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Mac's Destiny (Charon MC Book 8)

Page 8

by Khloe Wren

  “Fuck. I wish I was home and could wrap you both up in my arms.”

  I swiped at my tears. I wanted that too. So badly.

  “Do you know when you’re coming home yet?”

  “Hopefully we can head back first thing in the morning. I’ll try to convince the boys to ride through the night so we can get home faster.”

  My heart melted a little that he was so desperate to get back to us. “Staying safe and making it home in one piece is more important than getting home faster, babe.”

  “Yeah, I know. I won’t be stupid about it. I’m hoping I can get Blade to come with us. He’s gonna need someone watching his back and I’m not comfortable leaving him here.”

  There was a strain to his voice that had me worried. I knew he wouldn’t discuss what they’d been doing, which was perfectly fine with me. I was fairly certain I didn’t want to know. But I did want to know what was going on with Blade. Mac didn’t speak of him often, but I knew they’d been close back when Mac had been caught up in the mob.

  “What’s wrong with Blade?”

  A heavy sigh came over the line. “I’ll explain it more when I get home, but he lost someone he cared for and in the process ended up with some nasty burns.”

  “Bring him home. We’ll take care of him.”

  He was silent for a moment before he cleared his throat. “Love you so much, Zara. Best old lady ever.”

  Heat raced over my cheeks. “Love you too, babe. But I’m not so sure about being the best old lady. I’ve been cursing the club a lot this past week.”

  He chuckled. “I bet you have. But I bet you were grateful for them just as much. I mean, Taz dropped everything to get you and Cleo to the hospital, right?”

  “Yeah, and Donna went with me to see Dr. Stevenson. It’s been an emotional roller coaster of a week. I’m not sure how I feel about anything, at this point. Well, except for you and Cleo. I love you both to the moon and back.”

  I didn’t mention about how the cafe shooting was affecting me. He didn’t need that added stress right now and I wanted to talk to him about that in person, not over the phone.

  “Ditto, bunny. Hate being so far from you. Listen, I gotta go. Need to get some sleep before the long ride home tomorrow. You make sure you get some sleep too. No spending the night in the chair in Cleo’s room. You’ll be wrecked tomorrow if you do.”

  My face heated with embarrassment that he knew what I’d intended to do. “But I need to keep an eye on her.”

  “Zara, baby, if she needed to be watched that closely, they would have kept her in the hospital. Turn the baby monitor on and take that into our room with you. Go get some real sleep, not the shit sleep you’ll get sitting in that chair. We both know your narcolepsy won’t let you stay awake all night, so go get comfortable in our bed and try to relax. I’ll be home as soon as I can.”

  Gah, I hated it when he made so much sense. I couldn’t argue with any of his points. He was right. Not that I’d admit it to him.

  “Fine. You go get some sleep too, and let me know when you’re heading out. I can’t wait to see you.”

  We said our goodbyes and love yous before ending the call. Then I went and grabbed the baby monitor we hadn’t used in months and set it back up before heading for our bedroom to try to sleep.

  By the time Cleo was about three months old, she’d holler loud enough for the whole damn street to hear when she wanted something during the night, so we hadn’t bothered with the monitor. But tonight, I was grateful we’d kept it. I actually felt silly for not thinking of it before Mac mentioned it. I hadn’t been looking forward to how I’d feel tomorrow after sleeping in that chair in her room.

  Chapter 9


  After a restless night of not getting much sleep, I was up at dawn to try to get everyone sorted so we could leave. I’d told everyone except for Blade about Cleo after my phone call, so they all knew why I was so damn anxious to get on the road.

  I went into the room we’d put Blade in last night to see him thrashing in his sleep.

  “Blade! Wake up, man.”

  I didn’t touch him, as I had no clue how that would go over. I knew men who’d kill someone who touched them while they slept, purely out of reflex.

  With a groan, he reached his left hand up and rubbed his face, wincing when his fingers caught the edge of a burn. The side of his neck, ear and a small part of his cheek were red from the fire. It wasn’t a serious burn like up his arm thankfully, but it was gonna sting when he touched it for a while.

  He blinked up at me.

  “What’s going on?”

  “We got a lot to discuss, and not a whole lot of time at the moment to do it, so I’m gonna keep it brief. I’m not comfortable leaving you alone right now. I don’t like where your head’s at after yesterday. I wish I could offer to stay here with you, but that’s a no go. Got word from home last night that my baby girl’s been in the hospital. I need to get home to my family and I want you to come with us.”

  He winced and moved his gaze to the ceiling.

  “I ain’t one of you, Mac. I don’t belong—”

  “Bull fucking shit, Blade! You belong. You’ve helped out the Charons more than once. I have Scout’s blessing to bring you back to Bridgewater. He told me it was up to you if you wanted to join the club, but even if you don’t, you’re welcome in our town. My old lady told me last night to bring you home so we could look after you.” I paused until he turned his gaze back to me. “You’re not alone, brother. Let us help you. Once your burns heal up, we’ll revisit where you want to live going forward. If you want to come back here, you can. If you don’t, we’ll help you move all your shit to Bridgewater.”

  He stayed quiet for a minute.

  “What’s up with your kid?”

  “Allergic reaction to amoxicillin. Zara got her to hospital in time so she’ll be fine, but I wanna get back home to them to see for myself.”

  Before I could get an answer out of Blade, Jazz came tearing through the trailer and skidding through the bedroom door as though the hounds of hell were on his heels.

  “We got a problem, Mac. A big, fucking problem.”

  I frowned his way as several options on what might have him riled up passed through my mind. Reaching for my gun, I headed out of Blade’s room.

  “Spill it, Jazz. What the fuck’s going on?”

  “Nothing that needs a gun. At least I hope that’s not the route we’re taking....”

  “Jazz. Cut the shit. What is the problem?”

  “We got a stowaway. That teenager from the warehouse—the one you gave your shirt to—well, she’s asleep in the back of the van.”

  Putting my gun back in its holster, I headed for the front door, cursing. This was the last thing we needed.

  “She still sleeping?”

  “Yeah, I saw her through the window as I was about to open things up. Figured I’d get you before I risked waking her.”

  Once at the van, I peeked through the window and sure enough, the little spitfire teen from yesterday was curled up asleep in the rear of the van. The pile of blankets half covered her. She must have hidden herself beneath them yesterday but had moved out from under them as she’d slept.

  “Open it up, Jazz. Let’s get this dealt with.”

  Everyone was out at the van now. Even Blade had managed to drag his sorry looking self outside. I looked to Arrow and he nodded to the van, letting me this was all mine. Great fucking time for Scout to put me in charge of a run.

  When the door opened the kid jerked awake, and after a moment grabbed the blankets.

  “We know you’re there, darlin’.”

  She turned wide eyes toward us, running her gaze over each of us before settling on me.

  “Please. Don’t send me back.”

  Fury laced through my system. “I’d never send anyone back to a place like that. We busted that shit wide open and burned it to the ground so no one could ever be sent back there.”

  She sho
ok her head. “Not the warehouse, to the cops.”

  I could see the fear in her eyes and knew this was going to take more than a minute to sort out.

  “How about you come on inside? Get cleaned up and get something to eat, then we’ll discuss what the next step here is gonna be.”

  Bank cleared his throat and I turned to face him.

  “I’ll head down to Walmart and grab her something to change into and some other stuff she’ll need.”

  I gave him a nod. “Good idea. Thanks, brother.” I turned back to the girl. “What size are you, darlin’?”

  She rattled off her digits and Bank gave her a nod. “I’ve got you covered, honey. Got a baby sister who’s probably about your age.”

  With that, Bank headed to his bike and took off. I held my hand out to her.

  “C’mon, kid. Let’s get you inside and more comfortable.”

  She hesitated for a moment before putting her dirty, bruised hand into mine. There was no way I could miss the scabs on her knuckles. Clearly, she’d fought hard against those fuckers who’d held her. And as much as it pained me that she’d been in that fucking warehouse to begin with, I was also rather proud that she’d kept up fighting them and hadn’t just given up.


  Nerves had me trembling as I took the hand he offered and left the back of the van. I hadn’t meant to fall so deeply asleep. I couldn’t remember the last time I’d slept so soundly that I hadn’t been aware of what was around me, but I guess everything finally caught up with me and I passed the fuck out last night. The sun was only just peeking over the horizon and thanks to all the smoke in the air, everything was hazy and tainted dark red.

  When my bare feet hit the ground I landed on a rock and pain flashed up my leg, sending my knee out as I gasped.

  “I got you.”

  He swung me up into his arms and carried me inside, not setting me back down until he entered a small bathroom.

  “Here you go. Take all the time you need, there’s soap...” He paused as he opened the cupboard over the sink, then looked through the drawers beneath it. “New toothbrush. Let me go ask the others if they have any shampoo for you.”

  Before I could say a word he left me standing there. Alone, but safe. I knew I was being naive to think that, but these men had come storming into the warehouse and saved us all. They wouldn’t do that just to turn on me now.


  Before I could get myself worked up, he returned holding a couple of bottles.

  “Okay, I don’t want to think about why Jazz had conditioner, but that works out well for you.” He set the bottles down next to the sink. “Here’s a towel. Take your time getting clean. Looks like it’s been a while since you’ve had the chance. No one here is a threat to you in any way, okay? Once you’re done, come on out and we’ll get some food into you and discuss what we’re gonna do.”

  The thought of a hot shower and food nearly made me dizzy with glee, but I was still scared of what would happen afterward. I reached out and gripped his arm.

  “Please, don’t send me back.”

  He tilted his head as he ran his gaze over my face. “What has you so scared of the cops?”

  “It’s not the cops so much as where they’ll send me. I’ll end up either back with my mother, who’ll just sell me again, or with my father.” A shudder ran through me. “Who, I’m told, would rather see me dead than in his home.”

  He let out a sigh.

  “Take your shower, ah. What’s your name?”

  “Sparrow.” I smiled as he frowned. “Yeah, as in the bird. Another little present from my mom. What’s your name?”

  “Ah, shit, we didn’t introduce ourselves did we? I’m Mac, darlin’. I’ll introduce the others when you get out. I’ll have Bank leave your clothes just outside the door for you.”

  He nodded, then without another word, turned and left the room, closing the door behind him. I followed him and flipped the lock before returning to the shower. I pulled the curtain back and leaned in to flip on the tap. Fresh, clean water flowed instantly and I smiled while I set the bottles of shampoo and conditioner on the edge of the tub. Peeling off his shirt, I placed it over the edge of the sink before I put my hand under the water and adjusted the temperature. Once it was perfect, I stepped into the tub and groaned as the fresh water ran down over me. I couldn’t remember the last time I’d been free to enjoy a hot shower.

  Emotion clogged my throat and a sob broke free as I turned my face up and let the warm water wash my tears away. Mac had told me to take my time, and I fully intended to. Being able to safely release my tears and getting clean was simply too good to rush through.

  When my skin was wrinkly and the water was starting to cool, I turned the taps off and stepped out onto the mat. Picking up the towel, I dried off and gave my hair a squeeze to get as much water as I could out of it. The curls had matted together and even after putting a heap of conditioner through it, I knew it was going to be a job to get it all brushed out. It would no doubt be easier to cut it all off, but I’d always loved my thick hair and really didn’t want to lose it now.

  Wrapping the towel around my torso, I crept over to the door and flicking the lock, carefully opened it. There were two bags sitting by the wall and I quickly snatched them before reclosing and locking the door. The trailer was small and I knew they would have seen me just now. Well, they would have seen my arm as I reached out. Taking the towel from my body, I wrapped it around my hair turban-style before kneeling on the mat to look in the bags.

  I spent a while just touching it all. I was so overwhelmed I didn’t even know what to think. It had been rare that I’d gotten anything new growing up. Standing up, I started getting dressed with the plain white, cotton panties. Then the sports bra. The stretchy material clung to me and instantly made me feel warmer and more secure. Diving back into the bag, I dragged out a pair of dark blue jeans and slipped them on, stretching my legs out some at how strange they felt. Had it really been that long since I’d worn clothes?

  I shook my head, refusing to let my thoughts go there. Digging back into the bag, I found a tank. It was plain black with a big white skull on the front. It was smiling and had pretty hearts and swirls on it. I’d never seen anything like it but it made me smile, so I put it on before looking up into the mirror. More tears ran down my cheeks. I looked normal. Like the kids I’d seen on the street back before I was taken to the warehouse.

  Back in the bags I found socks and really sturdy looking boots. After tugging the tag off, I looked at it. They were work boots, like with a steel-capped toe. If I kicked someone with these, it would really do them some damage. Was that why they bought them for me? To help me feel safe?

  I didn’t understand these men at all, but I was so grateful for them. There was more stuff in the bags. A few extra pieces of clothing, a small backpack, deodorant, brush, comb, some hair ties. Even some spray leave-in conditioner.

  A knock on the door startled me.

  “Sparrow? You okay in there, darlin’?”

  That was when I realized I was crying again. I dashed the tears away and cleared my throat.

  “I’m good, Mac. Just be another few minutes.”


  Quickly shoving everything except the brush, comb and conditioner into the backpack, I took the towel off my hair then headed for the door. Taking a deep breath, I flipped the lock once more before I opened the door. A quick glance showed me all the men were sitting around a table and they were all looking at me. Mac stood and came toward me.

  “Come on out, Sparrow. Let me introduce everyone.”

  It was getting easier to put my faith in Mac. He looked like a hard-ass, but his eyes were gentle when he looked at me. And he’d yet to do a single thing to hurt me.

  “Is it okay if I do my hair out here?”

  He smiled. “Sure, darlin’. You make yourself right at home.”

  Gripping my new possessions tightly, I followed him over to the others.r />
  Chapter 10


  With my hands on my hips, I stared at the door to the bathroom. I’d heard her flip the lock a few minutes ago and now I could hear her crying over the sound of the shower. This kid was gutting me with her pain, and her strength.

  Arrow came and stood beside me.

  “She all right?”

  “No fucking clue, brother.”

  “She tell you anything else?”

  I nodded before turning to head over to the table where I sat. Within minutes the rest of the guys were all there sitting around me.

  “Yesterday I asked her if her mom was in the warehouse. She told me straight out she didn’t give a fuck if she was because the bitch had sold her daughter to pay off a drug debt. Just now she told me her dad would kill her before he’d take her into his home. I saw the shudder run through her at the thought of her old man. What the fuck, brothers? I don’t understand how parents can do that.”

  The others were silent, because really, what could you say? The rumble of a bike preceded Bank’s return with a couple bags of stuff.

  “I told her you’d put her stuff by the door. She’s locked it.”

  With a nod, he headed toward the bathroom before he returned and joined us.

  Blade rapped the knuckles of his good hand on the table and I looked over to him.

  “You want me to come back to Texas with you? Well, I’ll do it, but only if we take her with us as well.”

  “What the fuck, man. That’s not up to us! She’s a fucking minor.”

  The sound of a door creaking had us shutting up and watching as she opened it a fraction. Her arm snaked out and snagged the bags quickly before the door shut once more and the lock clicked. Yep, that girl was gonna break my heart before this day was over.

  Blade shook his head before he spoke in a quiet voice. “I doubt that girl’s ever been allowed to be a child. She says she doesn’t want to get handed over to parents who’ve already let her down in the worst way, and I agree with her. No way that’s gonna end well for her. And I’m not going to risk her ending up like—” His voice broke, unable to even say the name of his lost love. “I just can’t.”


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