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Ruin Me: A College Bully Reverse Harem Romance (Weissmore Academy Book 1)

Page 8

by Nora Cobb

  More than right.

  He did the same to the other breast, not bothering to remove my bra as he leaned down and pressed a long, lingering kiss to my lips. “I’m going to make you feel real good,” he said, trailing his tongue down my jawline. “Until you will be begging me for more.”

  Heck, I hoped so.

  My breath stuttered in my chest as one of his hands slid down my abdomen to the waistband of my leggings, starting to push them down off my hips. I lifted them to help him out and he pulled them all the way off, leaving nothing but the black thong I had put on this morning, bared to him now.

  He sucked in a breath before his lips pressed a kiss right above the waistband of my thong. “I’m going to taste you,” he said softly, blowing on the spot.

  “You will be the first,” I whispered, causing his head to snap up to meet my eyes. There was no reason to hide the fact that I was a virgin. He was going to find out soon enough anyway.

  A slow smile crossed his face. “You don’t know how happy that makes me, Anna.”

  I didn’t respond, mainly because he had placed his finger in the side of my thong and pulled it aside, baring me to him completely. I shut my eyes, my body feeling anxious and ready at the same time, wondering what it would feel like to have him taste me. I was no stranger to orgasms, having had more than my share alone, by my own hand, but this was completely different.

  Scary, but completely insane.

  When Arthur’s lips touched me, I nearly bucked off the bed, his tongue delving into my folds and touching the swollen nub that was hidden there.

  Oh my God. That’s what it felt like.

  He settled between my legs and I arched my back against his intrusion, panting as I felt the pressure start to build under the flickering of his tongue. My body was tense with anticipation and my hands found his hair, holding him in place so that he could finish what he had started.

  For if he stopped now, I wouldn’t know what to do.

  Arthur didn’t disappoint however, tasting every inch of me as his hand found my breast, pushing the lace aside to cup my bare breast. There were so many changes that I found it hard to concentrate, instead letting myself go with his movement, eagerly rolling my hips so that I could meet his thrust.

  When the orgasm hit, I cried out, trying to twist away from his mouth as he lapped up his prize, the aftershocks so strong that I thought I was never going to stop.

  No wonder that was popular.

  Once my body drifted back down to the bed, I cracked open an eye, finding Arthur sitting back on his haunches, a knowing grin on his face. “That good, huh?”

  “I hope that’s not it,” I said boldly.

  “Not at all,” he growled, reaching for his jeans button. I watched him remove his jeans and boxers, the length of him jutting out from his body. “You’re beautiful,” I replied, wanting to touch him but scared to.

  “Not as beautiful as you,” he said, touching himself. “Do you see what you do to me, Anna? This is all you. I need to have you. Can I have you?”

  I swallowed, rehashing the last few minutes. If I didn’t, he would walk out of here.

  But if I did, I would finally know what it meant to have sex with someone, that someone being Arthur. “Yes,” I said, my throat clogged with emotion. “Yes.”

  His grin widened and Arthur reached into his jeans on the floor, pulling out a condom. I watched unabashedly as he slid on the rubber, wondering if next time he would let me touch him.

  I desperately wanted to touch him.

  He paused at my entrance, his eyes locking on mine. “Are you sure about this, Anna?” he asked, grasping my hips. “I will stop.”

  “No,” I said, finding my voice. “Please, don’t stop.”

  He groaned and slowly inched his way inside, stretching me as he did so. There was a flash of pain as he pushed in and I winced but in a fleeting minute it was gone, and Arthur was fully sheathed inside me.

  “Are you all right?” he asked, his voice rough.

  I nodded, not trusting my voice as I tried to get used to how it felt. His fingers gripped my hips tightly as he pulled out a little then guided himself back in, causing me to arch my back in response.

  Wow, what a feeling.

  Before I knew it, I was meeting him thrust for thrust, my body building to something more, something that was going to make me fall apart.

  “Damn, Anna,” Arthur grunted, his fingers biting into my skin. “You are so tight, so wet.”

  “Yes,” I breathed; my hands balled up in the sheets. “Please, Arthur.”

  When the orgasm hit, I screamed his name, not caring that everyone in the hall probably could hear. Let them hear. They already thought I was sleeping with the kings and now I was.

  But only one of them, the only one I cared about.

  I cared about Arthur. In a matter of a few days, he had drawn me in, and I didn’t want to let go.

  “Anna,” he grunted, his body stiffening as he poured into the condom. I rode the waves of my own orgasm, a thin layer of sweat covering my body.

  Arthur collapsed on top of me and I welcomed his weight, my mind trying to process what I had just done.

  What I had just given him.

  My hand touched his head and he sighed, gathering me about the waist, almost like a loving gesture that tore at my heart. I wasn’t stupid. I didn’t know if this was a conquest with Arthur or something more, but only time would tell, honestly.

  I just hoped it was something more.

  Finally, Arthur rolled off me and walked into the bathroom, giving me a healthy view of his bare ass as he did so. Gah, he was sexy naked! His body was chiseled to perfection, sending my heart racing as I thought about touching him all over, tracing his muscles with my fingertips.

  If this did continue, Arthur’s body was going to be my playground.

  He came out of the bathroom and I averted my gaze, my cheeks heated as he joined me on the bed, tucking the covers around us. When he pulled me into his arms, I gladly went, laying my cheek on his muscular chest.

  “Well,” he said after a moment, his hand drifting up and down my naked back.

  “Well,” I answered, my lips curving into a smile. I was lying in my bed, with a naked guy next to me.

  It was insane. “Is this another one of your lessons? What would you call this? The royal fuck?”

  I was teasing of course but I felt Arthur stiffen at my words, causing my smile to fade. “This wasn’t a lesson.”

  I lifted my head, pressing my chin against his chest instead so that I could meet his gaze. “I’m just joking.”

  His expression didn’t lighten, and I started to worry.

  “Hey, what’s up? What’s wrong?” I asked.

  He blew out a breath, his fingers stilling on my back. “You’re off-limits to Royce and Max now.”

  “And?” I asked. I hoped that this wasn’t him flexing his muscle and showing off the fact that he had taken me out of the running just to spite them. “Is this some sort of game?”

  “No,” he said quickly, his hand warm on my back again. “It’s not—I—hell, you need to know something.”

  All sorts of emotions threaded through me, worried about what might come out of his mouth about what we had just done, and what he wanted to do next. I wasn’t going to be able to take it if he told me this was some sort of game. He had answered that question far too quickly for my liking.

  God, I didn’t want to be one of those girls! I was struggling enough to be part of this academy, to fit in where I clearly didn’t.

  “Your arrival here wasn’t just the luck of the draw,” he started, resting his head against the headboard. “Your birthright—you have every right to be here at Weissmore, Anna.”

  Confused, I sat up, not bothering to cover my nakedness. “What?”

  His eyes traveled downward before bringing them back to my face. “You heard me. You are here at Weissmore because you belong here. You’ve always belonged here.”

  I le
t out a short laugh. “How the fuck would you know that? I’m just a poor orphan kid who doesn’t know who her parents are.”

  “You might not know,” Arthur started. “But if the rumors are true, you will be finding out soon enough, Anna. You are royalty, whether you believe it or not.”

  I didn’t, even if the pieces were falling into place, the pieces that had been in the back of my mind all along that I had chosen to ignore until now. “What do you know?”

  He shook his head. “I’m not going to tell you about this right now. The timing is not right.”

  “Are you serious?” I fired back. “I’ve wanted to know who I am all my life and now you aren’t even going to tell me?”

  Arthur let out a heavy sigh. “I can’t. Just trust me on this, Anna. Please.”

  Some of my anger melted away as I saw the earnest look on his face. “You promise you will tell me?”

  Arthur reached for me, pulling me back against him. “I promise,” he murmured against my temple, his lips pressing against my skin. “But you have got to start showing these assholes that you belong here, Anna. You aren’t a poor little American orphan; you are something that no one will be expecting. Show them that you are.”

  I lay there in his arms, silent for a little while, my thoughts whirling in my head until Arthur disengaged himself from me and grabbed his clothes. I watched him dress, propping my head up on my elbow. He knelt beside the bed until we were face-to-face, tenderly brushing the hair out of my eyes. “I will help you,” he said. “I will help you be one of us, but you have to trust me. Do you trust me, Anna?”

  “Yes,” I said softly, my insides melting. “I do trust you, Arthur.”

  He pressed his lips against mine before standing. “This changes a lot, Anna. I hope you know that.”

  I leaned back on the pillow as he walked to the door and stepped out, likely to a hall full of freshmen that would know what had transpired in this room.

  I turned on my back and stared up at the ceiling, trying to process the last few hours.

  One, I was no longer a virgin.

  Two, I had lost my virginity to a king, a man whose intentions I wasn’t so sure about, no matter how much I wanted them to be pure and good.

  Three, I belonged here. Whatever Arthur knew about my heritage, he was keeping it close to him, but eventually I would know. I would find out who my parents were.

  The thought clogged my throat full of tears. I had spent most of my life picturing my parents, coming up with all sorts of reasons why they had left me in the shelter. Everything from them being spies to them running from the government and wanting me to have a normal life, to protecting me from being on the run.

  Of course, all of it had been the product of a sad little girl watching all the other kids have parents of their own.

  Sighing, I buried my face in my pillow, Arthur’s scent still clinging to the sheets. One thing was for sure.

  My life had just changed.


  When Johanna arrived a few hours later, I had showered and changed my sheets, blushing at the proof of losing my virginity right in front of my face as I did so.

  “It smells like sex in here,” she stated, wrinkling her nose as she dropped her bag on her bed.

  I flushed and turned my attention back to my homework, a small smile playing on my lips.

  “What did you do?” she asked, coming over to my bed. “Oh my God, Anna. What did you do?”

  “Nothing,” I forced out, turning the page in my book without really looking at it.

  Johanna’s hand slammed down on the page and I looked up.

  “I can see it written all over your face,” she said, her eyes flashing. “Please tell me you didn’t sleep with him.”

  “I didn’t sleep with him,” I answered honestly. I mean we didn’t sleep together in those terms.

  “Oh my God,” she repeated, shoving a hand through her hair. “You are—I can’t believe you did it with him!”

  My grin faded. “Are you mad?”

  She let out a harsh laugh, dropping her hands. “Mad? No. I could not care less about Arthur these days. But do you know what you are doing, Anna? He’s a king, one that could absolutely ruin you in an instant! I mean … you’re not …”

  Her voice trailed off and I narrowed my eyes. “I’m not what? One of you?”

  Johanna’s eyes went wide. “That’s not what I was going to say! I don’t give a fuck who you are, Anna. You know that.” She then swallowed hard. “I just don’t want to see you get hurt.”

  Some of my anger faded and I climbed off the bed, wrapping her in a hug. “Thank you for the concern, Johanna, but I know what I am doing, all right?”

  “I sure hope so,” she mumbled against my shoulder, hugging me tightly.

  I continued to hug my friend, though her concerns started to seep into my thoughts. I really didn’t know what I was doing at all. I had no idea who I was, what Arthur’s true intent was with me, or if I could survive one semester here.

  I didn’t have a clue at all, and it scared me to death.

  Chapter 10

  “No, you can’t do that. That’s considered an insult.”

  I slumped into the chair, kicking at the table like a little kid that didn’t get her way. “Why does it matter how I greet a sheik or whoever he is? I mean it’s not like I am going to ever meet him in person.”

  “You don’t know that,” Arthur said, crossing his arms over his chest. “You probably have already met his future wife, Nadia.”

  I rubbed a hand over my face, my head feeling as if it was going to explode. It had been exactly a month since Arthur and I had slept together, a month since he had told me that I potentially could be royalty, and a month since he’s told me that I needed to brush up on my royal skills.

  A month of sheer torture after a full day’s worth of classes, whenever he didn’t have polo practice. Arthur had turned into a royal fanatic lately, forcing me to sit through hours of lessons.

  While the rest of the academy thought we were sneaking to his house to have sex, I was sitting in this chair, listening to him ramble on about some old duke or the proper way to greet a sheik.

  Yeah, it was so romantic I could hardly stand it.

  Not that we weren’t having sex anymore. Oh no, we had sex nearly every day, so much so that I knew every contour of Arthur’s body, my lips having kissed his skin more times than I could count.

  Arthur was proving to be a tender lover, not one to have quick romps, but when time allowed, to have long, drawn-out sessions that had me panting with need.

  Considering I had nothing to compare it to, however, I didn’t know if this was normal or not.

  “Anna,” Arthur said, snapping his fingers in front of my face. “Pay attention.”

  “I’m trying,” I answered wearily. “This is a lot, Arthur. Isn’t there a book or something I can read instead?”

  He sighed, crouching down in front of my chair. “I know it’s a lot to take in,” he said, touching my cheek. “But it’s all worth it, I promise.”

  “How did you learn this stuff?” I asked, curious to know more about the king I was sleeping with. He hadn’t told me anything about him or his family, though I felt like he knew more about me than he was letting on.

  A lot more.

  He grinned, causing my heart to skip a beat. “I had a lot of tutors. If you think this is bad, think of learning all this from the moment you are old enough to sit still in a chair. There were days I would hide from my tutor, hoping that he would give up and let me have a break.”

  “I bet you were a cute kid,” I said, smiling.

  “I was,” he laughed, his hand on my knee now. “But I was also bad most of the time. I’m almost positive my father’s gray hair is from all the yelling he did at me.”

  “What do you want to do after you graduate?” I asked. “I mean do you get a job or just sit around and wait for your turn on the throne?”

  His smile faded and he stood abruptl
y. “Come on, let’s get you back to your room.”

  I didn’t press the issue, though deep down I felt a disconnect from Arthur the moment I started to pry in his personal life. What was he afraid of?


  Later that week, I walked with Johanna from the commons room to the dining hall, my stomach growling loudly as we did so. “Good God,” she muttered. “Did you even eat anything today?”


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