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Cold Wicked Lies: A gripping romantic thriller that will have you hooked (Cold Justice - Crossfire Book 3)

Page 24

by Toni Anderson

  This didn’t have to be anything other than a little raw passion between two unattached adults. Two very horny unattached adults.

  She took the condom out of his hand, and he ditched his boxers. She carefully slid the silky latex over his over-sensitized flesh. He shivered, removing her hand when she went to stroke him and turning them both so she was the one with her back against the wall.

  Uncertainty flitted through her expression.

  He let go of her hand and stroked the hair off her brow. “What is it?”

  “I haven’t done this for a while.”

  “The wall?”

  Her mouth quirked. “Any of it, but especially the wall.”

  He went to take a step back, but she grabbed his hand. “It’s not that I want to stop. I really don’t. I’m worried I’ve forgotten what to do and won’t measure up.”

  He cradled her head between both his hands and kissed her slowly. He pulled back, cocked his head. “How hard can it be?”

  The fact he was throbbing against her like a piece of molten steel had her laughing as he’d hoped.

  “Very. I hope.”

  She ran her fingers over him, and he closed his eyes, concentrating on not losing it. On not embarrassing himself and disappointing her. Jesus.

  “Let me know if you need any pointers, but I’m pretty sure we can figure it out together.” He took her hand and placed it on his shoulder, then did the same with her other hand. Then he hoisted her up so her legs were wrapped around his waist, her moist center pressed against his hard length, making him shake with need. “I’ve got you. All you need to do is hang on. Think you can do that?”

  She nodded, eyes huge and a little bit serious. She was honestly worried she was going to be something less than perfect, and yet she was already more perfect than any other woman he’d been with in years.

  He adjusted himself until he was poised against her entrance. He stared at her expression as he slid slowly inside. Her eyes widened, and her mouth opened. And then she closed her eyes as a whole-body shiver overtook her, clamping down on the snug fit of him inside her.

  He gritted his teeth as the waves of her orgasm subsided.

  When she opened her eyes, she gave him an endearing grin. “Told you it had been a while.”

  “Well, I think you’re getting the hang of it.” He used one arm under her butt to help hold her up. With his other hand he cupped her chin and tilted her head, kissing her mouth deeply, wanting to absorb her taste. Then he started thrusting slowly, careful not to make a giveaway rhythmic noise that everyone else in the building would identify as someone, somewhere, getting some.

  The effect of slow, sensual thrusts dragged out the erotic sensation, and the need to climax built inside him in small incremental steps up a very long spiral staircase.

  He wanted to give her endless pleasure. Wanted to make this good for her. His competitive spirit was finding an outlet he hadn’t thought of before. He didn’t simply want to have great sex with Charlotte Blood. He wanted to be the best lover she’d ever had.

  He felt her breath hitch and the tension build in her body as he drove her slowly and relentlessly towards another orgasm.

  She started to make a sound, and he kissed her harder, holding her breath captive in his lungs, swallowing her groan, feeling her shatter around him a second time.

  It broke him. He drove harder, but the noise was too loud, so he pulled them away from the wall, planted his feet wide apart and held her in place, as he pounded into her deeper and harder. Thrilled when she moaned quietly in passion once more. Despite all his lauded self-control, he couldn’t stop himself from making a similar groan of pleasure. Her hand clamped over his mouth as he pistoned in and out of her slick flesh. Finally, the orgasm hit him like the crest of a wave flattening him against the bottom of the ocean as sensations pummeled his entire body. He came with the force of an explosion, the rush of heat, the blinding light wiping his brain clear of everything except that moment of pure unadulterated ecstasy.

  When his heart rate slowed enough so he could risk opening his eyes, he looked down at Charlotte who was cuddled contentedly against his shoulder.

  He eased her off him and onto the bed. She didn’t want to let go and that made something inside his chest tighten.

  “Give me a second.” He got rid of the condom, carefully sealing it in an airtight plastic bag. But the musky scent of sex would give them away if anyone came inside the room. “How do you feel about me opening this window for a few minutes?”

  She held out a hand. “As long as you keep me warm.”

  He stared at her. When was the last time he’d fallen asleep with a woman in his arms? He knew exactly when—and it had been years ago.

  But for her… It took a lot of trust to sleep beside someone. A lot of trust.

  “We’ve come a long way since you were pressing your elbow into my jugular,” he commented.

  She smiled contentedly. Hell, he liked this Charlotte Blood. Liked her a lot.

  He pulled on his boxers and opened the window wide.

  An icy blast brushed his skin.

  “Holy smokes,” Charlotte complained.

  He crawled in beside her, and she plastered herself against him, snuggling into him, pulling the covers over them both.

  He lay on his back and assimilated all the sensations of her body touching his. The brush of her satiny hair against his stubbled chin. The tangle of her smooth limbs with his hairy ones. The lime scent that teased his nostrils. The soft cushion of her breasts against his chest. The feel of her heart beating reassuringly against his.

  The air became frigid, but he didn’t want to disturb this tableau of contentment in the barren sea of his life.

  Charlotte fell asleep, and the utter peace on her face was something he could stare at for hours, days even… The thought terrified him. She’d wanted sex, but he had the disastrous feeling he’d given much more of himself than his body. And if he wasn’t careful, she’d waltz away with his heart, and he’d be once again left with nothing.

  * * *

  TJ paced the room. His father hadn’t come back to their suite yet, and he was starting to worry about him. TJ had eaten the stew alone, and the scent hung heavy in the stale air of the apartment. He was reluctant to use the range hood though he couldn’t imagine how the Feds would be able to use it against him.

  Paranoia was taking over.

  He glanced at the SLR camera he’d taken from beneath Malcolm’s bed, frustrated because the SD card was missing. Why hadn’t he checked for it before he’d left the room?

  He eased open the door, but it was quiet as death outside, and he was pretty sure Malcolm would be sleeping. He couldn’t risk another foray into his uncle’s quarters. Best to wait until breakfast or lunchtime, even though the delay was killing him.

  He spied his computer and decided to check his email, cognizant of the fact the Feds might have taken control of his account. Still, he could look at his messages. See if there was anything from Kayla, even though he knew the Feds might attempt to trick him. He wasn’t dumb. Well, aside from running from that Federal Wildlife Officer and starting a mini war, he wasn’t dumb.

  That was definitely the stupidest thing he’d ever done.

  Before he turned the computer on, he covered the camera with a sticky note. When the messages downloaded, he saw there were several from the FBI and nothing else. The lack of spam meant for sure the Feds had control of his email account. He read the messages, and they were all variants on the same theme. Talk to them. Tell them what happened. He started typing out an explanation but heard footsteps in the hall. He quickly shut down and closed the lid. He kicked the camera under his desk.

  “How you doing, son?”

  “Dad.” TJ climbed to his feet. “Is it time to go?”

  His father shook his head tiredly. “Not yet. I need to sleep, and there are a few things I need to finish.”

  TJ itched to do something. To get out of here. “Want me to go hang ou
t in the surveillance room? Take a turn watching the camera feeds?”

  Tom stared at him for a long time. “I don’t think that’s a good idea.”

  “You can’t protect me all the time, Dad.” He stretched to his full height, six inches taller than his father. His mom had been short too. They’d always joked TJ was a throwback to his paternal great-grandfather who’d been 6’4 and built like a grizzly bear. “I’m a man now.”

  Tom smiled slowly, a look of pride coming over his features. “You are, and I respect that. But there are things you don’t know.”

  “What things?” asked TJ.

  “I’ll tell you soon enough but not tonight.” Tom yawned. “Look, son, I can’t tell you what to do, but if you go out there and Malcolm or his goons catch you, I have a feeling they’ll toss you out the front door.”

  TJ grimaced. “Maybe that would be for the best.”

  Tom’s mouth pulled to one side. “I didn’t say you’d be alive when they did it.”

  TJ’s eyes widened until the skin hurt. “You think he wants me dead?”

  “I think he wants us both dead, but most people here still remember that I’m the one who gave them a place to stay.”

  TJ was stunned by that declaration. “What are we gonna do?”

  “Tonight, we’re going to lock the door and get some sleep. There’s a storm coming, son. We need to be ready. You packed our bags?”

  “Yes, sir.” He nodded toward the two packs he’d placed in the bottom of his tidy cupboard. His father didn’t tolerate mess. “How are we going to get away without them seeing us?”

  His father yawned widely. “I got it all figured out. It’s what your mother would have wanted.”

  “I miss her,” TJ admitted.

  His father looked at the carpet. “So do I, son. So do I.” He looked up. “Think she’d have liked your girl?”

  Hot tears stung TJ’s eyes. “Yes. I do.”

  His father nodded sadly and walked away.

  TJ watched him go, knowing he should have told his father he believed Kayla was still alive, but also knowing his father was exhausted and would demand a thorough explanation.

  He’d tell him tomorrow when they had more time. They’d figure out how to find her together. He wasn’t sure what sort of chance of a future any of them would have, but he could at least try. His dad would have an idea how to pull it off. His dad always had a plan.

  Chapter Twenty-Seven

  Charlotte was so content and cozy. She rubbed herself against the warm flesh pressed against her side and woke up enough to remember exactly how they’d ended up this way.

  The large white digital display of the alarm clock said five AM.

  Novak seemed to be asleep, and she drew back to see his features. It was still dark out, but her eyes had adjusted enough to make out his expression. His broad forehead was smooth and free of lines. The tension that usually surrounded his eyes had disappeared, and his lips were slightly parted.

  He must have closed the window at some point because it wasn’t an arctic gale anymore. She hadn’t stirred. She’d slept for four hours solid and, though her body might disagree later, right now, she was hoping to make the most of whatever time they had left together.

  She brushed her hand over his thigh and found him hot and heavy. She leaned up and murmured against his ear, “Now I know you’re awake.”

  “How?” he whispered back.

  “Because nobody could sleep with this.”

  “You’d be surprised.” He sounded like he was in pain. It was definitely something she could help with.

  “Do you have another condom?” she asked.

  He reached over the side of the bed and groped around for a moment.

  “Thankfully, I do.” One side of his mouth curled up.

  She went to take it out of his grasp, but he jerked it away, and she ended up sprawled across his chest.


  “Worried McKenzie will be at the door and ruin the mood,” she muttered. “And I’m definitely going to need a shower this morning.”

  Novak’s ocean eyes crinkled at her. “Unless it’s an emergency, McKenzie can wait. I’ve got a few immediate action plans that take precedence.”

  A quiver shot through Charlotte. What would it be like to spend the entire day in bed with this man rather than these last few stolen hours?

  Dangerous thoughts. He was probably quite happy with a fling but would run a mile if she mentioned the “R” word.

  “What plans would they be?” she whispered.

  “You’ll see.” He turned on his side and leaned on one elbow, the covers falling off him to reveal packed muscle and strong limbs. She ran her hand over the smooth skin of his pecs. “This is all a little intimidating,” she admitted quietly.

  “You don’t like it?”

  “I didn’t say I didn’t like it, but it makes me realize my idea of fitness is pretty basic.”

  “If I’d wanted to have sex with someone who could bench-press a truck, I’d have hooked up with one of the guys.”

  “I have no doubt,” she said with a smile.

  She went to kiss him, but he inched away from her.

  “Where are you going?” she said, a little exasperated, not to mention cold.

  And then he kissed her breasts, her ribs, navel, the sensitive skin where her leg met her torso, the inside of her knee, and she understood exactly where he was heading.

  “You said you wanted it all, Charlotte.” His hands wrapped around her legs and pulled them wide apart, and she felt overwhelmed by lust. His tongue licked along the seam of her vagina, and her muscles turned to warm wax.

  She breathed out a moan. “If McKenzie knocks on the door, I’m going to shoot him.”

  “I’ll help bury the body.” His tongue was relentless, like the rest of him. He worked her clit before moving back to her entrance and licking inside. His breath against her sensitive flesh made her quiver. Then he scraped his unshaven chin over her vulva, had her almost shooting off the bed.

  “Oh my god. I’ve finally figured out why women like beards so much.”

  He laughed and then ignored her. Concentrated instead on making her lose her mind with the dexterity of his tongue and the gentle scrape of stubble. When one of his hands reached up to tweak her nipple, she dug her heels in the mattress and bowed her back as release sheared through her. After the orgasm ended, she lay panting, wanting more.

  She heard the tear of a wrapper and bent her knees, needing to feel his weight pressed upon her.

  She reached down and guided him to her because she didn’t want to wait any longer. Was in no mood to be teased. He slowly forced himself inside and held himself up with his arms as he started thrusting in and out, each stroke dragging across her clit.

  His eyes never left her face, searching it for clues as to what worked for her and what didn’t.

  Spoiler alert. It all worked for her. The perfect complement of fullness and friction.

  She gripped his ass and pulled him even closer, fighting him every time he tried to retreat. It turned into a beautiful synchrony of frenzy, and an orgasm ripped through her. She opened her mouth to scream, and Novak planted his hand over her mouth as he pounded harder. The lack of springs in the mattress meant they were almost silent, and she wasn’t sure she’d have cared even if they hadn’t been.

  Stars dazzled her, and her muscles spasmed in a cascade of pleasure that shimmered inside.

  Finally, his face tightened and expression contorted. He started to groan, and she placed a palm over his lips while wrapping her legs tight around his hips and clenching around him.

  A few ragged breaths later, he collapsed on top of her. Heavy as lead. Warm as the sun. Their heartbeats slowing in union.

  She wrapped her arms around him, not wanting to let go even as the first distant tread of footsteps warned them the world was waking up and that they had to rejoin the rest of the human race.

  He thrust his hips into her one last ti
me and then gently extricated himself. He disposed of the condom, then pulled on his boxers again. She lay in bed watching him, wondering what he was thinking. But he wasn’t revealing any emotion.

  “Novak,” she said softly.

  He looked up, wary. She still didn’t know why he was closed off or who had hurt him, but Charlotte’s weapons were empathy and honesty. “That was amazing. I hope we get to do it again. Soon.”

  He grinned, and his body seemed to relax by a thousand degrees. “You were incredible. You haven’t forgotten a thing, but I’m willing to be your workout buddy if you want to practice.”

  She shook her head, laughing, and fell back against the pillow.

  “I’m going to open the window because the room stinks of sex again. If you want a shower before McKenzie comes looking for us you better get up now.” He leaned down and kissed her, and Charlotte felt it like a possessive stamp on her heart.

  “If I could sneak into the shower with you, I’d do it in a moment, but not at the risk of both our careers. So get out of here while you still have the chance.” She eyed the tented shorts.

  He shook his head and moved away. “This is not a problem I usually have, but you naked appears to short circuit my control.”

  Charlotte laughed and pushed the covers off, deliberately tempting him even though she didn’t plan on missing out on this morning’s shower. Not after last night.

  She grabbed her nightie off the floor and heard Novak swallow loudly as she dragged it over her head. She picked up her wash bag and towel. Sashayed to the door and looked over her shoulder. “Bet I’m ready first.”

  “Accepting that bet would be taking advantage.”

  “If you’re so confident, what’s the problem?” she asked.

  Novak opened the window while shaking his head. The icy blast had her teeth instantly chattering. “It would be like stealing candy from a baby and wouldn’t be fair.”

  Charlotte let her gaze scan his body before rising to meet his eyes. “I never said anything about candy, Novak. Nor money. I was thinking more along the lines of granting sexual favors.” She beamed at him, knowing she was going to shock the hell out of him and glad. Maybe he’d realize there was more to her than he thought. “And, frankly, win or lose, I’d be more than happy.”


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