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Fox (Hades Abyss MC 7): A Dixie Reapers Bad Boys Romance

Page 13

by Harley Wylde

  “It doesn’t bother any of you?” I asked. “That they like men?”

  “There are clubs out there who would have a big issue with it,” Spider said. “Some who also wouldn’t like mixed race members in their club, or anyone who wasn’t the same race as them. We’re not like that, and neither are the clubs we consider our allies. We try to stay open-minded. The color of someone’s skin, and who they decide to love, doesn’t make them any less capable of having our backs. A few might be uncomfortable with the fact a brother likes other men, but at the end of the day, we support one another.”

  “The Reckless Kings, the club I belong to, is the same way,” Hatchet said. “The Devil’s Fury, down in Georgia, has two brothers who are together, but they claimed a woman and her kid. They make it work. The Devil’s Boneyard, in Florida, has a VP whose old lady is mixed race. And several clubs we know have brothers who are either not fully white or are another race altogether. Like Spider said, none of that means shit. It doesn’t affect whether or not they can watch their brothers’ backs, or if they’re loyal. That’s what matters at the end of the day.”

  I saw the men in a new light. They weren’t only willing to risk their lives to save me, but they seemed so accepting of other people. And Fox had mentioned the Hades Abyss helping those who were less fortunate. I wished there were more people in the world like these big, tough men. They could just as easily crush those weaker than them than try to help them.

  It made me proud to be part of the Hades Abyss family, and to be Hatchet’s daughter. I hadn’t felt pride in myself, much less my family, in a long time. My mother hadn’t exactly been a prize. She’d looked down on most people and had been insanely jealous of anyone better off than she was. Instead of molding me in her image, she’d made me realize I didn’t want to be anything like her. People didn’t respect her. She didn’t have true friends. She could keep her cold, heartless life.

  The front door open and shut again. A breathless man appeared, his shirt half-untucked and his hair mussed. “We need to talk.”

  “Surge, figured you’d be busy for a bit,” Copper said.

  He waved him off. “Yes, yes. Snake came to see me, but Wire and Lavender ran across something and called. Those guards didn’t act alone.”

  “What’s that mean, exactly?” Fox asked, his voice going cold and hard.

  “Raven’s mom.” Surge’s gaze locked on mine. “She paid them.”

  My world spun and had I not been sitting, I’d have fallen. My mother paid the men who’d been hurting me? What sort of monster had given birth to me? I heard Hatchet roar and the front door slam. An engine revved, and I had a feeling he’d just taken off. I hoped he didn’t plan on riding all the way to wherever my mother was living these days.

  “How did she know?” I asked.

  “She may have said shit to your face, but in her circle of friends she either toed the line or ran her mouth to someone who found her offensive. I’m guessing she’d have backtracked and tried to save face. It’s clear she thinks highly of her reputation, and badmouthing her daughter wasn’t the way to make friends in the elite social circles she’s aiming for. After you left, she had to put on a big production about her baby girl missing,” Surge said. “Gave the cops your prints and DNA. Balmoral found you in the system when they processed you as a patient. Your mother knew exactly where you were because they called her.”

  “Two days.” I licked my lips. “I had two days of no one bothering me.”

  “Probably took them that long to find her,” Surge said. “It wasn’t just the guards, Raven. The doctor knew. We thought all this time that he’d tried to sweep the scandal under the proverbial rug, but he was saving his own ass when the nurse came forward about how you’d left with Breaker and why. He couldn’t have anyone know that your mom had paid him too, to put her in touch with those men and to look the other way while they hurt you.”

  Tears gathered and slipped down my cheeks. “Why? Why would she do something like that?”

  “I may know. No one here will like it, though,” Surge said.

  “So fucking tell us already,” Fox said, lifting me onto his lap and holding me close. “Rip the damn bandage off, Surge.”

  He took a breath and dropped a sheath of papers on the table. He pointed at the stack. “Dug deep into your mom, Raven, once I found out someone paid the guards. Went back all the way before your birth. Your mom didn’t come from a wealthy family, but they were well-off. And she’d been trying to get her hooks into some rich boy.”

  “But got knocked up by dad. I don’t understand. She’d been dating him, or so he said.”

  Surge nodded. “She was. There are pictures of the two of them together. What your dad probably didn’t know is that she’d been seeing someone else too. A college boy with a well-connected family. When she got pregnant with you, her plan went to shit. From what I’ve been able to dig up, I think your dad had been the only one she was sleeping with. Except I think the college guy must have found out about you before your mom had a chance to get the abortion she’d told Hatchet she’d get. He clearly never questioned whether you were his, which tells me there was zero chance it was possible.”

  Spider motioned for him to get on with it.

  “The college guy helped your mom financially for a short while. Then a few months after you were born, he married a woman with a similar social standing to his. I think your mom hated you from that moment on,” Surge said.

  “She never really did give many hugs. She’d been a bit distant, but I thought maybe she just wasn’t the emotional type,” I said. “My childhood wasn’t awful. It could have been a lot worse.”

  “Your mom thought she was in the clear after what happened with the cowboys. You left and she could live her life without a kid hanging around her neck. Until people asked about you. Apparently, no one knew she threw you out. She gave a sob story about you running away and tried to cover her tracks.” Surge folded his arms. “Balmoral reached out to let her know you were in their care and had tried to kill yourself. I think you popping back up infuriated your mom enough she wanted you to hurt. So she paid the doctor off, as well as the guards. Her new husband-to-be is none other than Missouri State Senator Phillip Lewis.”

  “Please tell me the bitch is in Washington and not here,” Fox said.

  “They’re at the Lewis family home, just outside Branson.” Surge cracked his neck. “We have to be careful. She’s too in the spotlight to go after her outright. Which means we need to handle her a different way. I know you’d like to gut her, Fox, and I’m sure Hatchet does too, but it would bring down heat on all of us.”

  “I’m going after Hatchet,” Nitro said. “I’ll get him calmed down and bring him back.”

  I snuggled into Fox, wondering if this nightmare would ever end. If my mom had landed herself a politician, would it ever be over? Or did she have enough power at her fingertips now to make sure no one ever knew what she’d done?

  Chapter Fourteen


  I knew I couldn’t go after the woman, and Surge had a valid point… we could make her suffer in other ways, but I didn’t like it. She’d done something horrible to her daughter. The ultimate sin, in my opinion. Not only had she thrown out Raven after she’d been raped and beaten, but the woman had the audacity to pay men to continue hurting her daughter every fucking night?

  “I’d call Church,” Spider said, “but I don’t want to leave Raven alone. I think she needs you right now, Fox. I’ll get the officers over here and a few brothers. If we need a vote, we’ll figure out how to handle it when the time comes. At the moment, we need a plan.”

  “Wire had a few ideas,” Surge said. “Are we going to wait on Hatchet?”

  Spider shook his head. “Don’t think we can. No telling how far he got, or when he’ll cool off enough to come back. We’ll fill him in when he gets here.”

  I pulled out my phone. “I’ll text the other officers. Who else you want over here?”

�Other than Bear, Slider, and Knox, text Brazil, Yankee, Shooter, Gunner, and Cotton. We need as many of our ex-military brothers as we can get to deal with this shit,” Spider said.

  “On it.” I typed up the text and sent it to all the men he’d mentioned.

  “Everyone in this room needs to stay,” Spider said. “Surge, I’ll get you to conference in Wire when we’re ready. If you need anything from your place, get it and come right back.”

  “Food,” Raven mumbled. “We’ll need food and drinks for everyone.”

  “I’ll order some pizzas,” Surge said. “One of the Prospects can bring over beer and soda from the clubhouse. Not sure you’ve got a spot big enough for all of us in one room, though. And yes, I do need a few things from my place. Won’t take me long to gather it up.”

  “Sunroom,” I said. “We don’t have anything out there right now. Whoever brings the drinks, have them load two folding tables and some chairs into the back of a truck. We’ll make the sunroom our Church for this particular meeting.”

  “It faces the back of the property. Not possible for anyone outside the fence to see in.” Spider nodded. “That should work.”

  “We can’t leave Raven in here by herself while we convene in the sunroom,” I said. “I know women usually aren’t allowed, but… I’d feel better if she were in the room with us. Either that, or I need someone to stay with her.”

  “I’m not a child,” she mumbled.

  “No, but you’re the most precious thing I have,” I said, and I placed my hand on her belly. “Both of you.”

  Copper took a step back. “Whoa! Hold the fuck up. She’s pregnant? Does Hatchet know?”

  I nodded. “Yeah, I told him. So it’s not just Raven we’re protecting. No fuckups tonight.”

  Raven cuddled against me. I could tell the news about her mother had emotionally wiped her out, and she likely needed a nap. I didn’t like the idea of her sleeping upstairs while everyone was down here. With all the security, I didn’t think the guards would be able to get into the house, especially on the second floor. Didn’t mean it wasn’t possible. I’d learned the hard way if something could go wrong, it usually would.

  “Tired, sweetheart?” I asked.

  She nodded and sighed. “How long before you have to start your meeting, or whatever you call it?”

  I looked over at Spider, who eyed Raven with a thoughtful expression. “It will probably take an hour to get everything set up and get the food and drinks here. Maybe Hatchet and Nitro will be back by then. Take her upstairs, Fox. Let her rest or run her a hot bath. Whatever you need to do.”

  He winked at me, and I knew he damn well didn’t think she needed rest, but something else. Considering my cock went half-hard at the thought, I had to admit if she were up for it, I’d be on board. But I’d give Raven whatever she needed. Sleep. Bath. My cock. It was all up to her.

  I stood with her in my arms and went upstairs, trusting everyone to remain on the lower level. Our bedroom door stood open, with a row of boxes along one wall. I saw they’d at least written something on each to give me an idea of what items were inside. I saw one that had towels scrawled across it.

  “You want a bath?” I asked.

  “Will you get in with me?”

  I kissed her cheek. “Of course, I will.”

  I eased her down onto the bed, shut the door, then ripped open the box to get to the towels. I set two out on the counter and rinsed out the tub before I filled it with hot water. It took me a minute to find the box with her bathroom stuff and I added a bit of her shower gel in an attempt to make it a bubble bath. The water foamed up a bit, but not as much as she’d have probably liked.

  Stripping out of my clothes, I reached down to test the water. Hot, but just right. I shut off the taps and went to get Raven. She’d already removed her clothes and stood, coming toward me with her hand out. I wrapped my fingers around hers and helped her into the tub. Before I got in with her, I hurried to the bedroom door and made sure to lock it.

  Raven sat in the center of the tub with her arms around her knees. I sank into the water behind her and pulled her against my chest. She relaxed against me, and I ran my hand up and down the outside of her thigh.

  “Better?” I asked.

  “Much.” She sighed and closed her eyes.

  I ran my hands along her arms, digging in a little to knead the muscles. I did the same to what I could reach of her legs, and felt her body start to relax. All the shit going on had me ready to put my fist through a wall. Raven had lived through it, and then had to hear just how little her mother had wanted her, how the bitch had been the reason she’d been repeatedly raped at Balmoral. I couldn’t even imagine how she must feel right now. I may have lost my parents at an early age, but at least I’d always known they loved me.

  “What can I do?” I asked. “Whatever you need, just say the words and it’s yours.”

  “Love me?” she asked softly. Her body tightened and she tried to twist away from me, but I held her fast. “Sorry. I shouldn’t have said…”

  I banded one arm around her waist and reached up to cup her breast with my other, palming the soft mound. “Stop fighting me, Raven.”

  She went still, but I felt her chest heaving with every breath.

  “Sweetheart, I have no idea what romantic love feels like, or looks like. I don’t believe in the shit I see on TV or read in books. Life doesn’t happen that way. But I do know I’d die for you. I don’t know if what I feel is love. I only know that I can’t imagine my life without you in it. Since you’ve moved in, I’ve looked forward to every day, and getting to spend time with you.”

  I stroked her nipple, drawing a gasp from her. “I love your body, and how responsive you are to my touch. I love the way you worry about others, or at least about me, even though your life has been pretty shitty.”

  I kissed the side of her neck and rubbed my beard on her shoulder. “I love that whatever house I’m in feels like a home just because you’re in it. I love the thought of raising a family with you. I guess all that boils down to… I love you, Raven.”

  She made a soft sound and tried to twist in my grip again. I let her, and she straddled me, her palms on both my cheeks.

  “I love you, Josh. I know some people will say it’s too fast, that I’m too broken, but I don’t care. No one has ever cared about me -- until you. The way you make me feel… it’s almost too much.”

  I gripped her hair and tugged her closer for a kiss. My lips devoured hers, and my cock started to rise. I knew she could feel it when she wiggled, trying to get her pussy closer. Gripping her hip with my other hand, I helped her adjust. She sank down on me, and I groaned at how tight and incredible she felt.

  “So fucking perfect,” I murmured against her lips. “Ride me, beautiful. I want to watch you come.”

  She drew back and planted her hands on my shoulders. As she rose and fell on my cock, the water sloshed around us. I didn’t give a fuck if we flooded the bathroom. I stroked her nipples, unable to look away as her breasts bounced with every movement. A flush crept up her body and settled in her cheeks. The heat of her pussy told me it wouldn’t take much to make her come.

  “Take your pleasure.” I pinched her nipple, making her cry out and ride me harder. “That’s it. Milk my cock, pretty girl.”

  She lost her rhythm a moment, and her eyes locked on mine. It seemed she’d liked that bit of dirty talk. I fought back a smile.

  “You want me to fill you up, don’t you? Want my cum in your hot, wet pussy?”

  She nodded and kept moving. I reached between us to rub her clit with my thumb. I wrapped my finger loosely around my cock, so I could feel her pussy taking my cock with every stroke. I wished like fuck I could see her stretched around me right now.

  “Come for me, Raven.”

  She faltered and sucked in a breath. Her eyes went wide, and I felt the heat of her release. Her body shuddered and she whimpered, clinging to my shoulders.

  “Hold on, baby.�

  I stood with her in my arms, water pouring off us. I stepped out of the tub and over to the counter. I set her down and leaned back, looking at where my cock still filled her. I pulled my hips back and thrust into her, nice and slow.

  “Hottest fucking thing I’ve ever seen,” I murmured. “I love watching you take my cock.”

  “Please, Josh!”

  “Please what? Please fuck you?”

  She nodded.

  “Please fill you with my cum?”

  She nodded even harder.

  “Oh, I will. I’m going to fuck you hard and deep. Going to fill your pussy up with my cum.” I leaned forward and kissed her, nipping at her bottom lip. “Hold on to the counter.”

  She wrapped her fingers over the edge, her knuckles going white. I held onto her hips and drove into her. I took what I wanted, what I needed, and every gasp, the flush on her cheeks, and the dazed look in her eyes only made it that much better. I couldn’t hold back the roar that burst from me as I came, my hips jerking as I slammed into her again and again. I felt the flutter of her pussy right before she started coming.

  I rubbed her clit, letting her ride it out.

  If we didn’t have shit to take care of, I’d take her to bed and keep her there the rest of the day and through the night. I started to pull out and realized we’d make a mess all over the bathroom counter and floor. Keeping us connected, I lifted her and walked to the shower. I twisted the knob until the water came out warm, then stepped under the spray. Pressing Raven to the tiled wall, I kissed her, not ready to let her go yet.

  “I know you went through hell to get here, but I feel like the luckiest bastard on earth because you’re mine.” I cupped her cheek. “But if I could take away everything that happened to you, even if it meant we never met, I’d do it in a heartbeat. I’m sorry for what those men did to you. And even sorrier your mother is a piece of shit who sold you out. Whatever it takes, they’ll pay the price for having hurt you.”


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