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Page 14

by S. L. Kassidy

  Nicole snickered and struggled to remain in character. “Yes, it would, but you’d be able to call me.”

  A hand went through short, ebony locks. “I guess. But, it’d be for business. That’s what a business number is for. I wouldn’t call your business number for anything beyond business.”

  That’s cute and probably true. “What type of music do you play? You said you’re a musician, but you didn’t specify.”

  Dane shrugged. “I play all types. But, mostly rock. Different types of rock, but rock just the same.”

  “Do you make a lot of money doing that?”

  There was another shrug. “Make enough. Do you make a lot of money being a lawyer who doesn’t get people out of jail?”

  Nicole laughed. “I make enough, thank you very much.”

  “Guess you would, hanging out here and all. You being stood up, too?” Dane asked casually.

  She didn’t really come off as flirting. It was like they were having a normal conversation. Does Danny not know how to flirt? She supposed it made sense because Danny never had to pick up girls. Even when she was a teen, though? The lawyer scanned the lounge. “Yes, I suppose I am. I was supposed to be meeting someone, but she didn’t show up.”

  “Her loss. A good friend?”

  Nicole froze for a moment. She hadn’t thought that far ahead. She was enjoying herself, somewhat, but wasn’t very interested in creating so many details. She was a lawyer and a chemist, not a fiction writer.

  “My best friend.” Nicole managed a smile. “I’m sure she had a good reason for not being here. She’ll be upset when I tell her I met with a musician. She’s interested in music, too.”

  “Does she play anything?”

  “Beyond the bodies of musicians, no,” Nicole laughed at her own memory. “Maybe it was just because we were crazy college kids at the time. She certainly isn’t that way now.”

  Dane nodded. “And what about you?”

  Nicole’s smile transformed into a guarded expression. “What about me?”

  Dane smirked. She had purposely asked that question in an ambiguous manner. “Are you interested in music?”

  Was she purring? “Oh.” Nicole felt her cheeks heat up just a little. Maybe she does know how to flirt a little bit, the little sneak. “Some. I mostly like classical. I’m a huge Mozart fan.”

  “A lot of people are.” It was clearly a struggle for Dane to not roll her eyes.

  Nicole frowned. “And what do you like?”

  Dane chuckled and opened her mouth to respond, but they were interrupted. The bartender seemed to come out of nowhere and cut between them. He put a drink down in front of Nicole, causing her to scowl again.

  “I didn’t order this.” Nicole still had plenty of wine left.

  “No, but the gentleman at the end of the bar wanted you to have it. He was very insistent.” The bartender walked away as quickly as he’d arrived.

  The disdain didn’t leave Nicole’s face and she pushed the drink away. She didn’t look down the bar, knowing that would only encourage the guy. Apparently, he didn’t need encouragement. He marched down and rudely planted himself in between Nicole and Dane. He didn’t even deign to glance in Dane’s general direction.

  “Excuse me, but I just had to come down here and meet the most beautiful creature to ever grace this place. My name is Evan,” he introduced himself, leading with his left hand to show off an expensive watch, unaware of smoke-colored eyes rolling behind his back.

  “Hello, Evan,” Nicole said through clenched teeth. “It’s a pleasure to meet you, but I am engaged in a conversation with my friend.” She motioned to Dane with her free hand.

  He regarded Dane as if she were some kind of insect. Dane’s gaze narrowed at his back as he returned his attention to Nicole. What he surely believed was a charming smile worked its way onto his face. He looked like a predator, and Nicole was the chosen prey.

  “You know, you deserve better than this house wine. I know some good restaurants where we could get better wine, a meal, and to know each other.” His confident smile gleamed with perfect, pearly white teeth.

  “While that might sound like a good idea to you, Evan, I am currently engaged in a conversation with my friend.” Nicole purposely chose those words, as she rested her left hand against her cheek. Her promise ring was clearly on display; she’d refused to remove it for the silly night of semi-mindless role-playing.

  Evan refused to glance at Dane again. “You can talk to her whenever you want. Dinner with me is a limited time offer.” He smirked as if he had just given her an offer she couldn’t refuse.

  Mentally, Nicole groaned. I’d forgotten guys like this exist. Evan gave her a whole new appreciation for Danny.

  “Well, could you go somewhere so we can let that offer expire?” Dane remarked.

  Nicole held in a chuckle while Evan scowled. He adjusted his body just enough for Dane to see the look on his face. Dane didn’t seem moved by the expression. Snorting through his nose, he turned to glare at the musician. He actually had to look up to her. His eyes proclaimed her unworthy of his presence.

  “Look, little girl, you’re out of your league. There’s no way this beautiful woman would give your punk ass the time of day. So, why don’t you go back to your parents’ shack and just fuck yourself?” he suggested, quite loudly, obviously wanting the whole bar to see him put Dane in her place.

  Nicole was about to end the farce, if only to keep Danny from decking the guy. But, Dane just smiled. Evan’s scowl deepened, and he snorted through his nose once more. Was he part horse?

  “Pretty sure a woman this classy doesn’t have time to put up with someone like you,” Dane calmly replied.

  “I could buy and sell you. You don’t know anything about class. In fact, here’s fifty bucks.” He pulled out a flashy money clip, thick with cash, and waved a fifty-dollar bill in her face. “Go buy some class.”

  “Funny, was gonna tell you the same thing, but you might be right.” Grey eyes went to Nicole. There was a twinkle there that Nicole couldn’t put her finger on, missing a joke Dane seemed to want to let her in on. Dane sighed dramatically. “I am clearly out of my league. I mean, there’s no way I could do something better than pulling out a wad of cash to convince this pretty lady that I could show her a good time and treat her right. Right?”

  Evan puffed out his chest in victory. “Glad you see it my way.”

  “Of course.” Dane quickly snatched the fifty from him. “I’m going go buy some class now.”

  Nicole wondered what Dane was up to and felt her stomach tighten as the musician actually walked away. Her throat went dry, as Evan turned back to her, his predatory smile in play once again. Danny, please. What the hell are you doing?


  “Gotta love places like this,” Dane muttered to herself as she walked deeper into the lounge where a guy was playing the piano. She figured she could get him to give it up for a second. She lightly tapped him on the shoulder.

  “Yes?” Glancing over, he frowned a bit. “I don’t take requests,” he informed Dane in a snotty tone. Of course, the downside to places like this is that everybody has a fucking uptight attitude.

  “No? I was hoping you’d loan me your instrument, so I can make this douche bag look like the douche he is…well, more so than he’s doing himself.” She nodded toward the bar.

  He glanced back at her. “You play piano?” The skepticism in his voice was almost tangible.

  She smirked. “How about you loan me this seat and find out?”

  Curiosity obviously got the better of him, as he relinquished the bench to her. Dane sat down and took a moment to check on Nicole, who was a couple of yards away. Nicole’s body language displayed her disgust. She was clearly ready to flee Evan’s presence, as he leaned in close to the lawyer. Dane’s nostrils flared, and her hands played on their own.

  Mozart poured from her fingertips until emerald eyes found hers. She was glad her fingers went for a song with a dramatic
beginning, as it took Nicole only a few precious seconds to spot her. Once she was sure she had Nicole’s undivided attention, and Evan was watching her with murder in his eyes, she eased into a Chopin nocturne. It was hard not to smile when Nicole seemed to float toward her on the music. Evan stomped behind Nicole.

  “Dane, that’s beautiful,” Nicole whispered, as if her voice would somehow diminish the melody.

  Dane smiled. “Wish I could take credit, but Chopin wrote it. He’s no Mozart, but you know.” She shrugged. She winked at Evan, who appeared ready to pop a blood vessel.

  “No, but you’re playing it. And it sounds like heaven.” Nicole shut her eyes and seemed to let herself go in the music.

  The smile on Dane’s face grew. Evan growled. There was nothing he could do without causing a scene and ending up the fool. He stormed off and Dane finished playing the composition. People actually applauded when the music ended, but Dane didn’t really register the sound. Her focus was squarely, solely on Nicole. Emerald eyes opened, sparkling as they gazed down at her.

  “Thanks, man,” Dane said to the stunned pianist, as she climbed to her feet. He stood at her right with his mouth agape. She was about to pat him on the shoulder, but considering how stiff he was, she didn’t want to chance pushing him over.

  “That was marvelous,” Nicole said.

  “Marvelous?” the pianist scoffed, regaining his wits just in time to defend Dane, who really wished he’d keep it to himself. “Divine is closer to the truth.” He stared at Dane in awe. “You’re incredible.”

  A smirk settled on Dane's face as she focused on Nicole. “You hear that? I’m incredible. Made a fan. That’s gotta be worth at least the first three of your numbers.”

  Nicole laughed and grabbed a nearby napkin. “Do you have a pen?”

  “As a matter of fact…” Dane went into her pocket and pulled out a pen. She handed it to the redhead and Nicole quickly jotted down something on the napkin.

  Dane looked down at the napkin and grinned when she saw a complete number staring back at her. When she looked back up, she found the space Nicole had occupied was empty. What the hell? Nicole was walking away. Where the hell is she going? I thought I did all right. Dane fully intended to chase her down, but the pianist grabbed her wrist.

  “Hey, take your hands off of me,” Dane growled. Leveling a glare at man, her wishes were quickly fulfilled.

  “I’m sorry. I just wanted to talk about your playing.”

  “Later, man. Can’t you see I’m trying to score?” she replied in a huff. She had thought she was close to her goal and only needed to seal the deal. It turned out she was wrong.


  “I can’t believe you’re not going home with me. You gave me your number. I played the piano for you!” Danny argued while she and Nicole strolled to Nicole’s car.

  “I told you before we started this that I don’t have one-night stands and I don’t go home with people I meet in bars, no matter how classy the bar is. So, no, I wouldn’t go home with you.”

  “But…but, you gave me your number and it’s not your business number.” Danny ran a hand though her hair and squinted, clearly confused. Her brow furrowed adorably.

  “Danny, getting a number doesn’t mean a girl will go home with you. It just means she wants you to call her to set up a date. You can get to know each other through conversation, not sex,” Nicole said as they entered the car. She didn’t start the engine.

  “What?” Danny scrunched up her face.

  Nicole laughed. “Baby, you are too cute sometimes. Your rock god status has totally screwed with your perception of dealing with women.”

  Danny let out a long breath and threw her hands up slightly. “I know, which is why I wanted to see if I could pick a girl up the normal way and I did. You gave me your number.”

  Nicole regarded Danny out of the corner of her eye for a second. Wow, does she really think a number gives her all access to a girl’s pants? Of course, if Danny thought that, it was probably because that had been her experience. I suppose I should set her straight, not that it matters.

  “One, in your mind it doesn’t seem to count as a pick up unless I go home with you and we have sex. I’d hate to see your reaction if a girl went home with you and just wanted to talk. Two, it hardly qualifies as normal once you sit at a piano and play Mozart and Chopin. Three, you cheated by playing one of my favorite piano concertos, even though I never told you what it was.”

  Danny scoffed. “All right, Miss Lawyer Pants. You’re right about number one. I don’t see what was wrong with sitting at the piano, though. To impress a girl, you’re supposed to use whatever you have at your disposal. That Evan jackass tried to use money. I just happen to have piano skills and there happened to be a piano nearby. That was fair. Hell, if I could’ve pulled a piano out of my pocket, I would’ve. It was a coincidence I played your favorite. It was the first thing that came to mind.”

  “Uh-huh.” The skepticism practically oozed from Nicole’s entire form.

  Danny sighed, scratching her forehead. Grey eyes stared down at the floor. “So, I didn’t do so good, huh?”

  “No, baby, you didn’t because you cheated,” Nicole admitted bluntly, but then she reached over and took Danny’s hand in her own. “But, you don’t need to pick up women. You have one already. One who loves you, is devoted to you, and will do everything in her power to make you happy.”

  Danny smiled. “You’re right. Guess I don’t need to pick up girls.” They were silent for a moment and Nicole was about to drive off.

  “You didn’t have fun tonight, did you?” Danny’s voice was low, as she eyed the floor.

  Nicole sighed. “I didn’t really like the reason we went out tonight and that might’ve soured me to the whole idea. I didn’t like the role-playing, even if I was playing a younger version of myself. Or maybe it was because I was playing a younger version of myself.”

  “You were really good, though. You stayed in character through Evan.”

  “I know. Maybe I don’t mind role-playing, but still, I don’t like the idea of you wanting to practice picking up women. You have me. Also, the idea of pretending not to know you is lost on me. I mean, maybe this could be fun, but there were pieces of it that I didn’t like. Is that all right?”

  Dane flashed a bright smile. “Yeah, it’s fine. I want you to always tell me if you don’t like something. The you that you were playing had just started as a lawyer?”

  Nicole nodded. “I wasn’t happy with it, but I wasn’t jaded by it yet either. What about you? You didn’t drink, so obviously this was a recent you, but you looked scruffy and spoke of being a musician.” They had decided to play different versions of themselves since Danny had been adamant about wanting to pick Nicole up. Which, I guess I should be flattered by. She didn’t want to pick up any other woman. She wanted to see if she could pick me up. Now that Nicole thought about the idea, it was kind of nice.

  “Yeah, this would be me after the incident, but I went to my uncle’s house and cleaned up a little bit. I’m always a musician, and I did have a manager. Every now and then, I’d toy with the idea of going back to music and think about contacting him, but I obviously never did. Hell, for all I know, poor sap could still be looking for me.”

  “Why not just get in touch with him?”

  “Because that would mean talking to him and I really don’t wanna do that. He’s an asshole.” Danny laughed. “So, you really didn’t like this?”

  Nicole shook her head. “Sorry, baby. I wouldn’t mind going to Brooks or any other place with you, but I don’t want you to try to pick me up. There’s nothing sexy about it to me, even if you did manage to put a big goon in his place.”

  “Speaking of the big goon…” Dane pulled the fifty dollars from her pocket.

  Nicole laughed. “I can’t believe you actually took his money.”

  “As they say, don’t flaunt it if you’re not gonna give it up. I thought I might need it to bribe the pianist. But
, anyway, I think I can make this up to you. Wanna go to your favorite jazz club and pretend to be madly in love?” Danny gave her one of those monstrous grins that Nicole couldn’t resist.

  “Sounds like the role I was born to play.” Nicole started the car with a grin.


  “BABY, WHAT THE HELL?” Nicole entered the living room, frowning as soon as she caught sight of her lover. Danny was on the couch in her pajamas…or street clothes, as it was sometimes difficult to tell the difference. She was stuffing her face with potato chips, with Haydn lying on her legs. The dog was fast asleep.

  “What? What did I do?” Danny inquired with a furrowed brow.

  “You’re not ready for one, and you’re spoiling your appetite.” Nicole snatched the chips from her girlfriend.

  Danny’s expression didn’t clear and she whimpered, reaching out for her salty snack. Nicole gently slapped her hand down, earning another whimper from the lounging woman. Danny pouted and rubbed her hand pathetically, clearly trying to gain some sympathy. Nicole only glared harder.

  “Why are you harassing me, woman?” Danny whined.

  “Because you’re not dressed and we need to get going. Come on,” Nicole urged, putting her hand out to help Danny off of the couch.

  “Come on?” Danny hopped up and ran her hand through her hair. “We going somewhere?”

  Nicole frowned. “Baby, I told you we’re going to my grandparents’ house for Thanksgiving.” Why is she acting like we haven’t discussed this at length?

  “Uh-huh.” Danny nodded, even though the cloudy look in her smoke-colored eyes said she clearly had no idea what Nicole was going on about.

  “Danny, today is Thanksgiving,” Nicole deadpanned.

  A caramel face scrunched up. “But, it’s Thursday.”

  “Yes, Thanksgiving is always on a Thursday.” Nicole said. Either Danny lost brain cells to her years of drug use or her childhood was messed up to unfathomable levels. How can she not know when Thanksgiving is?


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