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Alien Fascination (The Shadow Zone Brotherhood Book 3)

Page 4

by Elise Jae

  Yesterday was entirely set-up, creating lists of questions to sort through today...

  “Your notes said they run on four legs?” She looks up at me and then back down.

  “Usually, but they are fully capable of presenting as bipedal.”

  “Have you ever seen a gorilla?”

  I shake my head, and she twists her lips to the side in a frown as she looks down, using a long pair of tweezers to lift the monster’s front leg. “They’ve got similar skeletal structure… the longer arms.”

  She lapses into silence again, and I wait.

  I’m not sure she’d hear me if I spoke.

  It should be boring, watching her work, but it isn’t.

  Another ten minutes pass, and she looks up, a curious concentration on her face. “How much do you want to know?”

  I know she’s asking about the monsters, but my answer is the same either way. “Everything I can.”

  “Here’s what I can tell you from my initial observations. They’ve got a primate-like body and canine skull with a trisecting lower jaw. Based on the musculature, I’d guess the tail is prehensile?”


  She nods, marks something in her notes and crosses around to stand beside me to point at the hair covering it’s back. “These are keratin, but tough, more like porcupine quills than actual hair. Have you seen a porcupine?”

  I shake my head.

  “They’re adorable, but they’re covered in things like this that are sharp and barbed, it’s a defense mechanism they’ve evolved to have. I wonder why these would have them, when they’re clearly predators….” She shakes herself as if only just remembering what she was talking about. “The rest is almost like polar bear fur.”

  Nodding toward the fur lower down, she runs a gloved finger over it. “I have to put it under a microscope and do some tests, but I think the follicles are hollow.”

  When she looks up at me, her eyes are bright, and her smile is… dangerously sweet.

  I have no idea how it feels to be that happy.

  Something shifts in my chest and I know, I’ll have to settle for the warmth that comes from having made her happy.


  The way he’s looking at me tells me he didn’t hear the last bit. But I’d rather know what he’s thinking, than what he thinks about the similarities to shark teeth.

  “Maybe we should take a break.” I look at the clock and he looks too. “Time for lunch.”

  I lean over to put the tooth in place, and the move brushes my hip against…

  Freezing, I look up at him, knowing my eyes are too wide. He’s frozen too.

  “I thought it gets smaller when you’re cold.”

  “I did too.” Clearing his throat, he takes a step back. “Sorry.”

  “Don’t be.”

  Taking a deep breath as I strip off the gloves and face shield, I turn and lead the way out of the lab, trying not to look down as I pass him.

  Throwing my coat to the side and listening as he follows me in, I go straight to the kitchen.

  I wash my hands in the warm water of the sink and am silently thankful for the geothermal heating. My fingers had started to get stiff.

  I’m still too aware of him moving around behind me as I pull open the fridge to the—still startlingly familiar—stock of food.

  There are a dozen things I could do, a dozen more that make me tired just thinking of the prep time. And then I open one of the drawers, and inspiration strikes.

  The cheese is imported from a small coastal town in Oregon, it’s black, plastic label has a sailing ship instead of a cow.

  But it’s the good stuff.

  A thought suddenly occurs to me. “Have you ever had a grilled cheese sandwich?”

  Shaking his head, he sits on the barstool across from me. “I don’t think so.”

  “Do you like cheese?”

  He nods.

  “And bread and butter?”

  This time he laughs. “Yes.”

  “Good. Then you’re in for a treat.”

  I pull out the components, pausing for a moment to look at him and decide… three sandwiches for him. “Everything in the fridge is fair game to feed you, right?”

  His smile makes me think he’s laughing at me, but he won’t be laughing when I’m done.

  Luckily, a tone echoes behind him and he goes to the computer bank, focusing on work while I finish up the food.

  When he comes back, I slide him a plate stacked three high. “You’ve got plain, with slices of ham, and the bottom has shredded chicken and tomatoes.”

  He raises a brow at the pile.

  “If that’s not enough I can always make more.”

  I lean on the counter and take a bite of mine, waiting. Watching.

  “It’s not a balanced meal.” He says, picking up the plain cheese.

  “Maybe not, but it’s a delicious one.”

  He takes a bite, and I don’t need him to say anything to know he agrees.

  I take another and wiggle at the delicious taste.

  “You really do love food don’t you.”

  Nodding, I manage to swallow before saying, “If you’ve got to eat, you might as well enjoy it.”

  He picks up his second sandwich, looking at the ham slice a moment too long. “I like when you’re happy.”

  It’s strange how innocent those five words are… and how they send my mind spiraling.



  After the morning’s discomfort, I decided to let her work in the lab alone. Jess doesn’t need me distracting her. And the space is giving me time to figure myself out… though I’m starting to worry I’m not capable of it.

  When the door opens from the garage, Jess drops her stuff and stalks into the living room to flop onto the couch. Her brow is furrowed and she’s chewing on her lower lip.

  “What’s wrong?”

  “I got an email from the Agency. They’ve asked for some data.”

  I don’t like the way she digs her teeth into her lip. Whatever it is, I need to fix it.

  “What do you need.”

  She winces, pinching the bridge of her nose before she sits up and turns to me.

  “You mentioned Margot’s and I know there are other places I could go where I could... pay to play.”

  I knew it was going to come to this, but somehow…. I didn’t expect the idea to sit so poorly.

  “It’s the other way around. Men pay to play.” I don’t like the idea of what I’m going to suggest. “They’re not the sort of places that men go if they want to look and not touch… but I can take you to Margot’s, she runs a tight ship and won’t let you get hurt.”

  For a moment, I think she might decline, but she nods, as if she’s won an argument in her own head. “When can we go?”

  I glance at the clock. It’s early enough, things should be relatively quiet, but late enough she’ll get the full experience. “Go change. We’ll go now. I just have to put the others on alert to watch my sector.”


  “Margot’s has a dress code, and you’re too casual.” Though she might let Jessica in just out of curiosity….

  She looks down at herself, one brow raised. “I think I have something that’ll work.”

  By the time I send the message, change, and get back downstairs. Jess is waiting for me, and I almost miss the bottom step as she turns to me.

  The neckline of the dress she’s wearing plunges low enough I can see the curve at the bottom of her breasts.

  “Is this acceptable?” She holds out her arms and her jacket pulls away from her, showing how the fabric slides down her sides….

  The soft, striped material holds her in a way my hands suddenly ache to.

  I stuff my hands in my pockets to keep them to myself. “You look… magnificent.”

  “You clean up well yourself.” She drops her arms and her boobs jiggle.

  “Let’s just hope none of the patrons think you’re on the menu.�

  I’m in serious trouble. And if anyone tries to take her away from me, I don't know what I’ll do.


  The drive into town isn’t long enough.

  When I park in front of Margot’s my jaw hurts from clenching, and I have faint half-moon marks in the palm of my hand.

  “This is it?” She asks, leaning forward to look up at the facade.

  I force myself to follow her gaze rather than notice the way she nearly spills from her dress.

  The building is boxy, no windows. Lots of lights.

  “Not what you were expecting?”

  “Actually, it’s pretty similar to the strip clubs back home… at least on the outside.”

  She’s looking at it as though it’s a cafeteria, not a den of carnal pleasures, where every man is going to take one look at her and want to steal her away from me.

  I pull the handle and get out of the door on that thought. Because it’s ridiculous. Not the least of all because she’s not mine to be taken.

  “Should I be worried?”


  “Then why are you so tense?”

  It’s partially her, partially… “I’m just worried for your safety.”

  “I’m not. You’re here.”

  It’s worse inside.

  Of course it is.

  Heads don’t turn the moment we walk in, it takes a minute for someone to zoom in on her, and a handful more for the information to spread throughout the room like fire over dry tinder.

  But of the two of us, I’m the one who’s uncomfortable.

  Jessica doesn’t turn away. Doesn’t shy from their gazes.

  She sizes them up as we move further into the club, and I’d bet every one of them thinks it’s for the wrong reason.

  I don’t like the way she’s looking at them.

  Don’t like that I don’t like it.

  I knew this was part of what she was here to do.

  I don’t have to steer her through the room. If I move, she moves. It’s small comfort, but at least I don’t think I’m going to have to go chasing off after her.

  We’re on the tame side of the wall.

  Behind the stage is the door to the private, and public, playrooms.

  Luckily, the bar is on the opposite side of the room.

  I’ll keep telling myself we’re headed that way because it’s a decent vantage point from which we can observe the rest of the room… but really, I need a drink.

  She orders something called a Paloma. I need something stronger.

  It doesn’t get here quickly enough.

  “Trench, it’s been a while.” Margot slides up beside us and I would be willing to bet she knows exactly how many days and months it's been. “Who’s your… friend.”

  The question shouldn’t prickle. It shouldn’t bother me that she doesn’t assume Jess is my bondmate.

  “Jessica, Margot. Margot, this is Jessica. She’s a biologist, here for a short time to study us.”

  Margot’s brows fly, and I can only guess what sort of questions are flying through her mind, but Jessica speaks before she can get any of them out.

  “It’s nice to meet you,” she holds out her hand and Margot shakes it. “Part of my work is for the Agency. Trench kindly offered to bring me along to get a better… idea of what women who come here to be bondmates can expect.”

  “Did he?” Margot’s eyes slide to me. “And just what did you promise her, dear boy?”

  “He didn’t promise me anything.”

  Jessica’s sharp reply has Margot smiling. “I could set you up with a room. Anna liked you, I’m sure she’d be happy to join you.” She looks back to Jess. “If you’d like him to give you a demonstration.”

  “No.” Jess says it quickly enough that I don’t have to think too hard about why the idea irks.

  I don’t like the way Margot smiles.

  “Well, as you’re here on a school trip, I’ll let the staff know you can go about as you please. If it’s that you don’t want to watch him, you can slip into the public room a little later. Any of the men who are in there would be happy to let you take measurements.”

  I shift, despite knowing I shouldn’t. Clenching my jaw as I look down at the glass the bartender has slid in front of me.

  Margot is laughing at me.

  It would probably be worse if I wasn’t so used to it.

  “The next time we have a girls’ morning, I’ll have Kimba bring you along. The stories you’ll hear from the women who work here…” She blows out a whistle, before smiling so her nose scrunches up. “And besides. You’ll probably need a break from this one by then. Maybe you’ll have stories of your own to tell.”

  The lights flicker and the attention of the entire club turns, narrows down to pinpoint focus. It’s time for the crowd’s favorite dancer. A woman I know too well, but who’s skill can’t drag my attention away from Jess—not tonight.

  I catch Margot staring at me, and while Jess’s gaze is on the stage, waiting for the dancer to make her entrance, I spare a glance for the club owner.

  Margot isn’t laughing at me anymore.

  As she leaves us, she leans in to whisper in my ear. “You are in so much trouble.”

  “I know.”

  “I don’t think you do.”


  The place is a mix between an Earth strip club and something out of a cyberpunk fantasy.

  The woman on the stage—Kimba, neon-bright lights proclaim her—is surrounded by bursting icons of the money men are paying to watch her.

  These men want her.

  And with the way she moves… she’s worth it.

  I’m supposed to be here to study Sian biology, but I think Kimba falls within my purview. After all everyone is watching her.

  I’d bet a year’s salary that every one of them would give everything they own just to have her for one night. So, whatever it is that makes her special might provide a set of answers for questions I didn’t know I had.

  But maybe I don’t have to pay that much attention.

  “What is it about—”

  The words stall in my throat when I turn to look up.

  Trench isn’t watching her.

  He’s watching me.

  The lights from the stage flicker and flash against his face, making the angles sharper, his eyes darker.

  He’s looking at me the way I’d expect him to be looking at her, like he’d do anything for me if I just took my clothes off.

  The thought of being in one of those private rooms, watching him with another woman… I’d said no so fast, I know what Margot thought.

  Maybe she was right.

  And maybe it’s selfish, but I want to pretend he’s mine. Just for the month.

  Applause and a few wolf whistles cut through the last beats of the music, and it’s enough to break that spell, to let me turn away and look back over the crowded room.

  My view is cut off a moment later by a broad chest, and I’m forced to look up.

  “Hello, Jessica. I’m sure Trench was going to introduce us eventually. I’m Drift.”

  Trench leans closer to me to stage-whisper, “Head of the Shadow Zone Brotherhood.”

  “I’m here for her.” He nods toward the stage, where Kimba is walking toward the stairs at the back. “My bondmate.”

  With a smile at me, he turns to Trench and says something I don’t understand. I catch a few familiar words here and there, but the tone is the only thing I actually understand. It might be a warning.

  I really should have spent more time learning how to understand their language… instead of just being able to read it.

  “There you are.” Kimba steps out of the crowd, fully wrapped in a velvet-rose patterned robe. She slips her arms around Drift and snuggles in close. His hand goes immediately to her stomach. I couldn’t tell when she was on stage, but she is very definitely pregnant.

  “And you must be Laurel’s sister. Hi, I’m Kimba.” She holds out her hand, and I shake
it, noting that Drift hasn’t let go of her. “Is this the first time our boy has let you out of the house.”

  “It’s the first time I’ve asked. But Laurel dropped by the other day.”

  “We do that, you know. Drop in on each other all the time. I’m pretty sure they didn’t know what was going to happen when they started bonding, but now they have a small army of women who might descend on them at any moment and kick them out of their house to hold council. You’ll meet the others next week, I’m sure.”

  She turns to look up at Trench. “You are going to bring her to the meeting.”

  It’s a command.

  “I thought you’d hunt her down for a report if I don’t, and since I’m tasked with looking after her well-being… she’ll be there.”

  “And you’re sure you’re going to be able to keep on top of your reports as well as getting everything Jess need’s done?”

  “Yes, boss.” Trench says with a quick dip of his head.

  Laurel had mentioned that Kimba was the Brotherhood’s number two, but I hadn’t realized she was quite that involved.

  “Well,” She turns to me with a wide smile. “You two have fun. We’ve got places to be. See you soon.”

  As they weave through the crowd—a path forming ahead of them like Drift was a human icebreaker, escorting Kimba through frozen seas.

  “What did he say to you?”

  Trench glances at me sideways, as if only just realizing, “You don’t speak our language?”

  Shaking my head, I settle back into the seat. “I read it, and if you talk slowly enough, I can usually piece together a sentence from context clues.”

  “He asked if I was still going to be okay to play your protector.”

  “Why would he be worried about that?”

  It takes a moment, but he swallows whatever is stuck in his throat. “Because I want you.”


  She doesn’t say anything, blinking up at me. I probably should have kept my mouth shut.

  Definitely regretting the honesty right now.

  “Well.” She swallows, blinking a little too quickly. “That’s something to think about.”

  “Do you want to go into the back? You’re not going to see any men out of their clothes on this side of the wall.”


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