Love & Revelations: A Love & Ruin Novella (The Love & Ruin Series Book 6)

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Love & Revelations: A Love & Ruin Novella (The Love & Ruin Series Book 6) Page 5

by J. A. Owenby

  “My boobs aren’t even that big. Thank God.” I hung my head, the weight of the situation bearing down on me.

  “You guys have a public appearance tomorrow in Seattle. You should expect some rude comments and vulgar remarks from your fans.” Janice patted my knee in an attempt to soothe me.

  “Dammit. Dammit. How could I have been so fucking stupid?” I ran my fingers through my hair, secretly wanting to yank at it with all my might. It would be better than what I was feeling right now. “Those people think they’ve seen my boobs.” I hid my face in my hands, a new rush of tears consuming me.

  “Some of the pictures are fine. There are two of you topless and fully exposed.” Janice rubbed my back while she talked. “I know you and Hendrix are young and in love. You just have to remember that you’re both celebrities, and you have to be super careful when you do something like this.”

  My tears slowed down as I turned to look at her. “Do you think I’m a slut?” It would literally crush me if Franklin and Janice thought poorly of me. They were my family. My soon to be in-laws.

  “Not even a little bit.” Her eyes lit up with her warm smile. “When I was young, I dated a guy who had left for boot camp. I decided it would be fun to wear some very revealing lingerie and sent him a few polaroid pictures.”

  My brow quirked up. “What’s a polaroid?”

  Janice laughed. “It was an instant camera that held a pack of film negatives inside. You took a picture, it spit it out, then the reactive chemicals on the negative developed the photo in sixty seconds. You didn’t have to take it to a lab to be processed. They were all the rave back then.”

  “What happened?” I asked, sitting up.

  “His sergeant confiscated them. I was mortified that they’d ended up in someone else’s hands, not to mention most likely passed around.”

  “Oh. Shit.” I blew out a big breath.

  “I’d never think less of you, Gemma. Franklin and I adore you. You’re our daughter. You’re kind, loving, fun, and we’re so happy that you and Hendrix are engaged. Please don’t let something like this make you think it’s changed our opinion of you. It just couldn’t happen.” She tucked a piece of hair behind my shoulder.

  “Oh, God.” My mouth gaped open in horror. “Franklin. He saw them, didn’t he?” My heart plummeted into my stomach. Franklin had been one of the few men who had never looked at me inappropriately. Even our managers for August Clover leered at me. But never Franklin. And now? My body trembled as the realization fully dawned on me. “He’s seen me topless … Janice.”

  “Yes ... We did. A call came in around five-thirty this morning. Apparently, your publicist for the band saw the pictures and contacted him immediately. Before we even came over here, Franklin made a few calls to begin tracing where they’d been posted from. But do you know what he did the second he saw them?”

  I shook my head.

  “He set the phone down and turned to me. He told me what had happened and said he needed us to go through them together because someone had taken advantage of our daughter. Gemma, tears streamed down my big, tough husband’s face. He knew there was more to the story, but the idea of him viewing you in that situation crushed him. We saw two, then he handed the phone to me and walked away. He said he’d have to rely on me to see the rest so we could figure out what legal action needed to be taken.”

  “My dad would have never treated me like that. When he found out that I was dating Hendrix, he broke my ribs.” I rubbed my side, still feeling the phantom pain at times.

  “Not this Dad. He’s fiercely protective of his family. He will talk to you about the course of action, too.”

  “I have to look at the rest of them, don’t I?” I slumped into the loveseat and groaned.

  “I’ll go through them with you. Don’t be embarrassed or ashamed, Gemma. You did nothing wrong. Even if you had posed nude for Hendrix, that’s between you two. But for it not to be shared with the world, you need a legally binding contract that protects you. And even then, it’s risky.”

  “Babe?” Hendrix poked his head into the living room, his eyes filled with so much love and support I thought I’d fall apart again. “We’re going to get through this.”

  I stood as he closed the space between us. “We’re in this together.” He wrapped me up in his strong arms and placed a tender kiss on the top of my head.

  “I’m so sorry.” My voice hitched.

  “No.” Hendrix dropped an arm from my waist and tipped my chin up. “Don’t you dare. There’s nothing to apologize for.”

  “Your Valentine’s Day present is ruined.” My lower lip trembled. “I wanted to do something special for you, I just didn’t think Kami would sell or release them.” I shook my head and took a deep breath. How had this mess happened?

  “It wasn’t Kami,” Franklin said, joining the rest of us. He handed Janice and me a cup of coffee then retrieved his own from the kitchen. “My people have talked to Kami. There was a break-in last night at her studio, and all her equipment and computers were stolen. Apparently there have been a string of robberies, so we know for a fact that she wasn’t involved. She's horrified and upset and will call Gemma personally.”

  “What? Oh thank God. Not that she was robbed, but that she’s innocent.” I was suddenly relieved that Kami hadn’t sold me out or betrayed me.

  Someone wrapped firmly on my front door, and I cringed a little. Who else would be here so early?

  “I’ve got it.” Franklin opened the door a few inches. “Hi hon, come on in. Good morning, Cade.”

  “Bestie!” Mac flew across the room and knocked me backward on the couch with her hug. “I’m so sorry. This would have never happened if I hadn’t talked you into it.” Mac sat up and stared at me with her red-rimmed eyes. Her pigtails were uneven, and I suspected she’d jumped out of bed to rush over here.

  “Mac,” I said, my voice filling with compassion. “I’m not upset with you. At all. Please don’t think I am. This isn’t your fault.”

  “You’re not mad at me?” She sniffled and wiped her nose on her orange coat sleeve.

  “She’s been frantic all morning. The only reason she wasn’t here even earlier was that I wouldn’t let her. We weren’t even sure if you’d seen them yet,” Cade added.

  “Hey,” Hendrix said, nodding at Cade. “There’s fresh coffee in the kitchen, help yourself.”

  Cade patted Hendrix on the back and stifled a yawn while he walked over to the coffee pot, preparing cups for himself and Mac.

  “Thanks, babe,” Mac said, taking her mug and blowing on it.

  “How can we help?” Cade asked, sitting on the couch next to Franklin.

  “I’m waiting for a call to see if the IP address could be traced. We know some of the photos are fake,” Franklin explained.

  “Yeah, no kidding. Gemma’s tatas are so not that big. I’m just dumbfounded Kami would do something like this.” Mac shook her head in disbelief. “She seemed so nice and genuine.”

  My jaw clenched, and I delivered a sharp jab to Mac’s side with my elbow. I leaned over and whispered. “No tit jokes. At least not in front of Franklin and Cade, please.”

  She grimaced and sank down in her seat. She pretended to zip her lips and offered me an apologetic smile.

  “As I was saying, we know some of the images aren’t Gemma,” Franklin continued.

  “The ones with clothes on are mine. I did a few that looked like I wasn’t wearing anything, but I was, it was just the angle of the camera.” I glanced over at Hendrix, his face unreadable. Was he angry with me and just saving it for later?

  “My big concern is the autograph signing and performance tomorrow in Seattle. Fans are going to react differently. I know the record label supplies your security, but I’d like to call Pierce and see if he and one of his guys are available. I’d just feel better.” Franklin leaned forward, his expression remaining serious.

  Mac nearly bolted out of her seat. “Yes! I mean, they know us and … well, I think w
e would all feel better with the extra layer of protection. Right, Gemma?

  Mac’s shoulders slumped forward, and she plunked back in the seat. “I just can’t believe this happened.”

  Pierce Westbrook had been the first bodyguard I’d ever had. He’d also trained me in self-defense and martial arts. We had a special friendship, and I missed him dearly. At the same time, until recently, our relationship had caused some friction between Hendrix and me. Hendrix had sworn Pierce was in love with me. I argued to the contrary. Now, Pierce had reunited with his high school sweetheart, the love of his life, and I couldn’t be happier for them. I adored Sutton. She was just as badass as Pierce but had him wrapped around her little finger. Sutton loved him with all of her being and protected him as much as he did her.

  “I’d like to have the guys with us tomorrow,” Hendrix admitted. “Gemma’s not been through this before, but I’ve seen a lot of things happen with bands, and the crazies come out of the woodwork. I want her safe.” He walked over to me, sank to his knees, and I took his hand in mine. “I’m not saying that to scare you, but I want us to be alert. I think the extra security is a good idea.”

  “All right,” I agreed, trusting his experience.

  Franklin’s phone rang, and he excused himself to our office down the hall.

  “Are you going with us tomorrow?” I asked Mac.

  “Wouldn’t miss it for anything.” Mac leaned her head on my shoulder and took my other hand in hers. My heart ached at the situation we were in, but at the same time, I couldn’t ask for better people in my life. At least Kami hadn’t betrayed me. I’d really liked her.

  “The pictures have been removed from the internet,” Franklin reported, entering the living room again. “It didn’t stop the millions of people who already saw them, but they’re down.”

  “How?” I asked, grateful for Franklin’s many powerful connections.

  “I know a guy who knows a guy …” He smiled, his attention never leaving me. “All right, let me talk to Pierce, and let’s get you guys ready for tomorrow. I’m sure the record label will get in front of the photo situation. They will explain the theft and editing of the pictures to make the nudes appear to be Gemma, but I’m still investigating what happened. We’ve made headway, but as far as I’m concerned, you don’t come after my family and get away with it.”

  “Get ‘em, Dad!” Mac threw a punch into the air for emphasis.

  Franklin and Janice hugged us all goodbye, and Hendrix closed the door behind them.

  “Fuuuuccckkkk.” Mac sank dramatically into the couch. “What a day, and it’s only nine in the morning. I’m like … I don’t even know. Tired. Exhausted. And this didn’t even happen to me. I can’t imagine what you’re going through right now, Gemma.”

  I rubbed my forehead, wishing this lousy nightmare away. Tucking my feet beneath me, I played with a strand of Hendrix’s hair. After telling his parents goodbye, he’d sat on the floor by the love seat again. “Are you sure you’re not angry with me?” My voice sounded paper-thin. The whole mess had already worn me out.

  “No. I’m actually really proud of you.” His blue eyes found mine, and I melted in my seat. “I know what a huge step this was for you.” He turned my hand over and placed a gentle kiss on my palm.

  “I don’t have another Valentine’s gift for you.” My chin trembled with my words. It was supposed to have been a special day, and now it was all fucked up.

  “We’ll do something special with the pictures. Kami should have them backed up in a cloud somewhere anyway,” Hendrix assured me.

  I frowned. “But they’re not on the internet anymore for other people to see, right?”

  “Correct, but it doesn’t mean I didn’t screenshot my favorites.” Hendrix flashed me a warm smile.

  “I love you for that, but it also just reminded me that every other male and female that liked them did the same thing.”

  “Gemma, I don’t want to overstep here, but the best thing you can do is let Franklin continue the investigation and move on. It wasn’t your body, I mean, ya know.” Cade glanced at Hendrix, the awkward moment written all over his face. And for the first time since I’d known him, he blushed.

  “He’s right. You’re going to have to come to terms with the fact that you didn’t do anything wrong. But, if you ever decide to surprise me like that again, speak to Dad, get his opinion, and have him be the one to draw up the legal documents to protect you, babe.”

  I swallowed hard. “Franklin?”

  “Talk to Mom,” Mac added, understanding how uncomfortable that would be for me.

  “I can do that. Would anyone care if I crawled back into bed? We were up until three, and this morning has been packed with more excitement than I wanted to deal with. I’d love to take a shower and crawl back under the covers. Plus, we have a big day tomorrow.”

  Cade stood and took Mac’s hand. “Yeah, I think it’s a good idea for us, too.”

  Mac wiggled her eyebrows as she looked at him. Cade laughed and leaned down to kiss her, then he grabbed her hand.

  I shook my head and called out at them. “Enjoy it before the tour starts again, and you can’t get it any way you want it.” Hendrix laughed.

  We all said goodbye, then I flung myself into the safety of Hendrix’s arms.

  “I’ve got you.” He stroked my hair and kissed me on the cheek. “I have to admit, I was shocked when Franklin told me there were pictures of you online.”

  I stepped back and peered up at him. “It was supposed to be something special for you.”

  “Let’s get you in bed, and we can talk there.” Hendrix took my hand and guided us up the stairs. “Come here.” He straightened the blankets out, and I slipped beneath them. Hendrix kissed the tip of my nose and tucked the covers under my chin.

  “I loved the gift, babe.” He slid in with me and rolled over on his side toward me. “My favorite was the one of you in the orange dress on the swing by the moon. You’re breathtaking.”

  “Yeah? I loved that one, too. But I liked the one with the red blanket the most. I had pasties and a bikini bottom on, but you’d never know from the angle she took it. She … she was so kind and fun. I felt … I felt pretty, and I couldn’t wait to share it with you.” Tears welled in my eyes, and I blinked rapidly, refusing to cry about it anymore.

  “You are beautiful, and I know how hard it was for you to do something like that. It means even more to me.”

  I snuggled against Hendrix, the events of the morning draining any energy I had left. Inhaling deeply, I listened to the beat of his heart as I drifted off to sleep in the warmth of his arms.

  Chapter 7

  The next morning, Hendrix and I picked up Mac and Cade, then drove everyone to Franklin’s house. Franklin had insisted he fly with us to Seattle on his jet. There wasn’t a bone in my body that didn’t love Franklin for everything he’d done for Ada Lynn and me over the last year.

  The snow had begun to fall as Hendrix pulled into his dad’s driveway and parked next to a black Mercedes, and my apprehension finally kicked in. Typically, I was happy to perform and sign autographs, but not today. We were still in the midst of the picture scandal, and I just couldn’t shake the mental fog that clouded my mind

  “Pierce!” Mac flew out of the back seat of the car before Hendrix even parked.

  I laughed as Mac bolted to the front door, flung it open, and disappeared inside.

  “Go,” Hendrix said, waving me off. I leaned over and kissed him before I followed Mac. It had been months since we’d seen Pierce, and I’d really missed him. Although Hendrix had suspected Pierce had feelings for me early on, they were able to become fast friends. When you’re in the music business, trustworthy people are hard to find. Plus, Pierce was with Sutton now, so there were no longer any worries on Hendrix’s part.

  I hurried into Franklin’s and followed Mac’s squeal. My pace slowed as I entered the foyer. I never got used to the grandeur of this house with the white and black swirled marbl
e that graced the entrance and hallway. One of my favorite features were the massive decorative pillars that marked the opening of the formal dining area. An ache spread through my chest as I recalled the last time Ada Lynn ate dinner with us in that room.

  I spotted Pierce in the living room. He’d grabbed Mac in a bear hug, picking her up off the floor. Her infectious giggle filled the house. Pierce’s gaze fell on me, his features full of unease. He gently placed Mac down, his powerful muscles flexing with each step he took toward me. His soulful brown eyes met mine, then he wrapped his arms around me, and I clung to him like it’d been years since I’d seen him instead of months.

  Originally, Pierce had been Franklin’s bodyguard due to the high-profile cases he tried as an attorney. But when my past caught up with me, Franklin assigned Pierce to protect Hendrix and me. Even so, I wanted to be more capable of defending myself, just in case. Pierce had been living in the guesthouse located on Franklin’s estate, not far from the main house. One night, I knocked on his door and asked him to teach me self-defense. I barely knew him at the time, and even though we had hardly spoken to each other, something inside nudged me to ask him for help. I was terrified, but I knew deep inside myself that it was safe to work with him.

  “Hey,” he whispered in my ear. “I’ll be right there with you today. Don’t you worry about anything.” He pulled away, his hands resting on my shoulders. “I know this is tough for you, but this isn’t shit compared to what you’ve already overcome. Sutton said to tell you she’s only a phone call away if you want to hire a hit.” The corner of his mouth twitched with a small grin. He was in full business mode.

  I barked out a laugh. “Tell her thank you, and we need to do lunch together soon. And Pierce, thank you, too. I always feel better when you’re with me. I’d still want you on tour with us if you hadn’t stepped into running your father’s security company.”

  “Me too, but I’m still around. You guys are my first priority. Family always comes first.” Pierce offered me a soft smile, then his expression grew guarded. There was no doubt in my mind that he had seen the pictures, but not once had his attention drifted down to my chest. It didn’t stop my embarrassment from showing on my cheeks, though. I mustered up a smile as Cade and Hendrix joined us. The guy’s hugged and smacked each other on the back.


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