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Straight After the Bend

Page 21

by S M Mala

  ‘I know,’ her father said, nodding sadly. ‘It seems odd that your mother won’t witness the wedding of her only child.’

  ‘I want her to be there,’ she whispered, holding back the tears. ‘Who will be the mother of the bride?’

  ‘I will be both,’ Bernie whispered. ‘I have to be, don’t I? But don’t expect me to wear a sari for that. That would be crossing the line as I’d only look fat and I’d have to do a bit of working out before then.’ He then giggled at his joke before blushing.

  Just then she looked at Mylo realising her father had no idea of how his future son-in-law had crossed a rather large line, once upon a time.

  ‘This is wonderful!’

  Sitting in the courtesy car on the way to the hotel in Ibiza, Bea was excited. It was late afternoon and the island looked beautiful. ‘Are we there yet?’

  ‘Child!’ he laughed, his arm around her shoulders. ‘I’m going to ravage you when we get to our room.’

  Delirious happiness was sweeping over her soul.

  It was going to be perfect.

  Then they stopped outside a very expensive looking, boutique hotel and she was shocked.

  ‘This is too posh,’ she whispered. ‘Are you sure this is the right place?’

  ‘It is.’ Mylo then looked at her, placing a small kiss on her lips. ‘I love you Bea and want you to have a wonderful time.’

  ‘I’m with you and that’s what matters.’

  Getting out the cab, she held tightly onto his hand. Mylo led her to the reception, smiling brightly.

  ‘Let me sort this out,’ he said and spoke to the very pretty woman behind the desk.

  As she stood, she noticed a man smile at her from outside. He had dark blonde hair which was quite short, light coloured eyes, a chiselled jaw plus a smiley face. She grinned back and checked out his muscular toned body with a light tan. Bea thought he looked familiar but didn’t know where she’d seen him before but if everyone was going to look like that in the hotel, she would be happy to know them all.

  Within a few minutes they were led down a corridor. The ceilings high and everything was a brilliant white. Large skylights let the sunshine into the hotel but the atmosphere was cool and relaxing.

  It was when the door was opened it made sense why it was very expensive.

  There was a massive room with a lounge area and through the doors, a bedroom. But what she couldn’t believe was when the porter opened the sliding doors, there was their own private pool, overlooking the white sand beach and blue crystal water. She caught a glimpse of a small hot tub to the side.

  That’s when she noticed Mylo smiling.

  ‘You look shocked,’ he said, starting to laugh. ‘I only want the best for you.’

  Bea was speechless as she stepped out and felt the sun beat down on her face.

  ‘This is the best place ever,’ she whispered, hearing the door shut. ‘Mylo, we’re going to have a wonderful time, I can feel it.’

  He touched her neck before leaning in to kiss her, then the phone started to ring.

  ‘Hello,’ he answered, looking half amused. ‘What? Now?’

  ‘Who is it?’

  ‘I have a package in reception.’ Mylo shook his head. ‘I didn’t order anything.’

  ‘It might be something important.’

  ‘I can get it later.’

  ‘Go get it now and I can unpack,’ she said, stroking his face. ‘Then rush back to me.’ Looking to the side, she noticed the bottle of champagne on ice and grinned. ‘I’ll get the glasses and we can go for a dip.’

  He grabbed her face and gave a long lingering kiss before smiling.

  ‘I’ll be back in five.’

  Letting out a massive, happy sigh, she watched him walk out.

  It was when she went into the bedroom, her heart starting thumping hard. The bed was enormous and the bathroom was bigger than her old flat. Everything looked new and she felt like she was creating a mess by standing there.

  Half an hour later, she waited patiently for Mylo to return. She sent a text to ask if he was okay but there was no response. This wasn’t like him.

  Bea got her bag and walked out of the room. Not knowing where to go, she headed to the main reception area, enjoying the sea breeze on her face.

  Then she heard Mylo laughing.

  Following the sound, she realised he was sat at a table with a man she didn’t recognise. He was lightly tanned with dark hair and blue eyes. The jaw was heavy and his eyes sparkled as he looked at Mylo.

  There was sinking feeling in her gut she couldn’t shake off.

  The man mumbled something and glared directly at her before forcing a smile. Mylo stopped laughing and turned to look, breaking out into a nervous grin.

  ‘Hello,’ Mylo said, standing up. ‘Look what the package was. Can I introduce you to Dean? He’s a friend of mine and constantly travels to the island.’

  ‘Hello there. I heard Mylo was dropping by,’ Dean said with a smile. Well-spoken and quite elegant in how he moved, she felt the burning, questioning glare. ‘And you must be this Bea I’ve been hearing about.’

  ‘I am Bea,’ she replied, putting out her hand to shake his.

  He looked at her as if she had been dug up from the sewer, which he couldn’t hide before giving her a strong handshake, nearly mangling her fingers.

  She wondered if this was a sign that he could give good hand jobs.

  ‘He’s in a hotel not too far from here and I’ve not seen him in ages. This guy is always travelling around,’ continued Mylo as she looked at him, hoping he could see she hated the idea of spending time with someone else. ‘Funnily enough, Cole told him I was coming.’

  ‘I see,’ she replied, knowing his ex plotted this impromptu visit.

  ‘Let me get you a drink,’ Mylo whispered and took her hand before leading her away. ‘Same again for you, Dean?’

  ‘Sure,’ he said, the eyes piercing into her.

  ‘I had no idea he was coming,’ he said, looking over his shoulder.

  ‘Are you sure? I don’t think he likes me. Maybe because I have a vagina.’

  ‘Bea,’ he laughed, kissing her head. ‘Look, I’ll have a couple of drinks and then come back. Unfortunately he has a way about him so don’t take it personally.’

  ‘You’re going to leave me on my own?’ she hissed in utter disbelief, suddenly feeling a sharp pain in her leg that came from nowhere. ‘We only just got here.’

  ‘He’s only around until Sunday,’ he shrugged and smiled sweetly. ‘It would be rude not to.’

  ‘Do you really have to?’

  ‘Just for an hour.’ He looked pleadingly at her. ‘And don’t mention us getting married. I’ve not told Cole and would prefer to tell him myself.’

  Her face went numb as she looked away. It made her wonder why Mylo would suddenly want to protect his ex-boyfriend’s feelings.

  Something didn’t made sense.

  Bea wasn’t sure what Mylo was playing at.

  Or if he was with her at all.

  ‘He’s late.’

  She replied apologetically to the waitress while sitting at a table waiting for Mylo.

  He told her that he was going to Dean’s hotel for a couple more drinks and would meet for dinner. It was nine thirty and he hadn’t responded to any of her calls or texts.

  Not today.

  She waited.

  And waited.

  ‘Hello there,’ she heard someone say. ‘Has he stood you up? He’s an idiot if he has.’

  She turned around and saw the young man she had glanced at when walking in. He was sitting a table away.

  ‘He said he was going out for an hour or so and no sign of him.’

  ‘And you arrived here today?’ His sympathetic smile said it all. ‘Not to worry. Holidaying alone is the new thing. My woman won’t be here for over week.’

  ‘I’m sorry to hear that.’

  ‘Luckily, I know people on the island but I like to hang out here by myself. I’m
also good at making new friends.’ He smiled and she didn’t know what to say. ‘I recognise you from somewhere. I know that’s a rubbish chat up line but I have seen you before. Do you mind if I join you?’

  Not being able to think of any reason other than she was waiting for Mylo, who was a no show, she shook her head from side to side as he got up and sat down.

  ‘My name’s Henry.’

  ‘I’m Bea.’ She put out her hand and shook his. ‘We didn’t know his friend was going to turn up,’ she replied, biting her lip and getting agitated when she thought of Dean. ‘I think Mylo was being polite.’

  ‘Oh, you mean the gay guy?’ smiled Henry, stretching his legs out. Instantly Bea thought he was talking about Mylo as her heart raced. ‘Yeah, the one who seems to like your boyfriend?’

  ‘What do you mean?’ Bea sharply turned her head, wondering what had happened when she left, and semi-relieved he didn’t mean Mylo.

  ‘He was all over him. That’s the problem when you have gay friends who fancy you, they think they can change your ways but I can tell your man is into you.’

  ‘Can’t be into me that much if he hasn’t turned up.’

  ‘You know what it’s like when a group of guys get together. They never think sensibly.’

  And that’s what was worrying her.

  How insensible Mylo was going to get with the lecherous man.

  ‘Would you like another drink? I’m getting one so you might as well enjoy the beautiful evening with me.’ Henry smiled at her and let out a sigh. She noticed he had clear green eyes. ‘Have you been to Ibiza before?’

  ‘No. It’s beautiful and I want to explore some of the old towns. Not for the sightseeing but for the bars and restaurants.’

  He laughed.

  It was a hearty sound coming from his lungs and it was the first time she had smiled since seeing Dean in the hotel.

  ‘I’ll recommend a few places, not too far, that you can go on your own if your man decides to spend time with his friend.’

  ‘I hope not.’

  Still no sign at ten o’clock as she glanced at her watch.

  Henry had been really sweet and kept her company but had to leave to meet some friends. He asked her to go with him but sensible Bea didn’t know the guy and preferred to wait for Mylo, who still wasn’t responding to her texts or calls.

  Now she was starting to get really pissed off.

  Slowly she got to her feet. Her leg felt a little tight but she put that down to the travelling.

  It suddenly hit her how beautiful everything was but she was on her own.

  That wasn’t the way it was supposed to be.

  ‘He’s in a coma.’

  She was eating her breakfast in the restaurant when Henry walked up to her. ‘He partied too hard, then collapsed drunk on the bed at midnight and now the room smells like a bar.’

  ‘That’s what this island is notorious for,’ he replied, looking ready for a day of sunbathing. ‘Can I join you?’

  ‘You might as well because he won’t. I’m planning to go to the beach then off for a little exploration. There’s a town about thirty minutes in a taxi that looks pretty.’ She showed him the page, unable to pronounce it as he smiled. ‘Have you been?’

  ‘It’s very touristy so keep close attention to your belongings and make sure you don’t get ripped off.’ Henry leant back in his chair. ‘And did you manage to ask Mylo where he got to?’

  ‘No but when he recovers from his drunken slumber there’s going to be a few harsh words, mainly from me.’ Bea finished eating her breakfast and looked at Henry. ‘Thank you for being kind last night.’

  ‘It’s my pleasure. I don’t like to see beautiful women look sad.’ Then he cleared his throat. ‘And you seem to have a leg problem.’

  ‘My sciatica flares up now and again.’ Bea quickly replied. ‘What do you do for a living, if you don’t mind me asking?’

  ‘I studied art and now I’m trying to establish myself as a painter. I have a sponsor who is trying to help me.’

  ‘That’s amazing!’ she said, genuinely impressed. ‘I am always in awe of creative people.’

  ‘And what do you do?’

  ‘Ah, now this isn’t glamorous. I help children who aren’t fitting into the system. Give them guidance and support. It’s challenging but I’m not quite sure if I’ll ever suss them out.’

  ‘I was certainly a challenge. Girls got in the way as well as drink, drugs and rock and roll. At that age, you think you know it all and are invincible.’

  ‘I have one such person right now. She thinks she is but she’s not and I want to help.’

  ‘So you have your favourites?’

  ‘Don’t you have your favourite pieces of art?’

  ‘Difference is that I know I have to give it up when it’s sold. How hard is it for you to give up these young people?’ Henry looked at her straight in the eyes. ‘I can tell it’s not easy.’

  ‘How would you know that?’

  ‘I’m good at reading people.’

  ‘Then please speak to my boyfriend and tell me what’s going on in his head. I’d love to know.’

  ‘Do you think he got up to something last night?’ asked Henry, starting to grin. ‘Don’t you trust him?’

  ‘I don’t trust who he was with.’ Again she started to get angry. ‘He’s not done this before and it makes me wonder.’

  ‘Ah, self-doubt isn’t a good thing. Trust in your man.’

  And right then Bea realised it was near an impossible thing for her to do, especially with the likes of Dean sniffing around.

  ‘I’m not stalking you.’

  Henry said, making her jump. ‘And yes, I might be a little lonely so hence I need the company. You don’t mind, do you?’

  ‘Of course not.’

  Bea decided to go to the beach.

  It was private and there weren’t too many people so she set up under a large wooden parasol and laid out on a lounger, reading her book and making notes where to visit on the island.

  She watched Henry move the lounger closer, making sure he was in the sun. Bea was sensible enough to know, even with her dark brown skin, she could easily burn. It always made her look like a patchy three chocolate muffin, in her opinion.

  Henry took off his t-shirt and revealed what she had noticed on her arrival, a toned body. Like most men of his age, there was a six pack and defined muscles, even on his back.

  ‘Do you mind?’ he asked, handing over a spray bottle of tanning lotion. ‘My shoulders always seem to burn easily.’

  ‘Sure,’ she said, turning to spray his shoulders and back. ‘Do you want me to rub it in?’

  ‘That would be great, thanks.’

  Slowly rubbing his back, she felt his smooth skin and realised it felt quite soft.

  ‘How old are you?’ Bea realised that sounded a little odd. ‘Because I would have thought someone of your age would be hanging out with friends.’

  ‘Why? Does it mean because you’re young you can’t spend time on your own?’ There was a little laugh as he turned his head. ‘I like me time.’

  ‘I was wondering, that’s all.’ She guiltily looked away. ‘I’m thirty-five.’ He sharply turned to look at her. ‘You thought I was older, didn’t you?’

  ‘I thought you were my age. Twenty-eight.’

  ‘You’re twenty-eight? I thought you were about twenty-five.’


  ‘You look very smiley.’

  ‘Smiley?’ Henry faced her, taking the bottle out of her hand. ‘Your boyfriend looks very smiley. How long have you been together?’

  ‘Seven months.’

  ‘Ah, early days,’ he said, lying back on the lounger and smiling. ‘The honeymoon period as they say.’

  That’s when she remembered Mylo didn’t want her to tell Dean about getting hitched. Shaking her head, she sat back to watch the sea. There was no way she could lie back as her bum and leg would hurt.

  ‘My girlfriend, who is a
lso my mentor, is about forty-eight,’ he said, making Bea do a double take. ‘I know what people think but I don’t care. I really like her company and she likes mine. She’s very creative but not incredibly practical.’

  ‘And what do your parents say about it?’ she asked, moving closer. ‘Are they happy?’

  ‘I lost my mum about eight years ago.’ Henry’s eyes were closed as he lay sun worshipping.

  ‘I’m sorry to hear that. No questions from your dad about your lady’s background and why she’s with you?’

  ‘What’s there to ask? We’re having fun. I think she’s finding her feet in life. Personally speaking, she doesn’t really want to get serious about me. I’m her play thing.’ He laughed. ‘I really don’t mind.’

  ‘I think shagging someone twenty years your junior is certainly finding something. Respect to her for that.’

  ‘And Mylo? How old is he?’


  ‘With no hidden secrets?’ He then turned to look at her. ‘At that age, you certainly have to have some.’

  ‘I haven’t.’

  ‘Are you sure?’ Letting out a loud laugh, Henry smiled. She noticed his eyes move up and down. ‘You know on this beach, most women go topless. Are you going to join in or would you prefer to be fully clothed?’

  Bea looked down at her sheer black tunic with her bikini underneath before laughing.

  ‘I might be a little shy.’

  ‘Or a prude?’

  ‘A prude?’

  ‘Could be. Because there is something prudish about you, in a sexy sort of way, not that I’m chatting you up.’

  Bea sat back and looked at the clear blue sky then down at the sand. Ideally she should have been with the love of her life but he was dead to the world. All ideas of romance went out the window because she felt so let down. It was this stranger lying next to her who seemed more interested in keeping her company.

  Or getting into her knickers?

  She wasn’t quite sure.

  ‘Your relationship with your mentor stroke girlfriend, is she in love with you?’ she asked, watching Henry smile with his eyes shut.

  ‘She may be but it’s not real, just a rebound thing.’


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