Book Read Free

King Reece

Page 6

by Shaun Sinclair

  “Yeah! How could I forget!?”

  “It was like that.”


  The conversation from earlier was still fresh in Flame’s mind. 8-Ball had been his best friend since the sandbox. Flame desperately wanted him to understand his new status. He couldn’t soar like an eagle by hanging with penguins in the hood. Flame was a millionaire; he was supposed to act different! He didn’t hone his craft and work nonstop to remain the same. Flame wanted to be the same ole G from the hood, but the truth was, he was so big he had become a prisoner of his own fame.

  The attendant brought their food, and they left the diner in Flame’s Benz. They pulled up to a light, and 8-Ball was complaining about his order.

  “Damn, these mu’fuckas can’t never get an order right,” he griped. Flame tuned him out and just bobbed his head to the music.

  Suddenly, a burgundy van screeched up beside them, partially blocking them off. A masked man jumped from the back of the van with a shotgun.

  “Yeah, nigga! You know what it is! Get the fuck out!” He thrust the shotgun in Flame’s face. Another masked man was sticking a shotgun in 8-Ball’s open door. 8-Ball fell out onto the pavement. Meanwhile Flame still gripped the steering wheel, refusing to move.

  The man poked the barrel into Flame’s face, and blood spurted from his mouth “Nigga, move now!” Shaken, Flame reluctantly crawled out of the window, not even bothering to open the door.

  The man with the shotgun butt stroked him in the back of the head and knocked him down. Behind them, a car blared its horn in protest. The jackers were oblivious to it. One of them hopped in on the passenger side while the other one stepped over Flame and commandeered the car. The van peeled off with Flame’s Benz right behind it. Flame lay on the pavement reeling in agony. He clutched his face, and blood oozed through his hands.

  “Shiiiiit!” he cried out. Flame looked over to 8-Ball, still lying facedown in the street cowering like a bitch. He rubbed his neck where he felt pain. More blood came back on his hands. That’s when he realized his necklace was gone.

  Damn, he didn’t even feel them snatch that off. That was $40,000!

  Flame picked himself up off the ground when spectators rushed to his aid and realized who he was. In the distance he could hear sirens wailing. Moments later, the paramedics arrived and treated him on the spot. He was too embarrassed to allow them to take him to the hospital.

  After they treated him, he took a cab to his home in Kings Grant—sans 8-Ball.

  Flame stumbled into his home shaken. I could’ve been killed, he said to himself. He shook his head repeatedly, reliving the scene in his head. He kept seeing the van pull up and screech to a halt. He smelled the burned rubber and felt the cold steel in his mouth as if it were happening right now. Flame shook off the memories and collected himself. He didn’t know what to do next. One thing for sure, the booty call for later was off. He was in no condition to entertain. He had pissed on himself, and he still couldn’t stop shaking. He was in no condition to chase ass. He only wanted to chase justice.

  * * *

  Rolando walked into his palatial Carolina home. As he walked through his marble foyer he noticed dim light emanating from the grand room. Once he entered it, he discovered the source of the light. His wife, R & B sensation Niya, awaited him at the top of the spiral staircase. She wore a see-though teddy that partially covered her ample breasts, and underneath it a crotchless thong. In her hand was a bottle of Dom Pérignon accompanied with two long-stem glasses.

  “Hmm, you’re home early,” Niya cooed. Doe dropped his briefcase where he stood and began his ascent upstairs.

  “Shit, if I would’ve known this was waiting on me, I would’ve been home a lot sooner.”

  “Boy, you crazy.” Niya laughed. She greeted Doe with an embrace once he reached her.

  “Word, though. What’s up with this?” Doe questioned between kisses.

  “Well, I know the great King Reece will be home tomorrow, so I’m going to get me now because I know you have a lot of catching up to do when he gets home.” She led him by the hand. “Now come on.”

  Doe loved an assertive woman. Niya led them to the bedroom and stood Doe before the bed to undress him. Niya avoided eye contact the entire time. Doe didn’t want to disrupt the moment, but he knew something was wrong with his wife. A part of marriage was compromising, so he had no choice but to address the issue.

  “Hold up, hold up.” Doe stopped Niya from unclothing him. “What’s wrong, Sunshine? Tell Daddy what’s wrong.”

  Niya looked away. “Nothing,”

  Doe cupped her chin in his hands. “Come on now. You know I know better than that.”

  Niya was persistent, “No, Boobie. Not now. Tonight is about us. We’ll discuss it later.”

  Doe was not to be denied. “No, Sunshine. Something’s on your mind, so let’s discuss it.”

  It didn’t take much more prodding.

  “Okay, if you insist,” Niya surrendered, blowing out her nose. She plopped down on the bed and garnered Doe’s full attention.

  “Are you sure you want Reece in on your company? I mean are you sure he is done with the streets? If not, he could bring you down. I know he’s your cousin, but—”

  “Calm down. Calm down,” Doe whispered. He kissed Niya on the forehead to placate her. “Everything is under control. One thing my cousin is and has always been is a businessman. He has money tied into the company now, so he is going to protect his investment. He finally allowed us to use his money. That’s why we don’t need AMG anymore. We can afford to go fully independent again. And once we release you from your obligations at AMG, the money will pour in.” He spread his hands. “So, he’ll do right.”

  Niya was still unsure. “You think those vultures will release me?”

  “I have no doubt they will,” assured Doe. “Now stop worrying so much. I got you.”

  Doe kissed her deeply on the lips. She reciprocated. He placed long, wet kisses on her neck. Niya moaned in pleasure and scooted farther up on the bed. Doe removed her lace teddy, unleashing her soft mounds of flesh. All that remained was her crotchless thong. Doe took each breast into his mouth and sucked them gently and deeply, taking a moment to nibble on each nipple that extended a full inch due to her arousal. Niya wrapped both hands around his neck and pulled him in. She dug her nails in to his neck as the passion intensified. Doe moved from Niya’s breast down to her navel, then to the inside of her thighs, where he plunged two fingers inside her hot wetness. He strummed her insides as if he were playing a guitar.

  “Oooooh, baby . . . just like that,” Niya hissed.

  Doe stopped pleasuring Niya to pleasure himself with admiration of her beauty. Looking at his wife was like experiencing a visual orgasm. Her perfect 36Cs heaved from desire. Her six-pack abs flexing was like human art. The short hairs on her tight pussy were trimmed into a perfect heart as if done by a barber. Even her muscular thighs were feminine. Niya was sexy personified.

  Doe licked his thumb and ran it over Niya’s swollen clitoris; then he plunged his head between her legs and took it into his mouth. At the same time, he slid his middle finger inside of her wet slit. He sucked Niya’s clit while twirling his finger inside and sent Niya vacationing on the winds of ecstasy. While Niya bucked wildly, Doe penetrated her back door with another finger. At first, she jumped more out of surprise than pain, but once Doe established a rhythm between his sucking and plucking, Niya came again and again. Her juices were so sweet to Doe. He could’ve pleased her this way all night, but he was ready to feel her.

  He swiftly removed the remainder of his clothes and prepared to penetrate her. Just as he guided his penis to Niya’s entrance. . . the phone rang.

  Doe never interrupted his drive or missed a beat. Nothing was going to prevent him from pleasing his wife. Nothing except the message echoing on his machine from Flame.

  Doe snatched the phone from the cradle. “You were what?!!”

  On the other end Flame was di
straught. “I got carjacked.”

  “When? Where?”

  “Earlier. By Payettebille State.”

  “Are you all right?”


  “Where you at anyway?”

  “I’m at home.”

  “Did you get hurt or anything? Have you been to the hospital or filed a report?” Doe had a million and one questions.

  “Nah, man.”

  “Why not? And why are you talking like that?”

  Behind Doe, Niya was just recovering from her numerous climaxes and was demanding to know what was going on.

  “My lip swollen. The mu’puckas hit me in the mouth with the gun. My puckin’ tooth knocked out!”



  “All right, calm down. Calm down,” ordered Doe. He had to keep himself calm as well. “Go downtown and I’ll meet you there in an hour.”

  “Okay. Is Qwess coming, too?” For the last few years, Qwess had been a big brother to Flame. So he wanted him there through this ordeal.

  “Nah. He in VA picking up Reece in the morning, but I’ll let him know. Get ready. I’ll see you in a few.”


  “All right. Peace.”

  Doe replaced the phone in its cradle.

  Niya stroked his back.

  “We’re not going to be able to finish, are we?” Doe shook his head as he explained to Niya what had happened. Niya rolled off the bed to get dressed. She was visibly deflated. She knew that once Reece came home she would have limited time to spend with her husband. She just wanted this last night with him. This last night of calm before the storm. Yet it was not to be. Destiny could only be controlled in a perfect world. And this was not it.

  Chapter 8

  Reece placed his legal box onto the counter in the control room. The control room officer greeted him with a smile.

  “Going home today, huh?”


  “Good. I hope you stay out of trouble. Is it true you won’t be needing a transportation arrangement?”


  “Okay. Sign here and here.” He motioned to the appropriate places on the paper. “Oh, yeah! You have some mail that just came in for you today. Hold up a sec and I’ll get it.”

  He disappeared and emerged moments later with a letter in hand. Reece read the address and started to tear it up. However, he thought better of it. He could use this information later. So he pocketed the letter.

  “You got some clothes up here, too. You can go in there to change.” The officer motioned to a small room beside the control room and passed Reece a garment bag. Reece stepped into the room, bag in hand. He unzipped the bag to reveal a cream velour jogging suit. In the bottom of the bag neatly lay a pair of brown Giuseppe Zanotti sneakers with silver metal straps. Hanging on the end of the hanger was a leather accessory bag. Reece opened it to find a Rolex watch, diamond pinky ring, two diamond stud earrings, and deodorant with a vial of Egyptian musk oil. Reece dressed quickly and exited the room.

  “Okay, son, you ready to roll?” the officer inquired.

  “No doubt.”

  “Hold up. Someone wants to escort you to the gate.”

  The officer made a phone call, and in no time Officer Robinson arrived.

  “Ready for the big day?” Officer Robinson asked Reece.

  “Yep.” Reece was short on words this day. He had a lot on his mind and was ready to get back to the world.

  “Good. Allow me to walk you out.”

  Officer Robinson walked side by side with Reece to the gate. When they arrived at the gate, Officer Robinson paused and thrust his hand out. The two unlikely allies shook hands.

  “Reece, you’re a brilliant man, much too smart to be in a place like this,” Officer Robinson said. He tilted his head toward the street. “You have a lot of power out there in those streets. You have the ability to influence a lot of people’s lives. Imagine what would happen if you used that power for good?” Officer Robinson allowed his words to linger for a few seconds. “Anyway, let me know if there’s something I can do for you.” Recce thought about the offer for a moment. He wasn’t one to align himself with authority, but there was something he felt he could entrust Officer Robinson with and still remain true to the code.

  “Matter fact, there is something you can do for me,” Reece said. “You know Jenkins? The little brother that works in medical?” Robinson nodded. “Okay. Make sure he gets everything he needs while he’s here. Take care of him and I’ll take care of you.”

  “Sure thing,” Officer Robinson promised. “Now are you sure you straight on transportation?”

  “Yeah. That’s my ride right there.” Reece pointed to the platinum colored Bentley parked in the back of the parking lot. Qwess was sitting on the hood.

  Officer Robinson squinted to look at the Bentley. “Say, is that who I think it is?” he asked.

  “Don’t know. Depends on who you think it is,” Reece retorted.

  “Man, I know that’s not Qwess, is it?”

  “Yeah. That’s my brother,” Reece said casually.

  “Are you serious? He came all the way up here by himself with no bodyguards?”

  Reece chuckled at Officer Robinson as if he were silly. “Yeah. I told you I’m kind of a big deal out there. That’s my brother, so why wouldn’t he come up here? You want me to introduce you to him?”

  “Would you? My niece loves this guy!”

  “Sure, come on.”

  The gate opened and Reece led the way. Qwess saw the officer coming and met them halfway. Reece introduced them, and Qwess shook his hand.

  “Pleasure to meet you,” Qwess said. “I hope you took care of my brother while he was in there.”

  “Me and Kirkson got along great,” Officer Robinson claimed, giving Reece the eye. He was geeked. “Aww, man. That song on your last album about the penitentiary, I was feeling it. I took the advice on it, too.”

  “Oh, yeah?”

  “Absolutely. I mean, we all have a job to do in life, but we are all brothers.”

  Qwess smiled. “Well, it sounds like I did my job then.” He tapped Reece on the shoulder. “Ready, bro?”

  Qwess wrapped things up and gave Officer Robinson an autograph. Then the two brothers walked over to the Bentley in silence. Neither of them spoke a word for a full two minutes. Then they both burst out in laughter and surrendered to a tight embrace.

  “Yo, what the fuck you did to your head, man?” Qwess smacked Reece on his bald dome.

  “Yo, cut that shit out, man!”

  “And what is that shit in your mouth?”

  Reece flashed a smile, and a rainbow lit up his face as each diamond-encrusted tooth reflected in the sun.

  “Yo, you like this shit, right?”

  “It’s straight,” Qwess admitted.

  Reece walked around the Bentley, inspecting the luxury vehicle. “What’s this, a Continental R?” Reece asked.

  “Nah, it’s a Bentley GT. It replaced the Continentals.”

  Reece stroked his chin and nodded, “Nice, nice . . .” He pointed to the rims. “Are those dubs?”

  Qwess laughed. “Yeah you have been gone awhile. Niggas ain’t riding dubs no more. If you ain’t sitting on dub-deuces or better, you ain’t sitting on shit.”

  Before Reece caught his case, he had a fleet of Bentleys, a Maserati, Ferraris, and a McLaren F1.

  Qwess leaned against the Bentley and pointed behind Reece. “Like this right here pulling up, it’s on twenty-twos.”

  Reece turned around just in time to see a beautiful two-toned Mercedes Maybach 62 gliding into the parking lot. The car was emerald green on the top and bottom with a cream center. The twenty-twos sported a cream chrome lip with an emerald-green center. The car coasted to a halt right in front of Qwess’s Bentley.

  “Yoooo, I know you didn’t.” Reece said, smiling hard. The diamonds in his teeth flashed like paparazzi.

  Qwess shook his head. “I didn’t; she d

  The back door of the Maybach opened, and Vanilla stepped out wearing a skintight white skirt with green Christian Louboutins. She ran, hopped into Reece’s arms, and wrapped her thick legs around his waist.

  “Heeeey, my king!!!!” Vanilla planted kisses all over Reece’s body. “I can’t believe this day has finally come!”

  Reece hugged Vanilla tight, his muscular arms sinking into her soft flesh. He snuggled his nose into the crease of her neck and inhaled her scent. She smelled wonderful!

  “I knew you wouldn’t miss this day,” Reece said.

  “Wouldn’t have missed it for the world.”

  Reece turned to Qwess. “Did you know about this?”

  “Not until the last minute. I helped her with the car, but it was all her idea.”

  “Baby, please hurry up so we can go to the condo,” Vanilla pleaded.

  Reece set Vanilla down and watched her sashay back to the limo. Then he gave Qwess some dap. “What time we pulling out?” he asked.

  Qwess shrugged. “Whenever you finish handling your business. Tomorrow morning?”

  “Sounds good to me.”

  Reece joined Vanilla in the back of the Maybach. She had already stripped down to just her thong and awaited him with the seat reclined. “Driver, put up the partition, please?” Vanilla called to the front of the Maybach. “Don’t want him to see me on my knees,” she said to Reece.

  Reece grinned and sat down checking out the confines of the car. He felt as if he was in a forest with all the wood and hide.

  “Lean back, baby. Let me give you the respect you deserve,” Vanilla said, crawling to her knees.

  As the car pulled from the parking lot, Vanilla pulled on Reece. Although they had had sex while Reece was inside, this was different. They didn’t have to listen for the guards or rush before their move was interrupted. Reece didn’t have to concentrate on busting his nut quickly. This he could enjoy. So, in the back of a three-hundred-thousand-dollar vehicle, Reece laid his head back on the pillow in the headrest and enjoyed his freedom as Vanilla praised him.

  As Vanilla took him deep into her mouth, Reece allowed himself the luxury of dropping the guard on his mind.


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