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Sold to the MC Men

Page 9

by Sam Crescent

  They all stopped as the door opened, and there was Leah. She was dressed in a pair of boy shorts and a tank top. Her long brown hair was pinned on top of her head. It was so freaking hot outside, and staring at Leah with all those generous curves on display, he didn’t want to be playing pool.

  “Hey,” she said.

  Any of them that wasn’t standing did so.

  “Hey,” they all said. This time it wasn’t in unison, but each of them saying the same word.

  She let out a little laugh. “We’re all nervous.”

  “Not me,” Junior said.

  Edge gave him a slap around the back of the head.

  “It’s fine,” Leah said. “I … I’ve been doing a lot of thinking, and I have to say that I am curious about what you all mean about sharing. I’m new at all of this. Up until the other night I was a virgin. I mean, I know what a cock is and a pussy, and that you can do a whole lot of things.”

  She was blushing, and Dig found it the cutest sight.

  “I’ve never given myself a chance to be with a man. I only ever wanted to work, and to make sure I was able to support myself.” She took a deep breath. “One day I had hoped to find a man, settle down, fall in love. I’m not saying that it will happen with you guys. I know it’s not necessarily on the cards, but I would like to try, at least, if that is okay with you.”

  Did she want to try to fall in love with them or to give sharing a try? Dig was confused.

  “Is that a yes or a no?” Junior asked.

  Leah’s hands were clenched. “Yes, but I do have some more conditions.”

  They all froze.

  “More conditions?” Edge asked.

  “Yes, if that is okay. I bet you’ve got conditions with me.”

  Dig looked at his friends. They were more like his brothers.

  “You do, don’t you?” Leah asked.

  “Yes.” This time they all did speak in unison.

  She smiled. “Can I hear them?”

  “We can’t be jealous. We share you equally. You’re the one in control, what you say goes, and if you don’t want to, then we can’t force you, and above all else, we will respect your decision,” Edge said.

  “You’re all happy with this? Sharing me?” she asked.

  “Yes,” Edge said.

  “I need to hear you all say it and not just Edge. This is a big deal.”

  “Why is it?” Junior asked.

  “Okay, it may not be a big deal for you, but for me, this seems huge. I’ve never even had a boyfriend. This is all new for me. Brand new and scary, and to be honest, I don’t have the first clue what I’m doing.”

  “I want to be with you,” Tank said. “I’m not doing this as something to do with the club. I’m doing it because I want you, all of you, every single part.”


  “Same here,” Trick said. “I’ve never wanted a woman the way I do you.”

  Junior said the same, followed by Edge.

  “There’s no other woman for me,” Dig said. “I want you, and I want this.”

  “What are your conditions?” Edge asked.

  “You can’t fight over this. I will take a day with each of you, but the weekends are ours. All six of us are to be together, doing something. I don’t know what it is, but I want us to … get to know one another. Some of my conditions are similar to what we’ve already talked about.”

  Dig glanced back to see them all nodding. “We agree.”

  “If at any time you want to stop, you must speak up. We can’t argue or fall out. It has to be agreed by all,” she said.

  “Agreed.” Again, they all spoke at the same time.

  She looked away, and he saw she was nervous.

  “What is it?” he asked.

  “Love.” Her hands were clenched at her sides. “I want to have the option of love and forever. If you find that you can love me, and have me, I want to know if there’s a chance of a happy ever after, with one or all of you.”

  “Is that it?” Edge asked. “All of your conditions?”


  “Deal,” Edge said.

  “No arguments?” she asked.

  “Any of you guys want to argue?” he asked.

  They all shook their head.

  “Tonight is Friday, which is Junior’s night. Do you want to start tonight, or tomorrow?” Edge asked.

  “I think for the weekend, we should all be together, don’t you?”


  Junior was pissed. He wanted to get his night with Leah, and for her to say no upset him.

  She walked up to him and put her hands on his chest. “I know you’re annoyed with me.”

  He grabbed her ass, holding her close. “I want my night.”

  “I know, but this is a first for all of us, and seeing as it’s a Friday, why can’t we start tonight?” She cupped his cheek, pressing her lips to hers.

  He felt her shaking, and he didn’t want her to be nervous with him. There was nothing to be nervous about.

  “You want us all tonight?” Edge asked.

  “You’re all sitting around. I’m guessing you were all waiting for me. I’m so sorry. I would have come down sooner, but I needed to figure out the right way to say what I wanted to. I don’t think I did a very good job, to be honest.”

  “It was a yes. You didn’t have to overthink it,” Junior said. He lifted her up, and she wrapped her legs around his waist. As Junior placed her on the pool table, Dig was already putting the balls into the relevant holes. “I’m a simple creature, and I’m sure the others can figure it out.”

  She let out a giggle, and Junior just couldn’t resist, slamming his lips down on hers and claiming that kiss he’d been wanting all afternoon.

  Her moan filled the air as he cupped her tits. Without waiting, he pressed his nose against them and breathed her in.

  He knew his club brothers had gotten closer.

  “You need to learn to share,” Dig said.

  He looked up as Dig pulled her in close, his lips pressing to hers.

  Junior watched them kiss, and he was so aroused. He wanted to see all of his club brothers touching her, bringing her to pleasure, preparing her.

  Gripping her thighs, he spread them, sliding between them, drawing her to the edge, so she could feel the length of his arousal pressing to her core.

  He wanted her so damn badly.

  “Let’s take this into the movie room,” Edge said.

  Only one of the main bedrooms upstairs had a fireplace, but the movie room also had a one, with a nice, large rug in front of it.

  “You don’t need to tell me twice.” Junior lifted her up, and she let out a little squeal, wrapping her arms around his neck as he carried her. His cock felt like it was going to explode.

  Take it easy, Junior. She’s only been with one guy.

  He didn’t want to hurt her, but when it came to Leah, he was struggling to find any kind of control.

  Tank was already at the door, opening it for him so he didn’t have to use her back to push it open.

  She let out a laugh as he finally lowered her to the floor.

  Slamming his lips down on hers, he sank his fingers into her hair, holding her close, as he ravished her mouth. He was hungry for her. So desperate to be inside her, and to see her with each of his brothers.

  “I don’t think she was meaning for us all to share her tonight,” Edge said.

  Junior broke from the kiss. “You didn’t?”

  “I, erm, I didn’t mean sex, but I thought we could do something else.” She sat up and ran her hand down his chest. She went to her knees and suddenly his shirt was off. “You’re wearing way too many clothes.”

  “I won’t have a problem going naked for you. Just say the word and it’s yours.”

  She laughed. “You don’t have to prove anything to me.”

  “Believe me, I’m not trying to prove anything. I just want you, all of you.”

  He kissed her again as she went for the
buckle of his belt. This time, it was his moan as she grazed across his dick, and it was hard to even focus on anything else but the pleasure of her touch.

  “Do you have any idea what you’re doing to me?” he asked.

  She pulled away, looking at each of them. He saw the blush on her cheeks, and it looked sexy as well. She grabbed the bottom of her shirt and lifted it up over her head, giving them all a clear view of those large tits, with full, red nipples, which were pointed and begging to have a mouth on them.

  Junior would gladly be the one to suck on those beauties all day long. His mouth watered for a chance.

  “I think we should all get naked.” She stood up, wriggling out of her shorts. “Unless you have something else to do.”

  Junior was out of his jeans in a flash. He also saw the rest of the men doing exactly the same. It wasn’t the first time they’d all seen each other naked, and it wouldn’t be the last.

  “I win,” he said.

  “It’s not a competition,” she said.

  “Baby, in life, it’s always a competition.” He wrapped an arm around her and pulled her in close.


  She fit in his arms as if she’d been made to be with him, and to fit right there. He loved the feel of her breasts against him, and as he stroked her back, he knew he didn’t want this to end.

  How … strange?

  With so many women he’d enjoyed fucking them and leaving them. Commitment wasn’t something he was interested in. To him, commitment was for a bunch of pussies who didn’t know the world was full of many women to fuck.

  The thought of being with anyone else but Leah made him feel sick. She had gotten under his skin, and now he didn’t want anyone else.

  What did that all mean?

  Chapter Ten

  Tank stripped out of his clothes. He didn’t need any encouragement from his club brothers. Each one of them did the same until they all stood in the room naked. Leah captured all of their attention, and even as Junior kissed her hard, Tank couldn’t resist moving toward her back, grasping her ass, and pressing his body against hers. She felt incredible. Dig and Trick each moved in close, and he looked over her shoulder to see Edge.

  Their President stood watching.

  “You don’t want to touch?”

  “I’ll get my chance. I’ve been with her, and now I get to watch her come apart in front of each of you. Is that what you want, Leah?” he asked.


  “Then, Junior, touch her pussy. Feel how wet she is for all of us.”

  Tank kissed her neck, and the instant Junior’s fingers grazed over her pussy, Leah gasped. Her back arched, and he banded an arm around her waist to hold her steady. She wrapped one of her arms around the back of his neck, tilted back, and he couldn’t resist swallowing her cries as Junior continued to play with her.

  Sliding the tips of his fingers with his free hand, Tank stroked over her breast, moving out of the way as Dig and Trick each suckled on a nipple.

  They were all starving for a piece of her.

  Plunging his tongue into her mouth, he heard the sounds of Junior touching her.

  “Taste her, Junior. You know you want to, and Leah wants it too.”

  She broke from the kiss at Edge’s instruction, and then she let out a moan. It filled the air, echoing off the walls as Junior licked at her pussy.

  Tank couldn’t resist and glanced down to see Junior’s face between her thighs.

  “Does it feel good?” he asked.


  “He’s going to make you come soon.”

  She nodded, biting her lip, confirming she would.

  “I want to see you come apart, baby,” he said. “We all do. You’re going to look so sexy. Each of us are going to want to have a taste of you.”

  “I don’t know if I can handle all five of you,” she said. “So many orgasms.”

  They all chuckled.

  She cried out as Junior continued to lick at her pussy.

  “She’s so fucking tight,” Junior said. “And so tasty. I knew you’d be like this.”

  Tank kissed her lips, making her come apart with his touch.

  He saw the change in her and knew any second she was going to come. Her body was flushed and she looked so perfect, and he couldn’t help but watch as Junior brought her to a screaming orgasm.

  Dig and Trick didn’t stop licking at her breasts. They kept sucking at her nipples, and they really were a thing of beauty.

  The instant she came, though, the tension in the air grew.

  Tank still held her up as she was shaking from the orgasm.

  Junior stood up, wiping a hand down his face and licking off her excess release. “I could do that to you all day long.”

  “I may hold you to that,” she said.

  They all laughed.

  “Each of them is going to want to have a turn,” Edge said. “Do you want some more? Or do you want to call it quits for the night?”

  Leah patted Tank’s arm, and he let her go, watching as she went to her knees. She surprised him even more as she wrapped her fingers around his length and began to move them up and down.

  “I want to taste every single one of you.”

  “You want us to come in that pretty mouth?” Junior asked.

  “Maybe one of you.”

  Her face was so red, but she smiled up at him.

  “You’ve got nothing to be embarrassed here. We all want you.” Tank stroked a finger down her cheek.

  “I don’t want you guys thinking the worst of me,” she said.

  “That’s not possible,” Junior said. For once he didn’t appear to be joking around. “We know how special you are, and we don’t think or feel anything. Honest. We want you, and you want us. There’s nothing to be thinking the worst of.”

  They all agreed.

  She nodded, licking her lips, and then Tank cursed as she wrapped them around the tip of his dick. Her tongue licked the head before she went deeper.

  He wanted to grip the back of her head and force his way into her mouth, to go deeper, but he also didn’t want her to hate it.

  Cupping the back of his head with both hands, he watched her working his dick, sliding all the way down until he hit her throat before coming up. She didn’t gag once.

  She did this for several seconds before placing a kiss to the tip and turning toward Trick.

  Tank wasn’t going to complain. He was a few more sucks from coming into her mouth, and now as he watched Trick, he loved to see her enjoying herself, the way she swallowed as much of his cock as she could.

  When Trick looked close to losing it as well, she moved on to Dig, the brother getting the same kind of treatment as he and Trick had.

  Dig cupped the back of her head and slowly rocked against her. Leah grabbed his thighs, moaning.

  “Oh, fuck,” Dig said.

  They watched as their club brother came, and Leah sat there, working his dick, swallowing every single drop of cum.

  “I was going to pull out,” he said, seconds later.

  Leah sat back on her knees and smiled. “I wanted to do that.”

  She turned toward Junior with a smile, and then her mouth was on his cock.

  Wrapping his fingers around his length, Tank watched, loving the show, knowing soon, he was going to be between her pretty thighs.


  Trick went to his knees, spreading Leah out on the floor. She had brought Junior to his knees within a few licks of his cock, and then she’d tasted Edge. He’d never been so aroused in all of his life, watching her with his club brothers. They were his family, and seeing her tonight, he knew he could watch her all day long, sharing his brothers with her.

  Taking possession of her mouth, he ran his hands down her body, cupping her tits, Tank sat back, watching the show. He’d wanted to wait his turn with her.

  He thought the other guy was crazy, and as he touched her soaking wet pussy, Trick didn’t care what any of the brothers were do
ing as he felt her.

  “Are you ready for me?” he asked.


  Edge was close by. The brother hadn’t come in her mouth and had made her stop before he could.

  Three of them were ready for her, not just her mouth.

  With the tip of his cock at her entrance, Trick couldn’t wait another second, and he slid in deep, going to the hilt.

  She wrapped her legs around his waist, lifting herself up onto his dick and drawing him back in.

  “Yes, please, yes,” she said.

  He pulled out of her, and then slid in.

  Looking down at where they were joined, Trick began to rock inside her, going deep, feeling her tight cunt wrap around him as he filled her.

  Her cum was already on his cock, making him slick.

  In and out, he fucked her harder, going deeper with every single thrust.

  Pulling all of the way out, he held her hips in place as he stared down at her pussy. She was spread open wide. He slid back in. She was so wet and his cock so hard that it was easy for him to do so without anything between them.

  Rocking inside her, he felt her pussy pulse with each hard slam.

  “Trick, let me have a turn,” Tank said, moving toward him.

  Pulling out of her, Trick moved to the side.

  Leah wrapped her fingers around his cock, and Trick watched as Tank slid in deep, fucking her hard. He pounded her into the floor, holding her ankles up, using them as leverage.

  He couldn’t look away as Tank fucked her pussy. The man wasn’t gentle, and from the way Leah moaned, she loved it.

  Tank didn’t come though.

  He was the master of patience, and it seemed that he wasn’t in a rush to come. Instead, he pulled out and looked toward Edge.

  “Well? I think we can keep her on her toes.”

  Their club President stepped between her legs, but instead of keeping her on her back, he flipped her over, making her go to her knees before them all.

  Edge held the cheeks of her ass open and then slid into her pussy. She cried out as Edge held onto her hips and took her, slamming in deep with each pound of his cock.

  Trick stroked his hand down her back, teasing over her asshole.

  “One of us is going to be claiming this tight little ass, Leah. You’re going to have two of us inside you.” He ran his fingers down to her pussy where Edge and Leah were joined. He used her natural lubrication, coating his fingers and then rubbing it against her ass.


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