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Aaron's Awakening (2019 Reissue)

Page 2

by Lavinia Lewis

  Kelan nodded. “Yep, sure is, with Stefan and Stefan’s son, Aaron. Why don’t you call by the house later and say hello?”

  “I will.” Cary smiled, and for the first time in months, it didn’t feel forced. “I like Cody and Stefan. They were good to me in New York and I didn’t get a chance to thank them properly before I left.”

  “Then you should come over for dinner. Luke’s cooking.”

  “No, I wouldn’t want to intrude.”

  “You wouldn’t. Besides, Luke always makes enough food to feed a small army, and we’ve got plenty of room.”

  “Thanks. I’ll think about it.”

  Kelan’s grin turned positively wicked. “It’s settled then. We’ll see you there at seven.”


  It looked like Cary was going to dinner over at the ranch.

  When Kelan left to go pick up his brother, Cary finished cleaning the stalls. As he worked, he thought about what Kelan had said to him. Sure, he felt lonely from time to time, and if he were being honest with himself he was sick to death of using his own hand to get off, but he simply couldn’t get involved with anyone else.

  What if they turned out to be just like his ex?

  He couldn’t take that chance.

  What man wanted someone as weak and pathetic as him, anyway?

  Cary had always been outgoing—not the life and soul of the party, exactly, but he went out, did things, made friends. Now he felt like a shadow of his former self. He never went out anymore, he never talked to people…hell, he was afraid to look anyone in the eye.

  He’d been different in New York, often going to bars and socializing, but that was before Gill had found him again. He’d thought he was safe there—thought he could finally make a fresh start and get on with his life—but he’d been wrong. His attempt at starting over had been ruined on the night of the fire.

  Gill’s last attack had changed Cary—it had broken something inside him that he didn’t know how to fix.

  He didn’t know if he would ever be able to trust anyone with his heart again. Until he healed, he knew it wouldn’t be fair to start a relationship with someone, not when he could only give them part of himself.

  It had to be all or nothing.

  He’d never done things by halves and he wasn’t about to start now.

  It was a moot point, anyhow.

  Cary worked on a ranch in Texas, completely surrounded by wolves. He wasn’t likely to meet someone there even if he wanted to. Cat shifters and wolves generally didn’t get along together. But Cary didn’t have a problem with any of the wolves there on the ranch.

  He liked Kelan…a lot.

  He was a good man with a big heart, always looking out for other people. He was one of the most decent people Cary had ever met, and his mate Jake was great, too. He’d been selfish when Cary had first known him back in New York, only ever thinking of himself, but he’d changed so much since he’d met Kelan—so much so, he was barely recognizable anymore.

  Cary couldn’t believe the difference in him sometimes.

  Kelan’s youngest brother, Luke, did the books for the ranch, and he was adorable. His mate, Mark, worked as foreman on the ranch, and they were rarely apart.

  Just as it should be.

  Cary didn’t spend a lot of time with the pair other than getting his daily duties from Mark, but he got along with both of them just fine.

  When he was living in New York, Cary had stayed with Cody and Stefan after Gill had set fire to his apartment building and he’d had no place else to go. They’d done everything in their power to see that Cary felt at home.

  He was grateful to them for that.

  He had yet to meet Stefan’s son, Aaron, but Stefan had talked about him nonstop in New York and, from what he’d been told, he had no doubt they’d get along. They were around the same age and it seemed they had a lot in common.

  Kelan’s family were good folks, all of them. Sometimes Cary wondered what he’d done to deserve their help. But he’d learned a long time ago not to look a gift horse in the mouth.

  Maybe he would go to dinner after all.

  Cary chuckled to himself.

  As far as Kelan was concerned he was definitely going anyway, and it might do him good to get out and start socializing again.

  He shook his head, incredulously.

  Socializing with a pack of wolves, who would have thought?

  Chapter Three

  “I’ll show you your room in the bunkhouse after dinner.”

  Kelan took a seat at the dining room table next to his mate.

  He leaned over and placed a kiss on Jake’s cheek.

  Jake smiled back, love and affection shining in his eyes.

  They seemed well matched.

  From what Aaron had seen of Jake so far, he liked him.

  “Okay, thanks.” Aaron took the seat next to his father, unable to keep the grin from his face.

  There was an extra bedroom in the ranch because Leah had decided to stay in New Mexico, but Aaron had still managed to convince Stefan he should live in the bunkhouse. If he was going to be working alongside the other men on the ranch, then he wanted to be treated just like them.

  They would never respect him if they thought of him as a pampered kid, getting special treatment because he was the son of the boss’s mate. He could work as hard as the next man.

  He’d work harder if he needed to, just to prove himself.

  Aaron studied Kelan from across the table.

  When he’d first seen Kelan again at the airport, he’d been surprised to feel absolutely nothing for the alpha wolf—not the slightest hint of attraction. He could hardly believe he’d been so hung up on Kelan in the first place.

  Sure, Kelan was an attractive man but that was where it ended.

  “When can I see my horse?” Aaron stared at his father in anticipation.

  They’d only arrived an hour ago and he was itching to get out and see the horses, especially now that he had his own. Aaron had only spent a couple of weeks at a time at the ranch in the past six months, but he’d missed the place every time he left.

  He felt comfortable there and was excited to be able to call it home.

  Stefan sighed. “The horse was a birthday present and since it’s technically not your birthday for another five months…”

  “What? No way, Dad. If I’m going to be working here, I’m gonna need him—aren’t I, Kelan?”

  Kelan’s mouth curled up into a playful smirk. “I’m going to stay out of this one.”

  “Don’t tease him, Stefan.” Cody placed his hand over his mate‘s. “You can go meet him later, Aaron.”

  “I can’t help myself.” Stefan chuckled then leaned forward and ruffled Aaron’s hair. “He’s so cute when he gets his fur in a knot.”

  Aaron’s face heated from both anger and embarrassment.

  Christ, when was his father going to quit treating him like a kid?

  “Where’s Mark hiding?” Aaron ignored Stefan’s comment and smoothed down his hair.

  “Uh, I think Luke’s in the kitchen,” Kelan replied.

  Jake, Cody, and Stefan all nodded knowingly.

  When Kelan didn’t elaborate, Aaron stared at Kelan in confusion. “Huh?”

  It was Jake, Kelan’s mate, who clarified. “You’ll usually find Mark wherever Luke is.”

  Cody laughed. “Are they still as bad as they were in the beginning?”

  “You have no idea.” Kelan did a mock shudder. “It’s sickening.”

  Right on cue, Mark shouted from the kitchen, “Dinner’s almost ready!”

  “Good. I’m starving!” Aaron rubbed his hands together.

  It had been hours since the meal on the plane if you could call it a meal.

  It was barely big enough to feed a sparrow.

  “Aaron, mind your manners.” Stefan chastised.

  Aaron rolled his eyes.

  Jesus. He was only saying…

  “We can’t start dinner yet anyway.”
Kelan checked his watch and frowned. “Cary isn’t here.”

  “I’ll go and get him,” Aaron offered.

  Aaron had yet to meet Cary.

  He knew Cary had stayed with his father and Cody in New York for a short time before he moved to Texas, but they hadn’t told him much about the young panther shifter. Aaron couldn’t wait to see him. He’d never met a cat shifter before and he was intrigued to find out more about him.

  Kelan nodded. “Okay. You’ll probably find him in the bunkhouse.”

  “And no sneaking off to see the horses,” Stefan added.

  Everyone around the table began to laugh and Aaron's face filled with heat. Again. It was becoming a common occurrence. He was tired of the constant quips. He tensed his jaw and glared at his father, gripping the edge of the table before he got up.

  Stefan only laughed harder.

  God, he couldn’t wait to move into the bunkhouse. He’d spent the past year in college enjoying being out from under his father’s thumb. He’d become accustomed to doing things his own way and having no one else to answer to. He liked the independence and sense of freedom, so it was hard to go back to living under his father’s roof and being told what to do.

  When would his father stop treating him like some clueless teenager who didn’t have his own mind?

  The early evening sun warmed Aaron’s face.

  It cast a pretty amber glow over the corral as he crossed the yard to the bunkhouse. Texas was hot in the summer but Aaron was used to the heat and reveled in it.

  He couldn’t wait to start working on the ranch.

  The front door to the bunkhouse was closed when he approached so he knocked loudly and waited for an answer. A moment or two later a large wolf appeared and scowled at him.

  “Help you?”

  “Uh, I’m Aaron,” Aaron extended his hand to the gruff man. “Stefan’s son.”

  “Nate.” The wolf took hold of Aaron’s hand and shook it briefly. “Your room is through the hall, last door on the left.”

  “Oh, I’m not here for that. Not yet. I’ve come for Cary…he’s late for dinner.”

  Nate cocked his head to the side and stared at Aaron as though he had just sprouted another head.

  “Cary? Cary is eating dinner with y’all?”

  Aaron nodded. “Yes, sir.”

  What the hell was Nate’s problem?

  Couldn’t Cary eat dinner with friends if he wanted to?

  Nate frowned. He lifted his head and inhaled deeply. “Nope, not here.”

  Nate started to close the door on him and Aaron had to throw his arm out to keep it open.

  “Well, can you tell me where he might be, please?”

  Aaron hoped he’d caught Nate on a bad day. It would be uncomfortable living in such close quarters with someone this crotchety.

  “Probably with the horses,” Nate said. “Now, can I get back to my supper? It’s getting cold.”

  “Sure.” Aaron took his hand off the door. “Thanks.”

  Nate closed the door without another word. Aaron muttered to himself about Nate’s rude behavior while he crossed the yard. He and Nate were going to come to blows when Aaron moved into the bunkhouse—Aaron was sure of it.

  As he approached the barn, a sweet, fragrant smell wafted out from one of the stalls. His nose twitched as he inhaled the unusual aroma. It delighted and teased his senses, and his dick jerked and grew until it became rock hard.

  What the heck?

  Without a conscious decision, Aaron’s body moved towards the smell. It was the most wonderful scent he had ever experienced. It was exotic and enchanting. It reminded him of fresh rainfall on a tropical island—not that he’d ever been to one, but that was how he imagined they would smell.

  Aaron’s dick was so hard it was painful.

  He’d been in such a rush to get ready for dinner he’d forgone underwear, and now he was paying for it. His zipper was digging painfully into the over-sensitized flesh. He looked around the yard to be sure no one was watching, and then reached a hand down to adjust himself to a more comfortable position.

  The closer Aaron got, the stronger the smell became.

  Without warning, his eyes shifted to their wolf form and his incisors tore free from his gums.


  That had never happened to him before. Not even when he was a cub.

  Aaron had always had perfect control over his wolf, as did most alphas.

  He entered the barn and walked towards the stalls in an almost trance-like state. Aaron had to get to the source of the smell—it was calling out to him. He reached what he remembered to be Misty’s stall, took a deep breath and immediately regretted doing so. The scent hit him so hard he had to put a hand on the wall to steady himself.

  Whatever the hell it was made him feel dizzy.

  He waited for the wooziness to pass then pushed open the stall door.

  Misty was stood in the corner, her head turned away from the door. A small man with the finest ass Aaron had ever laid eyes on was bent over, brushing the horse’s front leg.

  Aaron nearly choked at the sight.

  His skin prickled and he began to shake. His wolf was howling within him and struggling to break free.


  Aaron knew it as surely as he knew his own name.

  This man was his.

  A low growl tore from Aaron‘s throat. He couldn’t have stopped it even if he’d wanted to, because he wasn’t calling the shots anymore…his wolf was. The man jumped when he heard the sound then spun around to face him.

  Holy mother of God, he was beautiful.

  Aaron was speechless and he was never at a loss for words.

  The man was about five-foot-ten inches tall. He was slim, bordering on thin, with narrow hips and long, elegant legs. Aaron’s gaze traveled up the lithe body to the man’s face.

  It, too, was elegant.

  He had high cheekbones, a small, delicate nose and full, pink lips that begged to be kissed.

  Long, dark lashes framed eyes the color of rich milk chocolate. Aaron frowned when the man’s fine, dark hair fell forward, obscuring his mesmerizing eyes. He needed to see them up close.

  When Aaron moved nearer, the man gasped.

  His eyes widened and he backed himself into the corner of the stall then slid sideways along the wall. Aaron wanted to tell him not to run, but the shock of meeting his mate had left him speechless. If he ran, Aaron knew without a doubt he wouldn’t be able to contain his wolf.

  It would happily hunt its mate if it had to.

  Hunt him down and claim him.

  Aaron moved forward until he was inches away from this gorgeous specimen of a man. He was even more perfect up close. His lips were pink and plump and, as Aaron watched, the man’s tongue darted out to wet them.

  Aaron couldn’t wait a minute more to taste them.

  He grabbed his mate roughly and pulled him up against his body. The man squirmed in his hands. He appeared to be struggling to escape but his eyes told a different story. They were filled with heat. His pupils were dilated, indicating his mate was as aroused as he was. Aaron pinned the smaller man against the wall and covered his mouth with his own.

  As soon as their lips touched, Aaron’s entire body responded.

  Was it possible to come just from kissing someone? Aaron pushed his tongue into the man’s mouth and groaned when he tasted his mate for the very first time. The man tasted every bit as good as he smelled.

  When their tongues met, the man’s earlier resistance ceased. He whimpered against Aaron’s lips, opening his mouth wider and deepening the kiss. Aaron’s dick was practically jumping for joy when his mate snaked his arms around his neck to hold him in place as he was kissed back with ferocious intensity.

  Aaron pulled away from his mate’s lips and looked down at his crotch. His dick appeared to be as hard as Aaron’s was. He reached a hand down and palmed it then ripped open the button of his mate’s tight jeans.

  The button pinged of
f and skittered across the stall floor.

  Aaron barely noticed.

  He was too focused on the prize in front of him. He needed to feel his mate’s hard cock in his hand with nothing in between. He wanted to know what it felt like not only in his hands but also in his mouth.

  He had to know what it tasted like.


  Aaron’s gaze shot up to his mate’s face.

  His eyes pleaded with Aaron to stop.

  It was like being doused in a bucket of cold water. Aaron removed his hand and stepped back. What had he done wrong? Why did this man want him to stop?

  Didn’t he realize they were mates?

  “I don’t want this!”

  The man’s firm tone brooked no argument.

  His words made Aaron’s heart ache with sadness and despair. He stumbled backward when his mate shoved his chest to push him away.

  He watched in agony as the man ran from the barn, tears streaming down his beautiful face.

  Chapter Four

  Cary ran from the barn as fast as his legs would carry him.

  His breathing had accelerated and his heart pounded loudly in his chest. If he didn’t calm down and get his emotions under control, he wouldn’t be able to contain his cat.

  What the hell had that been all about?

  He couldn’t think straight, could hardly breathe and the tears that were falling from his eyes in rapid succession fogged his vision. He hurried towards the bunkhouse but was cut off by Kelan and Stefan in the yard.

  “Cary? What’s wrong?” Kelan held an arm out to stop him. “Why are you crying?”

  Cary threw himself into Kelan’s arms with a sob.

  Tears streamed down his face, soaking through his boss’s blue cotton shirt.

  “What happened?” Stefan asked. “Did someone hurt you?”

  Cary nodded into Kelan’s chest.

  The muscles in his jaw were so tense he didn’t think he could open his mouth wide enough to speak.


  “I…I…” Cary’s mouth was as dry as the desert.

  His muscles trembled and he gripped Kelan’s shirt as if it were a lifeline.


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