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Incubus Inc

Page 29

by Randi Darren

  “Oh my god,” Irene said, peering over the dashboard at the wreckage around them.

  “Yeah, definitely… not great,” Sam said as he bumped another car out of the way.

  Keeping them accelerating, Sam angled for a surface street that was heading south.

  “I have no idea what to do,” he said honestly. “I’m just driving us away. Got any ideas?”

  “Not really,” Irene said. “I’m good at curses, hexes, and killing things. Not so great at utility and support. Even my viewing spell is just so I can target people to attack them.”

  Glancing at the floating mirror, Sam watched as someone wearing a massive coat was helped to stand atop the moving truck.

  When he got a glance at one of the person’s hands, Sam realized it was Stacia. Her skin was already bright red and darkening under the sunlight.

  Must be Wren’s jacket. She’s going to cook up there.

  As he blew through a red light while smashing both sides of traffic with Essence, Sam considered what to do.

  Using the spell viewing and the side mirrors, Sam built a spell and attached it to the truck. It wouldn’t block the direct sunlight that would hit the vampire, but it would remove the UV elements. That was what would kill her. On top of that, Sam made sure to also include the old Asian man disguise.

  As if realizing the sun was no longer a problem, Stacia pulled the hood off the jacket and continued doing whatever she was doing.

  Unable to watch her any longer, Sam looked back at the road.

  “That’s a helicopter,” he said, watching something moving their way from above. “They… have a helicopter.”

  “I can handle that one,” Irene said, still low in her seat. The cop was pressed between them, face down in the space Irene’s feet would go. She was still immobile, more like a corpse than anything else.

  Irene put her hands together and then aimed her palms at the helicopter. Her fingers curled slightly, and a black little puff of smoke built up in her hands.

  Then it shot away through the windshield as if it had never even been there. Not damaging the glass any further.

  Slowly, the helicopter began heading their way. Zeroing in on the truck.

  Then it jerked to one side, probably seeing the black puff of nasty. It dove out of the sky like it was trying to get low and out of sight quickly.

  “Too bad for you,” Irene said in a sing-song voice. “It won’t stop till it hits you.”

  True to what she said, the black puffball changed direction, turning to follow the helicopter.

  When Sam looked through the view in the spell, he found Stacia was staring straight ahead now. Using her right hand, she was signaling to turn.

  “Let’s hope our vampire has a better footing than I’m afraid she has,” Sam said. “Cause if I take this turn like she wants, she’s going to fly away like a coffee cup left on the roof.”

  Stacia continued to point toward the right.

  The pale-skinned vampire looked odd in the direct sunlight.

  She also looked like she was freaked out and excited.

  I wonder when she last felt the warmth of the sun on her skin without pain.

  Turning the wheel through the suggested turn, Sam threw up another spell wall. Cars were smashed away on each side of the truck, ping-ponging off one another.

  “Hate using all this Essence. I’m going to have to eat all of you one by one just to make up for it,” Sam muttered. “Starting with you, little witch. New… well… ‘foods’ always give the most.”

  Irene laughed nervously at that, even as her soul bobbed her head energetically and started pointing at her core once more. “The last three years of my life have been so weird.”

  In his sideview mirror, Sam could see a cloud of black smoke rising up behind them. It looked thick and oily, with red streaks inside of it.

  Like fire.

  That’s the helicopter.

  We’ve turned the city into a warzone.

  Looking to the spell again, he found that Stacia was still on top of the truck somehow. She was also making a patting motion with one hand while pointing to the left with the other.

  “She means slow down,” Irene said.

  Frowning, Sam slowed down enough that he didn’t have to smash cars, then took a left turn.

  Gliding through the turn, the beat-up courier truck didn’t seem to be generating any undue attention.

  In fact, no one even seemed to be looking at them.

  When Sam looked at Stacia, he found she was gesturing straight ahead with one hand and holding up a hand in the universal “stop” signal.

  Sam found a red light waiting for him at the intersection.

  Coming to a slow rolling stop, Sam nervously looked around him. Again, no one was paying attention to them.

  Out of nowhere, two black SUVs raced at them from the other direction. This was followed by a horde of police cars.

  Turning his eyes to the viewing spell again, he found Stacia standing there. One hand raised in the “stop” and pointing straight ahead.

  Sam remained where he was. Sitting at the red light. Trapped.

  Even as police cars and Fed SUVs raced to catch them.

  And went right past them. Sirens blaring, engines roaring—right by him and back the way he’d come.

  The light turned green, and Sam eased them across the intersection.

  Glancing back to Stacia, he found she was pointing straight ahead with one hand and giving the thumbs-up sign with the other. Except she was looking straight into the spell now.

  As if she could see it from the other side.

  “Is… is that it?” Irene asked.

  “You know,” Sam said. “For an undead, you seem incredibly afraid of dying.”

  “Because it hurts. A lot,” Irene grumbled, sitting upright in her seat finally. “It hurts the entire time you’re healing until everything is back to normal. The burns were the worst. A couple times I just stabbed myself in the throat so I’d pass out from blood loss. Wake up later and see if the burns had healed yet.

  “My poor tub had to have buckets and buckets of drain cleaner.”

  With Stacia pointing the way, a vampire in broad daylight standing on the roof, Sam drove them out of the city.


  Coming to a stop at a roadside diner, Sam sighed. They were still another hour away from Alison’s house.

  After escaping from the city, they’d pulled off into a mall, disguised the vehicle with a glamour, and stolen a new truck.

  Then promptly had Irene launch the damn thing like a missile into the sky.

  With any luck, it’d land on the other side of the city and make it hard to figure out what happened.

  “I’m so damn hungry,” Tiffany said as she got out of the back of the truck. “Going inside to get a damn table. Anyone comin’ with me, or am I going to have to get a table for everybody by myself.”

  “Yes,” said the big Cambion hitman. “I’ll come.”

  Hillary made her eyes become blue, then nodded her head and moved over to stand with Tiffany and Wren.

  Stacia sat down on the edge of the truck, her legs dangling over the edge. “I’ll catch up.”

  “Me too,” Jes said, hopping down.

  “I’ll go,” Irene said, jogging over to catch up to the other three.

  They didn’t seem to mind Irene. Which was odd to Sam, considering she’d killed Tiffany previously.

  “Sam,” Jes said, getting his attention. “I love you. I know it. It’s new and fresh, and I may not know myself as well as I should, but I love you.”

  That caught Sam off guard, causing him to look at his Succubus partner. His mind caught up with the situation a few seconds after that.

  Standing behind Jes and to one side was the policewoman. The Cyclops. Her uniform was gone, and she looked like she was wearing the extra clothing they’d brought with them just in case.

  “I already branded her and signed her on,” Jes said. “I promise it’ll be worth
your while, even if I have to take care of you myself for a while. Besides, who knows, maybe I can teach you to feed from me.”


  “Sam, I wanted her. I branded her,” Jes said. “We both know you’d say yes eventually. I concede I jumped ahead before asking you, but admit it. You’d say yes. Maybe I’d have to do a few things to you, but you’d say yes. And I’ll still do all that, mind you. Just to make sure you’re happy.”

  Sighing, Sam leaned his head back and stared up at the night sky above him.

  “Come on, just say it. You like this. It’s fun. It’s different. It’s… exciting!” Jes said. “And you’ve had so little excitement until you came back to this plane. It’s why you agree to my wants. That and you secretly like it that I feed from you. Only you.”

  Sam couldn’t deny it was somewhat flattering that Jes only fed from him. It was also starting to screw with his head.

  With how he felt about her.

  That he was jealous at the idea of her feeding on anyone else.

  “You’ll help me feed from you, huh?” Sam asked.

  “Yes! Even if we have to just have sex constantly till it works,” Jes said. “We’ll just toss in one of the girls every now and then for a break and try again.”

  “Right,” Sam said, still not looking back down. “And what’s the Cyclops’s name, since I’ll probably be feasting on her first or second tonight. First times always taste the best, and I’m hungry. You can’t join till I’m on the last one, Jes. Sorry. You drain me so bad that I can’t go again quickly enough.”

  “My name’s Carisa,” answered the Cyclops, even though he hadn’t spoken to her directly.

  Bringing his view down back to the Cyclops, Sam pointed a finger at her.

  “Okay, Carissa, I don’t know you. I have no reason to like you, and I’m going to have sex with you till you orgasm hard enough that your nethers split in half,” Sam said. “And when I’m done, I’ll probably be in a better mood. I’m hungry, angry, and tired. Then I’m going to have sex with you again. And again, and again, and again.”

  “Hangry,” Carissa said.

  “Yeah, that,” Sam said. “So if I’m a jerk, I’m sorry in advance. Talk to me after I’m done turning your insides out and you’ll get a better and warmer conversation.”

  “I… yes. Jes explained the job. I can promise you I’m better alive then dead. I’m a sharpshooter. I can hit almost anything when I’m using a scope,” Carissa said.

  “Great, go, leave. See you later when I’m doing my best to make you scream at the top of your lungs,” Sam said. “And burying your shoulders into a bed.”

  “Right, okay. Later. Top of my lungs,” Carissa said before getting down and hurrying off after the others.

  “Really, Jes?” Sam asked, turning to his partner after the Cyclops left.

  “Yes! Really. She’s perfect. She’s good looking, useful, has skills I want, she’s willing, and best of all—unhappy in her previous life,” Jes said as she bounced up to him. She gave him a heated kiss and patted his cheek. “Don’t worry, it’ll be fine. She fills out the rest of my first squad. Just admit it, Sam. I’m making life fun. You like it. You love me.”

  Without waiting, she bounced off to chase after everyone else.

  “For what it’s worth, they had a very long talk,” Stacia said. “Very long talk. Everyone did. It was helpful. About you, her, expectations, just… everything. So thanks for driving us all while we did that.”

  Sam grunted at her statement and sat down next to her.

  “And uh… thanks for throwing that spell around me,” she said. “It was so… heavenly… to have the sunlight on me. To feel the warmth of it. The heat.

  “It’s been a very long time since I felt it. If it wasn’t too much, I’d be willing to go in on whatever you need from me to cast that spell again later. Even if it’s feeding you all evening long.”

  Nodding his head slightly at that, Sam let out a slow breath. “Yeah, no worries. We can work out some arrangement, I’m sure. Doesn’t cost much.”

  “Great, thanks,” Stacia said, and she leaned over to kiss Sam’s cheek. “I appreciate you, Sam. You’re a good supporter for all of us so far. Inc-Suc is a great outfit, and I’m happy to be here.”

  Stacia hesitated, then kissed his cheek again and fled as well, leaving Sam alone with the truck.

  Grumbling, he lay down in the bed of it and closed his eyes.

  He was very hungry.

  I can’t wait to devour Carissa and Irene.

  Maybe I’ll have them at the same time.

  Twenty-Six - Holding Up -

  Irene came wandering out from the cafe by herself.

  Sam watched her coming the entire way.

  “I ah… you mentioned you wanted to feed,” she said, walking over to him. “I don’t eat much anymore since I apparently became undead. I finished up and decided that maybe you could feed on me.”

  Raising his eyebrows at that, Sam smiled.

  “I’ll take you up on that. Would you prefer the cab’s bench seat or the back of the truck?” he asked.

  “Is there any bedding in the back…? If not, I’d… I’d prefer the cab, I think,” Irene said.

  “Nothing that would be useful in the back, to be sure,” Sam said and got down, closing the door as he did so.

  “Okay. I guess… the truck cab then,” Irene said, folding her hands into one another and walking toward the front of the truck.

  Her soul was dangling partway out of her, pointing at her core over and over while nodding at Sam.

  Hm. Such a curious thing.

  As he followed the witch, Sam was having a hard time focusing. He wanted to ravage Irene repeatedly.

  Maybe I could feed on her directly.

  Just a taste wouldn’t hurt. Right?

  Just a—

  No. No. That’s… that’s where the bad things go. Direct feeding isn’t good.

  I should never have sampled Carissa like that.

  Irene opened the passenger-side door of the truck and got in.

  “Come on, Sam,” she said from inside the cab.

  Not waiting, Sam followed her up into the truck.

  Irene was on her knees on the bench seat, facing him.

  “Shut the door and pull it out for me. I’m… kinda nervous. If I lube you up a bit, hopefully it won’t hurt. Everyone says you’re on the larger side,” Irene said, peering at him.

  Sam sat down on the bench and shrugged. Casually, he unbuttoned his pants and pushed them down to his ankles. His manhood was standing straight up and ready to go.

  When it came to feeding, an Incubus would be hard-pressed to ever not be ready.

  “Okay, yeah, that’s… bigger than I’ve ever had,” Irene said, shaking her head.

  “I promise it won’t hurt,” Sam said with a smile. “I’ve never had anyone say that it hurt.”

  Sighing, Irene scooted over and laid a hand around his shaft. She gave it a squeeze and then began to stroke it carefully.

  After several circuits with her hand, she leaned down and took the tip into her mouth. Incrementally, slowly, she began to bob her head up and down. Her lips slid from the tip to halfway down his length.

  Irene’s soul was floating above her, licking her lips and watching her body curiously. It seemed she was far more into giving Sam head than she was letting on.

  Reaching out with his left hand, Sam slid his fingers around Irene’s soulcore and began to lightly tickle and play with it.

  Groaning hard, Irene shuddered with her mouth still wrapped around his manhood.

  Irene suddenly started to go from the very tip of his length all the way down to his hilt, her body quivering. Gagging on him loudly and continuing on.

  Stroking, caressing, and holding tight to Irene’s soulcore, Sam watched both Irene’s soul and her physical body.

  It was obvious that in playing with her soulcore, he sent her soul into a continuous orgasmic experience.

  As for h
er physical body, it seemed to ramp her sexuality up to eleven.

  Or just made her more honest, perhaps.

  Grunting, gagging, slurping, and moaning as she worked, Irene looked like all she wanted to do was inhale his member for all time.

  Sam was actually rather enjoying it. Enjoying it quite a bit.

  Irene was working him in a fantastic way.

  Cramming him down her throat, Irene paused at the base, swallowing at him and moaning.

  Letting out a choppy breath, Sam realized he was going to have to make her stop or he’d actually want to finish in her mouth.

  He was hungry. Desperately so. He needed for her to have an orgasm more than he needed to get off.

  Or… can I have my cake and eat it too? Irene seems like she could get off from me playing with her soulcore alone.

  Make her get off while sucking on me?

  Irene pulled back up to his tip and came off it. Panting, she looked at him with wide eyes. Her pupils were completely blown out, her cheeks flushed, and she seemed absolutely lost.

  It looked like she was in the middle of an extreme drug high.

  “Fuck me till I die,” she mumbled, then started to shimmy around.

  Pulling her pants down, she bent over and pushed her knees into the bench. Then she wedged her head down near the driver’s-side door and arched her back, positioning her lovely rear end and pointing it right at him.

  “Stick it in me, Sam. Make me all yours, feed from me, fill me up, break me. Just don’t stop,” Irene said, even as her soul trembled in his grasp. The soul was nodding frantically as her body spoke. “Till I die. Kill me with it. Make my heart burst.”

  Sam gave Irene’s soulcore a squeeze and continued to fondle it as he shifted around behind the witch.

  Quivering with a deep, lusty moan, Irene started to pant hard. “Fuck me, fuck me, fuck me.”

  Grabbing hold of the witch with his right hand, Sam sank himself into her. Pushing until he fit himself completely in her.

  Irene groaned as she pushed herself back against him. One of her hands came out from between her legs and began to lightly play with his balls. “Yeah, yeah. All of it. Do more. Do lots more. Give it to me.”


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