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Advanced Criminal Investigations and Intelligence Operations

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  in writing to the consumer at any time before the

  report is procured or caused to be procured, in a

  document that consists solely of the disclosure, that

  a consumer report may be obtained for employment

  purposes; and

  (ii) the consumer has authorized in writing (which

  authorization may be made on the document

  referred to in clause (i)) the procurement of the

  report by that person.


  Application by mail, telephone, computer, or other simi-

  lar means

  If a consumer described in subparagraph (C) applies for

  employment by mail, telephone, computer, or other simi-

  lar means, at any time before a consumer report is pro-

  cured or caused to be procured in connection with that


  (i) the person who procures the consumer report on the

  consumer for employment purposes shall provide to

  the consumer, by oral, written, or electronic means,

  notice that a consumer report may be obtained for

  employment purposes, and a summary of the consum-

  er’s rights under section 1681m (a)(3) of this title; and

  (ii) the consumer shall have consented, orally, in writ-

  ing, or electronically to the procurement of the

  report by that person.



  Subparagraph (B) shall apply to a person procuring a con-

  sumer report on a consumer in connection with the

  consumer’s application for employment only if

  (i) the consumer is applying for a position over which

  the Secretary of Transportation has the power to

  establish qualifications and maximum hours of ser-

  vice pursuant to the provisions of section 31502 of

  title 49, or a position subject to safety regulation by a

  State transportation agency; and

  (ii) as of the time at which the person procures the report

  or causes the report to be procured the only interac-

  tion between the consumer and the person in con-

  nection with that employment application has been

  by mail, telephone, computer, or other similar means.

  Appendix D: Consumer and Credit Data Privacy Laws



  Conditions on use for adverse actions


  In general

  Except as provided in subparagraph (B), in using a consumer

  report for employment purposes, before taking any adverse

  action based in whole or in part on the report, the person

  intending to take such adverse action shall provide to the

  consumer to whom the report relates—

  (i) a copy of the report; and

  (ii) a description in writing of the rights of the con-

  sumer under this subchapter, as prescribed by the

  Federal Trade Commission under section 1681g

  (c)(3) of this title.


  Application by mail, telephone, computer, or other simi-

  lar means

  (i) If a consumer described in subparagraph (C) applies

  for employment by mail, telephone, computer, or other

  similar means, and if a person who has procured a

  consumer report on the consumer for employment

  purposes takes adverse action on the employment

  application based in whole or in part on the report, then

  the person must provide to the consumer to whom the

  report relates, in lieu of the notices required under sub-

  paragraph (A) of this section and under section 1681m

  (a) of this title, within 3 business days of taking such

  action, an oral, written or electronic notification—

  (I) that adverse action has been taken based

  in whole or in part on a consumer report

  received from a consumer reporting agency;

  (II) of the name, address and telephone number

  of the consumer reporting agency that fur-

  nished the consumer report (including a

  toll-free telephone number established by

  the agency if the agency compiles and main-

  tains files on consumers on a nationwide


  (III) that the consumer reporting agency did not

  make the decision to take the adverse action

  and is unable to provide to the consumer the

  specific reasons why the adverse action was

  taken; and

  (IV) that the consumer may, upon providing

  proper identification, request a free copy of

  a report and may dispute with the consumer


  Appendix D: Consumer and Credit Data Privacy Laws

  reporting agency the accuracy or complete-

  ness of any information in a report.

  (ii) If, under clause (B)(i)(IV), the consumer requests

  a copy of a consumer report from the person who

  procured the report, then, within 3 business days

  of receiving the consumer’s request, together with

  proper identification, the person must send or provide

  to the consumer a copy of a report and a copy of the

  consumer’s rights as prescribed by the Federal Trade

  Commission under section 1681g (c)(3) of this title.



  Subparagraph (B) shall apply to a person procuring a con-

  sumer report on a consumer in connection with the consum-

  er’s application for employment only if

  (i) the consumer is applying for a position over which

  the Secretary of Transportation has the power to

  establish qualifications and maximum hours of ser-

  vice pursuant to the provisions of section 31502 of

  title 49, or a position subject to safety regulation by a

  State transportation agency; and

  (ii) as of the time at which the person procures the report

  or causes the report to be procured the only interac-

  tion between the consumer and the person in con-

  nection with that employment application has been

  by mail, telephone, computer, or other similar means.


  Exception for national security investigations


  In general

  In the case of an agency or department of the United States

  Government which seeks to obtain and use a consumer

  report for employment purposes, paragraph (3) shall not

  apply to any adverse action by such agency or depart-

  ment which is based in part on such consumer report, if

  the head of such agency or department makes a written

  finding that—

  (i) the consumer report is relevant to a national security

  investigation of such agency or department;

  (ii) the investigation is within the jurisdiction of such

  agency or department;

  (iii) there is reason to believe that compliance with

  paragraph (3) will—


  endanger the life or physical safety of any


  (II) result in flight from prosecution;

  Appendix D: Consumer and Credit Data Privacy Laws


  (III) result in the destruction of, or tampering

  with, evidence relevant to the investigation;

  (IV) result in the intimidation of a potential wit-

  ness relevant to the investigation;

  (V) result in the compromise of classified

  information; or

  (VI) otherwise seriously jeopardize or unduly delay

  the investigation or another official proceeding.


  Notification of consumer upon conclusion of


  Upon the conclusion of a national security investigation

  described in subparagraph (A), or upon the determination

  that the exception under subparagraph (A) is no longer

  required for the reasons set forth in such subparagraph, the

  official exercising the authority in such subparagraph shall

  provide to the consumer who is the subject of the consumer

  report with regard to which such finding was made—

  (i) a copy of such consumer report with any classified

  information redacted as necessary;

  (ii) notice of any adverse action which is based, in part,

  on the consumer report; and

  (iii) the identification with reasonable specificity of the

  nature of the investigation for which the consumer

  report was sought.


  Delegation by head of agency or department

  For purposes of subparagraphs (A) and (B), the head of any

  agency or department of the United States Government may

  delegate his or her authorities under this paragraph to an offi-

  cial of such agency or department who has personnel secu-

  rity responsibilities and is a member of the Senior Executive

  Service or equivalent civilian or military rank.



  For purposes of this paragraph, the following definitions

  shall apply:

  (i) Classified information The term “classified informa-

  tion” means information that is protected from unau-

  thorized disclosure under Executive Order No. 12958

  or successor orders.

  (ii) National security investigation The term “national

  security investigation” means any official inquiry

  by an agency or department of the United States

  Government to determine the eligibility of a con-

  sumer to receive access or continued access to


  Appendix D: Consumer and Credit Data Privacy Laws

  classified information or to determine whether clas-

  sified information has been lost or compromised.

  (c) Furnishing reports in connection with credit or insurance trans-

  actions that are not initiated by consumer


  In general

  A consumer reporting agency may furnish a consumer report

  relating to any consumer pursuant to subparagraph (A) or (C)

  of subsection (a)(3) of this section in connection with any credit

  or insurance transaction that is not initiated by the consumer

  only if—

  (A) the consumer authorizes the agency to provide such report

  to such person; or


  (i) the transaction consists of a firm offer of credit or


  (ii) the consumer reporting agency has complied with

  subsection (e) of this section;

  (iii) there is not in effect an election by the consumer,

  made in accordance with subsection (e) of this

  section, to have the consumer’s name and address

  excluded from lists of names provided by the agency

  pursuant to this paragraph; and

  (iv) the consumer report does not contain a date

  of birth that shows that the consumer has not

  attained the age of 21, or, if the date of birth on

  the consumer report shows that the consumer has

  not attained the age of 21, such consumer con-

  sents to the consumer reporting agency to such



  Limits on information received under paragraph (1)(B)

  A person may receive pursuant to paragraph (1)(B) only—

  (A) the name and address of a consumer;

  (B) an identifier that is not unique to the consumer and that is

  used by the person solely for the purpose of verifying the

  identity of the consumer; and

  (C) other information pertaining to a consumer that does not

  identify the relationship or experience of the consumer

  with respect to a particular creditor or other entity.


  Information regarding inquiries

  Except as provided in section 1681g (a)(5) of this title, a consumer

  reporting agency shall not furnish to any person a record of

  Appendix D: Consumer and Credit Data Privacy Laws


  inquiries in connection with a credit or insurance transaction that

  is not initiated by a consumer.

  (d) Reserved

  (e) Election of consumer to be excluded from lists


  In general

  A consumer may elect to have the consumer’s name and address

  excluded from any list provided by a consumer reporting

  agency under subsection (c)(1)(B) of this section in connec-

  tion with a credit or insurance transaction that is not initiated

  by the consumer, by notifying the agency in accordance with

  paragraph (2) that the consumer does not consent to any use of

  a consumer report relating to the consumer in connection with

  any credit or insurance transaction that is not initiated by the



  Manner of notification

  A consumer shall notify a consumer reporting agency under

  paragraph (1)—

  (A) through the notification system maintained by the agency

  under paragraph (5); or

  (B) by submitting to the agency a signed notice of election form

  issued by the agency for purposes of this subparagraph.


  Response of agency after notification through system

  Upon receipt of notification of the election of a consumer

  under paragraph (1) through the notification system main-

  tained by the agency under paragraph (5), a consumer reporting

  agency shall—

  (A) inform the consumer that the election is effective only for

  the 5-year period following the election if the consumer

  does not submit to the agency a signed notice of elec-

  tion form issued by the agency for purposes of paragraph

  (2)(B); and

  (B) provide to the consumer a notice of election form, if

  requested by the consumer, not later than 5 business days

  after receipt of the notification of the election through the

  system established under paragraph (5), in the case of a

  request made at the time the consumer provides notifica-

  tion through the system.


  Effectiveness of election

  An election of a consumer under paragraph (1)

  (A) shall be effective with respect to a consumer reporting

  agency beginning 5 business days after the date on which


  Appendix D: Consumer and Credit Data Privacy Laws

  the consumer notifies the agency in accordance with

  paragraph (2);

  (B) shall be effective with respect to a consumer reporting


  (i) subject to subparagraph (C), during the 5-year period

  beginning 5 business days after the date on which

  the consumer notifies the agency of the election, in

  the case of an election for which a consumer noti-

  fies the agency only in accordance with parag

  (2)(A); or

  (ii) until the consumer notifies the agency under sub-

  paragraph (C), in the case of an election for which a

  consumer notifies the agency in accordance with para-

  graph (2)(B);

  (C) shall not be effective after the date on which the con-

  sumer notifies the agency, through the notification system

  established by the agency under paragraph (5), that the

  election is no longer effective; and

  (D) shall be effective with respect to each affiliate of the agency.


  Notification system


  In general

  Each consumer reporting agency that, under subsection (c)(1)(B)

  of this section, furnishes a consumer report in connection with a

  credit or insurance transaction that is not initiated by a consumer,



  establish and maintain a notification system,

  including a toll-free telephone number, which

  permits any consumer whose consumer report is

  maintained by the agency to notify the agency,

  with appropriate identification, of the consumer’s

  election to have the consumer’s name and address

  excluded from any such list of names and addresses

  provided by the agency for such a transaction; and

  (ii) publish by not later than 365 days after September 30,

  1996, and not less than annual y thereafter, in a publi-

  cation of general circulation in the area served by the


  (I) a notification that information in consumer

  files maintained by the agency may be used in

  connection with such transactions; and

  (II) the

  address and toll-free telephone number for

  consumers to use to notify the agency of the

  consumer’s election under clause (i).

  Appendix D: Consumer and Credit Data Privacy Laws



  Establishment and maintenance as compliance

  Establishment and maintenance of a notification system

  (including a toll-free telephone number) and publication by

  a consumer reporting agency on the agency’s own behalf


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