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Highland Challenge (Highland Generations Book 1)

Page 23

by B. J. Scott

“I wish da could have met you,” Mareal said. “I know it would please him greatly to know you will sit in his place.”

  “If you still wish to leave for Fraser Castle on the morrow, we have a wedding to plan. Mayhap you could help me with the preparations,” Callum said to Elise, then wiggled a brow at Andrew. “They may like a wee bit of time alone afore they wed. There is the wedding night to consider.”

  Nothing would please Andrew more than to forgo the ceremony and carry Mareal straight to their wedding bed, but there was a protocol to follow when a laird’s daughter married, and he would have to wait a bit longer. “We would appreciate both your help in making preparations and for a few minutes alone.” Wasting no time, he drew her against his chest. “I canna wait to make you mine,” he rasped, then captured her lips.

  Elise giggled. “I would tell them we are leaving, but dinna think they would hear us or care.”

  “You may be right,” Callum laughed, then cupped Elise’s elbow. “Let us leave them be, and seek out the cook, so he can prepare the feast.”

  “There is someone else who might like to help plan the ceremony.” James appeared at the door, beaming.

  Andrew released Mareal and addressed James. “Who might that be?”

  “Come and see for yourself.” James spun on his heel and headed down the hallway at a quick pace, with the others trailing close behind him. He paused when he came to a chamber used to house the ill or wounded during their recovery.”

  “Why are we stopping here?” Mareal asked.

  James pushed open the door, grinning. “See for yourself.”

  Andrew led the way, then stopped dead in his tracks, his mouth gaping open—uncertain he could believe his eyes.

  “Who is it?” Mareal asked.

  “Seamus?” Andrew sputtered. “I was sure you died at Billingsworth Castle. I held you in my arms as you drew your final breath.” Overcome with joy, he stared at his old friend in disbelief.

  “I thought I was done for too, but things are na always as they seem,” Seamus said smiling. “That wee lassie turned out to be a miracle worker.”

  Mareal dashed to the bed and threw her arms around Seamus’ neck. “I am so happy you are alive.” She released him and sat on the edge of the mattress, with tears streaming down her face.

  Seamus brushed her cheek with his knuckles. “Dinna cry, lass. It takes more than a couple of battle wounds to destroy this thrawn old bugger. I am too ornery to die. And if I did, and showed up at the gates of Heaven, I’m sure the Almighty would toss me back.”

  Donella stepped out of the shadows. “The lass at Billingsworth Castle may have saved your life, but you are in my care now. It is up to me to see you stay alive.” She glared at the visitors. “This man needs his rest, and I insist you all leave and allow him to do so.”

  Andrew rested his hand on Mareal’s shoulder and gave it a squeeze. “She is right. Seamus has been through a lot, and does need to rest.” He offered his hand to his old friend. “It makes my heart soar to know you are alive. Get some rest, and we will talk before we leave for Fraser Castle.”

  “We?” Seamus wiggled a brow. “Does that mean what I think it does?”

  “Aye. You never gave me a reason to doubt your advice in the past, so I dinna plan to start now. Mareal has agreed to marry me on the morrow, and Callum will take his uncle’s place as laird.” He cupped Mareal’s elbow, and escorted her to the door, but paused and glanced over his shoulder before leaving the room and winked. “Rest up. And I would suggest you do exactly as Donella says if you know what is good for you.”

  Chapter Twenty Eight

  With the wedding feast over, Mareal waited in her chamber for her husband’s arrival. The ceilidh that followed their nuptials would go on all night, but they desperately wanted to be alone, so slipped away right after the meal. Andrew escorted her to her room, but needed to speak to Callum about something of importance before they could retire for the night. He bid her wait for him there, and promised to return swiftly.

  Mareal removed her mother’s gown and hugged it to her chest. She stroked her fingertips along the silken fabric and closed her eyes, wishing her mam had lived to see her and Andrew wed. Grateful her father kept the precious garment all this time, she hoped that someday her own daughter might wish to wear it on her wedding day.

  A wife and a mother. She rested a hand on her belly, smiling. The thought of someday having a babe pleased her greatly, and knowing she would carry Andrew’s bairn was more than she ever dreamed possible. Until his unexpected return to MacCurtry Castle, she’d lost hope they’d ever see each other again, so all but resigned herself to a union with a man she didn’t love or desire to please her dying father. But today she married Andrew before her beloved clan, and on the morrow, they would leave for Fraser Castle, and a whole new life was about to unfold.

  Mareal glanced around the room she’d occupied her entire life. MacCurtry Castle was the only home she’d ever known, so it was with some misgivings and sadness she would leave on the morrow. For the most part, she was happy here. But her da was gone, and of late, sadness, danger, and death appeared to lurk around every corner, and she hoped to put the sorrow and fear behind her.

  After getting to know Elise, and having met Andrew’s father and uncle at the funeral, she looked forward to meeting the rest of the Fraser clan. A strong-willed lass, with a mind of her own, she behaved unlike most women of her age. She could never picture herself as a quiet, subservient wife, and Andrew knew better than to expect anything of the sort. She chuckled. Despite what most men considered faults, he married her anyway. She just hoped his family would think them a good match and offer their blessings.

  Marriage would be a huge adjustment for them both, yet she was certain they were up to the challenge. Andrew was right when he assumed they would likely butt heads often, but if what she’d heard whispered about joining with a man was true, and given the way her body ignited in his presence, sparking an intense yearning she never knew existed, she was confident that making up after a disagreement would be most pleasurable.

  Clad in a thin linen night rail, she padded to the fire, in search of some warmth. She wrapped her arms around her middle and stared into the flames, the events of the day and the image of her father’s face, flashing in her mind. “I wish you could have been here to see Andrew and I marry, da,” she muttered on a shuddered breath.

  Lost in thoughts about her parents and the lovely wedding ceremony they missed, she didn’t hear the door creak open or the approaching footfalls.

  “You appear to be deep in thought, Lady Fraser, I hope I am na intruding.” Andrew brushed her hair from the side of her neck, and replaced it with a press of his lips. “When I entered the room and saw you standing by the hearth, I could scarcely draw a breath,” he murmured against her flesh.

  “You are my husband, and could never intrude on my thoughts. Just as you are always welcome in my chamber.” Her breath hitched, and her pulse doubled, the warmth of his breath making her body tingle with anticipation. When he slid his arms around her waist, then turned her to face him, her legs grew weak, and she melted against his chest, clutching his tunic for support.

  “I am sorry that I kept you waiting so long. Leaving you for even a minute was pure torture.” He tightened his embrace and kissed the top of her head. “Unfortunately, I couldna delay speaking with Callum until morning,” Andrew said, then nipped at her earlobe. “Now it is done, I can give my beguiling bride the full attention she deserves.” He buried his face in the curve of her neck and inhaled deeply, his hands lightly roaming her back. “You smell like a spring meadow after it rains, and more intoxicating than a jug of fine wine.”

  Her entire body flared with desire and urgent need when he feathered kisses along her neck, the deep rumble of Andrew’s voice, his gentle touch, and flirtation making it difficult to concentrate. Aware she could easily lose herself in this moment of bliss, she forced herself to focus. “I . . . I understand why you wanted to speak w
ith Callum,” she stammered. “He is still new to MacCurtry Castle and I am sure there was much for you to discuss afore we leave. Did you thank him for all he did to make our wedding memorable and special?”

  “Aye. But it is about to become even more so,” he rasped, then swept her off her feet and carried her toward the bed. “We can talk about Callum later. Right now, I canna wait to make you mine.”

  Despite her fierce longing to have Andrew claim her body and soul, she couldn’t shake the uneasiness she felt when it came to the idea of making love for the first time. Her mother died before she could explain the intimate duties of a wife, and she had never spoken of it with anyone. But she’d overheard the women of the keep discussing the brief pain they felt when joining with a man, and the ecstasy that immediately followed, so she knew what to expect. In her dreams, she and Andrew made sweet love more nights than she could count. But now the long-awaited first time had arrived, she worried that her inexperience and lack of carnal knowledge might disappoint him.

  “The ceremony was lovely, as was the feast. I hope everyone enjoyed themselves. The clan seems pleased to have Callum take his seat as laird, and I know father would be happy to know a MacCurtry will sit in his place,” she prattled on nervously for lack of things to say.

  “Shhh. Can we na talk about this later?” He silenced her with a brief, but enthusiastic kiss.

  “She pressed her hands to his chest, and gently pushed him away. “I am sorry for going on so. It is just—” She lowered her eyes and chewed on her lower lip.

  Andrew hooked her chin with his finger and lifted until he met her gaze. “What is it? Have I done something to displease you?”

  “Nay. You have high expectations about our joining, and I dinna want you to be disappointed,” she said, then glanced away. “You are a braw, handsome warrior, and someday will sit as laird of a powerful clan. I canna help but wonder why you chose to wed me when you could have your pick of any lass in Scotland.” She peeked up through tear-filled eyes. “I am na as fair or versed in the manners of a lady as befitting your wife as others might be.”

  Andrew frowned then took a step back, holding her at arm’s length. “I dinna know what you see when you gaze upon your reflection, but I see a beautiful, alluring, intelligent woman standing afore me, and can think of no other that compares.” He tugged her close, encircling her with his strong arms. “There isna an expectation that you canna, or havena met already, so dinna fash.”

  He held her so tightly, she could feel their hearts beating in unison. She released a soft sigh. Her insecurity eased by his words, she relaxed in his arms. “I love you, Andrew.”

  “And I you. Dinna ever doubt or forget it. The wedding was perfect, as is my bride.” He whispered, then gently teased the seam of her mouth with his tongue until she granted him entry.

  Suddenly lost in a euphoric fog, she inhaled his woodsy masculine scent and allowed his kisses to carry her away. He tasted of fennel, and a hint of the mulled wine they shared at the feast still lingered. Her concerns about displeasing him suddenly forgotten, she looped her arms around his neck and welcomed his sweet invasion, returning his kisses with equal enthusiasm.

  Unable to harness his unbridled passion for her any longer, Andrew unlaced the ties at the neck of Mareal’s chemise, slipped it down over her shoulders, then watched in awe as it skimmed the slender curves of her naked body, settling in a soft pile of fabric at her feet.

  “Breathtaking,” he gasped, then gently eased her backward until her legs rested against the bed. He encircled her with his arms, and nipped playfully at her bottom lip, before speaking. “I want you more than my next breath, Mareal, but so much has happened of late, and this is your first time making love. As difficult as it is to resist taking you here and now, I will wait until you are ready.” He kissed the tip of her nose, then brushed his lips across her brow.

  With her palms resting on his chest, Mareal met his gaze. “I have secretly loved you since we were bairns. It is true that a lot has happened in a brief amount of time, making me aware that time is precious, as are those we hold dear. I think we have waited long enough to join as one,” she cooed softly. “We are wed in name, and nothing would please me more than to become your wife on all levels, now.” She kissed his cheek, then moved to his lips.

  “That most certainly can be arranged.” Thrilled by her declaration, Andrew scooped her up, gently laid her on the bed, then paused to admire her beauty. “You truly are exquisite,” he said, then dragged his gaze away and quickly disrobed so he could join her.

  As his wife lay naked before him, Andrew offered up a silent prayer of thanks. He was a fool when he tried to resist the undeniable attraction, the lust, and desire he felt for her from the moment he arrived at MacCurtry Castle, and they squared off verbally for the first time. Now, he couldn’t imagine being married to anyone but her.

  His gaze locked on the luscious dips and curves of her womanly figure, he gently began a sensual exploration that started with a featherlight trace of her lips, then continued along the smooth slender column of her neck, across her shoulders, his fingers halting when he reached pert round breasts, begging to be suckled.

  Happy to oblige and eager to taste her sweetness, he wrapped his lips around one of her rose-colored tips, tugged gently with his teeth, then encircled it with his tongue. Mareal responded with a soft mewl of pleasure, causing his shaft to ache.

  Determined to see her fully sated, and to thwart the burgeoning urge to roll her beneath him, and enter her with one quick thrust, he continued to suckle the hard nib, teasing her heated flesh with his mouth. After caressing and fondling her other breast, he continued his exploration, skimmed his hand along her side, across her firm belly, before settling in the nest of soft curls at the apex of her thighs.

  She tensed when he slid his hand beneath her thighs, seeking her bud of arousal. “What are you doing?” she gasped.

  “Showing you the pleasure to be had when a man and woman are together,” he rasped, then slowly caressed the sensitive nub, then stroked faster when she began to writhe and begged for more. Certain she was ready, he slid his fingers between the hot, damp folds of her intimate place, increasing the tempo and depth of his penetration until she cried out, her body contracting violently around his fingers. Intent on giving her maximum pleasure, he continued his intimate touch until the last ripples of her release dissipated.

  She peered at him through heavy-lidded eyes and smiled. “That was amazing. Unlike anything I could have imagined.”

  Andrew crawled up beside her, kissed her passionately, then rolled her beneath him. “I have only begun to show you the wonders that await you.” He covered her mouth again, his tongue plundering, savoring the taste of her surrender. Then entered her with one quick thrust, claiming his woman, his wife.

  Chapter Twenty Nine

  The sound of a bird chirping outside her window heralded the new day. Still groggy and a tad sore from a night of unbridled passion, she lay very still, silently admiring her husband’s handsome features. Careful not to awaken him, she lightly traced his brow with her fingertips, then traveled along his sculpted cheek bones, and across his strong rugged chin. As she went to touch his lips, he clasped her wrist, catching her off guard.

  “Good morn,” he rasped, then tugged her close and stole a quick kiss. “I hope you slept well, wife.”

  “Verra well,” she whispered, then rolled on her back, draped her forearm across her brow, and stared at the ceiling. “Last night was incredible, Andrew. I have oft heard women whispering about making love, but never imagined it would be so amazing.” They’d joined three times during the night, and each encounter was unique and different from the one before. In addition to making her feel loved and cherished, Andrew awakened the woman in her, unleashing an array of sensations and emotions that left her breathless and wanting more.

  “I am glad you approved. Last night is but the beginning, leannan,” Andrew propped himself up on one elbow, then traced th
e slope of her breast with his fingertips, before taking a nipple into his mouth and drawing it between his teeth.

  In retaliation for the intimate torture, she playfully slid her hand over his groin and cupped his manhood, his shaft responding to her touch. “You are insatiable, Andrew, is it always this hard?”

  “Only when with you, leannan,” he rasped, then quickly rolled her beneath him and entered her.

  A moan of pure pleasure escaped her lips and she arched her back when he plunged in deep, relaxing and meeting him thrust for thrust as he settled into a most pleasant rhythm.

  A soft rap at the door, followed by another brought them crashing back. “Who do you think it is?” she whispered in Andrew’s ear.

  “Someone who clearly doesna value their life,” Andrew grumbled as he withdrew from her body, then slid from the bed and stomped toward the door. “Who is it?”

  “Elise. I am so sorry to disturb you, but William sent me. He was on his way to roust you out of bed, but I thought you might prefer it if I woke you up instead. He has been drinking all night and is well in his cups,” she whispered.

  “What does he want?”

  “He asked me to inform you the horses are saddled, and he has a garrison of men ready to escort us back to Fraser Castle,” she said.

  “What time is it?” Andrew opened the door a crack and peered into the hallway.

  “Near noon.”

  “Noon?” Andrew shot a quick glance at Mareal. “I canna believe we slept so late.”

  Mareal stretched, then rolled to her side and offered him a sultry grin. “I can. We had a busy, albeit a most pleasurable night.”

  Andrew coughed to clear his throat, then tore his gaze from Mareal, long enough to address his cousin. “Tell William we come anon. Once we dress, we will meet him in the bailey.”

  “Callum has asked that you join him in the great hall to break your fast afore we leave. Should I tell him you will come?” Elise asked.


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