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Page 23

by S. L. Kassidy

  The woman was dressed in a black skirt suit that teased the public by complimenting her figure exceptionally well. The skirt fell right above her knee, but there was a slit to give a clue about her thighs. Surely, the skirt would ride up when she sat down and call all to peek at the peep of thigh that would have to show. Her curves seemed to beckon eyes and hands. Added to that, she had on a tight, lime-green, button-down shirt, with three buttons undone, leaving her mouth-watering cleavage exposed.

  “My face is up here,” the testy redhead huffed, motioning with her hand from her breasts to her face.

  Dane’s eyes managed to move from lush, begging breasts to a tense, yet lovely face. “The view’s just as good,” she remarked with what she hoped was a charming grin.

  A frown cut across olive-toned features. “Do you mind turning your god-awful music down? Some of us have business meetings to attend in the morning,” she said through gritted teeth. Emerald eyes glared as hard as the stones they were colored from.

  “Wouldn’t call it god-awful or even regular awful. You look like you’re still in a business meeting…” Dane trailed off and held in a laugh. Taking a breath, she continued. “A sexy business meeting,” and then the snickers escaped.

  “Is that supposed to be cute?” the fiery redhead demanded with a glare.

  “No, you’re…” The snickers were now chuckles.

  Emerald eyes glared at Dane seriously now. “Goddamn it, Danny, how is this supposed to work if you don’t take it seriously?”

  “Sorry, sorry, angel. I’m good.” Dane swallowed her laughs and took a calming breath. “Okay, now where were we? You know, what? Screw it. Lady, you’re hot as hell and burning me up. Do you want to come in and give me something to do other than listening to music?” She smirked and wiggled her eyebrows.

  Nicole scowled. “Dammit, Danny, stick to the script!” she huffed, pushing her lover’s shoulder slightly.

  Dane laughed. “It’s like a bad porn! Just get in here!” She snatched Nicole into the room and slammed the door behind her.

  “Danny!” Nicole reprimanded her girlfriend, glaring at her even harder than before. “You’re supposed to stick to the script!”

  Dane tossed her hands up. “The fact that we even have a script is preposterous! This is stupid! Sheer insanity! We’re no good at it! If we’re not doing something that makes the other uncomfortable, then we’re sitting down and approaching it like a homework assignment, complete with written work.” Dane grinned big, which was just to prevent her from laughing at the sheer absurdity of the whole matter. “Can’t we just fuck?” She pouted, poking out her bottom lip.

  Nicole continued frowning and stomped over to the bed to sit down. She also turned off the loud metal music pouring from the iPod dock. Dane remained on her feet and tried her best to read Nicole. The stony, frustrated expression was new and cut her to the bone. Dane felt like her stomach was suddenly upset and grinding against her other organs, especially when Nicole decided to look off to a wall instead of at her. Shit, I messed up.

  “Angel, I am so sorry! We can start over and I’ll do it right! I’ll follow the script and everything!” Dane kneeled before her sweetheart, wanting and needing to make everything better. She put a hand on Nicole’s knee, caressing her gently.

  Shaking her head, Nicole sniffled. “No, you don’t want to do it and I won’t force you.”

  Dane offered her a sad smile and continued petting her knee. “Look, angel, this role-playing thing just isn’t us. Even when we sit down and plan it, it’s still weird and not natural for us. Don’t tell me you didn’t feel like a goober just now.”

  There was a sorrowful smile. “I did. But, what are we going to do to keep our sex life interesting?”

  Dane’s brow furrowed. “Interesting? Nick, our sex life is plenty interesting.”

  “We had sex in the same position for a year because of me! I don’t want to make that mistake again and bore you.”

  Dane smiled softly and climbed up on the bed. Wrapping her arm around Nicole’s shoulders, she pulled the redhead to her. Nicole embraced Dane around the waist, which let Dane know they were somewhat okay. She still needed to do damage control, though.

  “Sweet, sweet angel, first, I need you to know I’d never leave you over sex. I’d gladly forsake sex for the rest of my life if it meant I could be with you just as long. Next, we won’t get bored. If things started to slow down between us, we are both highly skilled in seducing each other. We’ll just do that. It’s something we are good at.”

  Nicole sniffled a little. “But, what if that eventually gets boring or predictable?”

  “Well, we have a lot of other alternatives and things we haven’t tried yet. We can even do research to sate the nerd in you. I just can’t do a role-playing thing where we actually sat down and wrote a script. I’m not an actor and this is crazy. That’s forcing it, love, and this is supposed to be fun.”

  Nicole nodded and curled closer to her lover. “You’re right. We did force it, but it seems like it would be so interesting to pretend to be other people or just did other roles.”

  “We don’t have roles, Chem.”

  “What? Aren’t you the housewife?” Nicole teased, pulling away just enough to flash her an amused grin.

  Dane chuckled. “Okay, you got me there. Wanna play around with that?” She felt like she could play the role of a housewife from the 50s. That might be fun.

  Nicole’s eyes narrowed as she thought on it. “Maybe when we go back home. I shouldn’t have asked you to come on this trip. I’m supposed to be worrying about work, but you being here makes me think about personal stuff.”

  “It’s okay. You thought getting away would be the perfect chance to try this out. Not like you could pretend I was some rocker and my music was bothering you from home while you were trying to unwind from a meeting. It’d just be weird.”

  “You’re teasing me, aren’t you?”

  “I am. Sorry. I’m glad you brought me along, though. I can still help you relax.” Dane rubbed Nicole’s shoulder.


  Dane opened her mouth to respond, but a knock at the door interrupted her. A wide grin took over her face. Leaning down, she placed a gentle kiss to Nicole’s forehead.

  “You’ll see right now,” the musician promised.

  Nicole’s brow wrinkled as Dane went to the door. She smiled reassuringly at Nicole before opening the door. Standing in the doorway was a room service cart and a smiling hotel employee.

  “Your room service order, miss,” he smirked at her. He clearly knew what Dane had in mind and looked just a little envious if she read the spark in his dark brown eyes correctly.

  “Thanks. Just leave it here,” Dane said as she pulled out some bills to tip him.

  “Oh, okay,” he agreed while pushing the cart away. He stepped away from it and accepted the money. He glanced over at the bed, spotting Nicole. He turned back to Dane, giving her a quick wink as he grinned. “Good luck.” He quickly made himself scarce.

  Dane laughed. “I wish I’d tipped him more.”

  “What’s that?” Nicole asked, nodding toward the cart.

  “This is…” Dane grinned almost lecherously and removed the cover off the food. “A cure for boredom.” She licked her lips.

  An auburn eyebrow arched. “A cure?”

  “Oh, yeah,” Dane said with a wolfish grin, as she selected a bowl to show Nicole.

  Nicole yelped happily. “Chocolate covered strawberries.”

  “Figured that’d get your attention. But, there’s more.” Dane pulled out a can of whipped cream.

  Nicole smiled. “I guess we won’t be bored tonight.”

  “Not if I have anything to say about it.”

  Nicole’s smile curled in a sexy manner and then suddenly dropped. “Wait, you had this planned. Did you ruin our role-playing on purpose?” Her eyes narrowed, targeting Dane.

  Dane scrunched her face up. “No! I didn’t think I’d get a case of the c
huckles. Was gonna use this stuff in the role-playing. You know, like ‘oh, my room service just arrived. Maybe you’d like to share with me’ or something. Why waste it, even though the role-playing didn’t work out?”

  Nicole was silent for a moment. “You make a point.”

  Dane smiled widely. “Good, then let’s get this party started.”

  She rushed over to the bed. Nicole giggled as Dane settled next to her and took the strawberries from her. Nicole opened her mouth, all too aware of what Dane planned. The musician wasted no time feeding one large berry to her lover. Nicole moaned as the smooth chocolate and sweet juice burst in her mouth.

  “Good?” Nicole could only nod, and Dane leaned in close to whisper to her. “I’ll make you moan so much louder than that.”

  That statement alone made Nicole moan loudly. She was silenced with another strawberry. When she was done, she fed a strawberry to Dane. It was so good! Moaning in delight was really the only option. Dane had another bright idea, as Nicole pulled the fruit away. Dane ducked her head and licked Nicole’s fingers. The redhead yelped and jumped a little before somewhat glaring at Dane.

  Dane gave her an innocent grin. “Just getting the strawberry juice off your hand.”

  Emerald eyes narrowed. “A likely story.”

  “Should I not have done it?” Dane purposely pouted, even though the burning gaze in her lover’s eyes told it all.

  Nicole practically tackled Dane to the bed, pinning her with sweet lips. Her mouth controlled Dane’s, and Dane loved every second of it, moaning and purring against Nicole’s wonderful tongue. It was like Nicole’s mouth danced against hers, moving to some beat that Dane couldn’t catch, could only revel in. The kiss only stopped for Nicole to snatch Dane’s shirt off and fling it away as if it were the vilest item in existence.

  “What about the strawberries?” Dane panted as Nicole caressed her bare sides. She had foregone a bra since it was a given she’d soon be nude.

  “Later. Right now, I really need us to be naked.” Nicole peppered loud, wet kisses against Dane’s collarbones and the tops of her breasts.

  Dane moaned and arched into the touch, grabbing fistfuls of the lawyer’s jacket. “Agreed, but I’d like to point out if you did this every now and then, I’d never be bored.”

  Nicole didn’t ask any questions. She sat up and just peeled her suit jacket off while Dane attacked the buttons of her shirt. Nicole went after her pants. Dane decided on a surprise attack to show Nicole she wasn’t boring either. She slipped her hand underneath Nicole’s skirt. Dane actually gasped.

  “You naughty, little minx. Where the hell are your panties?” Dane slid her middle finger through pure bliss.

  Nicole hissed and then managed a taunting grin. “Wouldn’t you like to know?”

  “Part of me does, but most of me just wants to slide into you and never leave. Can I live inside of you?” Dane moved faster through the slickness, adoring what she’d built up in her love.

  “Please,” Nicole whimpered, gripping her shoulders tightly.

  Dane couldn’t deny either of them, easing inside. Nicole moaned as her hips moved with Dane’s hand. Dane was mesmerized by the movement and put her other hand on Nicole’s hip, just to feel her move.

  “Angel, you’re so perfect,” Dane mumbled, inhaling Nicole, trying to take her all in.

  “Only to you.” Nicole kissed Dane on the lips.

  “That’s all that matters,” Dane whispered, thrusting a bit harder. The ease with which she moved amazed her, and she glanced down, wishing she could see what she was doing, wishing she could see how much her angel relished her touch. But, feeling it was more than enough, cutting into her heart and soul, making her more and more in love with Nicole.

  “Oh, God, baby, that feels so damn good. It’s like heaven, it’s like everything.” Nicole dropped her head to Danny’s neck. Soft kisses turned to nips as the pressure built. They served as warnings for Dane that a bite was coming shortly.

  “Let it be everything. Let it be all. Let go, angel. It’s okay. I got you,” Dane promised, as her thumb made circles around Nicole’s pleasure center. She hissed a bit, enjoying the feel of what had to be rapture as far as she was concerned.

  Nicole practically cooed as she sank her teeth into Dane’s neck. Dane moaned right along with her, loving the flutter around her fingers. Nicole’s teeth dug in deep, stifling a cry that escaped her, but thankfully not breaking Dane’s skin. Her nails, blunt as usual, still bit into Dane’s back and even that was worthy of a moan.

  “God, Danny,” Nicole breathed as she released her neck.

  When the convulsions halted and Nicole was slumped against her, Dane slipped out with care. Her fingers missed her version of heaven, but she could go back anytime. She locked eyes with half-open green orbs and smiled before slowly licking her fingers clean. Nicole whimpered.

  “Tastes better than any nectar from the gods,” Dane smirked. She was certain she could get drunker off of Nicole’s essence than any other drink on Earth.

  “That’s not fair, Danny. I was in charge, and you just flipped it around,” Nicole griped in a low voice.

  “Didn’t hear you complaining five minutes ago, sweet angel,” Dane replied with a proud grin.

  “Shut up.” Nicole laughed. “Now, I do believe I said I need us naked and you totally messed that up, just like you messed up our role-playing,” she scolded Dane, but it was clear from the smoldering look she gave Dane that the musician wasn’t in any real trouble.

  Dane forced a pout while keeping a growl down. Dammit, she’s so sexy. I don’t know how anybody could have let her go. “I didn’t mean to. What’re you gonna do to me for messing up your precious role-playing scene?”

  Nicole put her finger to her chin, “thinking” on things for a moment. A clear spark went through her eyes and she got up. Dane whimpered while trying to keep down the throbbing going on below her belt.

  “Calm down. The night’s young and you need to take your pants off before you get into more trouble,” Nicole ordered.

  An almost inappropriately toothy grin conquered Dane’s face. “This is a nice change from telling me to put pants on.”

  “Those pants better be off by the time I get back to that bed.”

  “You being bossy is so goddamn sexy.” Dane wasted no time wiggling out of her already opened pants. I love this woman!


  Nicole went to the closet, where their bags were for the short weekend, working trip. She went into Danny’s bag, knowing Danny had packed a few things for her “rude rocker” persona. She plucked out a couple of the red silk scarves and hurried out before she had time to consider what she was doing.

  The sight of Danny lying naked on the bed, waiting for her, greeted her. Her heart thumped heavy in her chest as she realized what she was doing. She almost dropped the scarves.

  “Angel, I’m ready for you.”

  “Danny,” Nicole whimpered. Can I really do this? This is crazy. She makes me crazy.

  Grey eyes locked on Nicole. “No, baby, don’t hesitate. Keep going. I need to be punished because I ruined the night you carefully planned, and then I took the lead when you were clearly in charge. Now, come on, Chem, teach me a lesson.”

  Nicole nodded, still not in the same place mentally as she was a minute ago. But, Danny’s reassuring voice was enough to move her forward. She eased onto the bed and straddled Danny’s waist. The musician was clearly eager, reaching for her already.

  “Don’t touch.” Nicole caught Danny’s hands. “Bring both hands up to me.”

  Danny obeyed while clearly fighting down a grin; the twinkle in her eyes betrayed her. Nicole was happy that Danny kept the grin at bay because she was trying her best not to feel awkward and self-conscious. She tied Danny’s wrists together, making sure the scarf was tight enough that Danny couldn’t get free.

  “Does it hurt? It’s not too tight?”

  “The throbbing between my legs hurts.” Danny gave her a cheek
y grin. Something about her response made Nicole want to up the ante instead of just calling the whole thing off. Maybe it was the daring, pushing look in Danny’s eyes, a look that implored her to keep going. She couldn’t stand the thought of putting disappointment there.

  “Well, that could’ve been relieved a while ago if someone hadn’t been so bad. See what happens when you behave badly, baby? Now, you have to wait.” Nicole smirked and held up the other silk scarf. “Now, if you don’t behave, I’ll be forced to use this one. Maybe as a blindfold.”

  “I’ll be good!” Danny promised. Since she was all about visuals, being blindfolded would be a good “punishment.”


  Nicole eased off of her lover, earning a whimper from the tied musician. She smirked and moved slowly as she unsnapped her bra. A loud hiss echoed through the room, making it seem like Danny was in pain. Nicole’s smirk grew as her hands went to unbutton her skirt. Danny’s tongue snaked out, wetting her lips at the sight. Nicole wiggled out of her skirt, leaving it on the floor.

  “Hmm…what should I do now?” Nicole pretended to think on it, putting a finger to her chin.

  “Are you taking suggestions? Because I have plenty!”

  “Yes, but you’re being good or this scarf becomes a gag,” Nicole remarked dryly.

  Danny whimpered and nodded. She looked so helpless, but her eyes were blazing, daring, and begging all in one. Nicole turned her attention to the can of whipped cream and figured she needed to put it to use. Grabbing it, she moved onto the bed and leaned down to give Danny a powerful and passionate kiss. Danny made all of the purring sounds she loved and there was something about the idea of Danny not being able to clutch her that drove Nicole wild. Danny had to put her all into the kiss and work her tongue to give Nicole an idea of what she wanted. Nicole got the message loud and clear: I love you, I need you, and I want to feel you right now. When they broke apart, she straddled Danny’s waist again.


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