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Sebastian - Risking Forever: Vol 4 (The Forever Series): new adult college romance

Page 13


  I twist away. "I don’t think you need an invitation to go to a Frat party. You can just show up."

  "He doesn't live in a Frat house, silly. He lives in his friend Nathan's house with a few other guys. They have parties that I hear are epic, but they're not open to the public. You need an invitation.

  "That sounds creepy."

  "It's normal college life." Her brows arch above her designer shades. "Seriously, Ainsley. You used to be more fun. It's like your mom has sucked the life out of you with all her preaching and rules. I think you need to claim it back."

  "By going to a party?"

  "Not just any party. A party that only special people get invited to and we're special. Besides, I heard Sebastian broke up with his girlfriend a few weeks ago. If I am ever to have a chance at getting into his pants, it's now."

  I giggle at her desperation, even though she has a valid point about my mom. "You talk like a guy. You know that, right?"

  She nods, her expression unabashed and hopeful, like a kid awaiting permission to enter the best bounce house ever made.

  "Okay. I'll do it."

  "You will?" She claps and jumps up and down, and then throws her arms around me in a hug that sends me stumbling sideways.

  "Whoa. I can't get an invitation if I sprain an ankle."

  "Sure you can." She straightens and smirks.

  I face my car and Sebastian, who appears to be pacing beside his driver's door. No one is parked to the left of his Maserati. The two spots are empty. My car is on the right side next to a grassy median. I blow out a breath, clueless as to how to pull this off after our awkward encounter. At least, he's alone. I'd hate an audience.

  "Hurry." Harper nudges me again. "Before he leaves."

  "I got it." I totter forward and try to think of what to say. I hope he doesn't get weird again. Worst case scenario, he blows me off, but now Harper has me curious about these secret parties, and I kind of want to go, too.

  If my attempts fail, I could always point out my Romanian beauty of a best friend and tell him the name of her favorite vibrator. He'd probably give us an open invitation—or at least until the end of the semester when he graduates and disappears from our meager lives—my meager life—forever.

  Continue Ainsley's story here:

  For more books in The Forever Series and new releases, click here:



  Risking Forever: Vol 1

  Daring Forever: Vol 2

  Claiming Forever: Vol 3

  Sebastian – Risking Forever: Vol 1

  A Special Thanks

  If you enjoyed this novel, please give a special thanks by leaving a review on Amazon.


  I want to give a big shout out to all the readers in the world! Without you, books would be undiscovered and unenjoyed!

  I need to thank my husband for always supporting my writing career no matter how obnoxious or stressed I become. I love you for understanding my dedication and determination toward an industry that can make you question your sanity.

  Thank you to my incredible sons for always making me laugh, for leaving me be when I’m writing, and for accepting take out dinner without complaining—which could be a blessing considering my cooking skills.

  I've had writer friends, critique partners, literary agents, and other people related to the industry come and go from my life throughout this journey. I learned valuable tips from each and appreciate the time they dedicated to my work, especially the writers who've stayed in my life—local and distant online buddies. You rock!

  Lori, the time and information you've shared with me (from the beginning even as one of my first critique partners) has been immensely helpful and is always appreciated!

  Michelle, thank you for introducing me to the RWA so many years ago.

  Tawney, you've read this novel in its many forms more times than I can count. Thank you so much for your feedback and continuous support.

  Ditto to you Lizzy—my sister from another mister. You've been with me from the near beginning of this journey. You've listened to me moan and groan on more than one occasion, given me helpful advice, and you still find ways to help and inspire me.

  Lastly, I want to thank the people behind the scenes—advisors, editors, proofreaders, formatters, etc—for their time and services toward making this book and others I've written the best they can be. Anyone can put words on paper or a laptop, but it takes commitment and a small village to finalize a book! I am so very thankful for everyone involved!

  About the Author

  Tara Gallina grew up breathing the salty air in a small town near Clearwater Beach, Florida. The sun and sand were her playground, bathing suits and jean shorts her go-to wear.

  After moving to Orlando, FL with her hubs, she left the workforce to enjoy motherhood and rekindled her love of writing. While romance is one of her favorite genres, she writes young and new adult and has a soft spot for retellings.

  She has two furry writing companions who often steal her seat when she's working: a mini shih-poo named Bella, and an exotic cat named Tigerlily but who answers to Kitty because the menfolk in the house like it better. Speaking of kitties, she is obsessed with Hello Kitty, has a pink office, thinks everything is better with sparkles, freezes in temperatures below seventy, and is happiest when visiting local hotspots like Disney World or Harry Potter with her family.

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  Table of Contents


  About the Book

  Table of Contents

  About Serial Novels

  The Forever Series


  Chapter 1

  Chapter 2

  Chapter 3

  Chapter 4

  Chapter 5

  Chapter 6

  Chapter 7

  Chapter 8

  Chapter 9

  Chapter 10

  Chapter 11

  Chapter 12

  Chapter 13

  Chapter 14

  Chapter 15

  Chapter 16

  Chapter 17


  Chapter 1

  Chapter 2

  A Special Thanks


  About the Author




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