Family Bonds- Emily and Crew (Amore Island Book 4)
Page 16
She laughed at his dry tone. “Some do. And I’m getting off topic. The final straw was the will.”
“Wills?” he said. “You weren’t even married yet and you were talking about wills?”
“I wasn’t. He was. He wanted to make sure that my portion of the hotel went to him and any children we might have should something happen to me. I said no, it’s going to my sister first if I didn’t have children. If I did, then I’d change it later to any children. Then I told myself, it was nuts to have this conversation and just ended things.”
“Sounds like you’re much better off,” he said, pulling her into his arms. “But you’re still bitter over it and I guess I can’t blame you.”
“I am because as much as he said I was focused on the hotel over him, he was focused on it over me and it wasn’t even his. That’s not a relationship. I don’t want to come home every day and talk about the hotel. Especially if we were working at the same place. That’s no life.”
“No,” he said, kissing her. “It’s not. Work is for work and home is for us.”
She liked when he said that. As if it had more meaning than maybe he ever wanted it to have.
“It is. And I like when you hold me in your arms. I like it better than any other man.”
“Don’t compare me,” he said. “No man wants to be compared even if they come out on top. I’m my own person.”
“You are. I’m sorry. Did I make you mad with that statement?”
“No,” he said. “Why?”
“Darn. I was thinking makeup sex.”
He started to laugh and pulled her to the back of the house toward his sunroom where the pool table was. “Show me how you take care of your itch alone. As you said, you don’t really need a man.”
She felt her face heat up. “I don’t need one, but I want one. I want you.”
“Always good to hear. But you boasted so much and maybe I need to see what you do. Maybe I’m missing something and I don’t want to leave you wanting.”
“You don’t leave me wanting for anything but more of what you’ve got.”
He picked her up and set her on the pool table, then moved between her legs. She crossed her ankles behind him and put her arms around his neck. “We wouldn’t want to ruin the pool table and have you get in trouble.”
“Trouble for what?” he asked, his lips moving down her neck.
“Your landlord might not like it if it’s damaged.”
He stilled but then laughed. “I find it hard to believe we could damage it, but I’ll fix it if it is. It’d totally be worth it.”
His hands went under her shirt and lifted it over her head, tossing it aside, then undid her jeans.
He lifted her up and slid his hands into her underwear and then pulled everything down to stop on her ankles where they were caught up on her shoes.
“This is awkward.”
“Nope,” he said. “It’s sexy. Just think that you’re so turned on and home alone and need to take care of yourself. Pretend I’m not here.”
“It’s not fun if I pretend you aren’t here when looking at you turns me on. Take your shirt off it you want me to do this.”
He grinned at her and then lifted his shirt. “Happy?”
“Very. You’ve got a pretty nice chest. One that I love to touch. Turn so I can see the tattoo again. I never thought ink could be so sexy either. Come here.”
“You can put your hands to use somewhere else.”
“Like this?” she asked, moving her palm down her waist and toward her swollen bud. She was pretty sure she might be dripping on the green felt right now. She’d pay for any damages. Like he said, it would totally be worth it.
“Exactly like that,” he said. “Further now.”
“I think you need to do the same. You can’t tell me you haven’t taken care of yourself in a time of need.”
“Every man on the face of this earth has.”
“Well then,” she said, slipping her finger down between her lips, finding herself extremely wet and worked up. “Show me how you take care of yourself too.”
“You want to play that way?” he asked, undoing his jeans and dropping them down with his underwear. Oh yeah, he was ready and willing to go.
“Come here,” she said. “Let me.”
“I thought I had to do it myself,” he said, moving just close enough to her so she could reach out and touch him if she wanted but decided not to. This was getting into territory she’d actually never done before with a man and she really wanted to do it.
“Okay. Then show me how you do it. That way I’ll know I’m doing it right next time.”
He put his large hand around his cock and then started to stroke up and down, over the tip, getting it a little moist and back down. “You’re watching and not doing much of your own,” he pointed out.
“Sorry. It’s a little distracting.”
“Yes, it is,” he said. “But we both have to play by the rules.”
She spread her legs wider and saw his eyes go down to her fingers as she stroked herself. Then she inserted one finger in and out and saw him gulp. “You mean the rules like this?”
“Yeah,” he said, pumping himself while she did the same.
She was pretty sure they were both watching each other’s hands rather than their faces or expressions. She really didn’t want to lift her head to look at anything else.
“I’ve got an idea,” she said. She could get herself there and was damn close, but she wanted him to touch her.
“What’s that?” he asked.
“We’ve got two hands.”
“We do,” he agreed.
“So you put your other hand on mine and I’ll put mine on yours. That way we both make sure we get the full lesson on what to do.”
“You’re pretty smart,” he said, moving closer to her, pretty much between her legs at this point.
She moved her left hand on top of his while he continued to stroke up and down and all over, their fingers were almost interlaced at this point.
He couldn’t really do the same for her and though she was touching herself, he was going off on his own and she was fine with it. His hands were bigger and felt better inside of her moving in and out.
She was attacking her clit and he was bringing her right to where she needed to be.
“Crew,” she said.
But she didn’t need to let him know because since they were touching each other, she knew he was just as close as her.
At the same time their hands started to move faster, until her legs started to shake on the table.
He moved closer and crushed his mouth to hers and she began to throb and pulse the same time as he came all over her hand, the heat of him hitting her between her legs and dripping on her.
She didn’t care one bit. All she cared about was that she and Crew shared something primal and exciting, maybe even juvenile.
But that was fine because it seemed not everything with them had to be serious all the time.
He moved back and wiped himself and his hands with his shirt, then handed it to her to do the same. “Sorry about that,” he said, his eyes going between her legs where he’d landed some on her outer lips.
“No worries. I’d say it’s all part of the game.”
He laughed. “I think we need a shower.”
“We do,” she said, hopping off the table, then sliding her shoes off and kicking her jeans with them. She’d just pick them up and bring them to the bathroom with her. “Oops. I was right. We got your table wet. I really hope it doesn’t stain. I’ll cover the cost of it. It was totally worth it.”
“Don’t worry about it,” he said a bit more firm than normal.
“I just don’t want you to get in trouble. You said it came with the house and I know my family has some rental properties and it’s hard when things are damaged.”
“I’ve got it covered,” he said.
She followed him to the one bathroom in the house, then removed her bra, the only
article of clothing she had left on. She didn’t understand why he always got so testy at times but figured it wasn’t worth getting into now. They’d had a good day for the most part and cleared the air about some of her past.
She felt much lighter than she had in a long time and that was enough for her.
Do The Same For You
A few days later, Emily was waiting for the mail to come. She had a delivery for Penelope and she wanted to give it to her when she went into work.
Her sister had had her back for their whole lives and sometimes she wanted to make sure Penelope knew how much she appreciated it.
When she got an alert on her phone that someone was at the front door, she was shocked to move forward and see the box there but barely hanging on the porch step and the doorbell hadn’t been wrung.
She opened her door and grabbed the box and then went to the screen on her phone and realized she couldn’t see who dropped the package off, but it couldn’t have been Crew. At least she didn’t think so since the person all but tossed it and then took off back to the truck in a run.
It was flurrying out so it was hard to make out any facial features either. Still, Crew wouldn’t have done that and here she was ready to give him a coffee for the road.
She put her jacket on, grabbed the coffee she’d made and the box. She’d open it at work, but she wanted to catch up and see if that was Crew or not.
By the time she pulled out and was next to the truck she saw it wasn’t him and then felt horrible that she got caught staring. “Sorry,” she said. “Crew isn’t working this route today?”
“Oh. You’re Emily Rauch, right? The one Crew got the date with?”
“Yes,” she said.
“Guess you guys are at least friends if you are looking for him. But not enough to know he’s sick.”
“He’s sick?” she asked. She didn’t care for the guy’s answers or tone but wasn’t going to let it get to her right now. She was more concerned about the fact that Crew was sick and didn’t let her know.
“Yeah. He called in this morning. I think they said he might have the flu. Not sure. Anyway, I’m Tyler and got stuck with his run. So what’s with you two?”
“What?” she asked. “Nothing.”
She rolled her window up and drove away. She didn’t have time for the guy that she knew just wanted some gossip. She’d seen enough of his type around and it wasn’t worth her frustration.
Rather than go into work, she turned and made her way to Crew’s. She hit the Bluetooth on her steering wheel and tried to call, but it only went to voicemail.
She remembered how sick she was and it was horrible. He probably wanted to be left alone, but he took care of her so she was going to do the same for him.
Whether he wanted it or not.
When she pulled into his driveway she saw his SUV out front. He didn’t have a garage big enough to fit it in. It was more like storage, she was guessing. Not that he had much yard either that he’d have to mow.
And why was she even thinking of those things?
She went to the front door and knocked. No one answered, so she rang the bell. Again no one answered.
She called his cell phone a second time and it went to voicemail. Now she was just getting worried.
She was darn close to calling an ambulance when the front door was whipped open and he was standing there in flannel pajama pants, a thick sweatshirt, and a sickly white complexion.
“What are you doing here?” he asked.
She moved right by him into the house. “You’re sick.”
“I am. And you’re going to get it again if you don’t leave. I feel like hell and want to sleep.”
Her hand went to his forehead. “You’re burning up. How high is your temperature?”
“No clue,” he said. “I don’t have a thermometer here.”
She grabbed him by the shoulders and started to move him back to the living room, but he kept going to his room. That’s when she noticed a few blankets on his bed. More like a big pile.
He climbed back in them and curled into a ball. She could see he was almost shaking. “Have you taken anything?” she asked.
“Why?” she asked, throwing her hands in the air.
“I want my body to work it out on its own. Taking something just prolongs it.”
“Stubborn,” she said. “Sweating it out isn’t going to help.”
“I’m not sweating it out,” he said. “I’m trying to get warm. I’m freezing.”
“But you aren’t,” she said. “You’re burning up.”
“Yep. My body is fighting it. I’m strong and let me do it,” he said.
“I’m not leaving you alone.”
He turned on his other side. “Stay if you want, but I need to sleep.”
She wasn’t going to continue to stare and badger him. She knew how bad she felt when she was sick, but she wasn’t so stubborn to suffer through a fever like he was.
She walked out of his room and called Penelope to say she wasn’t coming in and what was going on. After looking around his kitchen she realized he didn’t have a lot of food, let alone soup.
When she glanced back in he seemed to be sleeping again so she left to get some staples for him for when he did feel better, then she’d get some work done while he rested.
By the time Crew opened his eyes again, he knew he was still running a fever, but it wasn’t nearly as bad.
He was soaking wet having sweat through his clothes. That hadn’t been his plan more than he was freezing his balls off.
He threw the covers back and stood up, felt a little lightheaded but got his bearings and went into the bathroom.
When he glanced in the mirror he realized he looked like hell. He was pasty white and his eyes were glossy, his mouth felt like it was packed full of cotton balls on top of it.
The first order of business was something to drink, though water didn’t sound good at all.
He passed the living room and saw something out of the corner of his eye. It looked like a laptop on the coffee table. He swore Emily left after she barged in to lecture him on how to take care of himself.
Then he heard something in the kitchen and moved in that direction. Yep, there she was opening a can of soup and pouring it in a pan to heat up. There were a few bottles of Gatorade on the counter and he reached for one.
“Have you been here all day?” He looked at the clock on the microwave. “Holy shit, it’s four.”
“It is. You’ve been sleeping solid for six hours. You obviously needed it.” She moved closer and touched his forehead. “Not as warm but probably still running a fever.”
“Yeah. I’m sure I am, but it’s not as horrible.”
“You’re pretty soaked,” she said, looking at his shirt.
“I planned on taking a shower but then wanted some water first. I noticed the laptop in the living room and then heard you in here. Why did you stay?”
“You took care of me when I was sick. Shouldn’t I do the same for you?”
“I came back and brought you soup. I didn’t sit around your house for hours.”
He hoped to hell she wasn’t looking at anything. He was trying to think if anything was sitting around that she could see. If he’d known she was coming he would have made sure mail and other items were put away.
“We didn’t know each other like we do now,” she said. “This is different. I’m pretty sure you would have done the same thing at this point.”
She was probably right. “So you just worked in the living room all day?”
“I did. After I went through all your cabinets and ran to the store.”
“What do you mean went through my cabinets?” He was sure his face was flushing and it wasn’t from the fever.
She angled her head. “I was looking for food to see what you had. Which isn’t much for someone that is sick. And you’re welcome for the Gatorade that you’re drinking.”
nks,” he said.
He had to get it out of his head that she was snooping for something. There was no reason for her to. As far as she was concerned, he was who he said he was. At some point he was going to have to tell her more, but he wanted to do it in his time and on his terms.
“I figured the electrolytes would do you good. Are you hungry?”
“I think so, but I need to shower. I feel gross and must stink on top of it.”
“Do you think that is wise if you’re still running a fever?”
“I thought it was another line of the family that were doctors,” he said.
“Fine. I can call one of them if you want.”
“No, you’re not. I’m a big boy and I’m going to take a shower.”
“Well, fine,” she said, turning her back and stirring the soup.
He walked out of the kitchen with his drink, found another pair of pajama pants and a sweatshirt, then went into the bathroom to clean up. He’d probably have to wash his sheets too. Or at least change them.
By the time he got out of the shower and went back to the kitchen, he’d noticed the fireplace was turned on, the soup was in a bowl with crackers out and two grilled cheese sandwiches, but he didn’t know where Emily was.
Then he heard her talking and figured she was on the phone.
“Sorry,” she said a few minutes later. “I had to talk to Penelope about something. I wasn’t sure what you were in the mood for so just eat what you want or nothing at all.”
“Soup smells good. I’ll try that.”
“If not, I’ve got a bottle of hot sauce for you too. Didn’t you say your grandmother made you take that?” He tried to laugh, but he was feeling too ill. He reached for the bowl with the spoon and she sat down, then picked up one of the grilled cheese sandwiches. “Don’t get all up in arms over this, but is there anything I can do? Wash your sheets or make the bed? Or maybe you want to sleep in damp sheets. That’s fine too. I’m just trying to be helpful.”
He snorted. “I was thinking the same about my sheets. I’ll probably just change them and wash the damp ones tomorrow. I’m not sure how much energy I’ve got to stay up and deal with it and you don’t need to do it for me. But I do appreciate it.”