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Sold to the MC Men

Page 11

by Sam Crescent

  She giggled. “I’m not tired. I’ve been wondering why you didn’t want me?”

  He lifted her up, and she wrapped her legs around him.

  Junior found her center and slid in deep. She was already wet, and they were a perfect fit.

  “The one thing I can promise you, from now and for all eternity, there will never be a moment that I don’t want you. I want you all the time. I can be hard and ready just by looking at you. That’s how much you affect me.”

  He pulled out of her, only to slide back inside, and to go deeper than before.

  Reaching down between them, he stroked her pussy, feeling her clench and pulse around his dick. He couldn’t get enough of her.

  When she was close to her climax, he began to rock inside her. He loved to hear her beg, and once she’d asked him enough, he finally allowed her to come. He watched her come apart in his arms, and only when she had, did he begin to take her harder, slamming every single inch within her.

  Junior didn’t know what his club brothers felt for her, but he knew what he felt, and he had fallen for her.

  He didn’t need proof, or time. He knew he was in love with her, and he was willing to do whatever it took to keep her as part of the club. He couldn’t let her go, and he didn’t want to.


  Dig sat with Leah curled up against him. He ran his fingers through her hair, and watched the romance movie that was playing in the background. He’d not been paying attention to any of it, and didn’t really care what was going on. The only focus in his life right now was the woman in his arms.

  She was tired and had been painting the hallway.

  Slowly she was putting herself into their lives, and he, for one, was loving it. They’d been sharing her for two weeks now. He always got Wednesday. At thirty-eight years old, he was the third eldest.

  Junior and Tank were the babies of the crew.

  Leah let out a little sigh, rolling over.

  She looked up at him, and smiled. “Hey.”

  “Hey, beautiful. What are you doing?”

  “I’m so sorry. I think I’ve been overdoing it lately. I’ve been bad company.”

  “I got to have you snuggle up against my thigh, watch a couple get it on, I’m good.”

  She chuckled, getting to her feet.

  He wasn’t about to argue as she straddled his lap. Her hands wrapped around the back of his neck.

  “Can I kiss you?” she asked.

  “Babe, you can do whatever the hell you want to do with me.”

  She pressed her lips against his, and Dig sank his fingers into her hair, biting down onto her lip.

  He could kiss her for days, weeks, months.

  Junior had already told him that he’d fallen in love with her. From the way Tank looked at her, Dig had a feeling the other brother did as well. For the first time, Tank didn’t look like he was dying inside.

  Leah brought out the light in all of them. She’d been brought into their lives, and now, they didn’t want to let her go.

  Gripping her ass, he drew her down against him, rubbing his cock against her core.

  “I want you,” she said.

  Letting go of her ass, he pulled his cock out and was ready to go without any encouragement. “I’m ready, baby.”

  She giggled. “You want me?”


  She wore a pair of those boy shorts, and she climbed off his lap, wriggling out of them.

  He loved her body. Especially her hips. He always enjoyed a woman he could hold onto and fuck.

  Reaching between them, he held his cock, rubbing it against her wet slit. She was ready for him, and he wasn’t about to stop.

  With a grip on her hip, he moved her down so she took him inch by inch, and he loved feeling her tighten around him.

  There was no greater feeling in the world than being inside her.

  When he was all the way in, he held her hips and worked her pussy over his length, watching themselves.

  He looked at Leah, to see her watching the two of them.

  “Now that is a pretty sight.”

  Dig glanced over her shoulder to see Edge staring at them.

  “How about you join in?” Leah asked.

  “Well, Dig, what do you say I fuck that ass?”

  Dig did no more than reach behind her and spread those cheeks. “I’d love you to.”

  Edge moved in closer.

  Sucking on Leah’s nipple, Dig pulled her attention back to him. “You want that ass fucked?” he asked.


  “Then I want to hear you beg for it. Edge knows what he’s doing, and he’s going to make it so good for you.”

  “I trust you. I trust both of you.”

  “Good. Because we both want you.”

  Edge returned seconds later with a brand-new tube of lubrication. Dig had gone to the store yesterday to get a supply of it. They all wanted to claim Leah, and each of them was hungrier than before for more of her. It was like the first touch had awakened them all to her, and now they couldn’t get enough.

  Leah moaned as Edge touched her ass.

  “It’s going to hurt to start off with, Leah, but then, it’s going to be so good.”

  “Be gentle,” she said.

  “I wouldn’t hurt you,” Edge said, kissing her shoulders.

  Dig stroked his fingers across her clit. His cock was balls deep inside her, but he wanted to watch her, to see her come apart as his President took her ass.

  The frown across her brow deepened, and she bit down onto her lip, almost as if it was too much. She let out a gasp, and Dig continued to stoke her clit, turning that pain into pleasure.

  He felt how tight her pussy got as Edge moved in deeper.

  “I’m in,” Edge said. “And you have got one nice ass. Make her come, Dig.”

  “Already on it.” He teased her pussy, watching her face as she came apart, his name on the tip of her tongue.

  Dig counted to ten in his mind so he didn’t blow and embarrass himself. When she was in the throes of orgasm, Edge began to claim her ass.

  Matching his pace, Dig moved his fingers from her soaking wet pussy and started to move her on his cock.

  Her nails sank into the flesh of his shoulders. He’d removed his shirt long before he’d sat down with her to watch a movie.

  Edge wrapped his arms around her hair, tilting her head back, and seeing her exposed, vulnerable, at their mercy, only brought him closer to the edge.

  His orgasm was so close, and as he heard Edge growl with a final thrust, he joined him, releasing into her pussy.

  It was his night, and he’d get to take her to bed, but the truth was, she belonged to each of them.

  There was no jealousy, and he loved to watch her come apart.

  Junior and Tank had admitted their feelings, and now he was sure he loved her.

  It scared him how quickly he’d fallen for her, and how perfect she was in their lives.

  There would never be another Leah for as long as they all lived.

  Chapter Twelve

  “Marcel’s got another shipment that he wants taken across the border. We can make it through. It’s not as big, and he’s paid a man on the line. It will be a quick in and out, two days tops,” Edge said.

  The last thing he wanted to do was to go on another run. It had been three weeks since Leah had become their own woman, and this would be the first time they left her alone. It wasn’t that he didn’t trust her, because that wasn’t it at all. He did trust her, and knew she wouldn’t betray them.

  He simply didn’t want to leave her.

  All four of his men had confided in him, each of them telling him the same thing. They all had fallen in love with Leah. None of them could explain how it had happened, just that they couldn’t live without her.

  “Do we have to go? We don’t need the money,” Junior said.

  “It does feel too close for comfort. I got no problem making the run, but I told you, I don’t want to do any
time,” Tank said.

  “We all don’t want to leave Leah, and that’s the truth,” Trick said. “There’s no point denying it.”

  “I’m not going to,” Dig said.

  “We can’t all go,” Edge said. “I’m not willing to leave Leah here alone. We’ve got enemies. Our clubhouse is safe, but not from people who are determined to get inside.”

  “This is bullshit. Can’t we just wait?”

  “Nope, there’s no waiting,” Edge said. “This is part of our agreement, and it has been over a month since our last run. He wouldn’t have asked if it wasn’t necessary.”

  Marcel was a good ally and friend.

  “Do we draw straws?” Dig asked. “Only one of us needs to stick around here. I don’t want any of you to be at risk, so I’m coming with.”

  “Junior will be staying behind,” Edge said.

  “What the fuck for?” Junior asked. “You need me. You know I’m good at detecting trouble.”

  He was. Over the years, Junior had gotten them out of several bad situations.

  “I know, but Leah is our priority right now. I know you’ll keep her safe.”

  “What about you guys? I don’t want to risk it,” Junior said.

  “We can make it there and back without any problems. If everything is paid for, I don’t see there being a problem,” Trick said.

  “Marcel’s never let us down,” Edge said.

  “We didn’t have anything to lose then,” Tank said. “I want us to talk about Leah.”

  “We are talking about her,” Dig said.

  Edge looked at his men. “You’re all in love with her.”

  They all turned toward him.

  “And you’re not?” Junior asked.

  Edge was silent. He honestly didn’t have a clue what to do or say. He was at a loss. “Look, it doesn’t matter—”

  “It does,” Junior said. “I don’t want to wait around for Leah to either grow bored or for us all to fuck ourselves to death. I love her. I want her to be our woman, and for us all to start a family with her.”

  “Don’t you think you’re a bit young to be wanting a family?” Edge asked.

  “I’m thirty years old. I’m ready to be a dad, and in case it hasn’t crossed any of your minds, anyone noticed how our woman hasn’t even asked for a break in the last couple of weeks?”

  Edge frowned at Junior. “What?”

  “She’s a woman. Women have cycles, and our woman hasn’t. Anyone find that odd?”

  The entire table tensed.

  “I see we’re finally on the same page. I haven’t tried to be safe with her. I want her to be pregnant because I love her. You’ve all got to make a decision.”

  “I’m the club President.”

  “So tell me, Edge, what’s it going to be? Are you in love with Leah or not?”

  His men were all looking at him, and as he stared at them, he wasn’t seeing any of them. He saw Leah. The way she stretched out beneath him as he made love to her. Her head tilted back, laughing so hard because he was tickling her. He loved how she ran into his arms and kissed him.

  Above all else, he loved the smile she often gifted him with. It was the kind of smile that told him he was loved, or cared for.

  “Yes, I do,” he said. The words fell from his lips, and he knew how true they were.

  He had fallen in love with Leah, and now, he didn’t want to let her go. It was why he’d not brought up the subject of her mother. He had to deal with the woman, and for the past few weeks, he’d allowed everything to run its course.

  “Before we go, we’ve got to get a pregnancy test,” Trick said. “We need to know before we leave if she’s pregnant.”

  “What about Leah?” Tank said. “We’re all assuming she’s going to want to be with us, and none of us know how she really feels. She was given to us, but that doesn’t mean she came willingly. Far from it, in fact.”

  “Then we ask her,” Edge said. He was really fucking nervous. “I’ll go and get the test. You guys stay here, and when I get back, we’ll discuss everything.”

  “When you get back?”

  “Yes, surely you can all wait that long.” He got to his feet, slamming his hand down on the table and leaving.

  A child.

  A baby.

  The chance to be a father.

  He’d never trusted a woman with his kid before, but he’d watched Leah carrying washing, as silly as it sounded, and she would make one hell of a mother. Not just because she carried washing but he’d seen the kindness inside her.

  She deserved better than a bunch of bikers, but he didn’t know if he could let her go, or even if he wanted to.


  The guys were acting strangely.

  Leah sat at the kitchen table. Edge’s food was keeping warm in a low oven, but everyone else was so quiet. They wouldn’t look her in the eye, and when she caught them staring at her, they’d quickly avert their gaze.

  It was hard not to feel a little … strange.

  Were they bored of her already?

  The very thought of them not wanting her anymore scared her. Biting her lip, she moved her food around the table. For the past couple of days, she’d been feeling a little sick in the mornings.

  Now, she was wondering if she was coming down with anything.

  “Does Edge not want me around anymore? Is that why he’s gone and he’s leaving you guys to, I don’t know, do the work for him?” she asked.

  “What? No. No, of course not,” Tank said. He was the first one to speak up.

  “Edge has gone to get you a little something, but we can’t talk about it until he arrives.”

  “Why not? If you don’t want to get rid of me, what could it be?”

  None of them answered. Getting to her feet, she walked to the sink, dumping her uneaten food.

  She was about to say something to them when the unmistakable sound of a bike filled the air.

  She didn’t know if she felt relief or not.

  Leaving the kitchen, she went straight to Edge, who had a small bag in his hand.

  “Do you want me to leave?” she asked.


  “The guys are all acting funny, and they won’t talk to me. Do you want me to leave? Have you found someone else to replace me?” She felt tears fill her eyes, and she gritted her teeth, trying to keep them down.

  She wasn’t going to cry. She wouldn’t let them see any kind of weakness in her.

  No matter what they threw at her, she was going to be able to handle it. She’d handled the system, and these men, they were a piece of cake.

  “I got you this,” Edge said.

  He pulled out a box.

  Her eyes went wide. “Pregnancy test?”

  “We’re all in love with you, Leah. Every single one of us. We want you to consider a life with all of us, not to run away, or to pass you over for someone else. We all want you to be pregnant so you can stay as our woman and we don’t ever have to find a reason to keep you with us.”

  Leah’s mouth fell open. She looked at each of the men in turn. They had all followed her outside to meet Edge.

  “You … all want the same?” she asked.

  “I would have gone with a nicer, more romantic spin on the facts, but I don’t see a problem with getting straight to the point, I guess,” Junior said.

  Edge shrugged. “I’m not good with words. We’re all in love with you, and if you think you’re confused, that doesn’t even come close to how fucking up we all are. Believe me.”

  “You all want to share me? To have me.”

  “Do you love us?” Tank asked.

  “Do you think you can live with all of us in your life, forever?” Dig asked.

  She licked her lips and nodded. “Yes, of course I can. I would love to have you all in my life.” She let out a little sniffle. “How could you even doubt it?” she asked, throwing herself into Edge’s arms.

  He wrapped his around her, stroking her back.

��We all love you,” Edge said.

  “I love you too. I don’t want you to ever stop loving me. Please, don’t.” She hated how needy she sounded, but this was what she’d been waiting for since forever. To have all of them for herself to love them all equally for the rest of her life.

  Her feelings for them weren’t instant. There were times she’d been a little scared, but now, there was no denying it. She loved them all so much and didn’t want to let any of them go.

  Moving to each man, she kissed them, wanting to bask in this moment. Not every woman in the world could be loved by all five men, but she had that.

  Edge held up the test when she came back to him.

  “We’ve got a run to take care of, and we all need to know the answer.”

  “I’ve never taken a test before.”

  “You’ve got us by your side.”

  She held the box in her hand. “What about my mom? I … I don’t want her to do anything to hurt any of you. I couldn’t bear it if something was to happen.” She nibbled her lip, hating the sudden hit of insecurity that rushed through her. “She’s a monster.”

  “We’ve handled our fair share of monsters,” Junior said.

  “Believe us, we won’t let any harm come to you,” Tank said.

  “It’s not me I’m worried about. It’s you.”

  Edge took her hands, and she stared down at his much larger ones. All it took was one touch from him to make her feel calm, even as she held the box that could potentially change her life forever.

  “We’ll take care of your mother. We’ll take care of everything. Do you want to get to know her at any point?” Edge asked. “Answer this truthfully.”

  “You’re going to kill her?” she asked.

  “I need to know the answer.”

  The first time she’d seen her mother, she’d sold her. There was no love or support there. She didn’t want to get to know her mother. She wanted nothing to do with her. If she was pregnant, there was no way she would let that vile woman come close to her, or her baby.

  “I don’t want her anywhere near me, any babies we all might have, or you. I don’t ever want to see her again.”

  Edge nodded. “Let’s deal with this test.”


  Tank sat on the floor while Junior paced. Edge leaned against the wall nearest the door. Dig sat opposite him by the door, and of course, Trick was doing a handstand against one of the spare bedroom doors.


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