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Riggs' Ruin (Kings Reapers MC Book 1)

Page 11

by Nicola Jane

  I keep my poker face in check. “It’s been a nice chat, Reg. Now we’re clear where we stand, the war can begin.”

  As I walk away, he shouts out, “The war has already begun, Riggs.”

  I drag my arm across the bar as I leave, knocking the freshly washed glasses to the ground. The crashing sound fills me with pleasure.

  I stay sitting on my bike when we arrive back at the club. It’s getting dark and I like the peace and quiet that the early evening brings. I light up a cigarette and stare up at the sky. “I know I wasn’t keen in the beginning,” says Cree, standing by my bike. “But you’re going to all this trouble, it makes me wonder what your intentions are with Anna.”

  I rub a hand over my beard. “Shit, man, I’ve fucked up.”


  “I tried it on with Bonnie the other night. Luckily, I was so drunk that I passed out, but that wasn’t before I practically begged her to fuck me.” Cree laughs hard and I groan. “It ain’t funny, brother.”

  “So that’s why she’s desperate to talk?”

  “Yeah. I reckon I said some crazy shit about trying to make things work and taking things to the next level. I’m usually so controlled and I blew it in one fucking night.”

  “Don’t be so hard on yourself, man. You didn’t fuck her and you’re not with Anna, so technically you didn’t do anything wrong.”

  I nod. “I know, but I told Anna to trust me. I told her there was nothing like that between me and Bonnie.”

  “I find it hilarious that you’ve spent years single and now three women are at the click of your fingers,” he says.

  “I hope you’re not including me in those three women,” comes Anna’s voice. Cree smirks, and I punch his shoulder and mutter what a dick he is.

  Bonnie appears behind Anna and I groan. Like this couldn’t get much worse. “I’m waiting for you,” snaps Bonnie. “Do you wanna talk out here or in bed?”

  “Get it over and done with,” whispers Cree.

  I get off my bike and flick the cigarette butt to the ground, crushing it under my boot. As I pass Anna, we stare at each other but don’t speak. I decide I’ll put this right with Bonnie and then pursue Anna. I need her and I know deep down she feels the same.

  Bonnie sits on the bed. “Look,” I begin, “I was really drunk the other night.”

  “Oh shit. You’re gonna go back on everything you said,” she hisses. “You bastard.”

  “My life is fucking complicated, Bonnie. I don’t have time for relationships. It wouldn’t be fair to you.”

  “Jesus, if you’re gonna back out, at least be fucking honest,” she spits. “You’ve been eye-fucking Anna since the day she strolled into The Windsor. It’s clear you’re hot for her.”

  “She doesn’t feel the same way, so that’s not the issue.”

  “Well, don’t think I’m spending another night in your bed. All those weeks of lying there with you when I could have been working my magic on one of the other guys.” She stands and heads for the door. “You’re an ass.”

  I look at the large empty bed. I won’t get much sleep tonight. I’m too amped up after my visit to Reggie, and now that Bonnie’s gone, I’ll never be able to relax enough. I head down to the office, deciding to work through the night.

  My vision is blurred, but it’s almost sunrise. I pour another cup of coffee as the kitchen door opens and Anna creeps in. When she spots me, she shrieks in fright and then grips her chest. “Fuck,” she pants.

  “What are you doing up at . . . ” I check my watch. “Four-thirty.”

  “I couldn’t sleep,” she whispers.

  “You don’t have to whisper. This place sleeps better than the dead. We sometimes throw parties until six in the morning and the kids manage to sleep through them.” I pull out the milk pan and pour in some milk. “Sit,” I say, nodding to a chair.

  “Why are you up so early?”

  “Up early or awake late.” I shrug. “I can’t sleep.”

  “Because of Bonnie?” she asks quietly. I turn to look at her for an explanation. “I overheard her telling one of the ol’ ladies that you’d dumped her. She wasn’t very happy.”

  “I was never with her, so it’s hardly a break-up.” I spoon some honey into the milk and stir it until it boils.

  “Girls always read too much into things. She’s been sharing your bed. In her head, that made her close to becoming your ol’ lady,” she says. I pour the hot milk into a mug and hand it to her. “How did it go with Reggie?”

  I take the seat next to her and sip my coffee. “He knows you’re not going home.”

  “I’m not?” she asks. I shake my head. “What did he say to that?”

  “Don’t worry about him. I’ll deal with him.”

  “Club business,” she says, throwing my words back from earlier.

  “No,” I mutter, shaking my head. “I just don’t want you to worry. That’s my job.” We fall quiet for a few minutes, both sipping our drinks. “Did he hit you a lot?” I ask.

  Anna chews on her lower lip and then nods. “Eva doesn’t know the extent. I felt stupid because I stayed so long. Then every time I left, he’d force me back.”

  “Something he said tonight got in my head,” I mutter. The thought of him beating her and then having sex makes me sick to my stomach.

  As if reading my mind, she shakes her head. “I didn’t enjoy anything he did to me. He’d say I did. It was my body’s reaction to sex, I guess,” she trails off. “Shit, this isn’t the kind of talk for four-thirty in the morning.”

  “I don’t get men who hit women like that. Why do they beat on a woman to make themselves feel powerful?”

  “Reggie’s cruel. His words, his actions, things he’d force me to do— he’s just cruel. He likes to show me that I’m not in control, he is. He likes pain, inflicting it. It gets him off,” she explains. I groan. I don’t need that image in my head. “He would cut me and enjoy that I was in pain.” She sighs and takes a drink of her milk. “You asked Bonnie for skin,” she says, staring down into her mug. “You told me that you never had sex with her, but then I heard you tell her that you needed to feel her skin against yours.”

  I cringe. I hate that she heard that. “I didn’t lie to you, Anna. I wouldn’t. I was drunk that night. I said some stupid shit to her, but I swear I never meant a word of it. I didn’t lay a finger on her, and I’ve spoken to her. That’s why she was pissed earlier. I told her straight that we weren’t ever gonna happen like that.”

  “So, there’s nothing going on with you and her?” she asks, and I shake my head in response. “Why did Michelle leave?” she adds.

  “I cheated on her,” I say, looking her directly in the eyes. “I cheated over and over. Broke her heart and she turned to drugs. Turns out, they made her happier than I did. Growing up in this life is hard. I watched the guys with the club whores. It’s just part of it. I was a horny young teenager and girls were throwing themselves at me. I was gonna be the club’s next president and every girl wanted to be my ol’ lady. Michelle didn’t.” I smile at the memory of Michelle in college. “I liked that about her. There were no expectations for me to make her part of the club, but she fell into it and she fitted in here. I loved her, so fucking much.” The usual pain that I get when I think about my relationship with Michelle squeezes my heart. “But I thought it was okay to cheat. She was pregnant and wasn’t interested in sex. I stupidly thought that mattered. Fuck, I was such an ass.”

  “How did she find out?” she asks.

  “Club whores talk. I guess it just got back to her. She stayed, and when she confronted me, I admitted it. I blamed it all on her because that’s the kind of dick I’d become, but she stuck around for Ziggy’s sake. The club was her support. We tried to make it work, but I loved the other life too much. I pushed her over the edge.”

  “That’s why you help her out? Your mom told me you buy her groceries and check in on her.” I nod. “I think that’s sweet. You recognize what you did was fucke
d up and you’re trying to make up for it.”

  “It’s not enough though. She’s not ready to get better. I’ve got Blade bringing that shit into her so she doesn’t leave to look for it. How messed up is that?”

  Anna places her hand over mine and smiles. “If it keeps her safe, then it’s what you have to do.”

  I turn my hand and take her fingers in mine, gently caressing the back of her hand. “So, what about after Michelle?” she asks.

  “After?” I repeat. “There’s been no one after.”

  She laughs and rolls her eyes in disbelief. “Yeah, right.”

  “I’m being honest. After Michelle, I re-evaluated my life. Of course, I’ve had sex, but nothing meaningful, and for the last year or so, I’ve not bothered chasing club whores. It becomes too much hassle. They all want to become your ol’ lady.”

  “Hold on,” she laughs. “So, you’re telling me you haven’t had sex for the last year?” Hearing it out loud makes me cringe. If the guys overheard, they’d think I was a pussy. “Why not?”

  I shrug my shoulders. “I was sick of the same old shit. Drinking. Sex. It became boring. I’ve been concentrating on the club.”

  “Shit,” she gasps. “So, when you . . . ” She blushes. “Yah know . . . ” She points between her legs and I grin. “Didn’t you want to . . . ” She pauses and blushes again.

  “Fuck you?” I ask, and she nods. “Of course, I did, but I’ve become an expert at controlling myself.” She stares at me wide-eyed.

  Chapter Thirteen


  I’m staring at him like a deer caught in headlights. I’m shocked and amazed. I didn’t expect him to confess that. Without thinking, I throw myself towards him and press my lips against his. I’m so turned on by his confession that I completely take the lead and push myself to stand between his legs. I run my fingers over his stubbly cheeks and kiss him as if my life depends on it. This time, when I feel his erection pressing into my stomach, I rub my hand over the material of his jeans. I keep my mouth against his and reach for his belt. When he doesn’t stop me, I rip it open. He stands and I pop the buttons on his pants and push them down his thighs. “Shit, Anna, I feel like a fucking teenager,” he mutters.

  I stare down at his impressive erection and lick my lips. I lower to my knees and Riggs grips the stool behind him. I notice his knuckles turn white and smile to myself. The tip of his penis glistens and I rub my thumb over the droplet. I pop the digit into my mouth and Riggs groans. I take his cock in my hand with a firm grip and run my tongue over the head. His eyes are half-closed as he watches me run my tongue up and down his length. When I finally take him in my mouth, he hisses and stiffens. I push him to the back of my throat until I can’t take him any further. I make sure my eyes connect with his as I slowly release him before repeating it again.

  I move my hand in sync with my mouth and Riggs throws his head back. I cup his balls and his body shudders.

  Suddenly, he grips my hand and pulls me to stand. We stare at each other, the sound of our panting breaths filling the room.

  “Why don’t you let go for once,” I whisper. “Lose control.” Riggs shakes his head and I smirk. He hasn’t moved away, so I see it as a challenge and reach out for his erection. I grip him again and begin to pump my hand back and forth. He closes his eyes like he’s enjoying it, but after a few seconds, he stops me again. I shimmy out of my pyjama shorts and then lift my vest over my head. He looks torn up when he sees I’m completely naked underneath. He’s scared to let go after so long of controlling himself, but then he allows his eyes to roam over my body.

  This man is putting everything on the line for me. Why have I held back this long?

  He scrubs a hand over his face and tugs on his beard. “Say it,” he mutters. “I see it in your eyes, but I want to hear you say the words.”

  I don’t hesitate in my reply. “Fuck me,” I whisper.

  The moan that slips from his lips sounds pained. He pulls me by the waist and lifts me effortlessly onto the kitchen worktop. He steps between my legs and holds my face at an angle, kissing me hard and fast. In a low, gravelly voice, he says, “If we do this, I can’t let you go, Anna.”

  I nod and he presses his forehead against mine. “I mean it. You understand what I’m saying, right? We’re together from the second we step over that line.” I nod again. “Words,” he grits out.

  “I get it. I’m yours,” I say. He growls and kisses me again. “I’m on the pill,” I add, wriggling against him impatiently and he smiles against my lips.

  His forehead rests against mine again and he looks down between us. I feel him nudging at my entrance and he gently pushes forward, entering me slowly. I cry out as he stretches me. It feels so amazing and the delicious warm feeling I’ve craved since I set eyes on him begins to build. I wrap my arms around his neck and run my tongue over his lower lip until he grants me entrance and our mouths crash together.

  He pushes in as far as my body will allow and then inches out. He stills, looking back down between us, and then he slams hard into me. I cry out again, shivering against him. I feel his fingers dig into my ass as he pulls me from the counter. I have no control, and he moves me against him in a way that builds up my orgasm with such speed that it crashes through me, catching me off guard. My whole body shakes and quivers, and he doesn’t let up his punishing pace until he’s grunting in my ear. It’s the sexiest sound I’ve ever heard, and as I feel him stiffen, he roars. His legs shake and he squeezes my ass, trying to get as deep into me as he can.

  “Fuckkkkkk,” he mutters. He stills and rests his head against my chest.

  “Was it what you expected after a year of abstaining?” I ask with a smile. He lowers me to my feet, and I notice his cock is still semi-hard. He turns me away from him and bends me over the worktop. He lines himself up at my entrance again and pushes inside me.

  “It was better,” he pants. “But I’m not done yet.” He begins to fuck me— like, really fuck me. I try to grab onto the edge of the worktop to stop from slipping over the other side. Riggs presses his body over my back and that seems to hold me in place as he slams into me. “It’s gonna be a long day,” he mutters, placing his hands over me and holding onto the edge of the worktop to give himself more leverage.

  I don’t know how long we fuck like that, but I orgasm twice before he stills and shudders against me. I’m hot and my body glistens with sweat. Riggs pulls out of me. “Stay there,” he whispers. I watch him go through the cupboards until he finds a new dishcloth. He wets in the basin and then stands behind me and gently cleans between my legs. I blush, not used to being taken care of.

  He helps me to stand and then crouches down in front of me and holds my shorts open so I can step into them. He helps me into my vest and then throws the dishcloth into the waste bin. “You need sleep,” he whispers. He takes my hand and leads me from the kitchen and up to my bedroom. My head is spinning, and my entire body feels like it’s floating.

  He stops at the doorway and I see that Malia is still sound asleep. “Aren’t you sleeping?” I ask. He shakes his head and places a kiss on my head. “G’night,” I whisper.

  “Goodnight,” he says and smiles. He waits for me to go inside and close the door. I can’t stop the satisfied grin from forming on my face. I feel so relaxed and happy. I don’t want to jinx it, but I feel like I can finally begin to see a future for me and Malia.

  I sleep for another two hours before Malia wakes me. Nothing can dampen my mood today and I practically skip down to the kitchen hand-in-hand with Malia to make her breakfast. Frankie is already cooking bacon. Riggs is at the head of the table reading the newspaper, Ziggy is stuffing choco pops into his mouth, and Michelle is watching the pair fondly. Malia sits next to Ziggy and I fill her bowl with the same cereal because they have to have everything the same. I smile when I feel Riggs’ fingers gently brush the skin at the back of my legs.

  “Can’t we at least go for a walk?” asks Michelle.

ope. I’m not discussing this, Michelle. Not in front of Ziggy,” says Riggs firmly. His hand moves up my leg and rests on my ass. Michelle notices and her face hardens slightly.

  “A walk in the park is hardly a death sentence. Nothing’s happened, and whoever you’ve upset probably doesn’t even know who I am. Ziggy’s my son too and I want to spend time with him.”

  “Really,” scoffs Frankie, placing a plate of bacon and pancakes on the table. “You’re gonna go there?”

  “I will not discuss this in front of the kids,” says Riggs and I hide my smile. I like the way he’s including Malia by saying ‘kids’. “Now, shut the hell up and let me eat my breakfast. I had a busy night.”

  Michelle stomps out of the kitchen and Riggs tugs my hand until I lower into the seat next to him. “You didn’t get any sleep?” I ask quietly. He shakes his head. “Will you sleep later?” He shakes his head again. “Because you don’t have someone lying with you?” I ask. He stares at me but doesn’t confirm or deny the reason. “Maybe we can catch a nap later if Eva could watch the kids?” He grins and nods his head.

  Riggs has work to do, so I go in search of Eva. I find her in her bedroom. It’s similar to the one I’m staying in— bright and airy. She smiles from her spot on the bed as she turns the page of a book.

  “You’re looking mighty happy with yourself. You have a glow about you,” she says with a smile. “Does that have anything to do with a certain tattooed, hot biker who goes by the name of Pres?”

  I bite on my lower lip and smile coyly. “Maybe.”

  Eva sits up and pats the bed, and I sit down. “I need details,” she demands.

  I close my eyes and groan. “Eva, he’s so hot!”

  “That, I know. I want info about the bits I can’t see.” She grins.


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