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Daddy's Little Secret

Page 17

by Rose Marie

  “Ah, yes, we helped set up the surprise. Did your wife l-li-“ he cleared his throat. “did your wife like it?” Liam, buddy, you could have just not answered.

  “Absolutely, she was very pleased. Uhm… do- would you like me to call you back?”

  “Nope, everything great on my end. What can I help you with?” Damn this was the perfect time to get out of this. So awkward.

  “Well to be honest I just received news from my ex-fiancée that she’s pregnant.”

  “Ahhhh..” uh… was that from my exclamation or from his extracurricular activities? I clear my throat, trying to be done with the conversation as soon as possible.

  “Yes, as you can guess, this will probably not end so well for me. My biggest issue is I, no matter what, want to be a part of my child’s life, but I don’t want to sacrifice my marriage to my wife to be able to do so. Can you help me?”

  “Is there any possibility that the baby isn’t yours? Could it be a situation like Ben’s?” I think on it but immediately sigh.

  “I’ve known Amber a long time. She’s a lot of things, but a liar and an exploiter are not a part of them. What Ben went through was unfortunate, but I don’t think this is that. How is everyone?”

  “Everyone is fine. You know we all just came back from Ireland. Adam’s cousin’s wife, Kahlani-“ now that’s a mouth full. “-t for a Christmas get together. We all had a great time and got to share some wonderful memories together. Outside of a few hiccups with a few of the O’ Shea guys-”

  “Wait… did you say O’ Shea’s? You know them personally?” There was a long pause then he turned serious.


  “Nothing major. It’s just I was supposed to have a business meeting with Conner O’ Shea a couple months back but he canceled on me and I haven’t been able to get a response back from his team. If you know him personally then, I’m sure you know firsthand what having his business means for the growth and expansion of your company. I want that.”

  “I’m fully aware, but let’s have that conversation during business hours. Let’s finish the discussion about your ex. What would you like me to do for you involving that?”

  “I want you to get me joint custody and fair child support if I have to pay any.” He chuckled.

  “You’re asking the impossible of me, you know? In a system designed for single moms you have to have faith in this woman to not come for your throat during the court preceding’s.” I groan, face palming and allowing my hand to slide down my face.

  “Can it be done or not?”

  “I’m Liam fucking Stoltzfoos; I make the impossible possible. I’ll call you soon with details of what I need. Have a good night.” He hung up and I put my phone down and leaned back against the chair. One thing down a million more to go. I get up then I head to our room.

  I know it’s best to take my dad’s advice and get everything over with. I don’t want to wait to tell her and possibly have her feel as if I were purposefully keeping this a secret from her. As he said, our foundation is already rocky; I need her to believe in that I’d always put her best interest first.

  When I walk into the room, I see she’s drying herself off from a shower and the bed sheets are changed. “Damn Princess, you couldn’t wait for Daddy?”

  “Sorry, I was sweating too much. How did your talk with your dad go?” Did I tell her he was coming over? Must have.

  “It was… eventful to say the least. Let’s discuss that when you’re feeling better. Come on Princess get back in bed, I don’t want you getting worse.”

  “Thank you Daddy but I’m fine really. Tell me what happened.” She settled down in bed yawning. “Was it anything important?”

  “Actually, it was a lot of important things we talked about, but beyond that I got some news just a couple minutes ago that I can’t keep from you.” She cut her eyes over to me frowning .

  “Oh really. What kind of news?” I take my father’s approach and say what I need to say withholding no punches.

  “Amber’s pregnant.” I sit there waiting for the screaming, yelling, crying and for her to try to kick me out like she did when before we got married. I’m ready for it all. As long as no talks of divorce are mentioned, I can withstand it all. This isn’t going to break us.

  Amber wasn’t the big bad wolf like my dad thinks she is. She isn’t because I won’t allow her to be. I’d fucked up more than enough before and was blessed enough to have Layla take me back. No, this time I’m going to stay and fix my problems with My Princess by my side. I’d be there for my kid, but I wasn’t going to let her do what my mom did to my dad. Screw that. She could do or say whatever, but I was keeping my marriage. I wait and wait some more but all she did was stare then blink then look down as if resigned.

  “Let me guess the baby is yours?”

  “There’s a 99.9% chance the baby is mine, yes,” I swallow. Here we go she’s about to-

  “Well so am I and there are no claims to be made. MY baby is YOURS and you sir aren’t going ANYWHERE.”

  Hold on what?

  The Princess becomes a Queen

  “Come on Princess, you ready for work yet?”

  “Just hold on a second Daddy, I’m almost ready.” She said that ten minutes ago. I look at my watch and roll my eyes. I had wanted to grab breakfast with her before heading into the office, since she couldn’t stand cooking anymore. She told me last week that she was pregnant but hadn’t went to the doctor yet. She told me that she believes it happened during the time we had sex in the parking lot the first time. I was okay with the thought of having children with Layla but… I remember her telling me a long time ago she got the shot to regulate her cycles.

  When I asked her about that, she simply said she wanted to look into other more permanent solutions, but once she started working for me she didn’t have time to go check those options out. Regardless I’m happy that she’s pregnant, but now I have a lot of extra shit on my mind. I turn, glad she was ready to go when I hear her heels clacking down the steps, but my eyes go round at her outfit.

  “Wow, look at my sexy Princess. You’re dressed different. What’s the occasion?”

  “What do you mean Daddy? It’s my work clothes. Do you not like them?” She came all the way down, doing a slow turn.

  “You look beautiful Princess it just that-” I pulled her to me rubbing her ass. “This is my ass. I don’t want other men looking at it. Are you planning on sharing this delicacy with me today? ”

  “You’re being ridiculous. You act as if I’ll stop you from taking a bite of what’s yours.”

  “Promises, promises!” She pulled away, eyeing me with ‘fuck me hard’ eyes.

  “Well I think need to get to work then. I don’t want my boss to punish me for tardiness you know.” Winking, she walked passed me making me bite my lip at the tight black pencil skirt she had on and four-inch heels that made her legs look a mile long. Sexy. So fucking sexy.

  In the car we make the short drive to the office. Once there Layla steps out without me grabbing her things to make her way inside. Feeling some type of way, I grab my suitcase then quickly sprint I catch the door before it closes.

  “Layla, wait!” She stopped in her tracks before she reached the receptionist desk then turns to me.

  “What’s the matter Mr. Gates.” God, I love it went my wife calls me that!

  “Nothing, just stay with me. We can go up together.” She smiles as if my actions are surprising. I walk up to her and grab her hand kissing it.

  “I want to go together for the first time as husband and wife.”

  “Now Mr. Gates I don’t know how you do business, but I like to beat my boss to the office. He likes when I have his work and his coffee laid out for him on his desk.” I walk up to her and grab her ass while whispering in her ear, not giving a flying fuck who was looking.

  “I can guarantee you Mrs. Gates, work is the last thing your boss cares about being laid out. He’d much rather his delicious looking Princess be sp
read out as well.” Her eyes flashed and her lips curled into a devilish into a smirk.

  “Maybe later? Right now, I have to have to get my boss his coffee and-“

  “Princess, I told you just want to walk in with my wife. All that other stuff can wait.”


  “No buts, just give me what I want. Like you always do.”

  “Daddy you’re being ridiculous right now. You act as if we won’t see each other all day. I’m your personal assistant you’ll be with me-“ I stop her words by stepping extremely close to her, all playfulness to the side.

  “I want to walk in with my wife.” She watched me for an indication that I wasn’t serious, but she saw none, and she relented. That’s when she realized that I didn’t care about keeping things secret. She took my outstretched hand and we went up to my office exactly as I wanted.

  In my head I was doing an air punch, because this small feat showed me that she believed in my ability to be with her in public. On my floor we exit the elevator together only to see my mom, Amber, and Grace sharing coffee and laughing. Today is definitely her last day . When they see us they stand, and I hold my wife’s hand tighter, pulling her closer to my side.

  “Joshua!” My mom came around trying to hug me, but I back up pulling, my Princess along with me.

  “What’s going on here mom? Grace, why wasn’t I informed of their being here?”

  “I’m sorry Mr. Gates, but I didn’t think your mother and fiancée needed introductions.” She said that looking clearly at Layla and my entwined hands. That is the last straw.


  “Yes sir, Mr. Gates?”

  “For a long time, I’ve been thinking about how terrible you are as a floor receptionist. You’re fired.” My mom, Amber, and Grace looked at me stunned, but I could on grin because that felt good. From what my Dad told me last week she was only around because my mom wanted her to report my dad’s whereabouts. To that I say her services are no longer needed. She grabbed her things running from the office.

  “You’ll be hearing from my lawyer.”

  “Yeah, well make sure you tell him I have physical evidence of you not doing your job and being insubordinate.” She cried and pressed the button to close the elevator door faster. Good riddance.

  “Now mom, Amber, back to my question. What are you both doing here?”

  “I should ask you the same thing Joshua. You tie yourself to some black chick and completely disregard me? I’ve been trying to reach out to you for some time now. Why didn’t you respond to my messages the other week and why the hell is a lawyer reaching out to me regarding custody agreements and a paternity test?”

  “I’ll let you handle this Mr. Gates. I’ll get your workday started.” Cooly my wife breezed passed without a care in the world. This was a Layla I didn’t get to see often. With her businesslike confidence and an air of superiority, it made this situation seem tired and boring.

  “Sure, why don’t you do that.” Smiling to my mother and Amber she walked away with her back straight and head held high, looking regal and sophisticated. I think she even stunned my mom and Amber. They probably expected my Princess to raise hell and start cursing and screaming about why they were here, but Layla isn’t like that. She’s always been reserved and cool headed. She was the type to kindly hit you were it hurt when you least expected it. In the earlier years I’d been on the receiving end of that conniving side of hers many a time.

  A few minutes later of just standing there arguing with my mom and Amber, my office door opened with Layla coming out smiling and holding her iPad Pro. “Mr. Gates your office is ready. Would you like to discuss this matter in the office privately? I’ve already moved your morning appointments around, so you have plenty of time to discuss this small matter. I also sent an express order for breakfast and I’ll have the coffee ready in a second. Please, you all get comfortable.” Amazing! She’s simply fucking amazing. Watching her in her element like this was making me hot. My face flushed and my dick was getting hard.

  “Well Joshua are we going to talk or what? I’m tired of watching you with that disgusting look on your face.” Of course Amber was tired of me watching at another woman with this look. It’s because I never once was this hungry for her.

  “Sure, why don’t you both come in.” Inside we all sit in stiff and uncomfortable silence until Layla walked in with breakfast and coffee.

  “Whoa Princess, this looks amazing. Thank you. You didn’t have to go to these lengths.”

  “There goes the disgusting pet name again. What did I tell you Mom?” Did Amber just call my mom her mom? My mom pats her hand gently.

  “It’s ok dear, he gets that outrageous hobby from his father. We’ll rid him of it soon enough.”

  “Excuse me bu-“

  “As I was saying, I ordered something for everyone according your father’s previous Personal Assistant notes. I hope everything is to your liking. Amber, I brought you only room temperature bottled water. I understand the importance of taking in fluids since we’re both in the family way.” Layla rubbed her belly. “I’m almost three months, and you?” Amber’s mouth flew open and sets the drink in front of her. “Oh sweetie, close your mouth. Here’s your drink. You were looking kinda thirsty out there.” She sets out my food and hers and pulls up a seat next to me.

  “What are you doing?” My mom asks, setting down her coffee. “You’re just the Personal Assistant. Don’t you have work to do?” Layla’s eyebrow went up and she sipped her water.

  “I’m also his wife. If you chose to come to my husband’s place of business to discuss personal matters, I have no choice but to set my role of PA aside until this matter is resolved. MY husband is a busy man and I’d hate for this to remain an issue that disturbs his business practices for too long or inhibit him from preforming whole-heartedly at his job. Now with that being said, as his PA AND his WIFE Its my job to ensure he’s performing at one hundred percent in everything he does. That includes him raising his children from previous relationships, so I will be sitting in on this FAMILY meeting. Now why don’t you start Amber.”

  “So that’s how you want to play this? You’re taking the high road? Where was there attitude when you were sleeping with an engaged man?” Amber’s face went red and she balled up her fist.

  “On the contrary. Josh was never REALLY yours; I allowed you to borrow him for a short amount of time. I’ve had every intention of returning to take back what was mine. Best believe I could have stepped in long ago and at any moment during those years you were together and snatched him away from you so fast,” she snapped her fingers, “you wouldn’t have been able to comprehend he was gone. See for me, Josh had some growing up to do. I was tired of dealing with the kid who was afraid of his parents’ wrath and impulsively made decisions, so I let you have that. But it’s a dog eat dog world. As a matter of fact, you should appreciate the time I let you have him.”

  “What?” This from all three of us….I was so confused. Layla took a bite of her toast and another sip of her water.

  “What are you talking about Layla?” She waved her hand dismissively taking another bite of toast.

  “This isn’t about me, this is about you and Amber’s baby.”

  “You damn right it is, you home-wrecking whore.” This from my mother.

  “I think you have things confused Mrs. Gates. There was never a home to wreck between Amber and Joshua. Your son used Amber as a replacement for me because she seemingly helped him forget about the year and a half he spent with me. That’s on him, NOT me. Joshua should have been honest from the jump about who his heart belonged to, but he wasn’t. Stop placing the blame on me. Was it premeditated, me taking Josh? Of course. Do you know the shit I went through to keep him? I don’t know a woman in her right mind willing to allow the man she loves to go get engaged to someone else when she knows for sure she can lock him down. I’m saddened that a baby resulted from his carelessness, but the baby regardless will be loved and provid
ed for on my part. I have nothing against the child or any of you for that matter. But what I would have a problem with is if you came here with the notion of trying to blackmail my husband into leaving me. I’ll have no parts in you playing with your child’s life like that.”

  “Nigger, who the hell do you think you are?” Layla stood slamming both hands on my desk hard getting in Amber’s face. “I am Joshua Gates’s wife, and also the the mother of his unborn child. You are his baby mama and you’ll be nothing more. I suggest you get that shit through your skull now because best believe you WON’T be wrecking this home. All the cracks have been sealed and foundation is firm. Don’t fucking try me about what’s mine.”

  At that moment the phone on my desk rang and as if a switch was flipped; the fieriness was gone. She reached over me with an ‘excuse me’ and picked up my phone. “Good morning, thank you for calling Gates Technology. You’re speaking with Layla Gates; how may I help you?”

  With open mouths we watch her pick up her iPad and start typing. “Oh of course, would you mind if I place you on hold for a brief second…Yes. Thank you.” She pressed the hold button kissed my cheek and strutted off to her office.

  I can’t lie, I watched that ass jiggle the whole way, sad when she shut the door. When my mom clears her throat, I turn to the two women I forgot were still here with wide eyes.

  “Oh. I thought this discussion was over.”

  “Joshua how could you let that woman speak to the mother of your unborn child like such?” Ambers eyes watered and my mom grabbed her into a hug.

  “Mom I love you so much. I do, but you have to understand Layla is my wife. Unless it’s something that will cause harm to anyone, I won’t EVER go against her. She said nothing that wasn’t true. Though I don’t know all the details, I do know WHOLEHEARTEDLY that had she come back into my life earlier we wouldn’t be having this conversation. PERIOD. I loved you Amber, I really did, and this is going to sound cliché as hell, but it’s the truth. I was never IN love with you. I apologize sincerely for my part in your pain. I know its not enough, but its all I can offer. I’ll be there for our child and for moral support, but I don’t want to be in a relationship with you beyond that. I have my Queen; there’s no room for another woman in my bed romantically.”


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