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Rise of a Legend

Page 6

by C.L. Mozena

Chapter 6

  Unbeknownst to Orion, once he and his brothers left the palace, Empress Anita headed straight for the palace dungeons to see King Frederic. It had been seventeen years since she last seen him, but she still loved him. She knew that he had taken advantage of her emotions to escape, but she couldn’t help but love him. She stood on an awning just inside the heavy steel door, looking over the plain black steel railing where he was sitting against the wall in front of her. She descended the steps to her left, down to the dirt floor of the cell. King Frederic looked up at her as she came closer, but was powerless to do anything with his wrists locked firmly to the wall above his head. There were chains and locks hanging off the walls for other prisoners, but King Frederic and Empress Anita were the only ones there.

  “What do you want?” King Frederic said haughtily. He was defeated, but he couldn’t let go of his anger. Empress Anita looked taken aback.

  “I just came to see you.” She looked sad, and kneeled in front of him. King Frederic remembered how he had won her over last time, and decided to try it again.

  “Let me out, Annie,” he said, completely masking his anger. “I don’t like it here.” He put on the saddest face he could muster. “Please let me out.”

  I can’t Frederic,” she said, looking down. “I promised Orion I wouldn’t.”

  “Annie, please,” he begged. She shook her head apologetically. He looked down, trying to think of what to say that would make her unlock the shackles. She looked at him and touched his cheek, gently bringing his eyes up to meet hers. Brushing her fingertips across his swollen eye, she released healing power into the wound, vanishing it completely. Several minutes passed as they just sat there, staring at each other. He tried reading her mind, but it yielded the same thing she had already said- she had promised Orion that she wouldn’t let him go. Without either of them realizing it, she had closed the gap between them until their noses almost touched. King Frederic suddenly had an idea to convince Empress Anita to free him. He pressed his mouth to hers and closed his eyes. Surprised, Empress Anita started, but then returned the kiss. She took a hold of the back of his neck with both of her hands, getting her fingers tangled in his hair. It was over before he knew it, and when he opened his eyes to look at her, there was something different. He forgot where he was, that he had been arrested by his own son, and that he had to find a way out. All he wanted was to be with Empress Anita. He leaned over for another kiss, but she backed out of his reach. Everything came flooding back to him as he tried to pull himself away from the wall, and felt the shackles dig into his wrists.

  “I’m sorry Frederic,” she sat back and looked down, “but I can’t let you out. I’m sorry.” She raised her eyes to his. He looked both scared and upset, like a child who just got caught with a hand in the cookie jar, but anger was growing inside him.

  What’s it going to take to get her to release me? He thought. Maybe I’ll have to sleep with her again. He didn’t like the idea, and angrily turned his head away from her.

  “I’m sorry Frederic,” Empress Anita repeated as she kissed his cheek and got up. King Frederic watched her leave the dungeon.

  What’s wrong with her? He thought furiously, staring at the door as it was slammed shut. He gritted his teeth and growled. That horrible woman. How could she just leave me here? He glared at the door as if expecting it to answer. Images of Empress Anita began swirling around in his mind. He could still smell her flowery perfume, and he liked it.

  What’s wrong with me? He wondered. She’s the enemy. She hates me.

  No, she doesn’t, A small voice came from the back of his head.

  Yes, she does, King Frederic argued with the voice, She’s a horrible witch, who only gets her pleasure from other people’s pain, especially mine.

  She’s pretty, the voice argued back.

  She’s ugly! She’s the worst thing to ever happen to me, and I hate her!

  No, I don’t. Frederic sighed and licked his lips. He could still taste her kiss. He knew that he didn’t really hate her, and that she was really pretty. He wanted her to come back. He wanted to look deeply into her eyes again. He wanted her to hold him again; to kiss him again.

  It’s not to be, he thought sinking into depression, She’s the enemy. We can’t be together, even if that’s what I wanted. Which I don’t! He panicked for a moment. Images of Empress Anita began swirling in his mind again, mixed with thoughts of what his people would say if they knew. Finally realizing that he’d never get out of the dungeon or have to worry about what the people thought, he let his mind wander wherever it pleased. His thoughts were his only company for the rest of the day, until he drifted off into a dreamless sleep.


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