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A Little Rain Must Fall (Summer Lake Silver Book 3)

Page 5

by SJ McCoy

  Diego looked puzzled for a moment, then laughed when he figured out what Izzy meant. There was such kindness in Ted’s smile when he looked at Audrey. He didn’t feel like someone she’d just met. He felt like a friend—a good friend—who understood.

  “Anyway,” Izzy continued. “The two of them were in business together. Audrey did all the work. But the advertising world is still like an old boys’ club. So, when they separated, most of the business stayed with Richard. He’s pretty much run the agency into the ground now, from what I hear.”

  “That’s not true,” said Audrey. She didn’t feel any need to defend Richard, but she didn’t want her friend to run him down, either.

  Izzy held up a hand. “Okay. Sorry. I’ll stop.” She smiled at Ted and Diego. “The short version of the story is that Audrey went out on her own after the divorce and now runs a digital advertising agency that has won numerous awards in the last couple of years.”

  Ted caught Audrey’s eye. “What kind of clients do you work with?”

  Diego chuckled. “I think he’s wondering whether you work with banks.”

  Audrey smiled. “We work with anyone who’s looking to increase their reach online. But I’m here to take a break from work. So, if you don’t mind, can we move the conversation along?”

  “Why don’t we move it onto the dance floor?” suggested Diego.

  Izzy was on her feet before Audrey had the chance to wonder if she wanted to dance with Ted at her kids’ birthday bash.

  Ted got to his feet, but he let Diego and Izzy go ahead of him before turning to Audrey. “Do you want to dance, or would you rather stay here?”

  He was such a handsome man. Her heart fluttered in her chest when he raised an eyebrow at her.

  “It’s not that I don’t want to dance with you …” she began.

  He nodded, and she was thrilled to see disappointment in his eyes. “I understand. Your children. Your ex-husband …”

  Audrey glanced over at Diego and Izzy who were already making their way onto the dance floor. It was crowded, but Izzy elbowed a space for herself. The girl she hustled out of her way looked familiar. Oh, it was Natalee. And Richard was up there dancing with her. He’d always refused to dance with Audrey. She felt a little stab of resentment in her chest. She’d spent all those years taking care of their children and of him, while he’d refused to indulge her in so many of the things she enjoyed. She looked back at Ted.

  He’d followed her gaze and no doubt seen the same thing she had. “Are you sure you don’t want to?”

  “No, I’m not sure at all.”

  He offered her his hand. “I promise I’ll be a gentleman, but I get the feeling that it’s far too long since you danced.”

  She nodded, not knowing what she could say to explain, and at the same time feeling as though she didn’t even need to. Somehow, he understood. She took hold of his hand and let him lead her toward the dance floor.

  Just before they reached it, he stopped and leaned in to speak closer to her ear. She had to focus hard to catch his words, not because of the music but because of the shivers racing down her neck and spine.

  “Richard is already watching you like a hawk. Do you want him to see you dancing with a friend, or …”

  She turned her head to look at him. He was so close, their noses almost touched. He smelled so good. She closed her eyes and breathed in, then came to her senses and looked into his eyes. She didn’t know what to say, but she could tell that Ted knew. He knew that she wanted Richard to see her enjoying herself with a handsome man—that she wanted to feel attractive and desirable.

  She smiled. “It’s probably petty of me, but I prefer the or … option.”

  “It’s not petty, if you ask me. If a man is crazy enough to let a woman like you go, he should be reminded of what a fool he is.” He smiled. “Not that you asked me. And perhaps I’m only rationalizing my desire to be the one who gets to remind him.”

  Audrey’s breath caught in her chest. “You don’t mind doing that for me?”

  He squeezed her hand. “I don’t mind, and you need to understand, I’m doing it for me, too.”

  ~ ~ ~

  Ted had to force himself to step away and lead her out onto the dance floor when all he really wanted to do was close the last few inches between their lips and kiss her. He drew in a deep breath. Maybe he’d kiss her before the night was over. He knew he wanted to, and he’d guess that she did, too. But not here, not surrounded by so many people. Especially not in front of her ex and her kids and Eddie.

  Just as they made themselves some space near Diego and Izzy, who were having a fine old time by the looks of them, the song came to an end. Ted hoped that whatever Eddie played next wouldn’t be anything too wild. He wasn’t the best dancer and while that hadn’t seemed important compared to his desire to dance with Audrey, it seemed a lot more so now he was here.

  He glanced up at his son when he heard the first few bars of an old ballad. He hadn’t heard Eddie and Chase play it before, and he got the feeling that it was for his benefit. The lyrics spoke of friends and lovers and the people who never left your heart. He looked back at Audrey who swayed to the music. She looked uncomfortable, and he immediately understood why. Couples were moving together all around them—even Diego and Izzy held each other.

  He smiled and held both hands out to her. He wanted to close his arms around her, but he wanted it to be her decision. He was thrilled when she came closer and slid one arm up around his neck, resting her other hand on his chest. He held her against him and looked down into her eyes.

  There was laughter in them as she smiled up at him. “I didn’t know they were going to start playing the slow ones.”

  “Neither did I. He tightened his arm around her waist and held her a little closer, loving the feel of her against his chest. “I’ll be sure to thank Eddie later, though.”

  Her eyes widened and she glanced up at his son before looking back at him. “You think he did it on purpose?”

  He shrugged. “I’ve never heard them play this one on stage before, and it’s one of my favorite songs.”

  “Mine, too.”

  For some reason that made him happy. He didn’t know her at all yet, but he liked everything that he’d seen and heard so far. And he wanted to get to know her; he knew that much. “I know I should probably wait until the end of the evening before I ask this, but … since you’re here for the rest of the week and I am, too, can I see you again?”

  Her smile answered before her lips moved. “Yes. I’d like that.”

  “Thank you.”

  His gaze locked with hers. Her eyes were a beautiful bluey-green, like the ocean under a sunny sky. He could get lost in them if he wasn’t careful. And he needed to be careful, he realized as he found himself leaning closer. Kissing her felt like the most natural next move, but he had to hold himself back. Her eyelids drooped, and he knew she was as lost in the feeling as he was. He rested his forehead against hers and her eyes flew open.

  “Do you have any idea how hard it is for me not to kiss you right now?” he asked.

  For a moment, his heart sank, and he felt like a fool when she laughed. Had he read it wrong?

  Her laughter faded away and she brought her hand up to touch his cheek, sending electric currents racing through him. “I’m sorry. I was laughing at myself, not at you. When you asked if I know how hard it is …” She dropped her gaze, but a smile still played on her lips. “Honestly, that’s exactly what I was trying not to focus on.”

  He had to laugh. “Ah! Sorry.”

  She pressed herself a little closer against him and made it even harder. “Don’t apologize! I’m taking it as a compliment. I’m shocked at myself for mentioning it, but …” She looked up into his eyes. “I feel safe to say it with you.”

  His heart clenched in his chest. “You are.” Were the only words he could manage.

  If his urge to kiss her had been strong before, it was almost overwhelming now. He could feel his he
ad lowering, and there was nothing he could do to stop it. Not until someone jostled them from the side, and he had to brace himself to keep Audrey upright.

  He scowled at the idiot who’d just crashed into them, then pressed his lips together when he realized who it was.

  “Oh, gosh. I’m so sorry,” said Natalee.

  Richard glowered at him but didn’t speak.

  “That’s okay,” said Audrey. “We should do a better job of keeping our distance.” She tightened her hold on Ted as she danced away from them.

  “Sorry about that,” she said once they were over the other side of the dance floor.

  Ted smiled. “It was hardly your fault. He’s rattled, isn’t he?”

  She nodded. “I’m surprised, but yes he is. I shouldn’t be though. It must be a surprise to him to see me with you. He hasn’t thought of me as a woman in years.”

  Ted shook his head. “Then he’s an idiot. And his loss is my gain.” He stopped abruptly. That was too much to even think, let alone say, at this point. But it was how he felt, and he didn’t see any point in hiding it. He gave her a rueful smile. “Sorry. You have my head turned right around. I should be going more cautiously, shouldn’t I?”

  Her eyes shone as she looked up at him. “Maybe. I don’t remember how these things are even supposed to work. But I’m glad you’re not being cautious. I don’t want to be.”

  He shifted his hips away from her a little. Her words made him wonder what kind of cautious she was talking about. He didn’t want to rush into anything, but he couldn’t deny that it was getting harder.

  ~ ~ ~

  “Are you guys okay? I can’t believe Richard. I told you he’s a Dick!”

  Izzy and Diego had appeared by their side, or maybe Audrey had danced Ted in their direction. She wasn’t sure quite what had just happened—other than the fact that Richard had jostled them, and Ted had said that Richard’s loss was his gain. She was trying hard to process what exactly he might mean by that, but she was failing. All she could focus on was the way he made her feel—and how wonderful he was.

  Izzy stared into her eyes. “Are you okay?”

  She nodded. “I’m fine. It was nothing.”

  Diego scowled. “I wouldn’t call that nothing.”

  “It’s okay.” Ted reassured him. “He’s hardly a problem. I almost feel sorry for him.”

  Diego and Izzy both looked at him, and he laughed. “Come on. It’s obvious that he’s just realized what he’s lost.” He smiled at Audrey. “He’s jealous.”

  Izzy laughed. “Of course, he is. But there’s no need for him to behave like a spoiled child. That was ridiculous the way he ran into you like that.”

  Audrey shrugged. “It doesn’t matter. No harm done.” She wanted to get back to dancing with Ted, back to their conversation and where it might go. She didn’t want to waste this precious time where she got to feel his arms around her and to move their bodies to the music. She felt heat in her cheeks and was grateful that none of them could hear her thoughts.

  The song came to an end and she was disappointed to hear the next one was much more upbeat. Ted gave her a rueful smile. “Is it time to sit back down?”

  “Probably.” She wasn’t the best dancer and trying to shake her butt to the music held much less appeal than shuffling and swaying with him.

  Izzy caught her arm. “We’ll be back,” she told Ted.

  Audrey frowned as her friend dragged her toward the ladies’ room. “Where are we going?”

  “To do the traditional girly chat in the bathroom,” Izzy told her with a laugh. “I need to know what you’re thinking. Do you like him? Do you want to leave now? Do you want me to leave separately so that you and Ted can do your own thing, or do you want me to rescue you?”

  Audrey laughed as she pushed her way through the door into the ladies’ room. “What do you think?”

  “I think you should take off with him, just the two of you. Catch a cab back to the lodge, go for a romantic walk on the beach and then take him back to your room and bonk his brains out!”


  “What?! You asked me what I think. I told you. And if you don’t do that, then I think you’re nuts.”

  Audrey swallowed. She wanted to say that she would never dream of doing something like that, and before tonight that would have been the truth, but right now she couldn’t help but wonder … what if …? No!

  Izzy was watching her closely. “Oh, my God! You’re thinking about it, aren’t you?”

  Audrey shook her head rapidly.

  “You’re blushing and everything!”

  “Okay! I admit. It’s tempting. He’s … he’s so …”

  “Hot!” Izzy nodded her agreement.

  “No! Well, yes, he is, but not that … at least, not just that,” she added hurriedly. “He’s so kind and understanding, I feel like he just knows what I’m thinking.”

  Izzy rolled her eyes. “He probably does. He knows that you’re thinking that you wouldn’t mind taking him back to your room.”

  “No. It’s not like that.”

  “Oh, Audrey.”

  “Seriously. Just because you think it’s okay to go out and hook up, you think everyone else is the same. He’s not like that.”

  “Maybe.” Izzy blew out a sigh. “I just want you to have some fun, that’s all. He seems like a nice guy. But I don’t want you to go getting your hopes up that he’s something special while he’s just thinking that you’d be a nice way to spend the night.”

  “He already asked if he can see me again.”

  “Okay, maybe he’s thinking you might be a nice way to spend the week.”

  “And what would be wrong with that? I thought you’d approve.”

  Izzy touched her arm. “I would. You know all I want is to see you have some fun and be happy. I just don’t want you to go hoping for something more.”

  Audrey opened her mouth but though better of it. She was about to ask why she shouldn’t hope for more. Ted was an attractive man. He’d made no secret that he was interested in her. Maybe Izzy was right, and he was only interested in sex. Would that be such a bad thing?

  “Go on,” said Izzy. “Spit it out, whatever you were about to say.”

  Audrey smiled. “I was about to prove you right by saying that there might be something more between us. It feels like there could be. But even if there isn’t, that’s fine too.” She waggled her eyebrows. “Maybe you’ve taught me well, and maybe I only want to use him for his body!”

  Izzy laughed. “Nice try, but we both know that’s not who you are. I say have some fun with him, enjoy it, let yourself be a little wild, but don’t go getting invested. I don’t want to see you get hurt.”


  “So, do you want to stay a while longer. Do you want us all to leave together, or are you feeling brave?”

  Audrey thought about it. “I’m feeling brave, but maybe we should stay a while longer?”

  “The kids already told you they don’t mind if you go.”

  “I know, but …”

  “But nothing. Come on. Let’s go. I can keep Diego here, and you two can go get a cab.”

  “And what will you and Diego be doing later?”

  Izzy pursed her lips. “Not a damned thing.”

  “Don’t tell me you don’t like him?”

  Izzy rolled her eyes. “I’m not a liar. He’s gorgeous! But he’s all big macho man, and you know I can’t cope with guys like that.”

  Audrey smirked. “Of course, you prefer younger guys you can boss around.”

  “It’s not about bossing them around, it’s …” Izzy laughed. “Okay, maybe it is. I just can’t handle big macho men.”

  “Diego seems sweet, though.”

  “He is, but we’re not a good match. We’re cut from the same cloth. We’re both used to being the alpha.”

  “Why does that matter if you’re both going home together?”

  Izzy shrugged. “It doesn’t. Anyway, enough def
lecting attention away from you and Ted. Let’s get back out there and get you two on your way.”

  “I need to say goodnight to the kids.”

  “Okay, we’ll find them on the way out.”

  Chapter Six

  Diego grinned at Ted. “You seem smitten.”

  He couldn’t hide his smile. “I am.”

  Diego grasped his shoulder. “Do you want me to make myself scarce? I believe Izzy will be a willing accomplice in leaving the two of you alone.”

  “No. Thanks, but … no.”

  Diego gave him a puzzled look. “You don’t expect me to believe that you don’t want to get the lovely Audrey all to yourself?”

  “I wouldn’t lie to you. But I don’t think she’d be comfortable with it.” He smiled. “Though if what you’re really saying is that you want to disappear with Izzy …”

  Diego laughed. “I’d love to, but alas. She’s not interested.”

  “I don’t believe that for a moment. I saw you dancing together. And besides, I thought the great Diego Águila could persuade any woman.”

  Diego swaggered his shoulders. “I like to think so, but part of that is knowing who wants to be persuaded, and Izzy doesn’t. She’s a beautiful woman; she knows what she wants and she knows how to have a good time. I’m not her idea of a good time.”

  Ted was genuinely puzzled. “I don’t get it.”

  Diego chuckled. “Of course, you don’t. You’re not someone who plays the game. I am, so is Izzy. She likes her men younger and more … submissive.”

  Ted raised an eyebrow.

  He laughed. “Not the in the full-on dominatrix style—I don’t think—but she likes to be the boss.”

  “Ah, I get it. You two both like to be the star of the show?”

  “Something like that. I could make an exception for her—she’s quite something, but you heard her, she was drooling over your son.”

  Ted laughed. “And your ego can’t handle that?”

  Diego shrugged. “The point is tonight is about you and Audrey. What do you want; do you want us all to share a cab home?”

  “I think that’d be best. She’s here all week, and so am I. There’s no rush.”


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