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Rise of a Legend

Page 12

by C.L. Mozena

Chapter 11

  “I have some... disturbing news,” Boss said, agitated. He was sitting with his followers in the dimly lit room again.

  “What is it, sir?” Natalie asked, laying a hand on Boss’s shoulder to comfort him. She didn’t like to see him so upset.

  “Prince Orion has become more than just a minor annoyance,” Boss said, looking at each of his followers in turn. “He must be eliminated.”

  “What happened?” Mac asked, curious as to why the prince, who had seemed such a little bump in the road at first, had become such a large obstacle all of a sudden.

  “The empress has decided to name Prince Orion emperor of Lunspae on his twentieth birthday,” Boss lowered his eyes, “That’s in less than four years.”

  “What!” Bryan exclaimed, “She can’t do that! What about-,”

  “She did,” Boss shot him a murderous look, “which means that Prince Orion must be done away with, to clear up the throne for the true emperor.”

  “But why would she do that?” Bryan asked, “Do you think that it has anything to do with Prince Orion being a prince of both worlds?”

  “Yes, that’s it, exactly,” Boss took a deep breath, “Which means that if Prince Orion’s killed, there’s the possibility that she’ll want Prince Joshua to be emperor in his place.”

  “Does that mean that we’ll have to kill them both?” Natalie asked.

  “Maybe, maybe not,” Boss folded his hands and set his elbows on the table. “Prince Joshua is not our main concern at this point in time. But Prince Orion,” Boss let his voice trail off. Anger began creeping on his face. He stood up suddenly, beat his fist on the table, and shouted, “I want him dead! Do you hear me? I want his head on a platter!”

  “Yes, Boss,” the three followers said in unison.


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