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Incubus Inc

Page 17

by Randi Darren

  “Right. We’re going to go see the pack leader, then?” Jes asked.

  “It’s the best plan I’ve got,” Sam said with a shrug. “You got anything else?”

  “No,” Jes said. “Should I let her go?”

  “Yeah, might as well,” Sam said.

  “Can we eat her first?” Jes said.

  “No,” Sam said, then pointed at her hand. “She’s engaged or married. I don’t like picking up people in relationships. It causes problems for them and… honestly, I don’t need that haunting me. I do enough bad things already.”

  “Oh? Alright. That’s fair,” Jes said, then looked at the woman. “Thanks for letting us use your phone. I love your ring, by the way.”

  Blinking, the young woman woke up from the glamour Jes had plowed her with.

  “What?” asked the woman. “My… oh, yes. Thank you. My fiancé got it for me.”

  “Do you love him? Would you cheat on him?” Jes said.

  “I do love him,” said the young woman, shaking her head. “No, I wouldn’t.”

  Jes grunted at that and looked at Sam with an embarrassed grin. “Was worth a shot. I’m hungry again.”

  “I just fed you,” Sam complained, leaving the office lobby. “Literally, not less than two hours ago. Remember? The waitress? You picked her.”

  “I know, but I’m hungry again,” Jes said, following him out.

  “Look, I get it; I’ve been there myself. It’s fun to feed. It really is. I enjoy feeding you,” Sam said, getting into the SUV. “But you seriously need to curb your appetite or figure out a way to make it last.”

  “Just let me see if I can get you off real quick—if I can feed from you directly without a human involved, that’d make it easier, right? We’ve never tried it without splitting a meal,” Jes said, shutting her door. Then she reached over and started working at Sam’s zipper, leaning over the center console.

  “Fine. Just… be quick about it. We need to go hit the pack leader,” Sam said, feeling weird about getting a blow job in an SUV for the sake of sex and feeding Jes.

  I think I kinda get how my own feed harem must feel sometimes.

  At least it’ll feel good.


  Getting out of the SUV, Sam adjusted his pants.

  Jes had wrecked his world with her mouth.

  He’d never been fed on directly like that without a human between them to share. She’d made him incapable of everything for twenty minutes. He couldn’t even think.

  The entire time, Jes had just sat there looking rather pleased with herself. Apparently, she could somehow feed directly from his orgasm without the need of a human as an aid.

  Walking around the vehicle, Sam looked up at the apartment building.

  “It was that good? Really?” Jes asked for perhaps the sixth time.

  “Yes, Jes. It was that good,” Sam said. “Don’t get too proud of yourself. I might ask you to do it a few more times today.”

  “Good! I wouldn’t mind at all. It was fun, and delicious,” Jes said. Then she looked up at the building as well. “I feel like we’re constantly going into people’s apartments.”

  “Kinda, huh?” Sam muttered. “Alright. Let’s go find the pack leader and see if we can’t nip this off at the top.”

  Sam and Jes entered the building and immediately went for the stairwell. They only had to go up one floor.

  “I’ve been thinking,” Jes said as the door to the stairwell closed behind her.

  “Yeah?” Sam asked.

  “I want to make a mercenary company and use it to take on contracts to rob, murder, and destroy criminals. Like what I was talking about earlier,” Jes said. “There’d be a lot of work in third-world countries for that.”

  “Sounds like a lot of work,” Sam said, opening the door leading to the first floor.

  “I don’t think so. I think it’ll be interesting,” Jes said. “I just… need to figure out the details. Like the rules around taking lives, and if I can make my mercenaries immortal. Things like that.”

  “Huh. Well, the rules for taking lives are rather straightforward. If someone is threatening to harm or kill you, that makes it fair for you to return the favor,” Sam said, walking down the hallway and reading number plates. “The same rules don’t apply to those who you hire though. If an enemy were to shoot at your people or try to hurt them, that opens the door for you to attack the enemy in return. Especially if you were hired to kill someone. The original hiring party takes on the onus themselves for that murder.

  “And sure, you could make them immortal, but it costs you significantly more than just eternal youth. Youth does a lot better and doesn’t cost as much. Especially since bringing a person back to life isn’t half as difficult as preventing their death.”

  “Got it. Do I get to claim the Life Essence of anyone we kill?” Jes asked as Sam pointed to a door labeled thirteen.

  “On a mission like what you’re describing…?” Sam thought on it and got in front of the door. “Yeah. You’d take their Life Essence in that kind of thing. You’d have to mark them before they died, though. Very simple Essence spell.”

  Lifting his hand, he knocked on the door three times.

  Since the pack leader was female, it was his turn to see if he could get her to open the door.

  “There we go, then. I just make a mercenary company, hire out some members, make them immortal, go clean up bad guys,” Jes said. “I can use the money, resources, and Essence to get everything else I need and pay you to feed me. Problem solved.”

  Sam ignored her. He was waiting for the peep hole to darken. It’d let him know someone was looking through it.

  That didn’t happen, though.

  Grumbling, Sam lifted up a hand and simply unlocked the door with a touch of Essence magic.

  They’d wait inside for her to get home.

  “I’m not as good as you are with stuff like that,” Jes complained.

  “We all have our specialties,” Sam said as he opened the door. Walking inside, he looked around quickly. “Or unique abilities. Like feeding from an Incubus.”

  “It can’t be that uncommon,” Jes said, closing the door behind her. “Can it?”

  “You’re a singular unique entity in all my long years,” Sam said, looking around the hallway.

  “Let’s go have sex on her bed,” Jes said, walking past him. “I could eat again.”

  Sam shrugged.

  They didn’t have anything else to do.

  And sex with Jes was always amazing.


  There was a clatter at the door, causing Sam to look up from the book he’d been reading.

  Closing it, he flipped it off to one side and then moved into the bathroom. Jes was right behind him, having turned off the muted TV.

  As they stood next to one another in the bathroom, Sam looked around.

  “I like the curtain,” he said, indicating the blue-and-white patterned fabric.

  “Mm. Should we take it with us when we leave?” Jes asked. “We could hang it in the apartment when we get back.”

  At this point, Jes had just been sleeping in his bed with him every night he was home. When he wasn’t home, she followed him if he allowed it. It was a very strange relationship to Sam.

  The door opened, and Sam heard footfalls entering the apartment. Watching the partially closed door, Sam waited.

  He really wanted the pack leader to be completely in the apartment before he walked out. He didn’t want to go chasing after someone through a building or down the street.

  That sounded a lot like work.

  There was someone else with the pack leader, it sounded like. Sam could hear a soft conversation between the two individuals. It sounded hushed and angry.

  Looking at Jes, Sam gave her a smirk.

  Must be fighting over what to do now that Tom got busted.

  Leaning down, he pressed his lips to Jes’s ear.

  “You take whoever else is there—I’ll take the Were,”
Sam said.

  Jes nodded.

  Moving away from the counter, Sam walked out into the living room.

  A short woman with short brown hair in a pixie-style cut stood in the middle of the room with her arms folded. Her eyes were a dark brown, almost black.

  She was pretty, lean, and had a feral edge to her. Her figure wasn’t very impressive when you compared her to Jes, but she wasn’t flat either.

  Next to her was a massive woman who looked to be six foot eight. She had long black hair, and her eyes were a brown color that almost made them seem red. Even as he looked, though, they were starting to glow brighter and brighter, becoming yellow. There was a faint red mist that came from her mouth on her exhale.

  She had a wide frame and a much better figure than the Were. All around her was an aura of darkness that Sam doubted most people would feel or see.

  A Cambion? That’s interesting.

  Lashing his will to the Were, Sam struck out at her psyche to lock her down.

  And failed.

  “What the—” said the Were, slowly toppling to one side. “What the fuck!?”

  Jes walked around Sam, staring hard into the Cambion’s eyes.

  The woman stared back, transfixed by Jes entirely.

  “Sit on the couch,” Jes crooned at the Cambion.

  Nodding her head, the Cambion went over and sat on the couch, folding her hands in her lap.

  “Who the hell are you!? What do you want? What’d you do to her?” growled the Were, her body twitching back and forth as she clearly fought Sam’s glamour.

  “Goodness. You’re very, very mentally strong,” Sam said, walking over to the downed Were. “I’m impressed.”

  “The fuck did you do to me? I can’t move anything,” the Were grumbled, her voice moving into a deeper range. “I can’t shift? I can’t shift! What’ve you done?”

  “Nothing,” Sam said, standing over the tiny woman. He eased her onto her back and looked down into her pretty face. “I just… I suppose you could say I was trying to paralyze your mind. Only worked partially, though. Like I said, you’re very strong mentally.”

  Staring hard into the Were’s eyes, Sam tried again, striking out at her mind.

  The Were groaned, and her body quivered.

  “That hurts. It hurts so bad. Why are you doing this?” she said, obviously trying to look away from Sam. “I don’t know you.”

  “Stop fighting me,” Sam said, then clubbed at her again.

  Whimpering, the Were let out a deep moan, as if he’d stabbed her.

  “It hurts, it hurts, it hurts—stop. Please, stop. I’ll do anything you want—stop. Stop,” said the woman, breaking down into a sobbing whimper. “It hurts so bad.”

  One more. She can’t take that many, can she?

  Sam leaned back and smashed at her mind with all his strength.

  The Were’s eyes rolled back into her head and her face went slack, her whole body quivering.

  “Shtoph,” she groaned. “’Urtsh, urtsh, urtsh. Eash shtoph.”

  Then the Were started throwing up, vomit covering her face and neck.

  “Damn it all,” Sam said, rolling the Were on her side so she wouldn’t choke on her own vomit. “The hell are you so strong for? Now I’m just going to have to kill you when we’re done with the questions.”

  “This one’s like a big ol’ puppy,” Jes said from his side.

  Glancing over, he found Jes sitting in the Cambion’s lap, one arm around her shoulder. “I never knew they were so susceptible. I only remember two of Cambion and they seemed normal.”

  “They were a slave race once. Demons bred themselves with humans to make servants. That was the Cambion. Of course, they’re susceptible to Demon-kind,” Sam said, looking back at the Were. “Even us, though we’re not demons. Not really, at least.”

  She was done throwing up now, but she lay there whimpering and moaning. Her eyes weren’t trying to see her brain anymore.

  “No more, please. No more. Whatever you want. Just no more,” she said, her body shivering and quivering against her control. “It hurts so bad. Please, no more.”

  “Damn it all,” Sam said. “Fine, you start going through that one’s mind and see what she knows. I guess I’ll work the Were over.”

  Grabbing the Were by her arm, he started dragging her over to the bathroom, leaving a trail of vomit and piss behind her as he went.

  She’d apparently urinated on herself.

  The Were groaned, and her eyes tracked him sluggishly.

  Pulling her into the bathroom, he pulled back the curtain and dumped her into the tub.

  Reaching up, he unfastened the curtain from the rod and set it in the hallway.

  “Where’d you get the curtain, by the way? It’s rather nice,” Sam said, starting to strip the Were of her clothes.

  “Don’t hurt me anymore,” the Were said. “I’m sorry. Please. I’ll do whatever you want. Anything.”

  “I’m not going to hurt you, and I’m sorry for having done so. But I am going to have to kill you, I’m afraid. If you’d just had a soft and easy mind, I could have pulled your memories out,” Sam said remorsefully.

  He didn’t like to kill people indiscriminately. Especially in a situation like this, where he couldn’t even take her Life Essence. She wasn’t meant to die at his hand.

  To him, it was like overeating, throwing up everything, and then eating something else.

  It was a waste to kill her without being able to eat her.

  Sam flipped the torn clothes to one side, the Were now naked in the tub. Her body wasn’t quivering anymore, and it seemed as if her mental stability had improved.

  So very strong.

  “Why?” the Were asked. “I’m nobody. I’m just a pack leader. I run guns. I don’t hurt anyone.”

  “Honestly, I can’t even fault you for the gun running,” Sam said, giving her a once-over and looking for anything that’d clog the drain.

  Need to shave her head. Her hair would block it right up though.

  Trash bag would do it. Burn it all later.

  “Did it once upon a time myself. But that was with swords, when the tin ran dry in a country. Can’t make bronze weapons without tin,” Sam said. “Should always be prepared for shortages.”

  Sniffing, Sam stood up and then crafted a small blade out of Essence. It would be more than enough to clip her throat and wrists and leave her to bleed out. He could finish her hair after the fact.

  Her end would be quick.

  “Time for questions. You work for someone?” he asked.

  “I do. I do, yes. I can help you get to them,” said the Were. “They gave me the pack and told me to run it. I didn’t even want to run it. They were all pack-mates before I came along. I’m an outsider.”

  “And who is it you work for?” Sam asked.

  “I… no,” said the Were, staring up at him. “You’ll just kill me. I don’t want to die.”

  “My partner is taking apart that Cambion’s brain right about now. Whatever she knows, my partner will know,” Sam said. “So you can tell me and I make it quick, or I just make it quick and you don’t tell me. I don’t care.”

  “Just-just… look,” the Were said, sounding exasperated, panicky, and scared. “I can… I can do whatever or be whatever and… and you don’t have to kill me. I’m useful. Really useful.”

  Sam shrugged his shoulders and laughed softly.

  “I have nothing I need done. Sorry. The simple reality is you’re not useful to me, and I really just need you dead more than I need you alive,” Sam said. “I really am sorry, though. It’s not personal. You’re a pretty Were, but… just not something I need.”

  “Sweetie?” called Jes from the other room.

  “Yes?” Sam replied, standing up and looking over his shoulder.

  “Did you kill her yet?” Jes asked.

  “About to, why?” Sam asked.

  “Can I have her, Sweetie? I want a mercenary team. She could be useful to me. I j
ust let the Cambion—her name is Wren, by the way; rather odd sounding name, honestly—decide if she wanted to work for me with a salary, contract, and all the normal stuff, or get her memories wiped and dumped back on the street as if she’d never come up here.”

  “Uh huh,” Sam said, not really liking where this was going.

  “She agreed! I have my first mercenary. She’s very good with weaponry, apparently. She’s a hitman. She’s going to teach me all sorts of things. She can teach Hillary, too,” Jes said.

  “Right,” Sam said, closing his eyes.

  “I branded her as well. So she’s already all set up. Can I have the Were?” Jes asked. “Wren thought she’d be rather useful to me. Apparently she’s handy with a weapon as well, and they work well together.”

  “Yes!” the Were called back. “Yes, you can have me! Please! I don’t want to die! I’ll be a mercenary!”

  Sam opened his eyes and glared down at the Were just as Jes stuck her head in the door and smiled at her.

  “Are you sure? You’ll end up having a lot of sex with me and Sam. That’s part of the job,” Jes said. “You’ll have to come with me on missions to kill people. Kill people and steal their things. We’ll be going after people who can’t report us for robbing them. That and a lot of sex. I’m a Succubus, he’s an Incubus—we feed on orgasms. Quite possibly hourly sex on some days.”

  “Yep, I can totally swing both ways. You can just… use me as a spit-roast bar between the two of you,” said the Were, sounding desperate. “Whenever you want, however you want. Just don’t kill me. I’d really like to stay alive. Really, really would like to be alive.”

  “Are you sure?” Jes said, coming into the room. “Your pay would be a percentage of each take we bring down from the jobs, with a fifty-thousand-dollar signing bonus, and a salary. Same as Wren.”

  Glancing past Jes, Sam could see the big Cambion behind her. She looked at Sam, blinked, then nodded her head at him in greeting.

  Alright. That’s… weird.

  “And you want that?” Sam said, addressing Wren directly.

  “Why wouldn’t I?” Wren said, her voice rather deep. It made his crotch tickle. Sam did love a woman with a strong voice. Didn’t hurt that for a Cambion, she was big. He had a thing for women who were strong and could take care of themselves. “Clearly you’re more than just a sex demon. It’s not as if I’m often given a fair shake anywhere else. Her offer is actually really good. Eternal youth and immortality? For sex with demons and jobs? Not hard to say yes.”


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