Book Read Free


Page 3

by Deborah Bladon

  I examine the label of the bottle in my hand. “You’re wrong to assume that.”

  He brings the parchment paper wrapped roasted vegetable sandwich in his hand to his nose. Inhaling deeply, he leans back in his chair. “This smells incredible. I win for best lunch today.”

  I look around, but Max and I are the only two people in the break room in the back of Polleys, the shoe store Max’s mom owns.

  I pick at the corner of my grilled chicken and arugula wrap. “Something happened this morning.”

  “I’m going to learn what that is at some point, right?” Max tilts his head. “My lunch break is only thirty minutes. We’re barreling toward the five-minute mark so spit it out so I can eat my sandwich.”

  Teasing Max is one of my favorite things to do. It started when we were kids. Max, his mom, and his grandparents lived in the same building as my family. Max would have dinner with us at least a couple of times a week.

  When we ended up in the same class in third grade, we made a vow to be best friends until the end of time.

  Time is still moving forward, and we’re closer than ever.

  “It has to do with work.”

  He takes a large bite of the ciabatta bun and vegetables. Red pepper sauce drips from the corner of his mouth.

  I reach for a paper napkin, but he beats me to it, gliding it along his lips.

  I wait for him to finish chewing because I know he’ll have questions.

  “If you don’t tell me what’s going on, Bella, I’ll call Duke myself.”

  I slide a piece of arugula from my wrap and pop it in my mouth. “This is about Ivan. He was waiting for me this morning.”

  “Ivan Garent?” He straightens in his chair. “Mr. Money himself is in Manhattan?”

  “He’s here because he had a morning meeting with Ms. Money herself.” I brush a hand over my shoulder.

  His eyes don’t leave my face. “Ms. Money? You?”

  “You’re looking at someone who just signed a new contract with Garent Industries. Let me count the ways this benefits me. A six-figure a year salary, an expense account, an allowance for commuting, and three weeks of vacation this year.”

  Max’s jaw drops.

  I cup my hand over my ear. “Is that Maui I hear calling my name? Our names?”

  Max tugs on the collar of the light green polo shirt he’s wearing. “Excuse me? Repeat, please. Repeat.”

  I laugh. “You heard me. I got a raise this morning. A very big raise.”

  “I’m not a mathematician, but it sounds like your pay doubled.” He pushes back from the table. He moves across the break room to grab two paper cups that are next to the coffee maker.

  I didn’t think of it that way, until now. “Doubled plus an extra ten grand on top of that.”

  Sitting back down, Max narrows his eyes. “That’s a huge raise. Plus the perks. What the hell do you have to do to earn that?”

  “Nothing.” I shrug it off. “Mr. Garent said that they want to keep me for the next year.”

  “There’s keeping, and then there’s keeping.” He drawls out the last word. He studies me as he pours a splash of champagne into each cup. “Did you help Duke bury a body? Are you his alibi but not really his alibi? What the hell is going on?”

  I tug on the bottom of a strand of my hair. “It’s nothing like that. I’m worth it. They see the value in what I have to offer, and they don’t want to lose me.”

  He picks up the cup in front of him. “Here’s to whatever the hell you’re going to have to do to earn that extra money. Cheers!”

  I raise my cup and tap it against the side of his. “You’re wrong, Max. All I have to do is continue to be the best assistant Duke Garent has ever had.”

  “Mark my words, Bella.” He points a finger at me. “There was some fine print in that contract you signed that you didn’t bother to read. I, for one, can’t wait to find out what it is.”


  I get back to my desk shortly after one to find Duke’s office door closed.

  I breathe a sigh of relief. As soon as it opens it, I’ll ask my boss about the new contract.

  Max planted seeds of doubt in my mind.

  I know I’m great at my job. Duke has told me often that I’m irreplaceable. It makes perfect sense that he’d want to keep me here at Garent Industries.

  What doesn’t make sense is that I signed a contract six months ago that guaranteed I’d remain in my position for a full year.

  I wasn’t going anywhere. I couldn’t go anywhere without facing the board of Garent to plead my case to leave the company.

  Duke and Ivan didn’t have to give me a raise, so why did they?

  The phone on my desk rings. The flashing red light that accompanies the sound is a sure sign that Duke needs something from me.

  I debate opening his door to see what it is, but I pick up the call instead.

  “Hi, Duke,” I say cheerily. “What do you need?”

  “A moment of your time, Ms. Calvetti.”

  It takes my brain a few seconds to catch up to what’s going on. That’s not Duke’s voice. This voice is too deep and rough. It’s too something…

  “Who is this?” I question.

  “Come into my office, Ms. Calvetti.”

  What the hell is going on?

  I glance down at the phone. I was sure that the call was coming from inside Duke’s office, but if that were true, I’d be talking to my boss.

  “Who are you, and where is your office?” I ask as politely as I can.

  “My office is ten feet from where you’re standing,” he snaps.

  I spin to face Duke’s door. “You’re in Duke’s office?”

  “Ms. Calvetti.” His tone lowers. “Get in here now.”

  Frustrated, I slam the phone down, stalk across the floor, and swing open Duke’s door.

  I shake my head twice when I see the man standing in the middle of my boss’s office.

  “What the hell?” I mutter under my breath.

  He smirks. “Well, well, well, what do we have here?”

  There’s no way this is real.

  It’s him.

  The gorgeous man less than two feet away from me is the same man I mistakenly thought was Dale on Friday night.

  I thought I’d never see him again.

  My stomach quivers in excitement or maybe confusion. “How did you find me?”

  “Find you?” he questions.

  “We met at Atlas 22,” I say quietly. “How did you know that I work here? I never mentioned Garent Industries.”

  Clearing his throat he looks me dead in the eyes. “Our run-in at the restaurant was purely coincidental.”

  My brow furrows as I take in what he said. “I don’t understand.”

  “I’ll make it crystal clear.” He takes a step closer to me. “I’m Barrett Adler. I’m your new boss.”

  Chapter 7


  Isn’t this an interesting turn of events?

  The beautiful woman standing in front of me is my new assistant. She’s also the woman who sat down at my table at Atlas 22 the other night and inserted herself firmly into the middle of my date.

  “You’re my new boss?” Her eyes widen but her expression gives nothing away.

  I live for moments like this.

  Surprising an employee is always a test to their character. If they handle it well, they gain my respect. If they don’t, that’s a mark on their record.

  I’m not a three strikes and you’re out kind of man. Two strikes will land you in the unemployment line. If the infraction is serious enough, one strike is all it takes.

  I value hard work, integrity, and honesty.

  Self-control is a must.

  Isabella Calvetti is about to prove if she has any.

  “That’s correct.” I cross my arms over my chest.

  Her eyes follow my movements. She takes in my tailored gray suit, black button-down shirt, and matching tie.

  First impressions set the t
one, so I chose carefully before I arrived at the offices of Garent Industries thirty minutes ago. Every person who works in this building will in some way be answering to me.

  “You’re mistaken.” Her head tilts. “Where’s Duke?”

  That’s complicated and messy. Tragic as well, but it’s not my place to delve into the finer details of why Duke Garent isn’t in this office, and I am.

  “I need you to arrange the removal of this.” I jerk a thumb over my shoulder at the monstrosity of a desk that Duke had hand carved. Personal taste is subjective, but Duke’s is shit. “The chairs as well. All of the chairs.”

  She gazes past my shoulder. “Where’s Duke?”

  Persistence is admirable, but in this instance, it’s a waste of time. “Ms. Calvetti, I want these items removed as soon as possible. I have new office furniture arriving at four.”

  She glances at the watch on her wrist. “I’m not doing anything until you tell me where my boss is.”

  “You’re looking at him.”

  Her hands drop to her hips. “I need to make a call.”

  “Good.” I exhale. “The sooner they take this out of here, the better.”

  “I’m not talking about Duke’s furniture.” She stomps a foot. “I’m going to call Ivan Garent. You’ve wandered into the wrong office, Mr. Adder. I’ll find out where you’re supposed to be.”

  “Adler,” I correct her. “And I’m exactly where I need to be.”

  “We’ll see.” She points her index finger at me. “Don’t touch anything until I come back.”

  I round the desk and take a seat in the chair, or throne.

  Whatever the fuck it is, it’s uncomfortable.

  Watching her march out of my office stirs my cock.

  Her ass is utter perfection in that tight red dress she’s wearing. I shake away that thought because business mixed with pleasure is a recipe for career disaster.

  I hear the distant sound of Isabella’s voice as she places a call. I assume Ivan is on the receiving end of that.

  I’ll give her a moment to accept that this is her new reality. Once that happens, Ms. Calvetti is going to realize that for the next twelve months, she works for me.

  Whether she likes it or not.


  Isabella has more influence than I expected.

  Her call to Ivan Garent brought him rushing up from the floor below us.

  I was under the impression that he was in a meeting and couldn’t be disturbed.

  “Tell Mr. Adger that he doesn’t belong in here.” Isabella stands in the doorway of my office with Ivan by her side. “He wants me to have all of Duke’s furniture removed. I can’t do that.”

  “Adler,” I correct her again.

  She shakes her head as if she doesn’t give a fuck about the correct pronunciation of my surname.

  Ivan squints at her. “Barrett is taking over for Duke.”

  She recoils with a step back, bumping her curvy ass against the doorjamb.

  Her gaze is pinned to Ivan’s face. “Why?”

  I learned about Duke on Saturday morning when Ivan called me and offered up the job of CEO of Garent Industries. I just happened to be in New York City for the weekend visiting my oldest friend, and making a new redheaded friend.

  I’ve been spinning my wheels as the COO in Chicago for the past five years.

  This isn’t how I anticipated landing the job, but I wasn’t about to turn it down. Ivan needs me to run the ship, so I’m moving to Manhattan to take on the task.

  “Let’s talk outside.” Ivan gestures toward Isabella’s desk. “Give us a minute, Barrett.”

  I nod.

  There are no words. He held his composure through our discussion about his son. I feel for the man. I feel for Duke too, but I have a company to run and the sooner that Ms. Calvetti accepts that I’m her boss, the better.

  Chapter 8


  I don’t say a word as Ivan explains what happened to Duke on Friday night after he left the office.

  I take in everything he says, and the emotion that he can’t contain. When he finally takes a breath, I step closer. I let him gather me into his arms because he needs it. I need it too.

  “He’ll need our support, Isabella,” he whispers. “We can’t visit him yet, but I’m hopeful that once we’re given the green light that you’ll want to see him.”

  I wasn’t working for Duke the last time this happened. I was still an intern.

  Rumors about Duke’s addictions were the only thing anyone talked about when he didn’t show up for work one day.

  That absence turned into a three-month stint in rehab for alcohol and drug addiction.

  Duke collared that beast.

  He went to meetings, sometimes twice a day. His commitment to sobriety was inspiring.

  Sometime between then and now he lost the battle. He was arrested for public drunkenness and disorderly conduct on Fire Island late Friday night.

  This morning, he was on an airplane headed to an addiction treatment facility just outside of Boston. His mom is making the trip with him.

  Ivan steps back, his arms crossing his chest. “He needs to focus on his recovery. I need to be available whenever he needs me. Barrett agreed to take over as CEO.”

  “In the interim?” I ask, hopefully. “Duke came back to work after a few months the last time…”

  “No,” Ivan interrupts me with a shake of his head. “I fear I put too much pressure on my son.”

  Guilt favors those who love deeply.

  I can tell that he thinks Duke’s fall from grace is his fault.

  “If…no, when, he comes back to Garent, we will figure out where he feels most comfortable.” His gaze drops. “That’s not something to think about today. Duke’s recovery is what matters. My son has a bright future ahead of him.”

  He’s right.

  Duke has a lot of life left to live. He’s only thirty-six-years-old. The company will still be here when he’s ready to come back.

  “I should have explained all of this earlier.” He glances at the open doorway of Duke’s office. “I was trying to juggle too many things at once this morning. I assumed you’d take a longer lunch and I’d get to you before you got to Barrett.”

  I look over to where Barrett is standing next to Duke’s desk. He’s focused on the phone in his hands.

  “I offered you the new contract to keep you here, Isabella. You’re Duke’s closest ally. You know every deal, every contact, everything. My hope is that with you by his side, Barrett’s transition to CEO will be seamless.”

  All Mr. Garent needs from me is reassurance, so I give that to him. “I’ll do my best, sir.”

  “You always do.” He straightens his jacket. “I’m going take Barrett down to marketing to introduce him to the team. You’ll hold down the fort until we’re done with that?”

  “Of course. You’ll let me know how Duke is doing?” I lower my voice. “If you or Mrs. Garent need anything, I’m always here for you.”

  “I’ll check in regularly.” He lets out a deep breath. “I only need one thing from you. Do your job exactly the same way you have for the past six months. You’re the best executive assistant my son ever had. I expect you to be the same to Barrett.”

  I wait until he walks into Duke’s office before I unlock the top drawer of my desk and pull out my copy of the contract I signed earlier.

  I scan it quickly, noting that nowhere does it mention Duke by name.

  When I reach the bottom of page three, I stop and read the last line.

  Isabella Calvetti will report directly to the CEO of Garent Industries, Mr. Barrett Adler.

  Dammit. I just found the fine print.


  An hour later, I let the ringing office phone go to voicemail. I know that I’ll have to explain to whoever is on the other end, that Duke is no longer in charge. I’ve already had that conversation with three Garent employees. All of them had the same reaction; shock and disappointment.r />
  I’m still reeling from what happened earlier.

  Leaning back in my chair, I close my eyes. I’m exhausted, and it’s not even three o’clock yet. There’s no harm in a five minute nap to refuel and recharge before I return that call.

  “What are you doing?”

  My eyes pop open to find my new boss standing in front of my desk. I look past him to the closed elevator doors. How did he get here? I should have heard the elevator. He must have taken the stairs from the floor below us.

  Straightening in my chair, I look him dead in the eye. “I’m working, Mr. Adver.”

  “It’s Adler.” He points at my left hand. “What the hell is that?”

  Twirling the white stick in my fingers, I sigh. “It’s a heart-shaped lollipop.”

  I follow that up with a quick lick of the cherry flavored candy.

  “A lollipop?”

  “A cherry lollipop.” I pop it in my mouth and slide it out over my lips.

  Watching every move I make, he repeats my words back. “A cherry lollipop.”

  “It’s delicious.” Without thinking, I push it toward him. “Do you want a bite?”

  What the hell is wrong with me? Who asks their boss a question like that?

  Before I have a chance to drop my hand, he reaches for the lollipop, spinning the stick between his fingers. In one fluid movement, he tosses it over my shoulder toward the wastebasket.

  He misses.

  I turn to see shards of red candy on the floor.

  Jumping to my feet, I round my desk. “Why did you do that?”

  “Satisfy yourself after hours.”

  He did not just say that. “Excuse me?”

  Glaring at me, he shoves a hand through his hair. “Satisfy your sweet tooth after hours. You’re my executive assistant. It’s not professional for you to be sitting here sucking on that.”

  “Duke never cared if I sucked it at work. He liked it.”

  Did that come out the way I think it did?

  I scrub a hand over my forehead. “What I meant to say is Blanche Heald brings them in for the staff whenever she makes up a bunch for her grandkids. Duke loved them too.”


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