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Darkblood Academy: Book Four: Prophecies

Page 13

by G. K. DeRosa

  “Get ready to eat my dust.” I threw him my best smirk because it was easier than facing whatever remained between us buried beneath the surface.

  Professor Thornberry appeared at the starting line, and the roar of the crowd intensified ten-fold. She held her hands out, and the arena silenced as the clock continued to tick down. “You all know the rules: three laps around the arena and the winner gets bragging rights until next semester. Good luck to you all!” Her midnight wings extended, and she flew to the stands to join Cillian and Ryder in the first row.

  My eyes met my boyfriend’s—yup, I definitely liked the sound of that—and he threw me a kiss. My cheeks flushed as heat surged up my neck and across my face. Lowering my gaze, I focused on the glowing red light hovering over the starting line.

  The buzzer rang out, and Zeus leapt forward. Hunching down on the saddle, I loosened his reins, allowing my steed all control. We’d done this enough times now that I trusted my unipeg to lead me to victory.

  As the wind rushed across my face, I could forget about everything else in my life. All I focused on was the powerful flapping of Zeus’s wings, the roar of my pounding heart echoing across my eardrums and the thrill of the race.

  The first lap whizzed by as we flew past most of my classmates. Only Drake and Zephyr remained ahead of us, and we were quickly catching up to the dragon and his steed. The shifter had gotten really good the past semester, and I had a feeling once Drake left, he’d be my main competition.

  I dug my heels into Zeus and spurred him on with magic. “Velocem!” After a few strides, we pulled up next to my teammate. I wiggled my fingers over my shoulder as we zipped past. “Maybe next year, Zeph!” I called out, grinning.

  Even over the roar of the audience and mad flapping of wings, I heard a slew of curses escape his clenched teeth. Turning my focus ahead once more, I eyed the prince only a few unipeg lengths in front of me. I didn’t even need to urge Zeus on. As soon as he caught sight of Apollo’s massive hindquarters, he accelerated.

  “I’m coming for you, Drake,” I shouted over the wind.

  The ice prince whipped his head over his shoulder and sneered. “I’ll believe it when I see it.”

  A sharp crack rang out overhead, and a tremor shook the very sky. Zeus’s head thrashed back and forth, and I clutched the reins, tightening my legs around his middle. We swerved to the left until he got his bearings, straightening himself out. What the hell?

  “Luna, watch out!” Drake’s cry pierced the mounting dread in the pit of my stomach.

  A portal opened over our heads, and half a dozen winged creatures zipped through. The arena broke out into chaos. Screams rippled through the air as I tried to steer Zeus away from the attacking beasts.

  “The wards!” I shouted at Drake. “They don’t extend up this high. We have to warn everyone to get back down to the ground.”

  Drake nodded. He turned Apollo back to the center of the arena, his faery sword flickering to life in his palm.

  I lost track of him as a huge bat-looking creature zipped around Zeus, its fangs bared. My wily unipeg bucked and reared as the demon circled us. “It’s okay, buddy. Don’t freak out.” I tried to infuse as much calm as possible into my voice, but somehow he wasn’t buying it.

  The demon screeched as he dipped toward us with his sharp claws poised to cut into my unipeg’s flesh. Aw, hell no. I summoned an energy ball in the palm of my hand and whipped it at the demonic bat.

  It dodged the first one but wasn’t expecting the second and third I threw rapid fire. An ear-piercing shriek rang out through the chaos as the beast plummeted to the ground.

  I only had a second to catch my breath before another demon moved in to take its place. Dozens of them soared through the sky, picking off frightened Fae lords and ladies. The most frustrating part was that the arena itself was warded. If they’d only stayed in their seats, they would’ve been safe.

  From the corner of my eye, magnificent white wings streaked through the blue chaos. Cillian tried to corral all the spectators back into the arena, but in all the confusion no one was listening. Wingless Fae were jumping on the backs of unipegs, desperate to get to the ground. The demons picked them off one by one.

  The squad burst into action, and the clang of swords ricocheted through the clamor. Ryder appeared beside me, riding one of the unipegs. “Are you okay?”

  “Yeah, I’m fine. You have to get everyone out of here. The wards only extend so high and that’s how they’re getting through.”

  “I figured. Poor Cillian’s never going to hear the end of this from Elrian and the academy board.”

  I sighed. “We’ll deal with that later. Right now I need to close that portal.”

  Ryder opened his mouth and I could feel the objection coming, but instead, his expression softened. “I’ll watch your back. Be careful, and I love you.”

  I bit back the shock of my boyfriend’s surprising response and dug my heels into Zeus’s flanks propelling us higher up. As I neared the opening, a familiar face greeted me from just beyond the swirling lights. Nicodemus.

  He waggled a wrinkly finger at me. “Not this time, my dear. No one will be able to close this portal but me.”

  “We’ll see about that.” I summoned my protective orb so I could concentrate without the constant interruption of attacking demons. Zeus finally calmed beneath me as if he sensed the safety of my magic bubble. Focusing on the dark tendrils of energy floating around the whirling vortex, I finally latched onto its distinct signature.

  I poked and prodded, even pulling on the magical cords laced around my heart for extra power, but he was right. Whatever spell he’d used to open the portal was exclusive to him and no other.

  A hint of panic kindled in my chest as I scanned the darkening skies. Demons continued to spill forth, wreaking havoc on the terrorized spectators. From the looks of it, Cillian had gotten some to safety, but still hundreds remained trapped. Their screams vibrated the air.

  Damn demons! Think, Luna! My pent up power swirled just below the surface of my skin, and that familiar itch crawled over my flesh. I stared across the way at a grinning Nicodemus as a brilliant—or epically stupid—idea took shape.

  “All right, Zeus. I’m going to need your help with this one.” I patted the unipeg’s neck, threading my fingers through his silky mane. “I need you to take care of my body, okay? When I say the word, fly back down to the ground and don’t stop until you and the physical me are safely tucked away in your stall. Got it?”

  He snorted, swinging his head from side to side.

  Here goes nothing.

  I let the protective bubble dissipate, and all the sounds of battle rushed in at once. Searching for my inner essence, I focused my magic on the tether holding me to my physical form. Gotcha. Before I broke free of my bodily constraints, I whispered the command to Zeus. “Descendum casam immediatum!” A sharp rip resonated inside me as my spirit broke free. I hung suspended in mid-air as Zeus zipped down toward the snowy ground below.

  I’d never spent much time out of my body, and I wasn’t sure how long I had. Could the demons sense me without my corporeal form? I shook my head and floated toward the portal, focusing on Nicodemus. I’d never managed to successfully break into my father’s form, but he’d been purposely blocking me out. Hopefully, the dark sorcerer wouldn’t sense me coming.

  I called on every ounce of magic inside my core until the orb in my center glowed with the intensity of a thousand suns. The power surged inside me, the energy bubbling like a volcano ready to erupt.

  It was now or never. I streaked across the air and leapt into the portal, splaying my fingers out to reach Nicodemus’s swirling purple robe. I didn’t get sucked right into him like I had with all the others. Instead, I hit a foamy surface, not quite impenetrable like the walls I’d hit with Garrix.

  I needed more power.

  Turning my thoughts inside, I envisioned the eight cords wrapped around my heart. Sorry, guys, I hope you don’t mind me borr
owing a little extra firepower. Their individual bands lit up as I drew magic from each of them. Their energy filled my core to the point of near bursting. I reached for Nicodemus once more, and my essence was sucked right in.

  I filled in every shadowed inch of the sorcerer, his dark magic coiling around his center. The dense darkness was suffocating. I could feel his consciousness fighting against me, but I unleashed my magic and pushed against his. I didn’t know how long I could keep this up. I had to close the portal ASAP.

  Forcing Nicodemus’s body out of the whirling wind tunnel, I hit a slight snag in my plan. The sorcerer couldn’t fly, and here we were mid-air. Glancing over the edge of the vortex, there was nowhere to go but down. If I closed the portal from the inside, I’d be stuck in the Underworld. Or I could jump. Would a fall like that kill Nicodemus? And what would happen to me?

  I searched the skies for a familiar face. A few of my teammates zipped by engaged in battle with the winged-demons. No one spared me a second glance. Would they even recognize me if I were able to get their attention?

  Drake. He’d been the only one that figured out it was me when I’d been skinwalking. I tugged on the lilac cord, and it strained in return. Scanning the murky battlefield, a platinum head of hair appeared.

  Drake, it’s me. I willed him to somehow understand my words through the bond. His brow arched as he steered Apollo closer. “It’s me, Luna!” I shouted in a raspy unfamiliar voice. He stared at the sorcerer, the lines across his forehead deepening.


  “Yes!” I shouted. “It’s me.”

  His hand tightened around his blade as he neared, violet sparks dancing across the steel.

  “Your personal servants at Winter Court are Mirila and Jezela,” I spluttered, “you watched two whole episodes of Hitched with me before falling asleep, and you know my favorite place in the Fae realm is the magical meadow you took me.”

  A glimmer of a smile flickered across his face. “Okay, okay. No need to spill all my darkest secrets.”

  A demon zipped across the sky, headed right toward him.

  “Watch out!”

  Drake spun around and cut the creature down with a single powerful arc of his sword.

  My heart—or maybe Nicodemus’s—slammed against my ribs at the close call. “Help me! I need to close the portal, but I don’t want to get stuck inside.”

  He flew Apollo over, and I jumped on.

  “Do it quick,” he hissed.

  Sure, easy-peasy. I searched for Nicodemus’s magic and tugged on the dark glowing orb radiating from his core. Encircling it with my own magic, I hijacked control. “Portalis serratum, portalis serratum.”

  I felt my insides jerk, like someone had given me a strong shove. Gritting my teeth, I repeated the portal-closing spell.

  The whirling winds began to die down, and my shoulders sagged with relief. A moment later the vortex popped out of existence, leaving behind only a few dozen demons.

  “You did it.” A hint of awe laced Drake’s voice.

  “I couldn’t have done it without you.” I wrapped my long, gangly arms around his waist and gave him a hug.

  “Please, don’t do that. It’s too weird with you in his body.”

  I laughed. “Oh right, sorry.”

  Another jolt wracked my insides, and a sharp crack resonated across my eardrums. Oh, crapsicles! “Drake, watch—!” My warning was cut off as I was ejected out of Nicodemus’s body.

  My spirit flew up into the air as I watched the sorcerer’s hands wrap around Drake’s neck.

  No. No. No!

  I was helpless in my non-corporeal form. There was nothing I could do but watch as Nicodemus strangled the life out of my friend. My head whipped from side to side as I searched for another body to take over. Mine was all the way on the ground and much too far to help me now.

  Drake! I shouted but no words came out. Through the mess of tangled and battling bodies, I caught sight of Raf just a few dozen yards away. His body would have to do. I zipped across the sky, headed for the nephilim but a loud shriek stopped me midway.

  Terror gripped my heart as I spun around to see a body plummeting to the earth. I plunged down after it, knowing full well even if I caught up to it, there would be nothing my translucent form could do.

  Drake! I didn’t have any lungs and yet I was suffocating as I hurtled toward my friend’s limp body.

  A dark blur streaked across the sky, massive wings zipping beneath Drake. The prince’s body landed in Ryder’s outstretched arms as Zeus triumphantly flapped his onyx wings. I swore my mercurial unipeg shot me a smile as I whizzed by him.

  Once I confirmed Drake was safe, I followed Ryder down to the ground. As he guided Zeus to the barn, my instructor’s gaze occasionally flickered from left to right. Could he somehow feel my presence?

  My head swam as I descended the final yards to the ground. Darkness crept into the edges of my vision. I had a feeling I was reaching my maximum amount of time for this out of body experience.

  I zipped into the stable and headed straight for Zeus’s stall. There, crumpled on the floor I found my body. I didn’t waste a second to jump back in.

  When I came out, I found Ryder and Raf hovering over Drake’s still form. Ryder’s dark eyes met mine, and the tense set of his jaw slackened. “Is he okay?” I slid down to the ground beside them.

  Raf ran his hands over the prince’s body, a light golden glow emanating from his palms. “He will be,” he muttered. The strain in his voice didn’t instill the most confidence.

  “Are you okay?” Ryder’s weary gaze searched mine.

  “I was so stupid.” I shook my head as I regarded Drake’s pallid face. “I should’ve known Nicodemus would’ve been too strong to control.”

  “No. You did exactly what you had to, Luna.” Ryder’s big arm came around my sagging shoulders. The scent of blood and sweat wafted off his skin. “If it weren’t for you, the portal would still be open and many more students and Fae would’ve been killed.”

  “But if anything happens to Drake…” My lungs constricted, and I couldn’t finish my sentence.

  “He’s going to be fine.” He rubbed small circles across my back, and my exhausted body leaned into his touch.

  I glanced up to really look at him for the first time. Dark circles tinted the soft skin beneath his eyes, blood and dark goo splattered his face and down his shirt. His hair was a tangled mess of demon sludge and more blood. “Are you okay?”

  He nodded. “Just worried about you.”

  Raf rose, cradling Drake’s body against his chest. “This is the best I can do for now. I’ll take him to the healer for follow up care. He needs to rest.”

  I shot up to follow him. “I’ll go with you.”

  “We’ll go with you,” Ryder echoed.

  Before I left, I made sure Zeus was safely tucked into his stall and gave him his favorite treat, the elaria fruit. “Thanks for taking care of me today, buddy.”

  He huffed as he chomped on the fruit, a smile curling his lips.

  Chapter 19

  “Two whole days, huh?” Drake’s lilac irises pulsated with light, and after days of staring at his closed lids, they were the most beautiful things I’d ever seen. “Who knew the old sorcerer’s energy ball packed so much punch?”

  “You had us all a little worried, ice prince.” I sat at the edge of his bed in the academy infirmary. “Elrian was about to whisk you off to the palace if you didn’t wake up soon. He claimed the Darkhen healers weren’t up to par to the ones at Winter Court.”

  A shadow of a smile flashed across his weary face. “Nothing is up to par with Wintersbee Palace.”

  “I guess it’s a good thing you’ll be returning soon then.” My voice hitched, and I hoped he hadn’t noticed. There were only a few weeks left of the semester, and then he’d be gone. Married off to the Spring Court princess.

  “Actually, I’ll be splitting my time between both courts.” He sat up straighter, tugging at the p
illow behind his back. “Elrian thinks that’ll serve our diplomatic purposes best.”

  “Oh. I guess that makes sense. Are you happy you’ll get a break from the constant winter?”

  He chuckled. “No, that’s you, Luna. I don’t mind the cold.”

  “Right. Ice prince and all.” I stood, grabbing my backpack off the floor. “Well, I should let you get some rest, and I have a lot of studying to catch up on. A certain someone had me a little concerned so I couldn’t really concentrate on my schoolwork.”

  He raised a light brow. “You? Worried about me?”

  I squeezed his hand as I hitched my backpack over my shoulder. “Of course I was Drake. By the way, I expect a rematch before you leave at the end of the semester. How are we ever going to know who the undisputed unipeg racing champ is?”

  “I think we already know the answer. In your time here, I’ve won two races and you’ve only beaten me once.”

  “But this could’ve been my win!”

  He shrugged. “I guess we’ll never know now, will we?”

  Smug prince.

  He fixed his piercing irises on me, and his expression grew serious. “Before I leave Darkhen, I swear I’ll help you stop Luxora, Luna. You’ll never be safe as long as she and Nicodemus are after you. I know you’re strong and you have Ryder, but… I want that to be my parting gift to you.”

  A broad smile stretched across my lips. “Thank you, Drake, but you don’t have to do that. I’m not your responsibility anymore. You have more important things to contend with, like running two Fae courts. And if it weren’t for me, you never would’ve gotten caught up in this mess in the first place.”

  “It doesn’t matter.” He pointed at his chest. “I’m part of this team until the end. And I promise, we will take down Luxora before the end of the year.”

  I leaned in and dropped a kiss on his forehead. “Thank you. For everything. I never would’ve survived Darkhen without you.”

  A dark shadow filled the entryway, and my skin prickled. Spinning toward the door, I found Ryder leaning against the doorjamb. A vein in his forehead twitched, but his expression remained impassive. “Glad to see you’re awake, Drake.”


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