just a nice warm temperature.

  Amanda backed into the corner and waited. “Get up on the table, hon,” she told Chase. “How do you want him, Cassidy?”

  “On his back with his knees raised. I can reach everything I need to that way,” he replied, giving Chase a big grin as he slowly climbed onto the table. “Lay down, stud,” Cassidy told him, then dipped his hand in the casserole and began to drop it onto Chase’s chest.

  Two big handfuls over each nipple, one at his navel, and the rest, he dumped on his cock and balls, causing Chase to utter a sound of protest. Dipping his finger in the bowl, he picked up some residue, and as he did he smeared it on Chase’s mouth, leaning down immediately after to taste it. Slowly he ran his tongue over the bottom lip, scooping up some of the seafood as he went, then the top lip, umm, that was damn good casserole.

  Opening his mouth, he covered both of Chase’s lips with his, running the tip of his tongue between his teeth.

  Chase moaned and opened his mouth, allowing Cassidy to inch his tongue alongside of his. Cassidy heard him moan deeply, his hips lifting off the table in invitation.

  He moved back to watch as Chase lifted his hips a second time, his cock stiffening. Cassidy lowered his mouth to Chase’s chest, licking the splatters of creamy sauce off his skin like a satisfied cat. When he got to the nipple which was smothered in casserole, he first moved his lips over it to eat a luscious piece of lobster, then slowly licked the residue of cream that had concentrated around the sensitive hard tip of his nipple.

  The hips lifted again, this time with the shoulders bearing down on the table. Cassidy’s eyes traced Chase’s swollen shaft, which was dripping with a combination of casserole cream and pre cum. Umm. He couldn’t wait for dessert. “Stay still,” he whispered, then turned around and looked at Amanda. “I think we should tie his hands over his head.”

  Amanda nodded with a wink, and disappeared from the room for a second.

  Cassidy looked down at Chase. His eyes were closed; his tongue was slowly making its way around his lips. Cassidy flicked his finger over the clean nipple, his eyes focused on the other one. The sauce was cooling now, congealing itself over the stiff nub. Umm, he would have to work extra hard to clean that one.

  Amanda came back now with handcuffs. Taking one of Chase’s arms, she raised it above his head. Cassidy raised the other. Chase opened his eyes and watched as they brought his wrists together and clicked the cuffs closed, but he didn’t say anything.

  Cassidy ran his eyes over him. Sexy as hell with his flesh gleaming from a combination of sauce and his saliva, his cock standing up so erect, dripping, with casserole covering his balls and thighs.

  Amanda was taking off her clothes quietly in the corner as Cassidy went back to work. As he lowered his mouth to the second nipple, Chase moaned, then, shuddered as the tip of Cassidy’s tongue tickled his swollen nipple. “I’m not even going to touch your cock yet, stud,” Cassidy murmured, swishing his tongue around the circumference of the nipple, then reaching over and pinching the other one brutally.

  Chase’s hips rose off the table again, and Cassidy heard some air escape from his lips. Cassidy was now hard as a rock. He veered back for a moment and hastily stripped off his shirt, then practically tore his pants down, and tossed them aside. He squeezed his own cock, then heard Amanda moan deeply from where she was lying, legs apart, on the bed. He smiled. She was loving it.

  Cassidy bent his head down to Chase’s nipple again, and gave it a gentle bite, then moved on down with his tongue, being careful to catch any little bit of casserole which had spilled onto his skin. When he reached his cock, he heard Chase murmur, “please.”

  Cassidy laughed softly, giving Chase’s cock a gentle slap, then, because he loved the way it moved, he slapped it again. “What a nice cock you have, Chase, and I mean it. Damn. It’s so big and thick, and right now, it wants to be sucked or…”

  “Shit, Cassidy, you little bastard, ahhh … damn, either suck it or…”

  Cassidy laughed softly, and wrapped his fist around it, and then he began to lick it from the base to the tip, the casserole sauce blending deliciously wit
h Chase’s own special sauce. Christ, this was addictive. Now he was squeezing his throbbing sex in his hand as he cleaned off his balls. “Umm,” he said, “a lot of lobster and yum … is that a scallop?”

  Chase was thrashing on the table. Cassidy licked his balls clean then pushed his legs up and apart. “I wonder,” he mused, “what’s in that silver serving dish. Could that be dessert?”

  Amanda wasn’t listening. She was on, what Cassidy thought, was her fourth major orgasm. He reached over curiously and lifted the cover from the silver dish. “Strawberry pudding,” he said, scooping up a large handful. Spreading a large dollop onto his middle finger, he opened Chase’s butt cheeks and without hesitating, inserted his finger into his anus.

  Chase protested, making a sound which sounded like a whistle. Cassidy laughed, moving the pudding covered finger in and out. Chase’s balls tightened visibly, Cassidy squeezed the large cock again, knowing Chase was ready to come. Continuing to squeeze, he lowered his head and tasted the strawberry coated opening. Chase’s cock pulsed, then shot, and as he was shooting, Cassidy walked to the head of the table. He crawled on top of the table and straddled his neck, dropping his aching cock to Chase’s lips. “Suck,” he demanded. “Come on baby, you sexy stud you, suck.”

  Chase opened his mouth and Cassidy filled it with his cock, tilting Chase’s head back, he made sure that his cock hit the back of Chase’s throat. When Chase started to suck, still in the aftermath of orgasm, Cassidy closed his eyes. Damn, he was good at that. The cum was thundering down his shaft now and shooting. Chase swallowed until the cum dripped out of his mouth and he began to choke.

  Cassidy pulled his cock away and let his head fall back, sighing with pleasure. Crawling off of Chase, he let his eyes move over Chase’s naked body. Handcuffed the way he was, Cassidy couldn’t resist playing with Chase’s cock a little before he reached up and undid the cuffs.


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