Love & Revelations: A Love & Ruin Novella (The Love & Ruin Series Book 6)

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Love & Revelations: A Love & Ruin Novella (The Love & Ruin Series Book 6) Page 4

by J. A. Owenby

  Chapter 5

  My nerves hummed with anxiety as Mac and I arrived at the photo shoot five minutes to ten the next morning. I gripped the handle of my clothes bag tightly as we entered the studio. When Hendrix had asked about my plans for the day, instead of hiding what I was doing from him, I let him know we were working on his Valentine’s Day gift. Before I left, he had pinned me against the kitchen counter and laid a searing kiss on me. There was no way I wouldn’t be sexually flustered the rest of the day, but that had been the point.

  “Ladies!” Kami said, rushing toward us with a wide grin. Her tight blonde curls framed her narrow face as she stepped in between us and looped her arms through ours, leading us back to the props and photography space.

  “I’m so excited about this shoot, Gemma. It’s not every day I have someone famous here.”

  “Thanks again for squeezing me in on such a tight schedule. I really appreciate it.” I patted her hand as we reached the changing room.

  “Let’s start with hair and makeup.” Kami introduced us to Camille, a petite brunette with a warm smile. “She will get you all ready.”

  “This is so much fun!” Mac bounced on her tiptoes, flashing us her toothy smile. Her excitement was contagious.

  “Mac, do you want to help me with her outfits while they’re doing that?” Kami asked.

  “Yes. Absolutely. I’d love to. Bye, bestie, see ya in a few.” Mac winked at me, following Kami with the bags that contained my lingerie and other changes of clothes.

  “She wants to wear the orange dress you showed us yesterday for the moon shot.” Mac’s laugh carried through the space.

  Although the studio was large, only partial walls separated the rooms, which allowed for easy conversation.

  “Moon.” Mac laughed at her play on words. “Gemma? You want to do an ass shot by the moon? You could have two full moons.”

  She couldn’t see me roll my eyes at her, but Camille laughed as she turned on the water to wash my hair.

  “Is she always so full of energy?” Camille fastened the cape around my neck, leaned me back on the sink, and tested the water.

  “Yes, she’s actually calm right now.” I giggled behind my hand. “She’s the best friend anyone could have, though.”

  Camille lathered the shampoo, and the scent of strawberries and vanilla tickled my nose. Her skilled fingers massaged my scalp, and I melted into the chair. “Oh my God. You’re hired.” I moaned. “I should do this more often.”

  Camille’s laughter filled the space. “It helps people relax before the pictures.”

  “No, shit. Sorry.” I mumbled, on the edge of deep relaxation.

  “Let’s sit you up.” Camille grabbed a towel and wrapped it around my head. She guided me over to a chair, and an hour later my hair was styled, and my makeup was impeccable.

  “Beautiful,” she said, spinning me around toward the mirror.

  “Wow.” I leaned in closer in awe of her talent. “I need to take you on the road with me.” My red locks flowed down my back, the natural blonde highlights shining through. Instead of my normal waves, she’d straightened my hair, which I rarely had time for. The natural colors she’d chosen for my eyeshadow accented my blue eyes, making them pop.

  “You’re all done. Good luck with the shoot. I’m sure Hendrix will love anything you do.” My eyebrow shot up with her use of Hendrix’s name.

  “Sorry, I’m a big fan of August Clover.”

  I stood from the chair and handed her the cape. “I didn’t realize it. Would you be interested in some additional work? I prefer to have my own makeup and hair artist for magazine articles and press. You’re brilliant, so it would make sense for me to hire you.”

  Camille’s face lit up with excitement. “Hell, yes. I’d love to.” She reached into her jean’s pocket and produced a business card. “Call whenever. Please.”

  Her please almost came out as a plea, and a twinge of concern tugged at me. Did she need the work?

  “Gem-ma! Are you ready?” Mac yelled.

  “I’ll call. Can I text, too? Sometimes it’s easier.” I slipped her card in my phone case.

  “Yes, whatever works for you.” Camille smiled and gave me a little wave as I left her area and entered the rest of the studio.

  “Dayum.” Mac circled me slowly, assessing my new look. “She’s good. Wow. You look seriously hot. Not that you don’t always look hot, but I’ve seen you in the morning with your mascara smeared and your hair poking up in a million directions. Those times you just look like a hot mess. This? Perfecto.” She kissed her fingertips as though she were Italian.

  Even though it was just Mac, I could feel the heat creeping up my neck.

  “Oh, no.” Mac frantically fanned me. “No red. No red. I’ll try not to embarrass you again.”

  I laughed and hugged her. “Thank you.”

  “You’re so welcome. Let’s do this.” Mac pulled away and flashed a wide grin at me.

  Over the next two hours, I changed clothes twelve times, and Kami took an ungodly number of pictures. She’d also gently coaxed me into some sexy shots I didn’t think I’d be comfortable with, but I was. To anyone who saw the image, it would appear as if I were naked, but I wasn’t. Pasties were an awesome thing. Kami had a way of putting people at ease, too.

  We looked at each image on the computer, and Kami helped me choose from the ones she felt had turned out the best. When the first near-naked image of me popped up on the screen, I gasped and my insides flinched. I was positioned strategically on a bed with a red blanket between my legs and over my nipples. But I took a deep breath and looked again. Kami had captured something special. This wasn’t about sex. It was about how much I’d grown as a person because Hendrix had taken a chance on me. Because I’d taken a chance on myself. “It’s beautiful,” I whispered. “The lighting is perfect.”

  Mac cheered. “It’s fucking amazeballs. Look at that cleavage. She captured the curves of your body just right. Like you’re not even showing anything and yet you’re showing everything, if that makes sense. Oh, he’s going to have a hard time walking after seeing these.” Mac giggled into her hand. “Hard.”

  “I got it, Mac.” I shook my head, unable to suppress my own laugh. “You’re magic, Kami. Thank you so much. I think he will be really happy.”

  “We have three days until Valentine’s Day, but I’ll need two of them. I’ll have all the images ready, as well as the calendar. Can I text you when it’s ready to pick up?” Kami asked.

  “Yeah, that would be great. Again, I really appreciate it.” I handed her my credit card, eager to see the final product.

  We said our goodbyes, then Mac and I talked nonstop as we left the studio and hopped into her car.

  “I’m starving,” I said, holding my stomach as it growled loudly in agreement.

  “Me too. Chinese?” She pulled out of the parking lot and headed to Mr. Wok’s, one of my favorite spots to eat.

  An hour later, I leaned against the booth and rubbed my belly. “I’m stuffed.”

  “Girl, me too.” She arched her back and pushed her gut out. It bulged out as if she’d eaten everything in sight. “How are you feeling about Hendrix’s Valentine’s gift now that it’s all finished, and you can relax?”

  “I need a drink.” I stood and motioned for her to follow.

  “Wait.” Mac hurried after me as I exited the restaurant. I took her hand and dashed across the parking lot to the sports bar and grill.

  “Are we getting drunk?” Mac’s laugh echoed through the darkness.

  We weaved between the cars and up the steps. “It’s up for debate.” I held the door open of the rustic and cozy restaurant, and we made our way to the bar. “It’s not horribly busy tonight which is awesome.” I hopped up on the barstool while Mac took the seat next to me. Spokane was our hometown, and most days, I could still be seen in public and not get mauled. I hoped it never changed. The band needed those days of normalcy.

  “Two long islands, please.�
�� She pulled some cash out of the front pocket of her jeans and slid two twenty-dollar bills at the pretty female bartender. “Tip them well the first time, and you’ll get great service for the rest of the night. So tell me what’s going on in that head of yours. Spill bestie.” She placed her hands flat on the bar and gave me her full attention.

  With tears in my eyes, I exhaled, ridding my body of the pent-up stress I’d not realized I was holding.

  “No, no, no. Gemma.” Mac grabbed the outside of my thighs and turned me toward her. “I thought you were okay with this.” Worry settled over her pretty features.

  “I was.” A ball of emotion worked its way into my throat, and I struggled to maintain a neutral expression. “It’s like the aftermath of the photo shoot just caught up with me. I mean, there’s nothing I can do about it now. And just for a minute … I was really proud of them. Then, my mother’s voice filled my head. Dad’s was right behind her. Both of them telling me I should be ashamed for posing in photos, like a cheap, slutty pin-up girl for my fiancé.” I lost the battle, and tears flowed down my cheeks. Mac didn’t say a word as she picked up our drinks and headed to a vacant booth in the back corner. I silently followed behind her. “Sit,” she ordered.

  I slid in next to the wall, and instead of sitting on the opposite side of me, she sat right next to me. Mac set down our drinks and twisted around to face me. “Hon, you’ve gotta let that religious, not-worthy-of-anything-good bullshit go. You don’t wear it well. You’re a famous singer on the stage, changing outfits, getting your hair done, and looking hot as hell all the time.”

  Staring at her, I picked up my drink and took a long pull through my straw. “What in the world would Ada Lynn say if she were here?”

  “Um, what?” Her brows knitted together in confusion. “I’m sorry, Ada Lynn would have loved that you did something special for Hendrix. She would have cheered you on.” Mac pumped her fist in the air for emphasis.

  My brows pinched together. “I doubt that. She was judgy about women who showed too much cleavage.”

  “She was never judgy of you, though. In her mind, you could do no wrong, and neither could Hendrix. The only thing she ever wanted for you? To be happy and to live your life free of all the darkness you experienced when you were …” She waved her hand at me. “You know.”

  “Raped,” I finished for her. “When I was brutally and horribly raped.” Panic crept up my throat, and my heart pounded against my ribs as the memories assaulted me again.

  “But that’s not who you are anymore. You left that terrified girl behind. Look at what you did today, Gemma. I’m so proud of you that I could kiss you.” Mac laughed. “Not really, but I am proud of you. Since the first day I met you at college … Oh God, you showed up in that awful hat with your gorgeous red hair tucked up inside of it and those tinted glasses you didn’t need. You were still hiding from the world. Then, I watched Hendrix fall in love with you, and you began to morph into this magnificent, beautiful butterfly.” Mac’s voice cracked while she dabbed her eyes. “I wish you could see yourself the way everyone else does. You have nothing to feel guilty about. You love Hendrix with every part of your being. You had fun today. You were smiling and laughing. You didn’t do anything wrong. Fuck your parents. Fuck the southern religious thought process. This is your life, and you get to create it the way you want to. You deserve to be happy.”

  Mac leaned her head against the back of the booth. “I’m done now.” A sweet smile spread across her face.

  “Thank you.” I reached for her hand. “I really don’t know what I’d do without you.”

  “Tell me what you liked about today.” Mac took a drink, her attention remaining on me.

  I paused, mentally taking inventory. “The clothes were fun. I’ve never really enjoyed lingerie before, but it was tasteful and sexy. I actually felt … pretty today.” I straightened up in my seat, reality sinking in. “This was my choice, wasn’t it? I mean, I made my own decision about what felt right for me. Not Mom or Dad. Not Hendrix or anyone else. Just me.” Mac was right, this was my life, and I did something that was good for me.

  “Gem-ma! Yes, that’s amazing. See. If you feel good and you’re not breaking the law, then I say go for it. Feel beautiful. Until Hendrix, you’d never had the opportunity to experience a lot of that. You hid in your room for four years! You’re just making up for lost time.”

  “Do you think he’ll like the calendar?” I slurped down the rest of my drink and set the glass down on the table. “I need another one.” A silly grin pulled at the corner of my mouth, and I laughed as the tingle of the alcohol traveled through my body.

  “How could he not love it? And me too.” Mac signaled to the waitress, handed her another twenty, and turned toward me again. “Are you doing better?”

  “Yeah. There’s a part of me that’s excited about seeing the final product.” I twirled a strand of hair around my finger, lost in my own little world for a moment. I hoped like hell Hendrix liked his gift.

  “Girl, me too. Kami’s fucking amazing. I should do a shoot for Cade.”

  “Really? I think you’d have a lot of fun.” I grinned at her as she passed me my new drink. Chewing on the straw, I considered if I’d do it again. Definitely. Well, after a few drinks anyway. “We should call the guys to join us.”

  “Yeah?” Mac grabbed her phone out of her back pocket and dialed Cade before I could respond.

  I laughed and called Hendrix. “Hi, babe. We’re having drinks. I think Cade is on his way, maybe you two could just drive together and meet us?” My chest warmed at the sound of his voice.

  “That sounds great. I’ve not really seen you in a few days. Or it feels like it anyway. I’ll text Cade. See you in a few,” Hendrix said before he hung up.

  I set down my phone and smiled to myself. I was ready to spend some time with Hendrix.

  Chapter 6

  “What the hell?” Hendrix flung off the blankets and hopped out of bed.

  “Is someone knocking on the door?” I asked, peering at the clock on my nightstand. “Shit, it’s six in the morning.” My head throbbed from the amount of alcohol I consumed last night. At the time, it sounded like a good idea. Right now, I wasn’t so sure.

  Hendrix pulled on some sweats as the knocking became more persistent. Both our phones chimed with a text. I picked mine up and frowned. “It’s Franklin,” I said, sitting up. “I’ve missed three texts, babe. It’s important.”

  Hendrix flew out of the bedroom and down the stairs. I rushed to the bathroom and grabbed my robe. Franklin’s deep voice carried to our room, and my pulse kicked into overdrive. There was nothing ordinary about him showing up at our house unannounced, especially at this ungodly time of the morning.

  “What’s wrong?” I asked, hurrying as fast as my hungover body would allow me to move. Reaching the last stair, I came to an abrupt halt. Franklin was a carbon copy of Hendrix, except older and with short hair. His blue eyes flickered with worry. His hands were shoved deep in his jeans pocket as he remained quiet.

  My attention landed on Janice, Mac’s mom and Franklin’s wife. Her big brown eyes filled with gentleness. Hendrix cleared his throat, deep concern embedded in his features.

  Everyone was staring at me.

  “Janice?” I asked, approaching them slowly. “What’s going on?” I choked on my words, swallowing back the fear and anxiety. There was no way this was good news.

  “Hi, Gemma. I’m sorry we’re here so early, but we need to talk,” Janice dropped her purse on the couch and patted the back of it.

  My focus bounced to Hendrix. “What’s wrong?”

  “Talk to Janice, babe. I’ll be in the kitchen. I just think it needs to come from her.” Hendrix leaned over and gave me a quick peck on the lips. “Dad, let’s make some coffee. I don’t expect anyone will be going back to sleep for a while.”

  Franklin squeezed my shoulder as the guys left us alone in the living room.

  “You’re scaring me, Janice. What’s
wrong?” I wrung my hands together as we sat side-by-side on the leather loveseat across from the couch.

  “Here.” Janice handed me her phone.

  My hand flew over my mouth while I stared at her screen. “Oh, God. No. No.” I dropped her iPhone on the floor and doubled over, clutching my stomach and sobbing.

  Janice pulled me to her and wrapped her arms around me, smoothing my hair. “It’s going to be alright, hon.”

  I clung to the only mom I had left, my hot, salty tears stinging my skin. “I don’t understand.” I sat up and wiped my face with the sleeve of my robe. “That’s not.” Pointing to her phone, I shook my head vigorously. “That’s not what happened.” I sniffled and attempted to contain my feelings.

  “Are the nude images not real?” Janice asked, taking my hand in hers.

  Anger erupted inside me. “Not that one. I had a photo shoot yesterday for Hendrix’s Valentine’s Day gift, but I wasn’t nude. There were a few that appeared that way, but I was covered with a blanket and wore a bikini bottom and pasties.”

  “Did you have a confidentiality agreement in place before you did this?” Janice asked.

  My head snapped up as horror consumed me. “Yes, she had a bunch of paperwork I had to sign, which was great because I’d not even considered a confidentiality clause.” I slapped my hands over my face and bit my lip. Hard. “But don’t people break those all the time?” I sniffled. “Shit. This sucks. I really liked her a lot and had even considered her for the band’s promo pictures …”

  “Hon, you’re famous. Some people will use you any way they can to make money.”

  My brow furrowed. “I didn’t do that. I didn’t pose nude or topless,” I hissed. “And, she was a recommendation from Cade. I never even considered that she’d betray me by releasing the images online.” I sank back into my seat, trying to contain my tears while I fiddled with the belt on my robe. “Mac was with me.” My gaze drifted to Janice’s again.

  “Franklin will take care of the photos, but it’s already gone viral. I’m really sorry, Gemma.”


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