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The Invisible Choir

Page 3

by Tessa Lynne

Zachary tells me that he wants to start at the beginning, with the creation of this physical world.

  “The Creator set in motion the forces that resulted in this world, and He touches every living thing—but creation is not without its flaws. This planet took eons to develop to the point where several human-like species emerged with the necessary potential. Of them, Homo sapiens was the most suited, but it was a long time before they were fully capable of supporting spiritual life. That was only possible after the Creator intervened and made several adjustments in their development.”

  I ask him why our species took so long to develop.

  “The family unit, with the relationships it supports, was slow to evolve, and this world was a harsh one. The time and energy of its inhabitants were devoted strictly to survival needs, and their life spans were short.”

  What is required for a spirit to make constructive use of a life?

  “Eventually, Homo sapiens came to be capable of advanced cognition, the ability to reason, and complex communication skills—the qualities necessary to the freedom of thought and action that spirits require. That was when more advanced spirits first took lifetimes on this planet, inhabiting the physical lives of the entire species at approximately the same time.”

  In my view, the creation story of the Old Testament (and those of other belief systems) has meaning, but I do not take it literally. It makes sense to me that an entire species, capable of functioning as individuals and in groups, was the beginning of spiritual life on earth. I want to know how long ago it was.

  “Given the age of this planet, it is a relatively recent event, almost 9,000 years ago.”

  I am surprised that it was so recently, then recollect my knowledge of history and share my assumption with Zachary.

  “You assume correctly. The presence of the intelligence and skills needed to support a full spiritual life would also predict a population on the verge of developing a written language.”

  I recall Carl Sagan’s chart compressing our planet’s history to a twenty-four hour timeline, with humans arriving less than two minutes before midnight. Our spiritual history would have us arriving in the last few seconds. I ask Zachary how the Creator assisted in the evolution of our species.

  “One intervention was to aid in the development of the larynx to make speech possible; the ability to communicate is essential for spiritual learning. (Strictly speaking, speech is not a requirement; some worlds have what you call extra-sensory perception.) The other major adjustments were to assist in the complex development of the higher functions of the human brain.”

  My next question is about the process and necessity of evolution. Couldn’t the Creator have simply brought this world into being?

  “The Creator could have fashioned a world ready made, but He was aware that a perfectly created world would have led to weaknesses over time. He deemed it necessary—to the inter-relatedness, both of and within ecosystems—that it evolve naturally. This built support for their interdependence on each other and also for their individual strengths.”

  I have more questions, but Zachary wants to move on.

  “Sally will not always be this available. Her husband has had to work evenings lately, leaving her with time to fill, but he will soon return to his regular schedule. It is important that any disruptions to her life be kept to a minimum. Let us proceed.”

  Multiple Lifetimes

  Zachary states his understanding that I believe in multiple lifetimes. I nod in agreement as he emphasizes his first point.

  “It is not the individual person who reincarnates; it is the spirit who attaches to a succession of human lives. As each lifetime is completed, the spirit integrates significant experience into their spiritual identity.”

  I ask if, when spirits choose a lifetime, it is with the knowledge of others who will share it with them.

  “Spirits are aware of who the parents will be and of any prior spiritual connection with them. They sometimes are aware of siblings and other key figures expected to be present in that lifetime.”

  If it is the spirit who reincarnates, what explains those who claim to remember a previous life?

  “A spirit will retain relevant details from several past lives, those most pertinent to their current lifetime. It is possible for a mortal to have glimpses of those past lives, and it is natural that they would want to claim them as their own.”

  Do humans return as animals? (I have never thought it plausible.)

  “Animals do not have the necessary cognitive and language abilities, and they are largely incapable of making free choices. Their spirits are simply animating spirits, with the purpose of protecting and propagating each species. Their kingdom is vastly different from the one designed for human spirits, and it is completely separate.”

  What of those who have had near-death experiences and report seeing loved ones, including animals?

  “In the initial plane of transition, an animal spirit may be present briefly if there had been a close bond. It will assume the same appearance it had in life.”


  I pick up on Zachary’s mention of spiritual purpose and ask what more he can tell me about it.

  “The spirit world has been structured to provide opportunities for growth, so that all spirits might approach that which exists within the Creator—an immense, benevolent power that emanates only outward, that diminishes no one. The Creator welcomes all who approach the same status. As the Creator also continues to evolve, there are few who come close and none who are, or who will ever be, equal.”

  Is there a clear, well-defined path that all spirits follow?

  “It is essential that the individual spirit be free to choose whether to follow the path of opportunity. This path diverges into many as each spirit designs and follows their own agenda.”

  So each spirit goes their own way?

  “The Creator is generous. Assistance is offered at every turn to help guide a spirit, but, ultimately, they make their own choices. A spirit must contend with its own unique personality and with those of the spirits to whom it is accountable. In this regard, it is similar to individual goals and relationships as they exist in the physical world.”

  Do spiritual goals change over time?

  “The purpose of spirits who attain a certain status is to assist other spirits and to contribute to an environment that sustains and perpetuates the growth of all spirits. It is necessary to maintain an awareness of one’s own status and purpose while focusing always on the greater design, purpose, and being of the Creator.”

  Whose Life is it?

  Listening to Zachary, I begin to question: is it my life or my spirit’s life?

  “It is both—more so yours throughout your lifetime and more that of your spirit after it. Primarily, it is the spirit that serves the human rather than the human that serves the spirit, which hesitates to impose its will too much.”

  Does my spirit know the direction my life will take?

  “Your spirit is aware of the lessons to be learned but is not aware of the specific situations that will bring them about. For instance, a spirit will not know if what seems to be a bad choice might lead to an intended lesson, as is often the case.”

  I question if this contradicts what is taught about following a straight and narrow path.

  “Your spirit knows that you must learn from the consequences of your decisions. Like a good parent, your spirit will be there to help you process the results of your actions and, usually, to provide guidance before you act. You will aid that process if you spend time in reflection and in making considered choices.”

  I am still not clear on the extent to which a spirit will join with the desires of a human life versus us responding to theirs.

  “There is a balance that will meet both of your needs, conditions that nourish your spirit and conditions that nourish you as a human entity. Most of these will be the same or will grow to be so.”

  What role does a spirit play when we humans are behavi
ng badly?

  “What I have just said applies mainly to constructive pursuits. A young spirit, or one slow to make progress, may become caught up in destructive behaviors or unable to dissuade a mortal from them. Their intent on taking that life would have been to deal effectively with the challenges presented, learn from them, and then return to a path of growth, but, as is the case with humans, a spirit’s best intentions are not always realized.”

  If a spirit’s intent is always positive, how do you explain some of the worst examples of human behavior?

  “A long-term, viciously destructive life would not be part of an intended lesson, or of a destiny, but it is not uncommon for a spirit to lose control of the direction a life is taking. I expect you are aware of some notorious examples. A spirit will continue to make attempts to direct a wayward life and will be alert for opportunities to resume their guidance.”

  My confusion must be evident; Zachary enlightens me.

  “Some intended lessons might lead to years of following a destructive path, seeking to learn the lessons thoroughly, but the spirit’s intent would be to return to a more positive life path. One example would be to follow, and then turn away from, the path of addiction; however, an intended lesson would not involve the taking of a life or other egregious acts.”

  Our time is up and Sally returns. I once asked her what she experiences while Zachary is talking to me. She replied that she is in a place of rest and calming energy that she welcomes as a respite; her appearance reflects a rejuvenating experience.

  As I drive across town to a meeting of mental health professionals, I think of how my spirit knew who my parents would be and where they lived. Can I make any assumptions about why she chose this life over others? Have I had past lives with either of my parents? Did my spirit seek my somewhat isolated childhood in the country? Is it she who was first drawn to nature? Did she know the type of person I would be, or was it her influence that forged me? My first impulse is to give her credit for my better qualities and blame myself for my lesser ones. What I’ve learned about the interplay between mortal and spirit suggests I am, perhaps, being too hard on myself.

  I feel that I have a more complete answer in what Zachary said about the purpose of the spirit world. (I see an image of millions of spirits who have achieved Eli’s strong presence, the immensity of their combined power and influence.) Of the various descriptions I have heard, Zachary’s, brief as it was, leaves me the most satisfied: within the benevolent presence of the Creator, there exist opportunities, growth, and purpose.

  4. Lessons

  IN TODAY’S SESSION WITH SALLY, I work with her and two of the alters. For her to move closer to integration, they need to come close enough to observe her life, but she doesn’t yet trust them to not take control. When Zachary comes, he tells me he will encourage her in that direction, and then he briskly says we must take advantage of the available time.

  “The essential purpose of a spirit taking a physical lifetime is for the lessons it offers. There are many of them, presented at various degrees of difficulty over a number of lifetimes. Each repetition leads to an increase in understanding through a greater depth of experience.”

  Zachary explains that many lessons are learned in incremental steps. For instance, a lesson first presented in a lifetime that is relatively uncomplicated will later be presented in a more difficult context. Or, the circumstances may escalate, e.g., a younger spirit will learn to forgive minor offenses, an older one what we would consider an unforgivable act.

  I ask if every lesson requires multiple exposures.

  “Many do not, but you should never underestimate the value of a lesson, even one to be gleaned from an event that appears to be insignificant.”

  I do not expect Zachary to provide me with a complete list of lessons in order of importance, and he does not.

  “There is no order, as such; it is a series of opportunities to acquire knowledge. A spirit is guided to build and expand on the lessons of previous lifetimes, but they are free to ignore what has been recommended.”

  I share what I think could be lessons, and Zachary adds a few to my list.

  Lessons — A Partial List

  Love, in its many forms

  Awareness of one’s spirit




  Faith in one’s convictions




  Faith and Trust

  Respect for all humans

  Appropriate use of power


  Knowledge of human societies

  The psychology of the individual

  Awareness of the Creator

  The laws of physics and other scientific knowledge

  Awareness of the inter-relatedness of all races

  Awareness of the inter-relatedness of ecological systems

  “What you have here is enough to give a general idea. Lessons are often intricate and they overlap, with layers of meaning from accumulated lifetimes. An extensive review is required, at the end of each lifetime, to grasp their full impact.”

  Some people attribute life’s hardest lessons to our past actions, either in this lifetime or in a previous one. I ask Zachary if that is the case.

  “Do not assume that any one challenge is due to your actions in a previous life—most often they are not—and they are rarely based on actions from your current lifetime. And, do not think that lessons are always presented in a negative fashion; the circumstances may as often be positive, or neutral. There is one common factor: lessons require that you make choices.”

  What about those situations not under our control? Do we not learn from them as well?

  “You are correct. Much can be learned from situations that are not of your choosing; however, you do have some choice in how you respond to them.”

  I ask if he can give me an example of a lesson that would be common to most lives.

  “In almost every lifetime, there are debts to be paid from a previous lifetime. You have harmed others, to some degree and in some fashion, and you must make amends in this lifetime. Humans have a tendency to become mired in the past as they seek a reason for the bad things that happen, and they tend to view them as punishment. They would be better served to put their focus on their present life and on how they might increase their understanding and acceptance of others—and then choose to act accordingly.”

  Zachary has paused, but not as if he is finished. I wait for him to continue.

  “Keep in mind: most of the events in your life are either chance occurrences or arise out of choices you have made that are not related to your intended lessons.”

  I’ve never accepted the common saying that “everything happens for a reason.” If interpreted to mean that all was meant to happen, it leaves little room for free choice. Zachary has confirmed my view-point. (Cause and effect are a different matter.)

  I ask if it is helpful to uncover past-life experiences.

  “It is not necessary, and it may even be detrimental, as few practitioners are capable of eliciting accurate accounts. There is a strong tendency for the human mind to find what it expects to find. Rest assured: if a past life issue needs to be addressed, it will be presented to you in some manner. Upon your return to the spirit world, you will know of any connection to a past lifetime. That will be soon enough.”

  Are we likely to have some sense of those past-life issues?

  “You have, located within your subconscious, the elements of certain events from past lives that may contribute to your reaction when you confront a similar situation in this lifetime. It is not necessary that you know the details.”

  I have long thought there is too much to learn for any one life-time to be adequate to the task. As Zachary has been talking about lessons, I have flashed on scenes from the movie Groundhog Day. It is accurate in concept, if not in particulars. We do not go through multiple repetitions of one da
y, as in the plot of the movie, but if some lessons are not learned a spirit will be guided to choose a next lifetime that offers opportunities for them.

  Zachary next tells me that sometimes a spirit will step back, relinquish their efforts, and observe how we manage on our own. I am puzzled and ask if this doesn’t conflict with the idea of us following our spirit’s guidance.

  “It is a mixture. Sometimes the balance shifts one way and some-times the other. Your spirit is here to guide you but also to learn from observing the course of your life and from you as an individual. Giving you free rein is an opportunity for both of you to learn.”

  An image comes to me of two paths intertwining, but not without some tension. I see those lives most in tune with spirit as two paths almost indistinguishable, so closely are they aligned. I see the least harmonic relationships as two paths that meet only occasionally, out of alignment but irrevocably linked. I see my own path as one that is generally aligned with that of my spirit, mostly in harmony, often overlapping.

  Zachary begins to change the subject, but I interrupt to ask if he can tell me what lessons my spirit was to have learned in this life-time. I wait while he pauses, eyes closed, and seems to search a file of some sort.

  “I can tell you of two. First, it was known that you would face chronic health issues. The second is associated with your career. You have had past lifetimes of doing similar work among the more privileged classes. In this one, you were to choose to work with the less fortunate, as you have mostly done. I can also inform you that you have learned all of the lessons intended to this point in your life. If you had not, you would not have been approached, which requires a certain status. That is my next topic.”

  I excuse myself to get a glass of water, and I ask Zachary if I can bring one for him.

  “Yes. The body requires fluid.”

  I walk out of the room, flexing my fingers, cramped from note taking. In a few minutes we are ready to continue.



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